blank row after data move to each column wise - vba

Please refer my image, So you may get id MY Data source field
ea about my question,
column A field have 20k values rows, I want to Create blank row after data move to column-wise,( blank rows count=column wise count)
please give me solution vb MY Data source field

Try this code
Sub Test()
Dim myAreas As Areas
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set myAreas = Columns(1).SpecialCells(2, 1).Areas
c = 1
For i = 1 To myAreas.Count
c = c + 1
Cells(myAreas(i)(1).Row, c).Resize(myAreas(i).Count).Value = myAreas(i).Value
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Find the first empty cell after a text in a row

I'm working on a project and need at the moment to find the first empty cell just after text cells in a row in Excel. To clarify, let me explain to you what I'm lookng for with this screenshot
I want to write a code to return for me for like an example in the case of the 20th row the number of column of the cell E20 even if the first empty cell is A20 but like I said, i want the first empty cell juste after the last "not empty" one.
for the 21th row the result will be C21, the 22th row it will be F22 and there you go
Here's the code I wrote but for some reason it doesn't work, please help.
Function emptyCell(ws As Worksheet, ligne As Integer)
Dim m, p, n As Integer
Dim suite(700) As Integer
For k = 0 To 700
suite(k) = 0
emptyCell = 0
i = 1
Do Until suite(i) = 0 And suite(i - 1) = 1
If ws.Cells(ligne, i) <> "" Then
suite(i) = 1
End If
i = i + 1
emptyCell = emptyCell + 1
End Function
Sub test()
Dim d As Integer
empty_cell = emptyCell(Sheets("tmp"), 2)
MsgBox (empty_cell)
End Sub
The logic of my code is to assign 0 for empty cells and 1 in the other caase, run a test to find the first 1-0 that's gonna appear in my array and get the column order from the order of this "1"
I know I'm not that clear cause I didnt want it to make it a long post and english is not my first language.
Thanks in advance
All if you want to get the first empty cell after the last non empty cell, why not try it like this?
Function emptyCell(ws As Worksheet, Row As Long) As Range
Set emptyCell = ws.Cells(Row, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim empty_cell As Range
Set empty_cell = emptyCell(Sheets("tmp"), 20)
MsgBox empty_cell.Address
End Sub

Writing a loop in Excel for Visual Basic

How do i write the following code as a loop. I want to copy values from a table in sheet 4 in a row from range (b:17:L17"). is there a more efficient way to do it with loops ?
ActiveSheet.Range("B17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G8")
ActiveSheet.Range("C17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G9")
ActiveSheet.Range("D17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G10")
ActiveSheet.Range("E17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G11")
ActiveSheet.Range("F17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G12")
ActiveSheet.Range("G17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G13")
ActiveSheet.Range("H17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G14")
ActiveSheet.Range("I17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G15")
ActiveSheet.Range("J17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G16")
ActiveSheet.Range("K17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G17")
ActiveSheet.Range("L17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G18")
Yes, there is:
ActiveSheet.Range("B17:L17").Value = Application.Transpose(Sheets(4).Range("G8:G18").Value)
You can, using something like this (VB.Net, but may copy easily to VBA):
Dim cell as Integer, c as Integer
cell = 8
For c = 66 To 76
ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(c) & "17").Value = Sheets(4).Range("G" & cell)
cell = cell + 1
The Chr() function gets the character associated with the character code (66-76), and then this value is concatenated with the string "17" to form a complete cell name ("B17", "C17", ...)
I am also incrementing the cell number for G at the same time.
Use this if you really want to use a loop - but there could be better ways, like the answer given by #A.S.H
Solution explanation:
Establish your rules! What is changing in the range for active sheet? The column is going to grow as the for/to cycle does! So, we should sum that to it. What is the another thing that is going to increment? The Range in the other side of the '=' so, by setting an algorithm, we may say that the row is const in the Activesheet range and the column is the on variable on the other side.
Sub Test()
Const TotalInteractions As Long = 11
Dim CounterInteractions As Long
For CounterInteractions = 1 To TotalInteractions
'where 1 is column A so when it starts the cycle would be B,C and so on
'where 7 is the row to start so when it begins it would became 8,9 and so on for column G
ActiveSheet.Cells(17, 1 + CounterInteractions).Value = Sheets(4).Cells(7 + CounterInteractions, 7)
Next CounterInteractions
End Sub
This is probably your most efficient solution in a with statement:
Sub LoopExample()
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B17").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
End Sub

Excel range subtraction, overlooking errors in some cells possible?

