Postgresql: Dynamic Regex Pattern - sql

I have event data that looks like this:
id | instance_id | value
1 | 1 | a
2 | 1 | ap
3 | 1 | app
4 | 1 | appl
5 | 2 | b
6 | 2 | bo
7 | 1 | apple
8 | 2 | boa
9 | 2 | boat
10 | 2 | boa
11 | 1 | appl
12 | 1 | apply
Basically, each row is a user typing a new letter. They can also delete letters.
I'd like to create a dataset that looks like this, let's call it data
id | instance_id | value
7 | 1 | apple
9 | 2 | boat
12 | 1 | apply
My goal is to extract all the complete words in each instance, accounting for deletion as well - so it's not sufficient to just get the longest word or the most recently typed.
To do so, I was planning to do a regex operation like so:
select * from data
where not exists (select * from data d2 where d2.value ~ (d.value || '.'))
Effectively I'm trying to build a dynamic regex that adds matches one character more than is present, and is specific to the row it's matching against.
The code above doesn't seem to work. In Python, I can "compile" a regex pattern before I use it. What is the equivalent in PostgreSQL to dynamically build a pattern?

Try simple LIKE operator instead of regex patterns:
SELECT * FROM data d1
SELECT * FROM data d2
WHERE d2.value LIKE d1.value ||'_%'
Create an index on value column, this should speed up the query a bit.

To find peaks in the sequential data window functions is a good choice. You just need to compare each value with previous and next ones using lag() and lead() functions:
with cte as (
length(value) > coalesce(length(lead(value) over (partition by instance_id order by id)),0) and
length(value) > coalesce(length(lag(value) over (partition by instance_id order by id)),length(value)) as is_peak
from data)
select * from cte where is_peak order by id;



| id | order| value | type | account |
| 1 | 1 | a | 2 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | b | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 3 | c | 4 | 1 |
| 1 | 4 | d | 2 | 1 |
| 1 | 5 | e | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 5 | f | 6 | 1 |
| 2 | 6 | g | 1 | 1 |
I need get a select of all fields of this table but only getting 1 row for each combination of id+type (I don't care the value of the type). But I tried some approach without result.
At the moment that I make an DISTINCT I cant include rest of the fields to make it available in a subquery. If I add ROWNUM in the subquery all rows will be different making this not working.
Some ideas?
My better query at the moment is this:
It seems you need to select one (random) row for each distinct combination of id and type. If so, you could do that efficiently using the row_number analytic function. Something like this:
select id, type, value, account
from (
select id, type, value, account,
row_number() over (partition by id, type order by null) as rn
from your_table
where rn = 1
order by null means random ordering of rows within each group (partition) by (id, type); this means that the ordering step, which is usually time-consuming, will be trivial in this case. Also, Oracle optimizes such queries (for the filter rn = 1).
Or, in versions 12.1 and higher, you can get the same with the match_recognize clause:
select id, type, value, account
from my_table
match_recognize (
partition by id, type
all rows per match
pattern (^r)
define r as null is null
This partitions the rows by id and type, it doesn't order them (which means random ordering), and selects just the "first" row from each partition. Note that some analytic functions, including row_number(), require an order by clause (even when we don't care about the ordering) - order by null is customary, but it can't be left out completely. By contrast, in match_recognize you can leave out the order by clause (the default is "random order"). On the other hand, you can't leave out the define clause, even if it imposes no conditions whatsoever. Why Oracle doesn't use a default for that clause too, only Oracle knows.

PostgreSQL Compare value from row to value in next row (different column)

