facebook audience network in appcelerator titanium - titanium

I want to integrate Facebook audience network in Appcelerator titanium. Has anyone integrated the same in titanium ?
Facebook tutorial is completely in native code and I have no idea how to start with it.
Please guide me.Thanks

Appcelerator doesn't have any plan on supporting Facebook Audience Network. The only way would be using Hyperloop with Cocoapods as shown in this ticket: https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-19626?focusedCommentId=433515&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-433515
Add pod 'FBAudienceNetwork' to your Podfile
Import the framework
var FBInterstitialAd = require('FBAudienceNetwork/FBInterstitialAd');
Load the ad (taken as an example from the official docs)
var ad = FBInterstitialAd.alloc(). initWithPlacementID('YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID');
ad.delegate = yourDelegate;


How to connect Stripe terminal bluetooth reader to Android app using Appcelerator Titanium

Is there anyone using Stripe Terminal Bluetooth readers. if Yes please help me for implementing this with Titanium app.
As I am new to Appcelerator Titanium i don't have idea so it will be great if i got steps
Stripe has a custom SDK to do that: https://github.com/stripe/stripe-terminal-android
So you would need to create a module and implement that SDK. A documentation for the Stripe SDK is available at https://stripe.com/docs/terminal/payments/connect-reader and a basic tutorial for Titanium Android module can be found at from zero to app and in the official documentation

How to configure react native app for SKAdNetwork FB/IG ads?

It is my first time deplying FB/IG ads to increase app installs. As part of the process, the Ads Manager, however, is prompting me to "Update the Facebook SDK for iOS" which I assume to mean integrate it into my react native app. Given that FB dropped support for react-native-fbsdk back in 2021, I'm wondering how I should be configuring my react native app in this case? — there doesn't seem to be much documentation online for whatever reason ...
Would appreciate any help and guidance from folks who have deployed FB/IG ads for app installs with a react native app!

How to integrate Shopify with React native (Android and IOS)?

I have read many blogs which mentioned about how to integrate Shopify with React native application.
I'm developing an Android and IOS application with React native framework, I have a confusion likely:
Can I able to embed my application in Shopify or any way to integrate Shopify UI in react native application.
I have followed the below link but getting an error while running the project.
Build a Shopify App with Node and React
If anybody integrated or any idea about the integration of Shopify please help.
Thanks in advance. Help will be appreciated
Using Firebase as a backend to be added.
Please use js-buy-sdk for shopify with React native application.

React-Native: How do use react native fabric?

I use https://github.com/corymsmith/react-native-fabric, https://fabric.io/home
library, I have done follow tutorial. But I can't create app on https://fabric.io/home after I run app on Android emulator. Please help me!
Just integrate Fabric in both of your separate apps in android and ios dirs. Follow this instructions to each platform and you will have two apps in Fabric account.
Fabric Crashlyticas Install

Firebase Notification Integration on cocoa os x application

I am currently doing a R & d to add firebase to mac os x application. I found a pod 'FirebaseOSX' and install it, but i can't find how to integrate push notifications feature through firebase like IOS and android in cocoa application.
Does anyone do that ? Please help!
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Firebase is currently iOS only. The FirebaseOSX pod is a legacy pod containing only the Realtime Database, created before the expansion of Firebase at Google I/O 2016.
There is now community supported Firebase support for macOS available on GitHub.