Calling Scalar Function on a linked Server - sql

I am trying to call a scalar function on a linked server but I am having a little trouble setting it up. I am hoping to set it up as a function on my server.
Below is the best I came up with.
I am trying to wrap an openquery statement within the function on my server. However, the query works by itself by I am not able to return the results without causing an error.
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(800)
DECLARE #param Nvarchar(20)= #DUMPLOC
DECLARE #ParmDefinition nvarchar(500)=N'#retvalOUT NVARCHAR(40) OUTPUT'
DECLARE #innersql nvarchar(400)
SET #innersql = 'SELECT POWERVIEW.DBO.FN_VAR_DUMPNAME('''+''''+#param +''''+''')'
SET #sql = 'select * from openquery(MINESQLSERVER,'''+ #innersql +''' )'
***RETURN EXEC sp_executesql #sql --This line does not work***

This is too long for a comment.
SQL Server does not allow functions to call dynamic SQL. Hence you cannot do what you want.
You have other problems as well:
return exec is not something I've every seen before.
exec returns an integer.
The function returns a string.
You will need to solve your problem using some other method -- a stored procedure comes to mind.


Query that saves data in a variable

I am writing an SP in SQL SERVER, and I need one of the steps to execute a query that comes with data from another variable and save that result in another variable for later use in SP. The code I am using displays the following error:
Procedure expects parameter '#handle' of type 'int'.
DECLARE #retorno INT, #sql NVARCHAR(4000), #parametro NVARCHAR(4000), #caminho NVARCHAR(4000)
SET #caminho = '\\arquivos\CÉLULA DE INOVAÇÃO\SQL\19072019.CSV'
SET #parametro = N'#retornoOut INT OUTPUT'
SET #sql = 'SELECT TOP 1 SUBSTRING(RIGHT('''+#caminho+''',12),1,8)'
EXEC sp_execute #sql, #parametro, #retornoOut=#retorno OUTPUT;
The purpose of the code is from a file passed by the user, I can get the name from the given path. I don't know what could be wrong with id.
The problem is that youre using sp_execute , when you should use sp_executesql
this works fine
DECLARE #retorno INT, #sql NVARCHAR(4000), #parametro NVARCHAR(4000), #caminho NVARCHAR(4000)
SET #caminho = '\\arquivos\CÉLULA DE INOVAÇÃO\SQL\19072019.CSV'
SET #parametro = N'#retornoOut INT OUTPUT'
SET #sql = 'SELECT TOP 1 SUBSTRING(RIGHT('''+#caminho+''',12),1,8)'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql, #parametro, #retornoOut=#retorno OUTPUT;
You don't need to use dynamic SQL for this. You can just use set or a simple select:
Using set:
SET #retorno = SUBSTRING(RIGHT(#caminho,12),1,8)
Using select:
SELECT #retorno = SUBSTRING(RIGHT(#caminho,12),1,8)

How to set a variable to the result of a sql query with a variable as a table name in SQL 2005

I'm currently having trouble writing a stored procedure and setting the value of a variable of type int to the results of a select statement with a variable as the tablename. I've looked at old threads and tried multiple methods, but no luck. If I'm not getting an error regarding the tablename, I end up getting an error with a variable conversion issue. I've been working on this for too long and any help would be appreciated. Below is a portion of my code. Thanks
DECLARE #BATCHNUMBER VARCHAR --value set in earlier code
DECLARE #ETABLE VARCHAR(50); --the table name
The error I get is: Must declare the table variable "#ETABLE"
You are trying to select from a VARCHAR, not a table. The only way to make this work is by using Dynamic SQL.
However, I would not suggest using Dynamic SQL as this often leads to SQL injection.
You'll probably have to do something like use exec if you're dynamically building the query:
SET #QUERY = "SELECT" + ...etc.
Since ETABLE is a varchar, and not, as expected, a 'table variable'.

Getting an error when executing a dynamic sql within a function (SQL Server)?

