CDI Injection giving different instances across request - jax-rs

I am attempting to use CDI injection across a JAX-RS rest request. Specifically, I have a ContainerReqeustFilter, the rest end point class and a ContainerResponseFilter. In the ContainerReqeustFilter I have a simple bean injection:
public class BeanTest {
private String content;
public String getContent() { return content; }
public void setContent(String value) { content = value; }
And in my ContainerRequestFilter:
#Inject BeanTest beanTest;
And in my ContainerResponseFilter I also have:
#Inject BeanTest beanTest;
However I am getting two different instances of the BeanTest bean rather than the same one which I expected. Why is this? I expected the same BeanTest instance to be reused across the request.
I've also tried the following in one class:
#Inject BeanTest beanTest;
#Inject BeanTest beanTest2;
Again, beanTest and beanTest2 are different instances.
Finally, I've also tried:
#Inject #RequestScoped BeanTest beanTest;
#Inject #SessionScoped BeanTest beanTest;
Neither of which changed any noticeable behavior. My ultimate goal is a reusable bean across the classes invoked during a rest service call.

I do not see any annotation on BeanTest, meaning, if you are using bean-discovery-mode=all, such beans are considered by default to be in Dependent scope. That implies that their lifecycle is tired to the bean in which they are injected, and a different bean instance is injected in every different bean it is used.
Use the correct scope (if you need application wide bean, ApplicationScope, etc)


Using constructor injection with CDI in OpenLiberty

I'm building a small Java EE 8 application that should run on OpenLiberty.
It has a JAX-RS ContainerResponseFilter that looks like this:
package my.package;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class MyFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter {
private final MyService myService;
public DiagnosticsFilter(final MyService myService) {
this.myService = myService;
public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext request, final ContainerResponseContext response) {
// Never mind this
If I write the filter like this and start my app, the myService argument to the constructor is null.
However, if field is annoted with #Inject and the constructor is omitted, the field is being injected correctly.
The MyService class is annotated with #Stateless, and in beans.xml I have set bean-discovery-mode="all".
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is this actually supposed to work? The Weld documentation suggests that it should, but I'm not sure it's in the CDI spec as well...
This is a long story...And some people are working to solve the problem: JAX-RS injection != CDI injection
It shoud be solved in JAX-RS 2.2 ad CDI injection should be used in place of JAX-RS injection and JAX-RS v3.0 will totally remove the JAX-RS injection
Read this on the subject:!topic/microprofile/gvj94XBhtvM

Java EE - dependency injection into batchlet

I am having issues with dependency injection in a batchlet.
public class SimpleBatchlet extends AbstractBatchlet {
protected StorageService storageService;
public String process() throws Exception {
storageService.doSomething(); // this throws a null pointer exception
public class LocalFileStorageService implements StorageService {
public void doSomething() {
I have tried putting beans.xml in both META-INF and WEB-INF and removing it, all to no avail. I also tried changing the scopes of the beans to singletons, etc. I am invoking / starting the batch job through the use of an #Schedule annotation on a method that uses BatchRuntime to start the job.
I must be missing something simple as I know this should work. The actual scope of the beans I will use may need to vary, but the point I am trying to make is that I don't believe bean scope is a problem, but some other configuration issue.
I should also note that I only have 1 implementation of StorageService.
Not clear what really is your problem (NPE on injected CDI bean?), but annotating your Batchlet #Dependent should solve the problem :
public class SimpleBatchlet extends AbstractBatchlet {
protected StorageService storageService;
Batchlet need to be #Named and #Dependent for integration with CDI.

Injecting #EJB in OmniFaces #Eager bean causes "Severe: No valid EE environment for injection of org.omnifaces.cdi.eager.EagerBeansRepository"

