SQL: COUNT DISTINCT over more groups - sql

I have this query:
date_trunc('week', q.order_date::date+2)::date-2 AS weekly,
COUNT(DISTINCT q.provider_username) AS engaged_providers
FROM tbl_quotes q
GROUP BY weekly
What I need is to COUNT(DISTINCT q.provider_username) over 4 weeks, not just one, and I don't want to change my date-trunc. obviously I can't use OVER(ORDER BY ...) because DISTINCT is not implemented for window functions. Is there any other solution for this?

Sample data and desired results would really help. For one interpretation of your question, I would suggest a correlated subquery. The date arithmetic is a bit arcane, but I think this is what you want:
SELECT weekly,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT q.provider_username)
FROM tbl_quotes q
WHERE q.order_date >= w.weekly - interval '3 week' and
q.order_date < w.weekly + interval '1 week'
) as engaged_providers
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date_trunc('week', q.order_date::date+2)::date-2 as weekly
FROM tbl_quotes q
) w;


How can I calculate an "active users" aggregation from an activity log in SQL?

In PostgreSQL, I have a table that logs activity for all users, with an account ID and a timestamp field:
SELECT account_id, created FROM activity_log;
A single account_id can appear many times in a day, or not at all.
I would like a chart showing the number of "active users" each day, where "active users"
means "users who have done any activity within the previous X days".
If X is 1, then we can just truncate timestamp to 'day' and aggregate:
SELECT date_trunc('day', created) AS date, count(DISTINCT account_id)
FROM activity_log
GROUP BY date_trunc('day', created) ORDER BY date;
If X is exactly 7, then we could truncate to 'week' and aggregate - although this gives
me only one data point for a week, when I actually want one data point per day.
But I need to solve for the general case of different X, and give a distinct data point for each day.
One method is to generate the dates and then count using left join and group by or similar logic. The following uses a lateral join:
select gs.dte, al.num_accounts
from generate_series('2021-01-01'::date, '2021-01-31'::date, interval '1 day'
) gs(dte) left join lateral
(select count(distinct al.account_id) as num_accounts
from activity_log al
where al.created >= gs.dte - (<n - 1>) * interval '1 day' and
al.created < gs.dte + interval '1 day'
) al
on 1=1
order by gs.dte;
<n - 1> is one less than the number of days. So for one week, it would be 6.
If your goal is to get day wise distinct account_id for last X days you can use below query. Instead of 7 you can use any number as you wise:
SELECT date_trunc('day', created) AS date, count(DISTINCT account_id)
FROM activity_log
where date_trunc('day', created)>=date_trunc('day',CURRENT_DATE) +interval '-7' day
GROUP BY date_trunc('day', created)
(If there is no activity in any given date then the date will not be in the output.)

PostgreSQL, summing multiple date columns over multiple rows

Let's assume the following table:
CREATE TABLE assumption ( datetime_1 TIMESTAMP, datetime_2 TIMESTAMP, datetime_3 TIMESTAMP);
Now I want to know the total amount of times a month is set in any row or column combined as long as the date is in the future.
Right now I have:
datetime_1 > NOW() AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datetime_1) = 1,
datetime_2 > NOW() AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datetime_2) = 1,
datetime_3 > NOW() AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datetime_3) = 1,
), 0) AS january_count,
.... AS february_count,
.... AS march_count,
.... AS etc
FROM assumption;
This works and returns the right result, yet it is rather bloated and it returns me a single row with a column for every month.
As in real life this query is a bit more complex and I would rather have a result that would give me a row for each month (So I can add more fields to every monthly row)
Is there any thing I am missing, any way I can improve this?
Do you want a lateral join?
select date_trunc('month', d.dt) dt_month, count(*) cnt
from assumption a
cross join lateral (values (datetime_1), (datetime_2), (datetime_3)) d(dt)
where dt > now()
group by date_trunc('month', d.dt)
Truncating the date to the first day of the month would seem more useful that extracting the month (if your data spreads over several years in the future, the result do differ). But if you do mean extracting the month, then:
select extract(month from d.dt) dt_month, count(*) cnt
from assumption a
cross join lateral (values (datetime_1), (datetime_2), (datetime_3)) d(dt)
where dt > now()
group by extract(month from d.dt)
Finally, if you want a row for each month, even those that have no timestamp in the future, then:
select extract(month from d.dt) dt_month, count(*) filter(where d.dt > now()) cnt
from assumption a
cross join lateral (values (datetime_1), (datetime_2), (datetime_3)) d(dt)
group by extract(month from d.dt)