I am having trouble figuring out how to subtract two ranges from each other, some cells in range H:H have "#N/A" while in range D:D there are no errors. I know in Excel it's a simple "=H2-D2" and drag that down but I'm in the process of recording a Macro and wanted to automate the subtraction as well. So far this is what I have:
Dim quantity1, quantity2, rIntersect, Qdiff, x As Range
Set quantity1 = Range("D:D")
Set quantity2 = Range("H:H")
Set rIntersect = Intersect(quantity1, quantity2)
For Each x In quantity1
If Intersect(rIntersect, x) Is Nothing Then
If Qdiff Is Nothing Then
Set Qdiff = x
Set Qdiff = Application.Union(Qdiff, x)
End If
End If
Next x
Dim lastRowJ As Long
lastRowJ = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("J2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("J2:J" & lastRowJ)
Place this procedure in a standard code module:
Public Sub Subtract()
[j2:j99] = [h2:h99-d2:d99]
End Sub
If you like how that works, I'm happy to embellish it so that it is not hard-coded for 98 rows only. Let me know.
Here is a version that will deal with any number of rows. It keys off of column D. So if there are 567 numbers in column D, then you will get 567 corresponding (subtracted) results in column J.
This assumes that the data start in row 2, and that there are no blank cells until the numbers in column D end.
If you are going to call this from the Macro Dialog then you should keep it Public. If on the other hand you are going to call it from another procedure in the same module, then you can make it Private.
Here is the enhanced solution:
Public Sub Subtract()
Dim k&
Const F = "iferror(h2:h[]-d2:d[],0)"
k = [count(d:d)]
[j2].Resize(k) = Evaluate(Replace(F, "[]", k + 1))
End Sub
Note that the routine now handles the errors and places a ZERO value in column J when the corresponding value in column H is an error. If you would prefer to have something other than a ZERO (like a blank for instance) when there are errors in column H, just let me know and I'll update to whatever you want.
Here is how to handle displaying blanks instead of zeroes:
Public Sub Subtract()
Dim k&
Const F = "iferror(if(h2:h[]-d2:d[]=0,"""",h2:h[]-d2:d[]),0)"
k = [count(d:d)]
[k2].Resize(k) = Evaluate(Replace(F, "[]", k + 1))
End Sub

Randomly select an item from a list based on a class, repeat number of times based on different numbers

I am not familiar with using macro's, but I think that what I would like excel to perform is best handled with a macro. So I can use all the input you may have!
I have these headers;
ID Tag Pen Sex Weight Class Inside range
With 450 rows of data. Based on the distribution of the weight data, I have in two other columns (class and number) the number of rows I want to select within each class. The selected rows must have the value "Yes" in the column "Inside range".
I want to randomly select the rows, based on the number needed for each class, and copy these rows to a new sheet. It sums up to 30 rows in the new sheet.
I hope you have a suggestion how to complete this action!
can you try the following, you will need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime library:
Const rowCount = 450
Public Sub copyRows()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim classes As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim colNumber As Integer
Dim colClassName as Integer
Dim colInsideRange As Integer
Dim allSelected As Boolean
Dim randomRow as Integer
Dim sumRemaining as Integer
allSelected = False
Set source = Worksheets("YourWorksheetName")
colClassName = 6 'this is the column number where class names are entered. I am assuming 6
colNumber = 7 'this is the column number where number of rows to be selected are entered. I am assuming 7
colInsideRange = 8 'this is the column number where "Inside Range" values are entered. I am assuming 9
For i = 2 to rowCount + 1 'assuming you have a header row
classes(CStr(source.Cells(i, colClassName))) = CInt(source.cells(i, colNumber)
Next i
Do until allSelected
randomRow = Int ((Rnd * 450) + 2) 'assuming you have a header row, + 1 if you don't
If classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = 0 Then
With classes
sumRemaining = 0
For j = 1 to .Count - 1
sumRemaining = sumRemaining + .Items(j)
If sumRemaining > 0 Then Exit For
Next j
allSelected = (sumRemaining = 0)
End With
source.Cells(randomRow, colInsideRange) = "Yes"
classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) - 1
End If
'Enter your code to copy rows with "Inside Range" = "Yes"
End Sub
Sorry if there are some errors or typos, I wrote from my mobile phone.

