Some problems with testing -

Version Akka.NET v1.3.8
Version Akka.TestKit.NUnit3 v1.3.2
Version NUnit v3.10.1
Platform Windows 10
I have an actor of the following kind:
public class BranchUsersActor : ReceiveActor
public BranchUsersActor()
Receive<UserBeingOnline>((online) =>
var userActorName = $"user_{online.UserId}";
if (Context.Child(userActorName).Equals(ActorRefs.Nobody))
var user = Context.ActorOf(UserActor.Props(online.UserId, online.BranchId), userActorName);
public static Props Props(LoggingTags tags)
return Akka.Actor.Props.Create(() => new BranchUsersActor(tags));
When testing this actor, I expect that I will have a child actor.
I'm writing the next test to check this situation (using the NUnit framework):
public void Test()
var branchUserActor = Sys.ActorOf(BranchUsersActor.Props());
branchUserActor.Tell(UserBeingOnline.Create(userId, branchId));
var expectedChildActor = Sys.ActorSelection($"{actorPath}/user_{userId.AkkaPrepare()}")
I expect that within a second I will receive the child actor on the specified path, but I get ActorNotFoundExpection.
If I'm doing something like this:
public void Test()
var branchUserActor = Sys.ActorOf(BranchUsersActor.Props());
branchUserActor.Tell(UserBeingOnline.Create(userId, branchId));
Task.Delay(100).ContinueWith(_ =>
var expectedChildActor = Sys.ActorSelection($"{actorPath}/user_{userId.AkkaPrepare()}")`enter code here`
This works fine, but 1 of 10 times the test falls, because I get an ActorNotFoundException.
But I wonder why the first option does not work the way I expect?
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for the answer.

branchUserActor.Tell(UserBeingOnline.Create(userId, branchId));
var expectedChildActor = Sys.ActorSelection($"{actorPath}/user_{userId.AkkaPrepare()}")
The problem here is that when you're telling UserBeingOnline, you're triggering an asynchronous action - a message has been send to branchUserActor, but it may not have been processed right away. In the meantime you're calling resolve one, which tells actor system to find a child of branchUserActor - a child, which is not yet there, since the parent didn't handle the message yet.
You can use AwaitAssert(() => Assert.IsNotNull(ResolveChild())) method to work with that.


Vue.JS object attribute has 2 values

I'm working on a Vue.JS project and I'm facing a strange error.
I got a WidgetDTO object filled by an axios.get request, it contains a WidgetParametersDTO object and it's defined like so:
export class WidgetParametersDTO {
public coverage: number = 0;
public colorOK: string = "";
public colorKO: string = "";
public constructor(parameters: any) {
this.coverage = parameters.coverage
this.colorOK = parameters.colorOK;
this.colorKO = parameters.colorKO;
export class WidgetDTO {
public id: string = null!;
public parameters: WidgetParametersDTO = null!;
public constructor(widgetDTO: any) { =;
this.parameters = new WidgetParametersDTO(widgetDTO.parameters);
When I print the full object widget.parameters, all attributes are correct, when I use widget.parameters.colorOK or widget.parameters.colorKO it works properly, but if I try to use widget.parameters.coverage, it shows 0 instead of the value printed earlier.
The type is correct (number) and I already tried several things to ensure the presence and correctness of the data, it's only acting like that when I use the attribute directly.
There's even more, I'm using npm run dev to be able to hot reload the changes as things progress. When I change some code and save, it reloads the page and prints the right value, but not when I'm hitting F5.
I tried to build the files and run the server with npm start but it didn't work.
Any advice ?

