How can i get a list of modules - module

I have a WPF application built on top of PRISM.
When i tries to list module before loaded modules when find modules,I use dicitonary find module,but i dont look any module in modulecategory.
Any suggestions on how I can do this?
Thanks in advance

The easiest thing to do is to name your module assemblies in a special way, like MySomething.module.dll and then look for these when putting together the module catalog. There once was a module catalog implementation around on codeplex that allowed to pass a search pattern including subfolders... link


Where is com.intellij.modules.lang defined

This should be an easy one, but it's driving me mad. I'm new to implementing plugins, and one that I'm looking at has the following dependency:
I cloned the intellij-community project and was expecting to see this defined as an extensionPoint in one of the many plugin.xml files in the project, but either I can't search correctly or it is somewhere else.
Anybody knows where I can find this definition?
I'm still no expert in plugin development, but I think I figured out parts of my problem.
First, I was wrong about com.intellij.modules.lang having to be defined as an extension point. Name of extensions need to have corresponding extension points, not dependencies.
Then com.intellij.modules.lang is defined in a
tag in a few xml files in the intellij source code, which is part of the SDK used by this project. One such file is platform/platform-resources/src/META-INF/PlatformLangPlugin.xml. Now I need to familiarize myself with the concept of modules, but the original question is not moot.
Thanks to anyone who spent a few seconds thinking about this problem.

Find child plug-ins of features in eclipse workspace

I want to find all the child plug-ins of a feature ? I know the name of the feature, but IWorkspaceRoot.getProject(String) does not really help me. I get an IProject that I don't know how to convert to a feature object (IFeature ?). Maybe I am on the wrong track and there is a better / easier way to do this. Any ideas ?
You could check that a selected IProject is a feature project by checking for the nature called org.eclipse.pde.FeatureNature.
Then you could try to use IProject.getAdapter(IFeature.class) call, the cast the result to IFeature. I did not try this with feature projects, but works well with Java projects.
The correct answer is the use of PDECore static class. This class provides a FeatureModelManager, that would provide the corresponding information:
FeatureModelManager manager = PDECore.getDefault().getFeatureModelManager();
How to obtain this information? I looked with the plug-in spy to find which project defines the 'Deployable Features' export wizard (use Alt+Shift+F3 when the wizard is selected), and then looked at the implementation of the wizard class, where the addPages() method contains the previously described code block.

Listing all calls from an erlang module

I'm an Erlang beginer and I'd like to find a way to list all the methods available for a given module. What's the best way?
In my case, the module is ejabberd_odbc.
You can call Modulename:module_info() to get information on the module in a proplist form. To get exports only, call Modulename:module_info(exports).
I'm always checking the exports section in the source of the module.
There is a tool you can install called edoc, whose manual is at: This allows javadoc style documentation to be generated for Erlang modules.
Also there is ejabberd_odbc documentation at:

How to manage Tomcat 6 libraries into subfolders under %TOMCAT_HOME%/lib?

I use Tomcat 6.0.20 and JDK
How can I load libraries from sub-folders of %TOMCAT_HOME%/lib/ without taking the .jars out of sub-folders and putting them straight into %TOMCAT_HOME%/lib/?
The reason I want to do this, is because many apps are going to be sharing lots of libraries.
So, for the sakes of organization I want to store them into folders as such:
How would I go about this? And please provide an example.
Do I use setclasspath.bat, or something completely different?
Thanks in advance.
Define those paths in shared.loader property of /conf/ file.
shared.loader = ${catalina.home}/lib/novell/*.jar, ${catalina.home}/lib/mail/*.jar, ${catalina.home}/lib/upload/*.jar
[Edit] optionally you can also use the common.loader property for this. See what has your preference.

Displaying Version Information in a Web Service

Can anyone suggest a way of getting version information into a Web Service? (VB.NET)
I would like to dynamically use the assembly version in the title or description, but the attributes require constants.
Is manually writing the version info as a string the only way of displaying the information on the .asmx page?
Yeah, attributes cannot have anything but constants in them, so you cannot use reflection to get the version number. The WebServiceAttribute class is sealed too, so you cannot inherit it and do what you want from there.
A solution might be to use some kind of placeholder text as the Name, and set up an MsBuild task to replace it with the version number when building the project.
You need to pick a type in your assembly and then do the following:
via reflection you can get the Assembly object which contains the assembly version.