grouping by column but getting multiple results for each

I am trying to calculate the median response time for conversations on each date for the last X days.
I use the following query below, but for some reason, it will generate multiple rows with the same date.
with grouping as (
SELECT a.id, d.date, extract(epoch from (first_response_at - started_at)) as response_time
select to_char(date_trunc('day', (current_date - offs)), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date
FROM generate_series(0, 2) AS offs
) d
LEFT OUTER JOIN apps a on true
LEFT OUTER JOIN conversations c ON (d.date=to_char(date_trunc('day'::varchar, c.started_at), 'YYYY-MM-DD')) and a.id = c.app_id
and c.app_id = a.id and c.first_response_at > (current_date - (2 || ' days')::interval)::date
from grouping
where grouping.id = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
Any ideas?
First a number of issues with your query, assuming there aren't any parts you haven't shown us:
You don't need a CTE for this query.
From table apps you only use column id whose value is the same as c.app_id. You can remove the table apps and select c.app_id for the same result.
When you use to_char() you do not first have to date_trunc() to a date, the to_char() function handles that.
generate_series() also works with timestamps. Just enter day values with an interval and cast the end result to date before using it.
So, removing all the flotsam we end up with this which does exactly the same as the query in your question but now we can at least see what is going on.
SELECT c.app_id, to_date(d.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date,
extract(epoch from (first_response_at - started_at)) AS response_time
FROM generate_series(CURRENT_DATE - 2, CURRENT_DATE, interval '1 day') d(date)
LEFT JOIN conversations c ON d.date::date = c.started_at::date
AND c.app_id = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
AND c.first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - 2;
You don't calculate the median response time anywhere, so that is a big problem you need to solve. This only requires data from table conversations and would look somewhat like this to calculate the median response time for the past 2 days:
SELECT app_id, started_at::date AS start_date,
percentile_disc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY first_response_at - started_at) AS median_response
FROM conversations
WHERE app_id = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
AND first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - 2
When we fold the two queries, and put the parameters handily in a single place, this is the final result:
SELECT p.id, to_date(d.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date,
extract(epoch from (c.median_response)) AS response_time
FROM (VALUES ('ASnYW1-RgCl0I', 2)) p(id, days)
JOIN generate_series(CURRENT_DATE - p.days, CURRENT_DATE, interval '1 day') d(date) ON true
SELECT started_at::date AS start_date,
percentile_disc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY first_response_at - started_at) AS median_response
FROM conversations
WHERE app_id = p.id
AND first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - p.days
GROUP BY 2) c ON d.date::date = c.start_date;
If you want to change the id of the app or the number of days to look back, you only have to change the VALUES clause accordingly. You can also wrap the whole thing in a SQL function and convert the VALUES clause into two parameters.

