Formatting Data in excel sheet with blue prism - vba

I'm trying to run a duplicate check In which varying data is pulled from a website and compared to a master list, the master list being stored in Excel. The information from the website is read from a table in which has line breaks. These breaks are translated over to the data collection they are initially stored in. Some of the data from the website us eventually written to the master list in Excel. So when I read the master list back into Blue Prism to run a duplicate check, the rows that have line breaks are written into a collection as multiple rows (ex. I should have on 7 rows in my collections but am getting 42). Since the rows are not EXACTLY the same between the 2 collections, when it runs the automation does not recognize the duplicates.
The easiest way to solve this would be if I could make the collection rows have no line breaks as soon as the data is read. I've attempted to use the calculation stage to do so with no luck. I'm not sure if it is actually possible to do this, but would appreciate any direction.

Record an Excel macro to do the data sorting/cleaning in Excel (possibly Text To Columns, etc..) and then include the running of the macro as part of your Blue Prism process by using an action stage and the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro. Get the process to create an Excel instance (and create a handle data item from that stage), then use Open Workbook (whatever workbook you store your Macro in) and then use the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro (use the same handle created earlier and type in the name of the "macro").

It sounds like what is happening is that the MS Excel VBO is grabbing the data from the Excel Worksheet wholesale.
This is to say that it's accessing your Worksheet table, copying the cell values BUT not the cell formatting data, and then dumping the values into a BP collection.
Since it did not bring along any of the original cell formatting data to reference when it went to populate the collection it's just breaking up the values based on crturn/line breaks. Thus, your collection is organized based on that, and not on the original Worksheet cell.
So, with that said, on to a solution!
Solution 1
Brute force the organization of the incoming Excel cell data to the collection by looping over the Excel Worksheet cell-by-cell.
Run a loop, and in that loop have BP go into the Excel Worksheet and grab the first populated cell it comes across. Run a formatting/cleanup Calculation stage over the data. Dump the cell value into a single collection field.
This is...inelegant, expensive at best, and not at all recommended for any medium to large dataset. But it's definitely the best way to do string manipulation and value comparisons before it hits your collection. Since it sounds like your using a Master template then you as-well know what the expected format of your data should be.
This method will enable you implement Trim(), Concat(), or Split() in a Calculation stage to better organize your incoming data before you dump it into a collection.
This is also basically what I think you're already trying to do, but cell-by-cell instead of Worksheet row-by-row or table-by-table.
Solution 2
Clean up the table data you grab from the website before you dump it into the Excel Worksheet.
This is basically Solution 1, but in reverse. Simply format/cleanup your data before it hits you Excel Worksheet.
I'm not sure this is any better than Solution 1, but, you know, it's something...
Solution 3
Format the cell data IN the MS Excel Worksheet itself.
Basically rearrange the cells and cell data in the Excel Worksheet into a more predictable format by using the Split, Trim, Merge, or other actions included in the MS Excel VBO. You can also do this using the Data - OLEDB utility object, but that requires some pretty solid understanding of SQL syntax.
This would look like this using the MS Excel VBO:
Grab the Excel Worksheet data wholesale and dump into a collection
Count the rows/fields of the collection
Is that number consistent with the desired/expected format of your data?
If not, have the bot go back into the Excel Worksheet and reformat the cells by removing any carriage returns/line breaks/whatever else
However, I'm always reluctant to reformat any original source, as it's then hard to figure out what wrong and where it went wrong when you've changed the original structure of your data. So it's best to always make a copy of the Worksheet before you make any manipulation.
Unfortunately I don't have access to my BP environment at the moment or I'd provide you with the act object actions you'd need to do any of this, my bad. Once I do I'll update this answer.


Can I copy an ENTIRE Excel sheet and paste to another Excel spreadsheet using Power Automate. (Sharepoint)

I am working from SharePoint.
I would like to COPY AN ENTIRE Excel Sheet-A from Spreadsheet A and Paste it into another Sheet, Sheet-B on Spreadsheet B using Microsoft Power Automate.
Some important things to note:
Sheet-A does not have column names (I know).
There are no Key values or Key Columns. Just random information.
Is there a way to go about this?
Unfortunately PowerAutomate really wants you to have your information in a table if you want to move or manipulate the data and wouldn't it be so useful to have a "Duplicate Sheet" function and copy n paste of individual cells.
If your sheet with the random data happened to be in a single large table, then this may work by apply to each item when navigating the underlying table.

How to create a macro in word to import multiple tables from excel?

