Why is my text from TextView not showing in the Preview of Android Studio? - android-studio-3.1.3

I was trying the basic Hello World program on Android Studio.
The "Hello World" text from TextView does not show on the Preview. Even if I change the Hello World to something else, I do not get it on screen. What am I doing wrong?
The Android Studio version is 3.1.3

The error can be fixed by the following steps:
Go to GradleScripts (Top Left Corner)-> build.gradle(Module:app) ->
in dependencies change
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0-alpha3' to
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0-alpha1'
Then press Sync Now in Top Right Corner(Download Updates if necessary)
The Preview will start working.
You can watch this video as well to fix the issue
Video Link-
You must also use Theme of IntelliJ(White Theme) as Dark Theme is having rendering issues.
You can watch this video to see how to change Theme in Android Studio

Change the device in Editor.You will get the text .Now in screenshot Nexus 4 is selected .


Change icon of application developed with react native

I want to change my default icon's app to another one and generate my standalone app (with expobuild:android)
But when I add another image(capture) in my assets folder and replace it in app.js,it gives me an error:
"expo": {
"icon": "./assets/capture.png",
I tried many time with and without default icon (I have error just with new image) so i'm sure that error came from the change of icons.
Do you have any idea ;
if you are using a CRNA solution, there is an easy way you can do it. Just go into the /assets folder and just paste there your new icon, then rename it to icon.png, just make sure you already removed the default one. It also works with the splash screen.
But if you created your project with create-react-native-app, you need to do it separatly in Android studio for Android and Xcode for iOS. See more with this link wich helped me too.
Hope it's gonna help ... Regards
I used this this repo and cloned it, then run one line command to resize the png to all the different formats.
bash resize.sh my-cool-new-app-logo.png
Then drag the folder over and merge/replace icons.
quick insight

Are there any instruments to watch screen layout in React Native without running app?

I familiarized with Android development and started to read some information about React Native. And one of the problem which I faced with is that I can't see the screen layout.
In Android Studio, for example, I could see the design of my XML layout without running app. Maybe there are such instruments in React Native, but I didn't see them in WebStorm nor VSCode. Maybe I am wrong and they exist, so, can you help me to find them in such situation?
Some modules format the xml document in vscode,
but others have previewable tools.
Extension Settings
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeView: Enables the XML Tree View for XML
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewMetadata: Enables attribute and child
element counts in the XML Document view.
xmlTools.enableXmlTreeViewCursorSync: Enables auto-reveal of
elements in the XML Document view when a start tag is clicked in the
xmlTools.enforcePrettySelfClosingTagOnFormat: Ensures a space is
added before the forward slash at the end of a self-closing tag.
I also had the same problem where there is no layout view in VSCode like in Android Studio. My suggestion is to mock out your View containers with coloured boxes. This is an example of designing a screen's header, so I'm making sure the spacing and sizing is all good:

Xcode 6 storyboard screen size wrong in iPhone5s(iOS 7) but not (iOS 8)

I created a new project with xcode 6.0.1 using swift and set deployment target to iOS 7.0.
The screen size is wrong for iPhone 5s in iOS7 - it shouldn't have any black spaces.
In new Xcode 6 projects, you don't have these Default-568h#2x.png images.
Do the next steps to fix it:
1) Open your Images.xcassets and look for LaunchImage. It is probably missing.
2) In this case, click on + (located at the bottom) and click on New Launch Image.
3) Select your project target and open Build Settings tab. Look for "Asset Catalog Compiler - Options" section and then "Asset Catalog Launch Image Set Name", if it is empty type LaunchImage.
Try using Default-568h#2x.png image as splash.
Project Properties -> General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Click (Use Asset Catalog)
Pop-up -> Click (Migrate)
Delete (Launch Screen File)
In Xcode 7, make sure in addition to what's been said about adding a LaunchImage you also add this entry in the plist file:
I imagine this won't help much, but I have exactly the same problem and found this link. Maybe it helps you, I coulnt find the answer:
Xcode 6 Storyboard the wrong size?
put Default-568h#2x to your app bundle with dimension 640x1136. You can assign launch images using xcode catalog assets alternatively.
Under project properties, ensure you are using the "asset catalog" for launch images. I found my project was using a custom location by default. By switching over to "Use Asset Catalog", the top/bottom black margin went away.
I was facing this problem in XCode8. I figured it out that Launch Screen File was not set.
Go to :
project Properties -> General -> App Icons and Launch Images
Click on drop down and select
This issue is solved when you add the Splash screens for Defualt#2x.png and Defualt-568h#2x.png

