How to include *_test.go files in HTML coverage reports - testing

I would like to know if there is a way that I can generate an HTML coverage report that also includes statements covered on the tests themselves.
Regarding the merits of doing such a thing, I would like to see that my tests are as useful as the rest of my code. I've become accustomed to including my test code coverage in python and this is something I find helpful.
Update for clarification:
People seem to think I'm talking about testing my tests. I'm not. I just want to see that the statements in my tests are definitely being hit in the HTML coverage report. For example, code coverage on a function in my application might show me that everything's been hit, but it won't necessarily show me that every boundary has been tested. Seeing statements lit up in my test sources show me that I wrote my test well enough. Yes, better factored code shouldn't be so complex as to need that assurance, but sometimes things just aren't better.

I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind this.
Unit tests, especially in Go, should be simple and straight-forward enough that by just reading them you should be able to spot if a statement is useless.
If that is not the case, maybe you are implementing your unit tests in a way that is too complicated?
If that is the case, I can recommend checking table-driven tests for most cases (not suited for most concurrency-heavy code or methods that depend a lot on manipulating the state, though) as well as trying out TDD (test-driven development).
By using TDD, instead of building your tests in order to try to cover all of your code, you would be writing simple tests that simply validate the specs of your code.

You don't write tests for your tests. Where does it end at that point if you do? Those tests for tests aren't covered. You'll need to write tests for your tests for your tests. But wait! Those tests for your tests for your tests don't have coverage so you better write tests for your tests for your tests for your tests.


Can BDD be done "after"?

Unit testing is a practice of writing code tests. TDD is the practice of writing them "before". BDD is the practice of writing behavior/spec driven tests. Can I write BDD "after" or do I have to do it always "before"?
If you write BDD "after", and it's not BDD, then what it is called?
By definition of Behaviour Driven Development, you cannot write the behaviour tests after the code, however that does not mean that doing so isn't useful. You may get more benefit from writing the spec tests first, but they are still useful as regression system tests for your application. So while you're technically not practicing BDD, writing these tests is a good idea. One of the big perks of BDD is that it guides the development of the particular behaviour, so you are losing a lot of value by adding them later, but they still serve some use.
This is the same as writing unit tests after the code in TDD. It's technically not TDD, but having the tests is obviously still useful.
Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is a variation of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and just like with TDD you should write your tests first.
Some people call BDD for TDD done right, or the way it was intended. Also, you could say that BDD is a mix of Domain-Driven Development (DDD) and TDD.
BDD after development is not BDD, and it is a case of validation rather than specification.
However as the other guys mentioned, it does not mean that adding in an acceptance test suite after-the-fact has no value. You will be building a suite of regression acceptance tests that validate behaviour, before proceeding with further development (large refactoring jobs or new features being added).
From experience I would say if you are to do this task, it is best that the key developers who wrote the production code stay well away from writing the acceptance tests (hopefully in the form of Gherkin scripts); and those that are writing them go back to the original requirements documentation (if any) and most definitely collaborate with some of the stakeholders in doing so. This will help make sure that the acceptance tests you write are closer to specification.
I like the observation that BDD-After is simply a case of writing validation. I also appreciate the comments that a developer doing BDD-After misses some of the other benefits of BDD-As-You-Go. One point that seems worth adding is that writing a secenario/test before the implementation and then having the test pass is also a type of validation that the test itself is sound. Writing a passing test for a feature that already works (BDD-After) may leave a developer wondering if their test will "fail appropriately" should a feature get broken.