I have a table of encounters called user_dates that is ordered by 'user' and 'start' like below. I want to create a column indicating whether an encounter was followed up by another encounter within 30 days. So basically I want to go row by row checking if "encounter_stop" is within 30 days of "encounter_start" in the following row (as long as the following row is the same user).
user | encounter_start | encounter_stop
A | 4-16-1989 | 4-20-1989
A | 4-24-1989 | 5-1-1989
A | 6-14-1993 | 6-27-1993
A | 12-24-1999 | 1-2-2000
A | 1-19-2000 | 1-24-2000
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000
B | 5-27-2001 | 6-4-2001
I want a table like this:
user | encounter_start | encounter_stop | subsequent_encounter_within_30_days
A | 4-16-1989 | 4-20-1989 | 1
A | 4-24-1989 | 5-1-1989 | 0
A | 6-14-1993 | 6-27-1993 | 0
A | 12-24-1999 | 1-2-2000 | 1
A | 1-19-2000 | 1-24-2000 | 0
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000 | 1
B | 5-27-2001 | 6-4-2001 | 0
You can select..., exists <select ... criteria>, that would return a boolean (always true or false) but if really want 1 or 0 just cast the result to integer: true=>1 and false=>0. See Demo
select ts1.user_id
, ts1.encounter_start
, ts1. encounter_stop
, (exists ( select null
from test_set ts2
where ts1.user_id = ts2.user_id
and ts2.encounter_start
between ts1.encounter_stop
and (ts1.encounter_stop + interval '30 days')::date
) subsequent_encounter_within_30_days
from test_set ts1
order by user_id, encounter_start;
Difference: The above (and demo) disagree with your expected result:
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000| 1
subsequent_encounter (last column) should be 0. This entry starts and ends in Feb 2000, the other B entry starts In May 2001. Please explain how these are within 30 days (other than just a simple typo that is).
Caution: Do not use user as a column name. It is both a Postgres and SQL Standard reserved word. You can sometimes get away with it or double quote it. If you double quote it you MUST always do so. The big problem being it has a predefined meaning (run select user;) and if you forget to double quote is does not necessary produce an error or exception; it is much worse - wrong results.

Recursive self join over file data

I know there are many questions about recursive self joins, but they're mostly in a hierarchical data structure as follows:
ID | Value | Parent id
But I was wondering if there was a way to do this in a specific case that I have where I don't necessarily have a parent id. My data will look like this when I initially load the file.
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
Essentially, its a CSV file where each row in the table is a line in the file. Lines 1 and 5 identify an object header and lines 3, 4, 7, and 8 identify the rows belonging to the object. The object header lines can have only 40 attributes which is why the object is broken up across multiple sections in the CSV file.
What I'd like to do is take the table, separate out the record # column, and join it with itself multiple times so it achieves something like this:
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,t,u,v,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,l,m,n,...
I know its probably possible, I'm just not sure where to start. My initial idea was to create a view that separates out the first and second columns in a view, and use the view as a way of joining in a repeated fashion on those two columns. However, I have some problems:
I don't know how many sections will occur in the file for the same
The file can contain other objects as well so joining on the first two columns would be problematic if you have something like
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
9 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4,...
10 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
11 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
In the above case, my plan could join rows from the Data object in row 9 with the first rows of the Formula object by matching the record value of 1.
I know this is somewhat confusing. I tried doing this with C# a while back, but I had to basically write a recursive decent parser to parse the specific file format and it simply took to long because I had to get it in the database afterwards and it was too much for entity framework. It was taking hours just to convert one file since these files are excessively large.
Either way, #Nolan Shang has the closest result to what I want. The only difference is this (sorry for the bad formatting):
| ID | header | x | value
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 2 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v |
| 3 | ,, | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n |
| 4 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |*,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |
| 5 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 |,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |
| 6 | *,record, | ,lmn,opq,rst | ,lmn,opq,rst |
| 7 | ,, | ,1,t,u,v | ,1,t,u,v |
I agree that it would be better to export this to a scripting language and do it there. This will be a lot of work in TSQL.
You've intimated that there are other possible scenarios you haven't shown, so I obviously can't give a comprehensive solution. I'm guessing this isn't something you need to do quickly on a repeated basis. More of a one-time transformation, so performance isn't an issue.
One approach would be to do a LEFT JOIN to a hard-coded table of the possible identifying sub-strings like:
Looks like it pretty much has to be human-selected and hard-coded because I can't find a reliable pattern that can be used to SELECT only these sub-strings.
Then you SELECT from this artificially-created table (or derived table, or CTE) and LEFT JOIN to your actual table with a LIKE to get all the rows that use each of these values as their starting substring, strip out the starting characters to get the rest of the string, and use the STUFF..FOR XML trick to build the desired Line.
How you get the ID column depends on what you want, for instance in your second example, I don't know what ID you want for the ,4,Data,... line. Do you want 5 because that's the next number in the results, or do you want 9 because that's the ID of the first occurrance of that sub-string? Code accordingly. If you want 5 it's a ROW_NUMBER(). If you want 9, you can add an ID column to the artificial table you created at the start of this approach.
BTW, there's really nothing recursive about what you need done, so if you're still thinking in those terms, now would be a good time to stop. This is more of a "Group Concatenation" problem.
Here is a sample, but has some different with you need.
It is because I use the value the second comma as group header, so the ,,1 and ,,2 will be treated as same group, if you can use a parent id to indicated a group will be better
DECLARE #testdata TABLE(ID int,Line varchar(8000))
INSERT INTO #testdata
SELECT 1,'3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,'*,record,abc,efg,hij,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,',,1,x,y,z,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,',,2,q,r,s,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 5,'3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 6,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 7,',,1,t,u,v,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 8,',,2,l,m,n,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 9,',4,Data,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 10,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 11,',,1,t,u,v,...'
SELECT *,REPLACE(SUBSTRING(t.Line,LEN(c.header)+1,LEN(t.Line)),',...','') AS data
FROM #testdata AS t
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(LEFT(t.Line,CHARINDEX(',',t.Line, CHARINDEX(',',t.Line)+1 )))) c(header)
SELECT MIN(ID) AS ID,t.header,c.x,t.header+STUFF(c.x,1,1,'') AS value
OUTER APPLY(SELECT ',' FROM t AS tb WHERE tb.header=t.header FOR XML PATH('') ) c(x)
GROUP BY t.header,c.x
| ID | header | x | value |
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 3 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v | ,,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v |
| 2 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst |
| 9 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |

Finding the difference between two sets of data from the same table

My data looks like:
run | line | checksum | group
1 | 3 | 123 | 1
1 | 7 | 123 | 1
1 | 4 | 123 | 2
1 | 5 | 124 | 2
2 | 3 | 123 | 1
2 | 7 | 123 | 1
2 | 4 | 124 | 2
2 | 4 | 124 | 2
and I need a query that returns me the new entries in run 2
run | line | checksum | group
2 | 4 | 124 | 2
2 | 4 | 124 | 2
I tried several things, but I never got to a satisfying answer.
In this case I'm using H2, but of course I'm interested in a general explanation that would help me to wrap my head around the concept.
OK, it's my first post here so please forgive if I didn't state the question precisely enough.
Basically given two run values (r1, r2, with r2 > r1) I want to determine which rows having row = r2 have a different line, checksum or group from any row where row = r1.
select * from yourtable
where run = 2 and checksum = (select max(checksum)
from yourtable)
Assuming your last run will have the higher run value than others, below SQL will help
select * from table1 t1
where in
(select max( table1 t2)
Above SQL may not give you the right rows because your requirement is not so clear. But the overall idea is to fetch the rows based on the latest run parameters.
SELECT line, checksum, group
WHERE run = 2
SELECT line, checksum, group
WHERE run = 1
or (with slightly different result):
FROM TableX x
WHERE run = 2
FROM TableX x2
WHERE run = 1
AND x2.line = x.line
AND x2.checksum = x.checksum
A slightly different approach:
select min(run) run, line, checksum, group
from mytable
where run in (1,2)
group by line, checksum, group
having count(*)=1 and min(run)=2
Incidentally, I assume that the "group" column in your table isn't actually called group - this is a reserved word in SQL and would need to be enclosed in double quotes (or backticks or square brackets, depending on which RDBMS you are using).

Row Rank in a MySQL View

I need to create a view that automatically adds virtual row number in the result. the graph here is totally random all that I want to achieve is the last column to be created dynamically.
> +--------+------------+-----+
> | id | variety | num |
> +--------+------------+-----+
> | 234 | fuji | 1 |
> | 4356 | gala | 2 |
> | 343245 | limbertwig | 3 |
> | 224 | bing | 4 |
> | 4545 | chelan | 5 |
> | 3455 | navel | 6 |
> | 4534345| valencia | 7 |
> | 3451 | bartlett | 8 |
> | 3452 | bradford | 9 |
> +--------+------------+-----+
FROM mytable
It's not an ideal manner of doing this, because the query for the num value will execute for every row returned. A better idea would be to create a NUMBERS table, with a single column containing a number starting at one that increments to an outrageously large number, and then join & reference the NUMBERS table in a manner similar to the variable example that follows.
MySQL Ranking, or Lack Thereof
You can define a variable in order to get psuedo row number functionality, because MySQL doesn't have any ranking functions:
#rownum := #rownum + 1 AS num
(SELECT #rownum := 0) r
The SELECT #rownum := 0 defines the variable, and sets it to zero.
The r is a subquery/table alias, because you'll get an error in MySQL if you don't define an alias for a subquery, even if you don't use it.
Can't Use A Variable in a MySQL View
If you do, you'll get the 1351 error, because you can't use a variable in a view due to design. The bug/feature behavior is documented here.
Oracle has a rowid pseudo-column. In MySQL, you might have to go ugly:
1 + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl WHERE < id) as num
FROM tbl
This query is off the top of my head and untested, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, it assumes that you want to number the rows according to some sort criteria (id in this case), rather than the arbitrary numbering shown in the question.