NSUserNotification don't show application icon in notification [duplicate]

I'm using OSX's Notification Center APIs for the first time and can't seem to figure out how to make my app's icon to show up in the Notification badge.
The default "your app doesn't have an icon" icon keeps showing up:
Here's what I've done so far
I have created an icns file that includes 512, 256, 128, 32 & 16px versions
dragged the icon into the "App Icon" section of the target's summary
I made to sure to check the box to copy the icon into the project
the plist's "Icon file" section references the correct icon name (minus the .icns) part
Any ideas? The icon doesn't show up when I run the app thru Xcode or when I export an archive either.
I also have extracted the Sparrow.icns file from Sparrow.app and tried using that one instead of the one I made. That didn't work either.
I was able to fix this issue by incrementing the Build number in the General section for the build Target.
You can force the Notification Center to refresh all of the icons by deleting the Notification Center database file (~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/SOME_UUID.db) and then killing the Notification Center process (e.g., from Activity Monitor).
Unfortunately this has the side effect of deleting your notification history, but this wasn't too much of an issue for me.
There's actually an ongoing debate on Apple's developer forums (link, link for people with access) about this. As far as I know, there's currently no real solution, but you can try the following:
Change your app's bundle ID and try it again. If you change it, clean your app, and change back, some people have reported success with seeing their icon show up.
Log in as another user. The caching Notification Center uses may be per-user, so you might be able to get the properly-iconned notifications as a different person.
The folder location has been moved for OSX 10.10+.
Following command takes to you to its new location:
$ cd `getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR`/com.apple.notificationcenter/db
and then
$ open .
Easiest way that I managed to get the icon to show up is change the Bundle Identifier in your project. This works on OSX 10.10.5 and XCode 7.2
(Once notification center picks up the change, you can change it back to your original bundle identifier if you already have a provisioning profile associated with it)
I have solved the issue by archiving my app and adding a copy to my applications folder. When the app is in Application folder, the icon is always visible even you run the app from XCode...
I tried all of the above suggestions but the only thing that worked for me on 10.14 was to delete DerivedData:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
If anyone still having this issue, and none of the methods above worked, here is how I solved it:
open Notifications from the System Preference (easiest is to open Alfred or spotlight and type Notifications)
find your application and remove it (press backspace/delete button)
NOTE: this may remove all notifications
I am using Xcode 11.5 and I had the same problem. In my case tough, it was sufficient to clean build output, close and reopen the project. Then do a fresh build and let it run again. The icon was there afterwards.
Side note: I've placed the app icon for every size in the assets.xcassets file, except 1024 x 1024 pixels. Don't know if this is relevant or not. Hope that helps.

when start App, than how to remove this Titanium default Page or picture?

I am new Application Developer with the Titanium. i want to develop new Application with Titanium and created a HelloWorld application. Every time my application starts up Than every time Titanium startscreen is show. how I remove this Titanium Startscreen.
I have also 1 question when i run the application in iPhone than show its title bar with windows.
but, in android have not show.
i use build custom with use if else statement i add the title bar. but, any syntax. whose add the tittle bar in android.
I have also occur this type problem than, i sort out this problem with the help of my friend.
I write below step by step.
go to the resource folder where u create ur application.
select the build folder and open iphone and copy the picture whose u want to show on screen.
and rename with default.png
I, think this is useful to you. Let try it.