Multiple entries in crystal reportviewer after adding a SQL expression field -

I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I installed the latest crystal reportviewer (22)
What I want is to click a button and create a report from the customer that is selected in the datagridview and the addresses that are shown in the second datagridview.
I managed to do all that but the problem is that a few fields contain numbers which need to be converted to text. An SQL query I would use to do this would be like:
SELECT c.customer_nr, c.status, s.rename FROM CUSTOMERS c INNER JOIN SETUP s on = c.status WHERE s.afk = 'STA'
In my SETUP database I have the columns ID,AFK and RENAME so if the status would be 1 it would convert to text: "ACTIVE", if status = 2 it would convert to "INACTIVE" for example.
I could do something with a formula field like this:
IF ({c.status} = 1) THEN "ACTIVE" ELSE
IF ({c.status}) = 2 THEN "INACTIVE"
but that is not good because i could add another status or change the name in the database etc.
So then I tried with an SQL expression field and I put something like this:
There must be something wrong because I get the correct conversion but there is only one address in the database but I get 7 pages all with the same address. There should only be one address like I get when I remove the SQL expression field. Where does it go wrong?
* EDIT *
I found the problem. When I create a new database that contains only unique id's then it works. In my original database I have multiple times the id's 1,2,3,4,5 but with different abbreviations in column AFK. Somehow the query looks for the id value and every time it finds this id no matter the AFK value it generates an entry for the address value.
Maybe in the future I will find out how this exactly works for now I have a workaround.

Create a new table for example CrRepSta and add the following entries:
The new query:
And by the way the statement "CrRepSta"."AFK" = 'STA' is not really needed.


How validate two select list in oracle apex

I'm using Oracle apex, and i have 2 select list components that get the elements from the same table. i want build a currency converter, and the list of currency are "divisas"
My problem is: i want validate that when on one select component, one value is selected, the other component doesn't contain that element from select list 1. And vice verse
Also when on select 1 is null on the select 2 must show all result from the table, and vice verse.
I start with this query, but i can't do it works
select *
from divisas
where EN_APP = 'S'
and (
case when :P12_DIVISA is not null then (cod_divi <> :P12_DIVISA) else EN_APP = 'S' end
can somebody help me?
There's the Cascading List of Values property for Select List items. However, as you want to handle both items at the same time, you'll enter circular reference & dead loop so it won't just work.
Here's an option which does what you wanted; see if it helps:
create two items, e.g. P59_CURR_1 and P59_CURR_2 (for two currencies)
their type is Select List item
Page action on selection = "Redirect and set value"
SQL query looks like this (for P59_CURR_1)
select cod_divi d, cod_divi r
from divisas
where cod_divi <> nvl(:P59_CURR_2, 'X') -- would be `:P59_CURR_1` for another item
order by cod_divi
don't set cascading list of values parent item!
That's it; run the page and see how it behaves. Looks OK to me on's Apex 20.1 version.

MS Access-Return Record Below Current Record

I am very new to Access, and what I am trying to do seems like it should be very simple, but I can't seem to get it.
I am a structural engineer by trade and am making a database to design buildings.
My Diaphragm Analysis Table includes the fields "Floor_Name", "Story_Number", "Wall_Left", and "Wall_Right". I want to write a new query that looks in another query called "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" and pulls information from it based on input from Diaphragm Analysis. I want to take the value in "Wall_Right" (SW01), find the corresponding value in "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection", and report the "Elastic_Deflection" corresponding to the "Story_Below" instead of the "Story_Number" in the Diaphragm Analysis Table. In the case where "Story_Number" = 1, "Story_Below" will be 0 and I want the output to be 0.
Same procedure for "Wall_Left", but I'm just taking it one step at a time.
It seems that I need to use a "DLookup" in the expression builder with TWO criteria, one that Wall_Right = Shear_Wall and one that Story_Number = Story_Below, but when I try this I just get errors.
"Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" includes shearwalls for all three stories, i.e. it starts at SW01 and goes through SWW for Story Number 3 and then starts again at SW01 for Story Number 2, and so on until Story Number 1. I only show a part of the query results in the image, but rest assured, there are "Elastic_Deflection" values for story numbers below 3.
Here is my attempt in the Expression Builder:
Right_Defl_in: IIf(IsNull([Diaphragm_Analysis]![Wall_Right]),0,DLookUp("[Elastic_Deflection_in]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]![Story_Below]=" & [Diaphragm_Analysis]![Story_Number]))
I know my join from Diaphragm_Analysis "Wall_Left" and "Wall_Right" must include all records from Diaphragm_Analysis and only those from "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection"![Shear_Walls] where the joined fields are equal, but that's about all I know.
Please let me know if I need to include more information or send out the database file.
Thanks for your help.
Diaphragm Analysis (Input Table)
Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection (Partial Image of Query)
I think what you are missing is that you can and should join to Diaphragm_Analysis twice, first time to get the Story_Below value and second to use it to get the corresponding Elastic_Deflection value.
To handle the special case where Story_Below is zero, I would write a separate query (only requires one join this time) and 'OR together' the two queries using the UNION set operation (note the following SQL is untested):
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
da2.Elastic_Deflection AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM ( Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left )
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da2
ON da2.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
AND da2.Story_Number = da1.Story_Below
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
0 AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
WHERE da1.Story_Below = 0;
I've assumed that there is no data where Story_Number is zero.