Build/Test verification for missing implementations of query/commands in MediatR

We're using MediatR heavily in our LoB application, where we use the command & query pattern.
Often, to continue in development, we make the commands and the queries first, since they are simple POCOs.
This sometimes can lead to forgetting to create an actual command handler/query handler. Since there's no compile-time validation if there is actually an implementation for the query/command, I was wondering what would be the best approach to see if there's an implementation and throw an error if not, before being able to merge into master.
My idea so far:
Create a two tests, one for queries and one for commands, that scan all the assemblies for an implementation of IRequest<TResponse>, and then scan the assemblies for an associated implementation of IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>
But this would make it still required to first execute the tests (which is happening in the build pipeline), which still depends on the developer manually executing the tests (or configuring VS to do so after compile).
I don't know if there's a compile-time solution for this, and even if that would be a good idea?
We've gone with a test (and thus build-time) verification;
Sharing the code here for the actual test, which we have once per domain project.
The mediator modules contain our query/command(handler) registrations, the infrastructure modules contain our handlers of queries;
public class MissingHandlersTests
public void Missing_Handlers()
List<Assembly> assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
var missingTypes = MissingHandlersHelpers.FindUnmatchedRequests(assemblies);
The helper class;
public class MissingHandlersHelpers
public static IEnumerable<Type> FindUnmatchedRequests(List<Assembly> assemblies)
var requests = assemblies.SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t.IsClass && t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequest<>)))
var handlerInterfaces = assemblies.SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t.IsClass && (t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequestHandler<>)) || t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>))))
.SelectMany(t => t.GetInterfaces())
List<Type> missingRegistrations = new List<Type>();
foreach(var request in requests)
var args = request.GetInterfaces().Single(i => i.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequest<>)) && i.GetGenericArguments().Any() && !i.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(ICacheableRequest<>))).GetGenericArguments().First();
var handler = typeof(IRequestHandler<,>).MakeGenericType(request, args);
if (handler == null || !handlerInterfaces.Any(x => x == handler))
return missingRegistrations;
If you are using .Net Core you could the Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost to create an endpoint your tests could hit. Sort of works like this:
var builder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
services =>
services.AddTransient((a) => this.SomeMockService.Object);
this.Server = new TestServer(builder);
this.Services = this.Server.Host.Services;
this.Client = this.Server.CreateClient();
this.Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost");
So we mock any http calls (or any other stuff we want) but the real startup gets called.
And our tests would be like this:
public SomeControllerTests(TestServerFixture<Startup> testServerFixture)
: base(testServerFixture)
public async Task SomeController_Returns_Titles_OK()
var response = await this.GetAsync("/somedata/titles");
var responseAsString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var actualResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<string>>(responseAsString);
So when this test runs, if you have not registered your handler(s) it will fail! We use this to assert what we need (db records added, response what we expect etc) but it is a nice side effect that forgetting to register your handler gets caught at the test stage!

Rhino AutoMocker and Stubs

I am using Joshua Flanagan article “Auto mocking Explained” as a guide. In the article there is a section called “The same tests, with automocker would look like this”. I used this information to build code to run the automocker.
As you can see below answer is a list returned from the BLL. Answer does have one row in it; however, all fields are null. So the test for boo fails. Any tips and hints would be greatly appreciated.
public void GetStaffListAndRolesByTeam_CallBLLWithDALStub()
// Build List<> data for stub
List<StaffRoleByTeamCV> stubData = new List<StaffRoleByTeamCV>();
StaffRoleByTeamCV stubRow = new StaffRoleByTeamCV();
stubRow.Role = "boo";
stubRow.StaffId = 12;
stubRow.StaffName = "Way Cool";
// create the automocker
var autoMocker = new RhinoAutoMocker<PeteTestBLL>();
// get instance of test class (the BLL)
var peteTestBllHdl = autoMocker.ClassUnderTest;
// stub out call to DAL inside of BLL
autoMocker.Get<IPeteTestDAL>().Stub(c => c.GetStaffListAndRolesByTeam("4146")).Return(stubData);
// make call to BLL this should return stubData
List<StaffRoleByTeamCV> answer = peteTestBllHdl.GetStaffListAndRolesByTeam("4146");
// do simple asserts to test stubData present
// this passes
Assert.IsTrue(1 == answer.Count, "Did not find any rows");
// this fails
Assert.IsTrue(answer[0].Role == "boo", "boo was not found");
I tried using MockMode.AAA but still no joy
An new version of AutoMocker (1.0.3) is available. The new version supports relay mode as in this example..
public void ShouldSupportOrderedTest()
var autoMocker = new RhinoAutoMocker<CustomerUpdater>();
var mockRepository = autoMocker.Repository;
using (mockRepository.Ordered())
autoMocker.Get<ICustomerDataProvider>().Expect(x => x.GetCustomer(Arg<int>.Is.Anything)).Return(new CustomerItem());
autoMocker.Get<ICustomerDataProvider>().Expect(x => x.UpdateCustomer(Arg<CustomerItem>.Is.Anything));
autoMocker.Get<ILogWriter>().Expect(x => x.Write(Arg<string>.Is.Anything));
autoMocker.Get<ILogWriter>().Expect(x => x.Write(Arg<string>.Is.Anything));
autoMocker.Get<IMailSender>().Expect(x => x.SendMail(Arg<string>.Is.Anything, Arg<string>.Is.Anything));
autoMocker.ClassUnderTest.UpdateCustomerName(1, "Frank", "");
ExceptionAssert.Throws<ExpectationViolationException>(mockRepository.VerifyAll,"IMailSender.SendMail(anything, anything); Expected #1, Actual #0.\r\nILogWriter.Write(anything); Expected #1, Actual #0.\r\n");
I haven't tried, but this article suggests that by default all the mocks created by automocker are not replayed:
Yes that was true for the previous version. But was changed to support ordered tests in version 1.0.3.

Rhino Mocks: Repeat.Once() not working?