Aggregates for today and the previous day depending on data

Having trouble putting together a query to pull the aggregate values of a give timestamp and the timestamp before it. Given the following schema:
name TEXT,
where there are gaps in the ts column due to gaps in data, I'm trying to construct a query to produce
date_trunc('day' q1.ts),
date_trunc('day', q2.ts),
The first half is straightforward:
SELECT q1.name, date_trunc('day', q1.ts), avg(q1.X), sum(q1.Y)
FROM data as q1
ORDER BY 1, 2;
But not sure how to generate the relation to find the "day" before for each row. I'm trying to work an inner join like this:
SELECT q1.name, q1.day, q1.avg, q1.sum, q2.day, q2.avg, q2.sum
SELECT name, date_trunc('day', ts) AS day, avg(X) AS avg, sum(Y) as sum
FROM data
SELECT name, date_trunc('day', ts) AS day, avg(X) AS avg, sum(Y) as sum
FROM data
) q2 ON (
q1.name = q2.name
AND q2.day = q1.day - interval '1 day'
The problem with this is, it doesn't cover the cases when the next "day" is more than 1 day before the current day.
The special difficulty here is that you need to number days after aggregating rows. You can do this in a single query level with the window function row_number(), since window functions are applied after aggregation by GROUP BY.
Also, use a CTE to avoid executing the same subquery multiple times:
SELECT name, ts::date AS day
,avg(x) AS avg_x, sum(y) AS sum_y
,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY ts::date) AS rn
FROM data
SELECT q1.name, q1.day, q1.avg_x, q1.sum_y
,q2.day AS day2, q2.avg_x AS avg_x2, q2.sum_y AS sum_y2
FROM q q1
LEFT JOIN q q2 ON q1.name = q2.name
AND q1.rn = q2.rn + 1
Using the simpler cast to date (ts::date) instead of date_trunc('day', ts) to get "days".
LEFT [OUTER] JOIN (as opposed to [INNER] JOIN) is instrumental to preserve the corner case of the first row, where there is no previous day.
And ORDER BY should be applied to the outer query.
The question isn't crystal clear, but it sounds like you're actually trying to fill gaps while keeping track of leading/lagging rows.
To fill the gaps, look into generate_series() and left join it with your table:
select d
from generate_series(timestamp '2013-12-01', timestamp '2013-12-31', interval '1 day') d;
For previous and next row values, look into lead() and lag() window functions:
select date_trunc('day', ts) as curr_row_day,
lag(date_trunc('day', ts)) over w as prev_row_day
from data
window w as (order by ts)

Add one for every row that fulfills where criteria between period

I have a Postgres table that I'm trying to analyze based on some date columns.
I'm basically trying to count the number of rows in my table that fulfill this requirement, and then group them by month and year. Instead of my query looking like this:
SELECT * FROM $TABLE WHERE date1::date <= '2012-05-31'
and date2::date > '2012-05-31';
it should be able to display this for the months available in my data so that I don't have to change the months manually every time I add new data, and so I can get everything with one query.
In the case above I'd like it to group the sum of rows which fit the criteria into the year 2012 and month 05. Similarly, if my WHERE clause looked like this:
date1::date <= '2012-06-31' and date2::date > '2012-06-31'
I'd like it to group this sum into the year 2012 and month 06.
This isn't entirely clear to me:
I'd like it to group the sum of rows
I'll interpret it this way: you want to list all rows "per month" matching the criteria:
SELECT date_trunc('month', min(date1)) AS start
,date_trunc('month', max(date2)) + interval '1 month' AS stop
FROM tbl
SELECT to_char(y.mon, 'YYYY-MM') AS mon, t.*
SELECT generate_series(x.start, x.stop, '1 month') AS mon
) y
LEFT JOIN tbl t ON t.date1::date <= y.mon
AND t.date2::date > y.mon -- why the explicit cast to date?
ORDER BY y.mon, t.date1, t.date2;
Assuming date2 >= date1.
Compute lower and upper border of time period and truncate to month (adding 1 to upper border to include the last row, too.
Use generate_series() to create the set of months in question
LEFT JOIN rows from your table with the declared criteria and sort by month.
You could also GROUP BY at this stage to calculate aggregates ..
Here is the reasoning. First, create a list of all possible dates. Then get the cumulative number of date1 up to a given date. Then get the cumulative number of date2 after the date and subtract the results. The following query does this using correlated subqueries (not my favorite construct, but handy in this case):
select thedate,
(select count(*) from t where date1::date <= d.thedate) -
(select count(*) from t where date2::date > d.thedate)
from (select distinct thedate
from ((select date1::date as thedate from t) union all
(select date2::date as thedate from t)
) d
) d
This is assuming that date2 occurs after date1. My model is start and stop dates of customers. If this isn't the case, the query might not work.
It sounds like you could benefit from the DATEPART T-SQL method. If I understand you correctly, you could do something like this:
SELECT DATEPART(year, date1) Year, DATEPART(month, date1) Month, SUM(value_col)
FROM $Table
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, date1),
DATEPART(month, date1)