The value of test code coverage tools

We've started using Part Cover to track test code coverage of our application. IMO its a great tool for getting an overall score for your tests and for highlighting test areas where you might have been a bit lazy with tests, but today I wrote a test and realised that it didn't really test anything useful, it just increased my coverage!
If you are TDD, then you only write code to pass a test, and the tests are richly describing all the functionality required by the application. So in this scenario is it still very valuable to have coverage analysis?
For those of you that have coverage tools, how religiously do you adhere to keeping the coverage at 100% and do you ever find yourself writing tests that don't really test anything, but just to keep your coverage up? Isn't this a bad thing ?
Coverage tools should only be used to tell you what has not been tested. The scenario you pointed out illustrates why you can't rely on them to show you what code has been tested. Writing tests just so the coverage is 100% is pointless (as you suspected), and it's so easy to game that this isn't really a useful metric. I used to try and stay at or near 100%, but I came to the same conclusion that you did. I was writing tests that didn't really test anything just so the numbers were right. Use the tools to spot areas that you haven't tested yet, then write good tests or accept the fact that those parts of the code aren't critical.
I'll play devil's advocate: if increasing your coverage meant writing a test that "didn't test anything useful," then why was that code there? To me, this would be an argument to remove some mainline code.
Or to develop a test that does do something useful. For example, you may consider that it's not useful to test setters and getters. Neither do I. However, those methods should be tested while testing something else. Otherwise, again, why are they there?
But you raise a good point that coverage tools should not be an end in themselves. Especially since they can't tell you what code you need to write.
I've gone into more detail here:
If you're doing pure TDD, there's less value to code coverage because as you say, you only write code from tests so you should be at around 100% anyway. but then, it's probably pretty rare (and at times not possible) to be doing it so purely.
if you aren't doing pure TDD, 100% is a pretty unrealistic target anyway. I usually try to go for Roy Osherove's method and only test things with logic (e.g. not straight getters/setter or pass-throughs). But then, higher is always better, and it can be tempting to put a couple more tests in there to increase that coverage..!
Good rationalisation ;) But we are human after all, and I for one sleep much better at night knowing that an untested method or path hasn't made it into production.

How to plan for whitebox testing

I'm relatively new to the world of WhiteBox Testing and need help designing a test plan for 1 of the projects that i'm currently working on. At the moment i'm just scouting around looking for testable pieces of code and then writing some unit tests for that. I somehow feel that is by far not the way it should be done. Please could you give me advice as to how best prepare myself for testing this project? Any tools or test plan templates that I could use? THe language being used is C++ if it'll make difference.
One of the goals of white-box testing is to cover 100% (or as close as possible) of the code statements. I suggest finding a C++ code coverage tool so that you can see what code your tests execute and what code you have missed. Then design tests so that as much code as possible is tested.
Another suggestion is to look at boundary conditions in if statments, for loops, while loops etc. and test these for any 'gray' areas, false positives and false negatives.
You could also design tests to look at the life cycle of important variables. Test their definition, their usage and their destruction to make sure they are being used correctly :)
There's three ideas to get you started. Good luck
At the moment i'm just scouting around looking for testable pieces of code and then writing some unit tests for that. I somehow feel that is by far not the way it should be done.
People say that one of the main benefits of 'test driven development' is that it ecourages you to design your components with testability in mind: it makes your components more testable.
My personal (non-TDD) approach is as follows:
Understand the functionality required and implemented: both 'a priori' (i.e. by reading/knowing the software functional specification), and by reading the source code to reverse-engineer the functionality
Implement black box tests for all the implemented/required functionality (see for example 'Should one test internal implementation, or only test public behaviour?').
My testing therefore isn't quite 'white box', except that I reverse-engineer the functionality being tested. I then test that reverse-engineered functionality, and avoid having any useless (and therefore untested) code. I could (but don't often) use a code coverage tool to see how much of the source code is exercised by the black box tests.
Try "Working Effectively with Legacy Code":
It's relevant since by 'legacy' he means code that has no tests. It's also a rather good book.
Relevant tools are: and
There may be other unit test and mock frameworks, but I have familiarity with these and I recommend them highly.

How to use automation for testing application involving highly complex calculations?