Can anyone tell me why in the world the following test is not failing?
public void uhh_what() {
var a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPrebuiltNotifier>();
a.Expect(x => x.Notify()).Repeat.Once();
Really need a second pair of eyes to confirm I'm not I'm worried that all my tests are unreliable.
There is already a thread on the RhinoMocks group.
GenerateMock creates a dynamic mock. The dynamic mock allows calls that are not specified (=expected). If this happens, it just returns null (or the default value of the return type).
Note: Repeat is a specification of the behaviour (like Stub), not the expectation even if specified in an expectation.
If you want to avoid having more then a certain number of calls, you could write:
public void uhh_what()
var a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPrebuiltNotifier>();
a.Expect(x => x.Notify()).Repeat.Once();
a.Stub(x => x.Notify()).Throw(new InvalidOperationException("gotcha"));
// this fails
public void uhh_what()
var a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPrebuiltNotifier>();
// this fails
x => x.Notify(),
o => o.Repeat.Once());
When using GenerateMock (or with Dynamic Mocks in general) I always mentally insert the following:
a.Expect(x => x.Notify()).Repeat.*[AtLeast]*Once();

Can I stop my WCF generating ArrayOfString instead of string[] or List<string>

I am having a minor problem with WCF service proxies where the message contains List<string> as a parameter.
I am using the 'Add Service reference' in Visual Studio to generate a reference to my service.
// portion of my web service message
public List<SubscribeInfo> Subscribe { get; set; }
public List<string> Unsubscribe { get; set; }
These are the generated properties on my MsgIn for one of my web methods.
You can see it used ArrayOfString when I am using List<string>, and the other takes List<SubscribeInfo> - which matches my original C# object above.
public System.Collections.Generic.List<DataAccess.MailingListWSReference.SubscribeInfo> Subscribe {
get {
return this.SubscribeField;
set {
if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.SubscribeField, value) != true)) {
this.SubscribeField = value;
publicDataAccess.MailingListWSReference.ArrayOfString Unsubscribe {
get {
return this.UnsubscribeField;
set {
if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.UnsubscribeField, value) != true)) {
this.UnsubscribeField = value;
The ArrayOfString class generated looks like this. This is a class generated in my code - its not a .NET class. It actually generated me a class that inherits from List, but didn't have the 'decency' to create me any constructors.
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContractAttribute(Name="ArrayOfString", Namespace="", ItemName="string")]
public class ArrayOfString : System.Collections.Generic.List<string> {
The problem is that I often create my message like this :
client.UpdateMailingList(new UpdateMailingListMsgIn()
Email = model.Email,
Name = model.Name,
Source = Request.Url.ToString(),
Subscribe = subscribeTo.ToList(),
Unsubscribe = unsubscribeFrom.ToList()
I really like the clean look this gives me.
Now for the actual problem :
I cant assign a List<string> to the Unsubscribe property which is an ArrayOfString - even though it inherits from List. In fact I cant seem to find ANY way to assign it without extra statements.
I've tried the following :
new ArrayOfString(unsubscribeFrom.ToList()) - this constructor doesn't exist :-(
changing the type of the array used by the code generator - doesn't work - it always gives me ArrayOfString (!?)
try to cast List<string> to ArrayOfString - fails with 'unable to cast', even though it compiles just fine
create new ArrayOfString() and then AddRange(unsubscribeFrom.ToList()) - works, but I cant do it all in one statement
create a conversion function ToArrayOfString(List<string>), which works but isn't as clean as I want.
Its only doing this for string, which is annoying.
Am i missing something? Is there a way to tell it not to generate ArrayOfString - or some other trick to assign it ?
Any .NET object that implements a method named "Add" can be initialized just like arrays or dictionaries.
As ArrayOfString does implement an "Add" method, you can initialize it like this:
var a = new ArrayOfString { "string one", "string two" };
But, if you really want to initialize it based on another collection, you can write a extension method for that:
public static class U
public static T To<T>(this IEnumerable<string> strings)
where T : IList<string>, new()
var newList = new T();
foreach (var s in strings)
return newList;
client.UpdateMailingList(new UpdateMailingListMsgIn()
Email = model.Email,
Name = model.Name,
Source = Request.Url.ToString(),
Subscribe = subscribeTo.ToList(),
Unsubscribe = unsubscribeFrom.To<ArrayOfString>()
I prefer not to return generic types across a service boundary in the first place. Instead return Unsubscribe as a string[], and SubscriptionInfo as SubscriptionInfo[]. If necessary, an array can easily be converted to a generic list on the client, as follows:
Unsubscribe = new List<string>(unsubscribeFrom);
Subscribe = new List<SubscriptionInfo>(subscribeTo);
Too late but can help people in the future...
Use the svcutil and explicitly inform the command line util that you want the proxy class to be serialized by the XmlSerializer and not the DataContractSerializer (default). Here's the sample:
svcutil /out:c:\Path\Proxy.cs /config:c:\Path\Proxy.config /async /serializer:XmlSerializer /namespace:*,YourNamespace
Note that the web service is an ASP.NET web service ok?!
If you are using VS 2008 to consume service then there is an easy solution.
Click on the "Advanced..." button on the proxy dialog that is displayed when you add a Service Reference. In the Collection Type drop down you can select System.Generic.List. The methods returning List should now work properly.
(Hope this is what you were asking for, I'm a little tired and the question was a tad difficult for me to read.)