I am new in BigCommerce Platform. Anyone please tell me a page builder I can use to design my web page on BigCommerce - bigcommerce

I am creating a web page first time in BigCommerce. Is there any page builder like we used in WordPress to build pages quickly. Im in a little hurry

I'd recommend Shogun: https://www.bigcommerce.com/apps/shogun-landing-page-builder/
It's a one-click app that provides a drag and drop editor for building pages.


Pass Data From Shopify App To The Shopify Front-End

I am starting to create my first app using PHP laravel and osiset.
I have created a partner account and created an app as well. I have integrated the library also. Done with app installation and authorization.
Now I am stuck for the next step. I don't understand how can I link my code and settings implemented on my app to Shopify frontend. How can I link the app database to Shopify website?
I save all the customized data in the app and how can I link that data with Shopify website?
I am able to make a standalone app with PHP but don't understand how its data can be linked to Shopify website. How my app database can be used in shopify website?
I am new here. Any help is very much appreciated.
You have two main choices in 2022.
App Proxy
Theme App Extension
Also, Post-Purchase extensions, for checkout stuff, but I digress. You should have no trouble injecting your special content using #1 or #2.

User registration in gatsby js

is their a way to let a website developed using Gatsby js, have user registration, user can have a profile and edit it, and user can add new article or item to the website ?
I know gatsby is static site generator. but I'm wondering if I can use Gatsby as a solution for such web application, and if not what are the tools I need to include to make it work ?
Not sure why you are getting downvoted.
Apart from the comment by #fabian-schultz, the keyword is you are looking for I believe is CMS.
Basically you just want some dynamic content in your website which is generated by a static site generator.
There are a lot of choices. For example, you can follow the official tutorial to use Netlify CMS with Gatsby.
Hope it's enough to get you started.

Integrate Orchard CMS with MVC4 Website

I already have MVC4 website and that is to perform Searching (OPAC). Now, We have to integrate it with Orchard CMS. I have followed the procedures to add my existing solution into Orchard CMS solution. Everything is okay but I am not able to get the javascript to work with my view page.
Also, The default Orchard library to include js extensions ie, #Script.Require or #Script.Include also not recognised as intellisense feature in my view page.
When I use default MVC library to include the js like #Scripts.Render is not working as expected.
How can I make my custom javascript to work my page.
Help me to identify the problem.

Create wordpress website Reader for an iOS device i:e showing notification/Reading content only if the site content/feed is updated

I have an idea to develop iOS App which update user if any feed is updated on wordpress website. Please tell the way/steps how i can achieve the same.
I have tried and searched on google but didn't got solution for my problem. This is one thing i got on youtube about web site reader : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk0d1npGoq4 But, I doesn't have to developer such app which reads web site content, i would like to show notification as soon as feed on the web is updated.
This is the website ( http://www.webhostingbreak.com/ ) whose reader i want to developer.
Please suggest me some solutions or logic which can help me to complete my task.
You've got several way to access the content of a Wordpress blog.
First and easiest solution is to use the basic RSS feed which is available on any Wordpress, and which is compatible with other kinds of websites.
With Wordpress, more specifically, you can use the XML-RPC API embed by the CMS.
This API need to be enable on the Wordpress website and every request will have to be authenticated with a real user to the Wordpress website (you can implement the registration process in the app or use a generic user in every installed app).
You have several library which handle the XML-RPC calls such as https://github.com/corristo/xmlrpc

How to customize SharePoint 2010 mobile view

I am stuck on developing a mobile view for my SP2010 publishing portal. It is Internet-facing with custom pages / web parts (e.g. http://server/Pages/customPage.aspx with custom webparts on it). The site has a custom master page.
I am having the following issues with the built-in mobile functionality:
The welcome page. Navigating to
http://server/?Mobile=1 redirects me
http://server/_layouts/mobile/mbllists.aspx, which just shows a table of lists / document libraries available. For
my portal, I want to show a
dashboard, just like I currently do for the "normal" non-mobile view.
Navigating to one of my custom
pages (e.g.
also redirects to
So in effect there is really no helpful built-in mobile support at all; just the ability to view lists with a mobile device.
So I have a number of issues and I'm hoping for some high-level help. My thought is that I should do the following tasks:
Create a separate master page for mobile
Figure out how to choose this master page based on "is client a mobile device?"
Figure out how to prevent the redirection to /_layouts/mobile/mbllists.aspx
Then I think the mobile site will operate similarly to the normal site.
Am I on the right track?
With what I have seen from links from #moontear and other research I've done, it sounds like my best option is to just disable built-in SharePoint mobile support, and just do my own conditional rendering based off of Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice.
Check out the extensive MSDN documentation about how to customize Mobile Views:
How to: Customize Mobile List View and Form Pages
when you check out that page you can see that you can already change the layouts of the list forms and maybe that is enough for you - but as you said you want a custom "Dashboard", you probably want to look into how the mobile redirection works:
Overview of Mobile Pages and the Redirection System
You can set which device is treated as mobile device by editing the compat.browse file as explained in this post: SP2010 Branding Tip #6 – Mobile Browsers, this way the device you set is shown your regular Sharepoint page (answering your questions 2/3).
Copy the "_layouts/mobile" folder to e.g. "_layouts/MyCompany/mobile", in webconfig add following appSetting key:
<add key="mobile_applicationrootdirectory" value="_layouts/MyCompany/mobile/"/>
After that you can add branding, css, etc. to your own mobile folder.
SharePoint is using this by calling SPMobileUtility.GetAppRootDirName()
using powershell
Disable-SPFeature -Identity MBrowserRedirect -Url http://url