I want to following things for testing a application involving complex calculations:
How to use test automation tools for testing calculations?(using automation tools like QTP or open source tools)
How to decide coverage while testing calculations, how to design test cases?
Thanks in advance,
We had to test some really complex calculations in an application we built. To do this we used a tool call FitNesse, which is a wiki test harness (and open source too). It works really well when you provide it data in a table style format.
We had some code in C# that perform some VERY complex calculations. So what we did is wrote a test harness in FitNesse, and then we supplied it with a lot of test data. We worked very hard to cover all cases, so we utilized a sort of internal truth-table to ensure we were getting every possible combination of data input.
The FitNesse test harness has been invaluable to us as the complexity of the calculations has changed over time due to changing requirements. We've been able to ensure the correctness of the calculations because our FitNesse tests act as a very nice regression suite.
Sometimes, you have to estimate the expected conclusion, and then populate the test case from a run of the program.
It's not so much of a mortal sin, as long as you're convinced it's correct. Those tests will then let you know immediately if a code change breaks the code. Also, if you're testing a subset, it's not that big of a stretch of trust.
And for coverage? Cover every branch at least once (that is, any if or loop statements). Cover every threshold, both sides of it (for integer division that would be -1, 0, and 1 as denominators). Then add a few more in for good measure.
To test existing code, you should assume that the code is (mostly) correct. So you just give it some data, run it and record the result. Then use that recorded result in a test case.
When you do the next change, your output should change too and the test will fail. Compare the new result with what you'd have expected. If there is a discrepancy, then you're missing something -> write another test to figure out what is going on.
This way, you can build expertise about an unknown system.
When you ask for coverage, I assume that you can't create coverage data for the actual calculations. In this case, just make sure that all calculations are executed and feed them with several inputs. That should give you an idea how to proceed.

When/how frequently should I test?