Access 2013 ComboBox value based on other ComboBox with Junction Table

Good day. This is a follow-up to a previous question. I have a form with 2 comboboxes where the 2nd one depends on the value in the 1st one. I have the code to show the drop down list in the 2nd combobox but I am unable to select anything but the first entry.
Table 1: name - Supply_Sources, fields - Source_ID(pk), SupplySourceName
Table 2: name - Warehouse_Locations, fields - WLocation_ID(pk), Location_Name
Table 3 (junction): name - SupplySource_WarehouseLocation, fields - Supply_Source_ID(pk), Location_In_ID(pk)
On my form 'frmInventoryReceivedInput' I have cboSupplySource and cboWLocation. I populate cboSupplySource with
SELECT [Supply_Sources].[Source_ID], [Supply_Sources].[SupplySourceName]
FROM Supply_Sources;
The SQL for cboWLocation is:
SELECT SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID,
Warehouse_Locations.Location_Name FROM Warehouse_Locations
INNER JOIN (Supply_Sources INNER JOIN SupplySource_WarehouseLocation
ON Supply_Sources.Source_ID = SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID)
ON Warehouse_Locations.WLocation_ID = SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Location_In_ID
WHERE ((( SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID)=
There are 3 options for me in the cboWLocation drop down list (based on cboSupplySource). However, it doesn't matter which one I choose, it defaults to the first one. What do I need to do to be able to choose the other options?
I recreated it and it works OK, the only thing I did differently was create a query with the SQL:
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID, Warehouse_Locations.Location_Name
Warehouse_Locations INNER JOIN
(Supply_Sources INNER JOIN
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation ON
Supply_Sources.Source_ID = SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID) ON
Warehouse_Locations.WLocation_ID = SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Location_In_ID
so I could check that part separately from the UI.
For cboWLocation, I have column widths 0";1", rowSource qry_cbo2, and bound column 2. Try changing your bound column from 1 to 2 and see if that helps.

SQL Server 2012 Filtering Results Based on One Table and Appending Info

I've been trying to search for a similar query on stackoverflow to modify to get what I need but I can't seem to get it right. I hope someone here can help.
I have two tables located in two different databases. Both databases are configured on the same server. Table 1 called 'DiscreteLive' and located in Database 'Runtime'. Table 2 is called 'v_DiscreteHistory' and located in Database 'WWALMDB'.
They have the following fields
Tagname (type String)
Value (type Integer --> can only ever be 1 or 0)
Tagname (type String)
Value (type String --> can only ever be true of false)
EventStamp (type datetime)
Description (type String)
The 'DiscreteLive' table can only ever have one unique tagname line. An external software will overwrite to each tagname's corresponding Value field. It's basically showing the live values of the system. Example shown below. For example, you would never find Device1.Commfail twice in this table.
The 'v_DiscreteHistory' table is the history of the specific tag. There can be multiple entries of the same tag along with its Description and EventStamp (Time the even happened).
What I'm trying to do is to filter out the 'DiscreteLive' table to show only the tag values where the tagname is a %.CommFail and the Value is 1. Then I would like to take the result of that initial query and attach the latest EventStamp and Description for those tags in the initial query from 'v_DiscreteHistory'.
Not sure if this can be done. Let me know if you need more clarification.
SQL Server: This might be what you are looking for
,MAX(V.EventStamp) AS 'LatestDate'
SERVER.Runtime.dbo.DiscreteHistory D
SERVER.WWALMDB.dbo.v_DiscreteHistory V
D.Tagname = V.Tagname
D.Value = 1
V.Value LIKE '%.CommFail'

Type conversion failure in update query

I'm fairly new to Access so this is driving me a little crazy.
I'm creating an inventory database and want to count the number of items in stock to update an ordering form. Received items are assigned an order code, and I want to count the number of instances of each order code found within the master table. I have a make table query which does this just fine:
SELECT PrimerList.PrimerName
, First(Primer_Master.FR) AS FR
, Primer_Master.OrderCode
, Count(Primer_Master.OrderCode) AS InStock
INTO PrimerOrder
FROM PrimerList
LEFT JOIN Primer_Master ON PrimerList.ID = Primer_Master.PrimerName
GROUP BY PrimerList.PrimerName
, Primer_Master.OrderCode
, Primer_Master.PrimerName
, Primer_Master.FR
, Primer_Master.Finished
HAVING ((([Primer_Master]![Finished])=No));
I want to use PrimerOrder to update an order list table PrimerOrderList which has all of the different possible order codes, updating the InStock value for records with matching OrderCode:
UPDATE PrimerOrderList
SET PrimerOrderList.InStock = PrimerOrder.InStock
WHERE (((PrimerOrderList.OrderCode)=[PrimerOrder].[OrderCode]));
However, when I try to run it I get parameter boxes which pop-up asking for PrimerOrder.OrderCode and PrimerOrderList.OrderCode. Even if I put in a valid value for each, I get a type conversion failure. I've checked the data types for both tables and don't see how there could be a type conversion failure - both are set to text.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
You haven't included the PrimerOrder table in your query. Should be:
UPDATE PrimerOrderList INNER JOIN PrimerOrder
ON PrimerOrderList.OrderCode = PrimerOrder.OrderCode
PrimerOrderList.InStock = PrimerOrder.InStock