Frequently in my job I need to generate reports with lots of tables of inputs and results. Especially for the result tables, one change in analysis may require editing a dozen spreadsheets. I'd like to create a macro in word that pulls in data from a spreadsheet, with each table on it's own tab, so that if I update any of those tables in excel the word document tables will also update. Given the number of tables/data points, I don't want to have to tell the macro to pull each single data point. The aim would be to reduce time and errors from manual entry.
I'm thinking this would involve the following steps, but not sure how to go about them:
1) Define the name/size for each table in word with matching name/size in excel
2) Tell the macro to pull the data into a table format
I'm not sure if this is possible as so far I've only seen how to insert a caption or a text box, not insert or update entire tables. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Depending on what you're doing, you may not even need any VBA code.
If you copy a range from Excel and paste it into Word using Paste Special with the 'paste link' option, any subsequent changes in the Excel range will automatically be reflected in the document when the workbook is saved. And, if you name the range in Excel before copying/pasting, the Word content will expend/contract to reflect changes in the named range's scope in Excel. A variety of paste formats is supported.
Alternatively, you might use a DATABASE field in Word.

Workaround for either my approach or the 256 character limit in Excel VBA

My problem is as follows, I have a workbook with (to begin with) 2 worksheets, the first (called WIP) acts as a form of data entry, each new occurrence of the BoM requires an insertion of 4 columns which happens to the left of the existing columns. At the same time a new worksheet is created based on a copy of the existing second worksheet (called FitOut) which pulls various bits of a data from the first worksheet based mainly upon the version of the BoM selected and the supplier referenced.
Of course adding new columns to the WIP sheet causes the functions, arrays and formulas in the sheets to automatically update, I had used a quick workaround by using some code to hold and then paste the new occurrences data into the worksheet which is created at the start of the macro, however the formulas have become slightly complex (due to the need to look for the previous 4 occurrences and return values based on specific cell locations) that the 256 character limit has been completely shot ( I think I'm over 800 on some bits).
I've very limited as to the layout of the WIP sheet, and the sheet needs to be fairly idiot proof (hence macros, buttons etc) but it needs to run well...
ANy and all suggestions/help would be much appreciated.
I have put an example of the formula I am trying to use, if it can be condensed further pleas let me know:

Unable to move / delete rows in shared workbook - Not enough resources

this one's a bit of a painful one so thank you for your help and patience with me.
We have an Excel spreadsheet that we use as a master file for our website products. As such there are quite a few sheets and quite a few products on each running along side some macros to provide some extra functionality (turning entered data into HTML for product page, etc).
My issue is that one of our most used spreadsheets has become a trouble in that it has some phantom formatting all the way down to the millionth-and-something row and all the way across, causing the last cell to be the very last cell possible.
The issue that has finally popped up as a result is that we can no longer move rows in, out or around the sheet (a required functionality) as it results in an 'out of resources error'.
I've tried:
Highlight all rows below used range to right-click> delete - Results in runtime error (from macro)
Highlighting large chunks of rows and using Clear All - Resulted in the 38MB file bloating to 380MB
Deleting a chunk of rows at a time - Maxed out at 1,000 before it caused Excel to crash
Moving to new spreadsheet - Broke all our macros (which I did not write and am not proficient enough to fix on a new sheet)
Disabling macros and trying the above options, only marginally more efficient but still out of resources
I'm at my wits end on this one and, while we can continue with most day-to-day functions, we will soon be completely unable to use this particular sheet as we need it at all.
I'm wondering if there might be a way to run a VBA script to remove these rows, potentially one by one? I've tried running a short script that went something like rows[960,1000000].Delete (forgive my terrible VBA markup), but this also resulted in not enough resources errors.
I'm wondering if there's anything like:
row = 960;
Continuing, the runtime error debug points me to the below if statement within the macro:
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Where Target is the variable passed to the sub.
Which strikes me as very odd because my (limited) understanding of VBA and IF's in general simply recognizes that 'if my selection is larger than 1 (row?), do not run this code..
Thanks again in advance.
Use this method only if you don't have any links into or out of the sheet that will get broken. Also might have Sql connections that might get broken. Might need to disable macros. There are many possible problems with this approach. Use at your own risk.
Note the exact "Name" and "(Name)" of the sheet; Look in the VBA code window at the properties for the sheet. "Name" is the name displayed on the worksheet tab. "(Name)" is the code name visible only in the properties window.
Make a list of range names on the sheet.
Copy the data to a new sheet.
Copy any macros to the new sheet.
Delete the old sheet.
Rename the "Name" and "(Name)" of the new sheet the same as the old one.
Recreate range names.
A better method if you don't have too many formats:
Disable macros and set calculation to manual. This avoids recalculating while doing your delete operation.
Select entire sheet and clear formats.
Delete all rows below your data.
Redo your formatting. Select entire column (not just used area) to apply format if applicable.
It is important to remove formatting on the entire sheet from A1 to the end. Otherwise you'll get the bloat you mentioned. Just that step may solve your problem. If not then proceed with removing all the rows below the data. This should not cause file size bloat.