return single values for multiple records

Is there a way to merge multiple records then display only the highest value for each column? Example: A2:A25=names, B2=Grade1, C2=Grade2...etc.
First I removed duplicates in case there are exact duplicates. Then I sort on Name.
Can something be added to this code, based on column A-names, to display each name once with the highest value from each column?
Data Example
A1:name B1:Grade1 C1:Grade2...etc
A2:Joe B2:High C3:Low
A3:Joe B3:Med C3:High
A4:Dan B4:Low C4:Med
A5:Dan B5:Low C5:Low
__Results: Joe Grade1=high Grade2=high, Dan: Grade1=Low Grade2=Med
Record an Excel macro. Select first column. Click advanced filter.Choose copy to location and select a new column say X. Enable unique filter. Now click Ok. Now look at vba source to get the code to get unique elements in a column. Now assign Low as 0, Med as 1, High as 2 . loop through the rows and find the maximum grade1 , maximum grade2 etc corresponding to each element in column X and populate columns Y,Z etc. As and when you find a new maximum replace the existing. Now you will have the required data in columns X,Y,Z. Loop through them again and display in the format what you needed.
Decided to try VBA code for this one. It's a bit bruitish, but gets the job done.
Took a shortcut and made columns b and c numbers rather than strings. You could do a lookup function on the spreadsheet to make that conversion, or add an extra check in the code.
Sub find_high_values()
' subroutine to find max values of columns b and c against names
' assumes for simplicity that there are no more than 10 rows
' assumes values being checked to be numbers, if they are strings, additional loops would need to be done
Dim sName(10) As String, lBval(10) As Long, lCval(10) As Long 'arrays for original list
Dim iCountN As Integer, iUnique As Integer, iUniqueCount As Integer 'counters
Dim bUnique As Boolean
Dim rStart As Range, rOutput As Range 'ranges on worksheet
Dim lBmax(10) As Long, lCmax(10) As Long, sUniqueName(10) As String 'output arrays
Set rStart = ActiveSheet.Range("d6") 'Cell immediately above the first name in list
Set rOutput = ActiveSheet.Range("j6") 'cell reference for max value list
iUniqueCount = 1
For iCountN = 1 To 10 'set max counters to a min value
lBmax(iCountN) = 0
lCmax(iCountN) = 0
For iCountN = 1 To 10 'step through each original row
sName(iCountN) = rStart.Offset(iCountN, 0).Value
lBval(iCountN) = rStart.Offset(iCountN, 1).Value
lCval(iCountN) = rStart.Offset(iCountN, 2).Value
bUnique = True 'Starter value, assume the name to be unique, changes to false if already in list
For iUnique = 1 To iCountN 'loop to check if it is a new name
If sUniqueName(iUnique) = sName(iCountN) Then bUnique = False
If bUnique Then 'if new name, add to list of names
sUniqueName(iUniqueCount) = sName(iCountN)
iUniqueCount = iUniqueCount + 1
End If
iUniqueCount = iUniqueCount - 1 'make the count back to total number of names found
For iUnique = 1 To iUniqueCount 'loop through names
For iCountN = 1 To 10 'loop through all values
If sName(iCountN) = sUniqueName(iUnique) Then
If lBval(iCountN) > lBmax(iUnique) Then lBmax(iUnique) = lBval(iCountN)
If lCval(iCountN) > lCmax(iUnique) Then lCmax(iUnique) = lCval(iCountN)
End If
'output section
rStart.Resize(1, 3).Select
rOutput.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
For iUnique = 1 To iUniqueCount
rOutput.Offset(iUnique, 0).Value = sUniqueName(iUnique)
rOutput.Offset(iUnique, 1).Value = lBmax(iUnique)
rOutput.Offset(iUnique, 2).Value = lCmax(iUnique)
End Sub