As a novice developer who is getting into the rhythm of my first professional project, I'm trying to develop good habits as soon as possible. However, I've found that I often forget to test, put it off, or do a whole bunch of tests at the end of a build instead of one at a time.
My question is what rhythm do you like to get into when working on large projects, and where testing fits into it.
Well, if you want to follow the TDD guys, before you start to code ;)
I am very much in the same position as you. I want to get more into testing, but I am currently in a position where we are working to "get the code out" rather than "get the code out right" which scares the crap out of me. So I am slowly trying to integrate testing processes in my development cycle.
Currently, I test as I code, trying to bust the code as I write it. I do find it hard to get into the TDD mindset.. Its taking time, but that is the way I would want to work..
I thought I should probably expand on this, this is my basic "working process"...
Plan what I want from the code,
possible object design, whatever.
Create my first class, add a huge comment to the top outlining
what my "vision" for the class is.
Outline the basic test scenarios.. These will basically
become the unit tests.
Create my first method.. Also writing a short comment explaining
how it is expected to work.
Write an automated test to see if it does what I expect.
Repeat steps 4-6 for each method (note the automated tests are in a huge list that runs on F5).
I then create some beefy tests to emulate the class in the working environment, obviously fixing any issues.
If any new bugs come to light following this, I then go back and write the new test in, make sure it fails (this also serves as proof-of-concept for the bug) then fix it..
I hope that helps.. Open to comments on how to improve this, as I said it is a concern of mine..
Before you check the code in.
First and often.
If I'm creating some new functionality for the system I'll be looking to initially define the interfaces and then write unit tests for those interfaces. To work out what tests to write consider the API of the interface and the functionality it provides, get out a pen and paper and think for a while about potential error conditions or ways to prove that it is doing the correct job. If this is too difficult then it's likely that your API isn't good enough.
In regards to the tests, see if you can avoid writing "integration" tests that test more than one specific object and keep them as "unit" test.
Then create a default implementation of your interface (that does nothing, returns rubbish values but doesn't throw exceptions), plug it into the tests to make sure that the tests fail (this tests that your tests work! :) ). Then write in the functionality and re-run the tests.
This mechanism isn't perfect but will cover a lot of simple coding mistakes and provide you with an opportunity to run your new feature without having to plug it into the entire application.
Following this you then need to test it in the main application with the combination of existing features.
This is where testing is more difficult and if possible should be partially outsourced to good QA tester as they'll have the knack of breaking things. Although it helps if you have these skills too.
Getting testing right is a knack that you have to pick up to be honest. My own experience comes from my own naive deployments and the subsequent bugs that were reported by the users when they used it in anger.
At first when this happened to me I found it irritating that the user was intentionally trying to break my software and I wanted to mark all the "bugs" down as "training issues". However after reflecting on it I realised that it is our role (as developers) to make the application as simple and reliable to use as possible even by idiots. It is our role to empower idiots and thats why we get paid the dollar. Idiot handling.
To effectively test like this you have to get into the mindset of trying to break everything. Assume the mantle of a user that bashes the buttons and generally attempts to destroy your application in weird and wonderful ways.
Assume that if you don't find flaws then they will be discovered in production to your companies serious loss of face. Take full responsibility for all of these issues and curse yourself when a bug you are responsible (or even part responsible) for is discovered in production.
If you do most of the above then you should start to produce much more robust code, however it is a bit of an art form and requires a lot of experience to be good at.
A good key to remember is
"Test early, test often and test again, when you think you are done"
When to test? When it's important that the code works correctly!
When hacking something together for myself, I test at the end. Bad practice, but these are usually small things that I'll use a few times and that's it.
On a larger project, I write tests before I write a class and I run the tests after every change to that class.
I test constantly. After I finish even a loop inside of a function, I run the program and hit a breakpoint at the top of the loop, then run through it. This is all just to make sure that the process is doing exactly what I want it to.
Then, once a function is finished, you test it in it's entirety. You probably want to set a breakpoint just before the function is called, and check your debugger to make sure that it works perfectly.
I guess I would say: "Test often."
I've only recently added unit testing to my regular work flow but I write unit tests:
to express the requirements for each new code module (right after I write the interface but before writing the implementation)
every time I think "it had better ... by the time I'm done"
when something breaks, to quantify the bug and prove that I've fixed it
when I write code which explicitly allocates or deallocates memory---I loath hunting for memory leaks...
I run the tests on most builds, and always before running the code.
Start with unit testing. Specifically, check out TDD, Test Driven Development. The concept behind TDD is you write the unit tests first, then write your code. If the test fails, you go back and re-work your code. If it passes, you move on to the next one.
I take a hybrid approach to TDD. I don't like to write tests against nothing, so I usually write some of the code first, then put the unit tests in. It's an iterative process, one which you're never really done with. You change the code, you run your tests. If there's any failures, fix and repeat.
The other sort of testing is integration testing, which comes along later in the process, and might typically be done by a QA testing team. In any case, integration testing addresses the need to test the pieces as a whole. It's the working product you're concerned with testing. This one is more difficult to deal with b/c it usually involves having automated testing tools (like Robot, for ex.).
Also, take a look at a product like CruiseControl.NET to do continuous builds. CC.NET is nice b/c it will run your unit tests with each build, notifying you immediately of any failures.
We don't do TDD here (though some have advocated it), but our rule is that you're supposed to check your unit tests in with your changes. It doesn't always happen, but it's easy to go back and look at a specific changeset and see whether or not tests were written.
I find that if I wait until the end of writing some new feature to test, I forget many of the edge cases that I thought might break the feature. This is ok if you are doing things to learn for yourself, but in a professional environment, I find my flow to be the classic form of: Red, Green, Refactor.
Red: Write your test so that it fails. That way you know the test is asserting against the correct variable.
Green: Make your new test pass in the easiest way possible. If that means hard-coding it, that's ok. This is great for those that just want something to work right away.
Refactor: Now that your test passes, you can go back and change your code with confidence. Your new change broke your test? Great, your change had an implication you didn't realize, now your test is telling you.
This rhythm has made me speed my development over time because I basically have a history compiler for all the things I thought that needed to be checked in order for a feature to work! This, in turn, leads to many other benefits, that I won't get to here...
Lots of great answers here!
I try to test at the lowest level that makes sense:
If a single computation or conditional is difficult or complex, add test code while you're writing it and ensure each piece works. Comment out the test code when you're done, but leave it there to document how you tested the algorithm.
Test each function.
Exercise each branch at least once.
Exercise the boundary conditions -- input values at which the code changes its behavior -- to catch "off by one" errors.
Test various combinations of valid and invalid inputs.
Look for situations that might break the code, and test them.
Test each module with the same strategy as above.
Test the body of code as a whole, to ensure the components interact properly. If you've been diligent about lower-level testing, this is essentially a "confidence test" to ensure nothing broke during assembly.
Since most of my code is for embedded devices, I pay particular attention to robustness, interaction between various threads, tasks, and components, and unexpected use of resources: memory, CPU, filesystem space, etc.
In general, the earlier you encounter an error, the easier it is to isolate, identify, and fix it--and the more time you get to spend creating, rather than chasing your tail.*
**I know, -1 for the gratuitous buffer-pointer reference!*