I create a function to execute dynamic SQL and return a value. I am getting "Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function." as an error.
The function:
Create Function fn_GetPrePopValue(#paramterValue nvarchar(100))
returns int as
declare #value nvarchar(500);
Set #SQLString = 'Select Grant_Nr From Grant_Master where grant_id=' + #paramterValue
exec sp_executesql
#query = #SQLString,
#value = #value output
return #value
The execution:
Select dbo.fn_GetPrePopValue('10002618') from Questions Where QuestionID=114
Select fn_GetPrePopValue('10002618') from Questions Where QuestionID=114
Is the function being called properly or is the function incorrect?
You cannot use dynamic SQL from a function, neither can you call
stored procedures.
Create proc GetPrePopValue(#paramterValue nvarchar(100))
declare #value nvarchar(500),
#SQLString nvarchar(4000)
Set #SQLString = 'Select #value = Grant_Nr From Grant_Master where grant_id = #paramterValue'
exec sp_executesql #SQLString, N'#paramterValue nvarchar(100)',
#value = #value output
return #value
Functions are limited in what they can use, so that you can use them in a query without accidentally make something that would give horrible performance. Using dynamic queries is one of those things, as that would cause a query planning for each execution, and also would keep the function from being able to be part of a query plan.
You don't need the dynamic query at all in this case, just return the value:
Create Function fn_GetPrePopValue(#paramterValue nvarchar(100))
returns int as
return (select Grant_Nr From Grant_Master where grant_id = #paramterValue)
I don't think you can use dynamic SQL from a function, nor do I think you need to in your case. Looks like you want something closer to this:
Create Function dbo.fn_GetPrePopValue(#paramterValue nvarchar(100))
returns int as
declare #value int
declare #SQLString varchar(MAX)
Select #value=Grant_Nr From Grant_Master where grant_id=#paramterValue
return #value
SQL Fiddle Demo
Also, please check your data types to make sure you're fields are correct. Seems odd to pass in a varchar for the id and return an int for the other field. Either way, this should help you get going in the right direction.

SQL Server dynamic query -- cannot locate linked server

declare #node int = 9044;
'SELECT * FROM [#node].[database_name].dbo.table_name'
DECLARE #paramList NVARCHAR(400) =
'#node int'
exec sp_executesql #sqlCommand, #paramlist, #node;
So this is the simple query I'm attempting to run. 9044 is fine. Running that query normally works perfectly (obviously I've removed the db and table names). Not entirely sure what is wrong with it. The error I get is:
Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Line 1
Could not find server '#node' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue or should I just write the query and use EXEC (#sql)
As per my thinking and test it only allow parameter in query part like in where and other condition.
Try this way.
declare #node int = 9044;
'SELECT * FROM [#node].[database_name].dbo.table_name'
DECLARE #paramList NVARCHAR(400) =
'#node int'
SET #sqlCommand = REPLACE(#sqlCommand , '#node',#node)
exec sp_executesql #sqlCommand, #paramlist, #node;
You are using 3-dot notation which defines the server.db.table #nodes is looking for a server of this name ...are you looking for this server name dynamically.. the best way would be to create a linked server object or alias and refer to it this was i.e
MyServer = dev-sql-server.AdventureWorks etc
Or you may just need to get rid of the extra [#node].

Fully qualified table names with SP_ExecuteSql to access remote server

Trying to update a table on a linked server (SQL 2000/2005) but my server name will not be known ahead of time. I'm trying this:
SET SomeCol=''data'''
SET #ParamDef = N'#server_name_param VARCHAR(35)'
print #Sql
exec sp_executesql #Sql, #ParamDef, #server_name_param=#SERVER_NAME
Which returns this:
SET SomeCol='data'
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near '.'.
Any ideas? Is there anyway I view the SQL statement that is being executed after the parameters are bound?
You'll have to do this, it can't be parameterised
SET #Sql = 'UPDATE ' + #server_name_param + '.dba_sandbox.dbo.SomeTable SET SomeCol=''data'''
Edit: There is another way which I used back in my pure DBA days
EXEC sp_setnetname 'AdhocServer', #SERVER_NAME
UPDATE AdhocServer.dba_sandbox.dbo.SomeTable SET SomeCol 'data'
EXEC sp_setnetname 'AdhocServer', 'MeaninglessValue'
sp_setnetname is there from SQL Server 2000 to 2008
Edit2. Permissions:
Try EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'login_name' , where login_name is a superuser
I've not really used this (I use "AS USER" for testing), so not sure of the finer points...
Edit 3: for concurrency, consider using sp_getapplock and a stored procedure, or some other concurrency control mechanism.
You cannot do this with parameters directly - you would have to use dynamic SQL, or send the server name as a parameter to an SP that does dynamic SQL:
DECLARE #template NVARCHAR(4000)
SET #template = 'UPDATE {#server_name_param}.dba_sandbox.dbo.SomeTable SET SomeCol=''data'''
SET #sql = REPLACE(#template, '{#server_name_param}', #SERVER_NAME)
print #Sql
exec sp_executesql #Sql -- OR EXEC ( #sql )
I like gbn's trick. I didn't know that one and I'm gonna have to research that some more.
Since I didn't know that trick, I've had to use dynamic sql in similar situations in the past (like what Cade posted). When that happens I would normally query an information schema view to make sure the parameter value is a real database object before building the query. That way I'm sure it's not an injection attempt.