React Native preload local images - react-native

How do I load images before Rendering in React Native
I use the map.
And i use custom image for markers.
I want to load the marker images before loading maps (or before rendering)

RN Image component a specific static method to handle this case:
Note: Image.prefetch returns a Promise
Below is an example of how to implement this using React Native Router Flux (RNRF), without using Redux:
let urlOfImages = [https://...]
let preFetchTasks = [];
let downloadedAll = true;
//error occurred downloading a pic
downloadedAll = false;
Actions.someScene({ downloadedPics: urlOfImages})
Then in your someScene component use the image component like you normally do and the image will be fetched from your local disk cache rather then remotely :
<Image style={...} source={{uri: this.props.urlOfImages[0]}} />
Also just be aware you'll have issues if you attempt to load images from http rather than secured https endpoints:
If you wanted to use it with Redux put the above code in an Action and make sure your reducers respond to the action and set the new state as per your application requirements.


How to download assets/files(.JSON) and store them inside my app not directly on the user's phone in React Native Expo

am using React Native Expo and I was browsing the web to find a way to download assets, and files to my react native project and came across with this post How to Download image in react native
When the user clicks the download button I want assets/files to be downloaded and stored inside the app not directly on the user's phone. I mean I don't want the users to view the downloaded files or delete them manually.
I just want the downloaded assets/files to be accessible by the React Native app. Am doing this to make the app work offline.
Once the users downloaded the assets/files, the app can use the downloaded assets/files. How can I accomplish that?
Thank you in advance!
If you are using expo managed workflow, then rn-fetch-blob will not work for you.
In that case, Expo File System is probably your way to go.
Firstly, install expo-file-system. See this
Next, for saving files and not letting users delete them manually, store them inside the cache-directory like this
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
const downloadAssets = async () => {
let name = "Samplefile.jpg";
const result = FileSystem.createDownloadResumable(
FileSystem.cacheDirectory + name
const response = await result.downloadAsync();
if (response.status === 200) {
// File successfully saved
} else {
// Some error
To access this file in your app simple execute this function
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
const getFiles = async () => {
const CacheDir = await FileSystem.readDirectoryAsync(
console.log(CacheDir); //Files are stored here

How do MongoDB Stitch SDK's work in regards to client instantiation or how does Stitch.defaultAppClient.getServiceClient work?

I'm using expo to build out a React Native application and I'm running into issues when attempting to write code that accesses remote MongoDB servers. I'm attempting to use MongoDB's provided Stitch SDK's for React Native.
When running
const mongoClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient.getServiceClient(RemoteMongoClient.factory, "mongodb-atlas");
I'm running into the following error:StitchServiceError: service not found: 'mongodb-atlas'
When my app initializes in my main App component, I'm initializing the default client using Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient per the recommended documentation. Based on my debugging logs, this part is working correctly and I'm able to authenticate with the service correctly and I am storing the client in the App component's state. I'm running the loadClient method in the constructor of my main App component.
_loadClient() {
console.log("Loading Stitch client");
Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").then(client => {
this.setState({ client });
.loginWithCredential(new AnonymousCredential())
.then(user => {
console.log(`Successfully logged in as user ${}`);
this.setState({ currentUserId: });
this.setState({ currentUserId: });
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Failed to log in anonymously: ${err}`);
this.setState({ currentUserId: undefined });
For more context: I'm executing the getServiceClient function in a separate react saga so that I can fetch data behind the scenes based on actions that are dispatched within the application. I'm calling getServiceClient inside a function that gets called upon every dispatch of a specific action. All of this is exported to a single async function which is then applied as saga middleware enhancer to a store.
I think I'm not able to retrieve the service client because the defaultappclient isn't initialized within the context of the saga because of the way sagas work (from my understanding) but I need more insight into how getServiceClient() works.
I ended up storing the client in a local instance in the saga js file so that the instance is available for all sagas and I plan on keeping all sagas within this file. I am using asynchronous functions to ensure that the app client is initialized prior to binding any client requests to redux actions.
let appClient;
function* initAppClient() {
console.log("Initializing Stitch Client");
yield Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("client-identification-here ").then(client => appClient=client);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield initAppClient();
yield takeEvery('ACTION HERE', uploadState);
The downside to this approach is that this instance won't be available to the rest of my react application and I won't be able to use Stitch functionality to update anything through the actual react application. This works for me as I only plan on using Stitch when state changes within my application and this decouples any server/remote data operations from react application functionality which focuses on presentation, routing, etc. If I want to use Stitch within my react application, I would have to initialize another client within react's context.

