Sortable.js Bugs when using in Swiper.js - swiper.js

When using a sortable.js List in a Swiper.js Instance, manipulating the list wont work anymore.
I've tried to set
swiper.noSwiping = true;
But the bug stays the same. Here is a Codepen that let's you easily reproduce the problem.

I found out that
swiper.allowTouchMove = false;
fixes the problem. You need to change slides via the swiper api afterwards.


wxGrid - RefreshBlock Undocumented Member Function

In order to refresh a part of the grid, i.e., when font or alignment changes, I was using the following approach:
wxRect rect1=CellToRect(TopLeft);
wxRect rect2=CellToRect(BottomRight);
wxRect r(rect1.GetTopLeft(), rect2.GetBottomRight());
This was refreshing only a part of the intended block and was not working correctly.
From the suggestions of intellisense I came across RefreshBlock function and it works correctly. I searched the docs and have not found any information on it. I wonder if it is not recommended to use RefreshBlock for some reason? What does RefreshBlock do, does it refresh a block (as the name suggests) or is it equivalent to Refresh?
I am using wxWidgets 3.2 on Win10.
Thanks in advance.
The function RefreshBlock() is indeed the best way to do what you want and it was only undocumented by mistake, i.e. we simply forgot to do it. I've added documentation for it only now, so it will only get included in 3.2.1, but you can still use it in your code, the function itself is available since 3.1.3.
It seems from the source code that, depending on the location of its parameters, RefreshBlock refreshes any of the following:
corner grid
frozen cols grid
frozen rows grid
main grid
Since the area I wanted to refresh was on the main grid the following approach works (the idea is similar to RefreshBlock's approach):
auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);
wxRect rect = BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR, GridWnd);
Now everything is refreshed correctly.
If only RefreshRect(rect) is called, things will NOT work as expected.
Little experiment showed that BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR) also works, therefore eliminating the need for auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);

This JSFiddle is not loading p5.js correctly

This code I have written in my JSFiddle works well in my computer, and it creates a button and loads a sketch each time I press the button. I "loaded" p5.js, p5.dom.js via CDNJS cause p5.js is not available in the javascript frameworks and extensions options. But the behaviour is not being reproduced correctly. What is wrong with it?
I tried:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
You've got a few things going on here. First of all you should really fix your HTML. You've got mismatched and illegal tags all over the place. Please try to fix all of these problems, and properly format your HTML while you're at it.
It also seems pretty strange that you're trying to mix instance and global mode. Why do you have a setup() and mousePressed() function outside of the sketch function, and another setup() function inside the sketch function? What do you expect that to do?
To fix those problems, you need to choose either instance or global mode. This might require you to rewrite some of your code, but your goal should be to make everything consistent instead of using two different modes in one sketch.

Safari Extension: "on install" event?

I am developing an extension for Safari 6 and I want to set some default values for my settings. These default values depend on window.navigator.language, so setting them in Settings.plist does not the trick – I need to run some JS code to set them.
Obviously, this code should only run once right after install. And it shouldn't run after simply reenabling the extension.
Is there an "official" event that I can attach a function with addEventlistener to? Or do I really need the trick with setting a helper variable?
There is no official event that I know of. But it's pretty easy to do something like this in your global page:
if (!safari.extension.settings.hasRun) {
safari.extension.settings.hasRun = true;
safari.extension.settings.lang = window.navigator.language;

Removing Directions markers from the Google Maps API V3

To remove a normal marker from a map, I understand you simply call marker.setMap(null), but when implementing the Google Maps directions services, it automatically adds markers A and B onto the map ( calculating directions from point A to point B ). I do not have control over these markers, so I cannot remove them in the normal way. So how can I remove these markers (I have custom markers on the map instead)?
Set the suppressMarkers option to true when creating your DirectionsRenderer object and then the markers won't show up. You could also change the style or icon of the markers. See the API spec for DirectionsRendererOptions for other properties you can set.
directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressMarkers: true});
EDIT: It looks like the API changed a little bit since my original answer almost 6 years ago, so the answer from #joni-jones is now the correct way. I tweaked my example above to reflect that.
I had a similar problem. The previous solution did not help me. But I tried this:
var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressMarkers: true}); And it's work.

How to stop firefox from downloading and applying CSS via a firefox extension?

Thanks to everyone in advance -
So I have been banging on this issue for quite a while now and have burned through all my options. My current approach to canceling css requests is with nsIRequest.cancel inside of nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. This works most of the time, except when things are a little laggy a few will slip through and jump out of the loadgroup before I can get to them. This is obviously a dirty solution.
I have read through the following links to try and get a better idea of how to disable css before a nsIRequest is dice.'s_Eye_View_of_the_Mozilla_Framework
How do I disable css via presentation objects/interfaces? Is this possible? Inside of nsIDocShell there are a few attributes that kind of imply you can disable css via the browsers docshell - allowPlugins, allowJavascript, allowMetaRedirects, allowSubframes, allowImages.
Any suggestions?
The menu option that disables style sheets uses a function
so you probably can just call this function whenever new browser tab is created. Style sheets are still requested from server, but not applied. This function is not very sophisticated and doesn't mess with nsIRequest, source:
function setStyleDisabled(disabled) {
getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled = disabled;
Digging in Web Developer Toolbar source code I have noticed that their "disable stylesheets" function loops trough all document.styleSheets and sets the disabled property to true, like:
/* if DOM content is loaded */
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for(var i in sheets){ sheets[i].disabled = true; }
So if the key is to not apply CSS to pages, one of the above solutions should work. But if you really need to stop style sheets from being downloaded from servers, I'm affraid nsIRequest interception is your only option.
Set permissions.default.stylesheet to 2 and voilà!
You can actually use the permissions manager to block or allow stylesheets on a host-by-host basis.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a simple flag like allowImages. The bugzilla adding for that is You can now vote for it using the new bugzilla voting functionality. You can also add yourself to the CC list to be notified if anyone ever works on it.
A related request is to just give us basic HTML parsing support, which may be what you are trying to do. Unfortunately that isn't supported yet either, but you can vote/track the bugzilla for that at
So the only workable solution seems to be some sort of interception as #pawal suggests. Here is a link that talks about the basics of interception to at least get you/us started It lists several options that I list below.
These first few seem to just be at the page/document level so I don't think they help:
Load Events (addEventListener load)
Web Progress Listeners (nsIWebProgressListener) - I tried this approach, it only seems to be called for the page itself, not for content within the page.
Document Loader Service - A global version of nsIWebProgressListener so I think it has the same problem (page level only)
That leaves two others I have not tried yet. They work globally so you would need to filter them to just the browser/pages you care about.
HTTP Observers - Seems like it might work, need to verify it calls back for CSS
Content Policy - Seems like the best option to me since it explicitly is called for CSS, someday I hope to try it :)