Caddy as reverse proxy to rewrite a http redirect url from an upstream response - reverse-proxy

I am having a backend that is not able when running behind a reverse proxy since I cannot configure a custom base URL.
For the login process the backend makes heavy use of HTTP redirects but due to the fact that is behind a reverse proxy it sends redirection URL that are not reachable by the client.
So I was wondering if there is a way to rewrite the upstream HTTP HEADER Location
If the backend responses
HTTP/1.1 301
Location: http://backend-hostname/auth/login
Caddy should rewrite the Location header to
HTTP/1.1 301
Is something like this possible?
I've that we can remove headers by declaring
header / {
- Location
but it possible to replace the header and rewrite the URL?

I was also looking for answer for this question and unfortunately I've found this responses:
You need to use sub-domains rather than sub-paths for services that are not design for being after proxy (or at least configure base URL). :(


Header Enrichment not working on HTTPs - nginx

I have multiple questions regarding Header Enrichment with SSL + nginx
Why Header Enrichment dose not work with Https ?
One of my project have HE(Header Enrichment) enabled on simple HTTP but when we look for specific headers like msisdn in HTTPs they are missing.
I am using nginx hence i tried to add headers and return the request from http to https but no result? How can i achieve this ? Following is the sample of nginx code block.
server {
listen 80; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied
listen [::]:80; ## listen for ipv6
location / {
add_header X-my-header my-header-content;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri?msisdn=$http_MSISDN;
I have tried adding Query parameter and it works fine but i am more concerned about headers way.
Thank you.
ISPs impalement HE by injecting some headers in the request. This can be done in Http as they can easily inspect the request but this is not possible in case of Https as the request is encrypted.
There are some trials to provide alternative solutions but there is neither solid nor standardized one till now.
See more:
I suggest to ask this in separate question. However, I noticed that you didnt configured https endpoint in nginx. Please refer to:
Query paramters are part of URL which can be HTTP or HTTPs or any other protocol. These differ from headers which are part of message itself.

Can the Host Header be different from the URL

We run a website which is hosted using WCF.
The website is hosted on: and the ssl certicate is registered using the following command:
netsh http add sslcert
When we browse the website on the server, all is fine, and the certificate is valid.
There is a loadbalance in front of the server which listens to and then redirects the request to our server.
The loadbalancer doesn't rewrite the get URL, but only the Host Header.
The rewritten header looks like this:
Connection: keep-alive
Now we have some issues which indicates that the ssl certificate is invalid in this case.
The Loadbalancer itself has a certificate registered listening to
Is it ok/allowed that the get URL and the Host in the http header are different?
If it is ok to have different values in the header, under which url should we run the site? get URL or Host url?
Well, referencing the RFC2616:
If Request-URI is an absolute URI, the host is part of the
Request-URI. Any Host header field value in the request MUST be
So, back to your questions:
It is allowed but a bad idea as it will create confusion, better to use relative path. i.e.
GET /path HTTP/1.1
instead of
Modify the loadbalance configuration to do so. Or make the both values the same.
If Host header has a value different than the request URI, then the URI is taking priority over the Hosts header.

Apache Server: Redirection via http headers

I am trying to force browser to use https even when the user enters http URL. The idea is to use http response headers from the server. I am able to implement redirection using redirect (in site.conf) & Rewrite (which is disliked universally) but want to test out this method too.
Now I have tried adding the the following to my /etc/apache/sites-enabled/mysite.conf but despite the browser receiving the header response the user is not redirected to https (default apache page is shown):
Header set Location
Header set X-Forwarded-Proto: https
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=180; includeSubdomains"
Do I have to change anything else in the apache configuration to achieve this? (all modules are correctly loaded)
The Location header is only used for redirect responses (with a HTTP response code of 3XX) or Created responses (with a HTTP response code of 201):
Just setting the header on a random page will not make the browser redirect.
When you use apache Redirect and Rewrite rules they set the response header AND add the location header. I really don't know why you'd want to do this manually.
And rewrite is not "universally disliked". It just overused when redirect would be simpler and more efficient in a lot of cases. If you need something more complicated then Rewrite is the right tool to use.
Finally you should not sent the Strict-Transport-Security header on a HTTP response (and the browser will rightly ignore it you do) but only on a HTTPS responses.

How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS with GCP Load Balancer

I've setup the standard GCP load balancer to point to my instance group. It talks over the same port on the instance. I would like to redirect http to https. I would normally do this in nginx or apache on the instance but that won't work since its https already from the load balancer.
Is there a way to rewrite the url similar to if I was using nginx and apache to load balance in GCP's Load Balancer? or should I forward http and https to the instance and have the instance handle the rewrite as I normally would. I'm new to GCP thanks in advance.
You can set it up the same way as Nginx does. When you see traffic on a port which is not https, you redirect it to HTTPs.
To do this, you can use X-Forwarded-Proto header which contains the protocol using which the traffic came in. On your server, you can simply look for traffic that has http header and upgrade that request to HTTPS.
Most commonly used way is to use 301 redirect, but that is not a great practice. One should use HTTP 426 upgrade request header.
Read more: Is HTTP status code 426 Upgrade Required only meant signal an upgrade to a secure channel is required?
RFC doc:

Redirection on Apache (Maintain POST params)

I have Apache installed on my server and I need to redirect from http to https. The reason for this is our load balancer solution cannot hand https so requests come in on http and then we transfer them to https using the below lines in the httpd.conf file.
Redirect 302 /GladQE/link
This works fine for GET requests but POST requests will lose the parameters passed on the URL. What would be the easiest way to perform this redirect and maintain POST params?
I need to get from to here maintaining POST params
You can try with the HTTP status code 307, a RFC compilant browser should repeat the post request.
In contrast to how 302 was historically implemented, the request
method is not allowed to be changed when reissuing the original
request. For instance, a POST request should be repeated using another
POST request.
To change from 302 to 307, do that:
Redirect 307 /GladQE/link
Standard Apache redirects will not be able to handle POST data as they work on the URL level. POST data is passed in the body of the request, which gets dropped if you do a standard redirect.
You have an option of either using a PHP script to transparently forward the POST request, or using a combination of Rewrite (mod_rewrite) and Proxy (mod_proxy) modules for Apache like follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /proxy/(.*)$$1 [P,L]
P flag passes the request to the Proxy module, so anything that comes to your site (via GET or POST doesn't matter) with a URL path starting with a /proxy/ will transparently be handled as a proxy redirect to
For the reference:
Either your public facing website MUST use SSL to protect confidentiality or there is no sensitive data enver passing through it, and no possibility that your site will ever be used for a lauinchboard for sslstripping (there's a very good reason why Google serve up search results over HTTPS).
If you are not encrypting traffic between browser and your site then why are you trying to encrypt them between your load balancer and your webserver? If you do happen to have a SSL termination outside the load balancer (a very silly approach) then using HTTPS between the load balancer and the webserver is far from efficient. The question also implies lots of other security problems like session fixation/sniffing and SSLStripping vulnerabilities.