Redux-Persist with React-Native-Background-Fetch

I am creating a React-Native app that fetches data from an API as a background service.
I have looked around the web if I can manually rehydrate the store with the data fetched during the background task, but I could not find anything.
Is it possible to rehydrate the redux-persist store manually while the app is killed, from a background 'service' task?
For the people still wondering, if it is possible to use react-native-background-fetch for scheduling ANY task, it is completely fine as long as it does not touch the UI eg. (AsyncStorage, Redux-Persist, Realm, DB...) is not directly related to invoking change in the UI, so it is completely fine to use.
In my particular case, I am using the slowest option - AsyncStorage - to persist a props sort of object which I use on global App level and pass derived data onto my components:
// Example of HeadlessTask implementation
import BackgroundFetch from 'react-native-background-fetch'
import AsyncStorage from '#react-native-community/async-storage';
const HeadlessTask = async () => {
// Prepare data - fetching from API, other transformations...
let propsObject = {};
AsyncStorage.setItem(ITEM_KEY, JSON.strigify(propsObject))
.then(() => {
console.log('[AsyncStorage] Object Saved!');
// For iOS specifically we need to tell when the service job
// is done.
.catch((e) => {
console.log('[AsyncStorage] Error saving object: ', e);
P.S. See to see how to install and implement Background Fetch.

React Native startup optimization

I am looking for a way to optimize the startup time of a pure react native mobile app.
As a JavaScript framework, is that possible to bundle the JavaScript files into separated files, say something like common.js and app.js. I was searching via Google with keywords something like "react native webpack" stuff but it seems like all these libraries are deprecated or out of date, such as react-native-webpack-server, react-native-webpack-starter-kit etc.
I am wondering if anybody here is also looking for a way to optimize the JavaScript bundle in react native. Or, maybe these third party bundle approach has been overcame by Facebook standard bundle?
You could dynamically load your component, in this way your bundle.js will contain only the fraction of js needed and as you navigate you will request the other different parts / fractions.
Rather than do the traditional way: import App from './containers/App/App'; you could do something like this:
class ImportedComponent extends Component {
state = {
component: null
componentWillMount() {
.then((mod) => this.setState(() => ({
component: mod.default
render() {
return this.props.children(this.state.component)
const App = (props) => (
<ImportedComponent load={() => import('./containers/App/App')}>
{(Component) => Component === null ? <h6 className="loading-message">Loading...</h6> : <Component {...props}/>}
or you can lazy load your component itself. Let's say for example that I have Moment JS and I don't want to load it until it's needed. so what I could do:
1) Create a state and set it to null.
this.state = {
lazyLoadedComponent: () => null
2) Use async componentDidMount with await, try and catch and update the state lazyLoadedComponent on componentDidMount
async componentDidMount(){
try {
const Moment = await import('react-moment');
this.setState({ lazyLoadedComponent: (data)=>{
return React.createElement(Moment.default, {format:'MM/DD/YY'}, data)
catch(err) {
this.setState({ lazyLoadedComponent: <div>{`Failed to load component: ${err}`}</div> });
3) Call the component on the render:
By following these 2 examples you should, hopefully, be looking at a bundle.js under 250KB.
As a possible solution you can use ram-bundle format, that metro bundler provides.
In this case you will not load the entire js-bundle - you will load only part, that you need at a startup (in a lot of application are a lot of places, which user may not even see, and this feature allow you load such parts, only when they are required). So you can simplify your entry point and load only small piece of your bundle.
You can look at react-native-bundle-splitter. This library well integrated with almost all popular navigation libraries and allows you to postpone a loading of specific routes. For example, if you have a login screen, you can load at start up only this screen, and all others load in background or start the loading of them, only when user can see them.

Preload images before navigating to component

This is more of a conceptional question, but I am not sure the exact way to solve it.
I have a component I want to download images from, but I want to be able to indicate that the component is loaded before the user can then use router flux to switch to it.
I am guessing that is something I would have to accomplish in redux, is that the right idea? I've been trying to find an example of a react native app that does this.
Thanks so much!
RN Image component a specific static method to handle this case:
Note: Image.prefetch returns a Promise
Below is an example of how to implement this using React Native Router Flux (RNRF), without using Redux:
let urlOfImages = [https://...]
let preFetchTasks = [];
let downloadedAll = true;
//error occurred downloading a pic
downloadedAll = false;
Actions.someScene({ downloadedPics: urlOfImages})
Then in your someScene component use the image component like you normally do and the image will be fetched from your local disk cache rather then remotely :
<Image style={...} source={{uri: this.props.urlOfImages[0]}} />
Also just be aware you'll have issues if you attempt to load images from http rather than secured https endpoints:
If you wanted to use it with Redux put the above code in an Action and make sure your reducers respond to the action and set the new state as per your application requirements.