Transform and load a large CSV to multiple worksheets in one Excel file

Back Story:
NEW PROJECT FROM MANAGEMENT: I have been given a soft project from my boss to evaluate one of our current ETL plans to look for room for improvement in the process, and I am looking for guidance.
MOTIVE: Excel is currently being used and crashes quite often during the process due to file size.
TASK: Every month an analyst receives a large csv file from a survey vendor containing up to 750 columns (not all unique names) with over 15,000 rows to simply transform a large csv file into an excel file with seven worksheets broken up based on the column headings in the csv. Details of how it is broken up is below.
My question is one large csv being transformed into an edited excel file with multiple worksheets any easier or quicker using VB.NET and VS2010 or VBA for that matter, or would using Excel be the simplilest way to continue this process? I am an Expert Excel user but I am still very much a beginner to intermediate at coding in VBA, VB.NET or any other language.
Detailed Question:
I am open to using free or open source software, but I am most familiar with VB.NET and Excel and Excel-VBA. I have played around a bit coding a simple windows form application to load the csv into a datatable using similar TextFieldParser code found here. I have thought of loading it into an array or even a 2d array to more easily edit the column headings and find the duplicate column headings. The datatable option still leaves me with more questions than answers because I need unique column headings and not sure if I should bother with a datatable if I'm going to just write an excel file right away. I tried CSVreader from CodeProject won't work on files with duplicate header names. I feel as though I am having writers block as I am not sure which direction I should take handle such a process. Any input you can provide will be much appreciated, and I apologize if this question does not have a single and clear best answer, Thanks.
Current Analyst tasks using excel
The current analytical plan has said analyst to open the csv in excel, insert a row above row 1 and use a vlookup to replace the 'New' column names with the 'Old' column names based on a simple two column lookup table on a separate worksheet. For example
New becomes Old
"org-name" becomes "org_name" or
"item_1_Vendor" becomes "item_1" or
"date-created_Survey" becomes "date_created"
etc...checking all sent "New" columns against the list of all possible 750 columns.
Then they paste values of the first row and then delete the 2nd row which contained the New headings we want to change.
Then the analyst has to fix the primary key on the file which is called "sid".
The Survey ID field (sid) should have a number for each row of the data file. Sometimes the sid shows up under the sid_HCAHPS or the sid_CGCAHPS fields instead.
The analyst would insert a column next to the "sid" field and put a formula in it like this, for example:
Actual cell references would change but in the example excel formula,
Once the newly created primary key column is made and filled without blanks, we can delete the original "sid" column.
The next step is to check the columns because there may be a redundant HCAHPS section of columns (due to a second survey being sent and then returned- coded as Wave 2), delete second set of columns "sid_HCAHPS" through "language"
Next is the largest alteration because we have setup a system where we send this information to our database admins in the form of a seven worksheet excel file to be loaded by an MS Access Query that creates a table from each sheet that gets loaded into our proprietary business intelligence software. All Done!!
Is your question, "can automate our current analyst tasks?" -If so, then yes.
You could use the streamreader class to get data from your csv
Then store it either in an array as you mentioned or use the *list class
Once you've got all your data stored you'll need to automate excel, this is quite straight forward but here's a link to get you started with that as well:
With the list class you can create a list of custom objects using either classes or structures. eg.
We define a structure:
Structure rowOfData
Public intPrimaryKey as Integer
Public strIceCreamName as String
Public decPrice as Decimal
End Structure
We can then create a rowOfData and add properties to it:
Dim iceCream1 as rowOfData
iceCream1.intPrimaryKey = 1
iceCream1.strIceCreamName = "Mr Whippy"
iceCream1.decPrice = 0.99
We create a list with:
Dim listOfIceCreams as New List(of rowOfData)
And add to it like this:
And access the members of the list like this:
listOfIceCreams(0).decPrice 'gives us the price of the ice Cream that was added to the list first.
There are also a lot of other useful methods that lists have which arrays don't. You could have a look through that msdn list class link to see if anything jumps out at you that you might need