Using #ApplicationScoped #Named #Eager, my #EJB-injected #Stateless beans are not properly instantiated and evaluate to null.
I had an #ApplicationScoped #ManagedBean(eager=true) that was used to schedule a few jobs. Some #Stateless beans were injected using #EJB annotation, and that worked fine.
In the move to CDI annotations, I added the OmniFaces #Eager annotation as substitute for #ManagedBean(eager=true) which is missing in standard CDI:
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.omnifaces.cdi.Eager;
public class MyScheduler implements Serializable {
private MyService myService;
private MyNamedBean myNamedBean;
public void init() {
public void destroy() {
Using this setup, the #PostConstruct method is correctly called on application startup (though it seems to run even before the context is initialized), but then myService evaluates to null.
In the log, the following warnings appear:
Severe: No valid EE environment for injection of org.omnifaces.cdi.eager.EagerBeansRepository
Severe: No valid EE environment for injection of my.package.MyScheduler
Info: Initializing Mojarra 2.2.8 ( 20140814-1418 for context '/tagific'
Since I need to access this bean from other ones, I couldn't use the #Singleton and #Schedule annotations.
How could I properly inject #Stateless beans in an #Named applications scoped bean that would be instantiated on application startup?
This looks like an initialization ordering bug in GlassFish. The #Eager #ApplicationScoped runs in a ServletContextListener. Apparently at that point GlassFish hasn't EJBs ready for injection. This construct works in e.g. WildFly.
However, in CDI's name of unifying various different depency injection approaches throughout Java EE, you can also just use #Inject instead of #EJB. The CDI proxy is capable of delegating further to the right #Stateless instance.
private MyService myService;
You can also use #Inject inside EJBs itself, but as of now (Java EE 7) it doesn't yet support self-referencing for e.g. #Asynchronous methods. For that you have still to stick to #EJB.
That said, are you aware that Oracle stopped commercial support on GlassFish and that you'd better not use it for production environments? See also this blog.

Inject EJB into JAX-RS 2.0 subresource when subresource is got via ResourceContext

I am using Jersey 2.8 with Glassfish 4.0.
I have a resource locator class which looks like below
public class MyServiceLocator {
ResourceContext rc;//
private MyEJBHome myEJB;
MySubService mss;
public MySubService getMySubService() {
return rc.getResource(MySubService.class);
//also tried return rc.initResource(new MySubService());
and a sub resource class which is
public class MySubService {
public MyEJBHome myEJB;
HttpHeaders heads;
private myEJBHome myEJB2;*/
public Object doSomething(#Context SecurityContext securityContext) {...}
beans.xml file is put to META-INF and WEB-INF.
In MyServiceLocator class private MyEJBHome myEJB is injected successfully. And MySubService mss object is injected successfully and with EJB injected into it.
The problem is that when MySubService is got via ResourceContext the EJB is not injected into it.
Previously i used Glassfish 3 and Jersey 1.17 with proprietary ResourceContext and absolutely the same code worked ok.
I googled a lot and read a lot of similar (but a bit different) questions and as i understood non JAX-RS stuff (EJB in my case) can't be injected when sub resource is got via ResorceContext. Is it true? If yes how can i work it around?
The one possible solution is to inject sub resource objects to the resource locator class but there are too many of them and it seems to be very ugly.
EDIT Injection with #Inject works if to create a binder, bind ejb class to ejb interface and register that binder. But i don't want to describe binding for hundreds of my ejbs. Also as i understand it is specific binding fir HK2 system and i don't want to be linked to it.
Different actions with setting #Named annotations and trying to inject via CDI didn't help. It seems that when getting sub-resource via ResourceContext Jersey uses only HK2 and that's why CDI can't do it's work. Is that correct?
The only appropriate solution i found was to create my own annotation and inject provider.
public #interface EJBInject {
String beanName();
public class EjbInjectProvider implements InjectionResolver<EJBInject> {
public Object resolve(Injectee injectee, ServiceHandle<?> handle) {
try {
String beanName = injectee.getParent().getAnnotation(EJBInject.class).beanName();
return new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/MyApp/" + beanName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator() {
return false;
public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator() {
return false;
Then ejb can be injected using that annotation like
MyBeanEJBHome myBean;
In such case any standard EJB injections which MyBeanEJBHome might need work correctly, too.

GlassFish 4 + JAX-RS Filter with #EJB

I'm developing an REST application using Glassfish 4.0.
In resource classes I can get injection to work by making the class #Stateless and injecting via #EJB (injected class is an stateless EJB).
However this approach does not work in an JAX-RS filter. I cannot get injection to work at all.
See code below:
public class UpdateFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
private MyBeanInterface doStuffBean;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
doStuffBean is always null.
Any suggestions?
I believe the #EJB only works in Java EE managed classes like other EJBs and Servlets.
If you are using CDI you could use #Inject annotation instead but if this class is not a ManagedBean then you will need to do a lookup.
Try to use CDI by replacing #Stateless by #ManagedBean and #EJB by #Inject. This works for me in JAX-RS.
If you need EJB for other things than injection it may work for you to keep the double annotation #Stateless #ManagedBean.