Google Domain forward to Digital Ocean linux server, running Apache2 subfolder, and display domain as root - apache

I've been googling for a bit now, and I really cant seem to figure this out. I recently bought a domain name with google domains, that I wish to point to a sub domain on my web-server, (example), while apearing as
Right now I have forwarding to which kind of gets what I need done, but I wish for the URL to say, instead of the ip address of the server.
Now I've been looking around and I've found things mentioning things from creating records to .htaccess files, and honestly I'm completely lost.
If someone could point me to a straightforward guide or give me a list of steps to follow, I can do it myself, but currently I am just lost.

This really belongs on since it isn't programming...
That said, what you need to do is set up a DNS A record pointing your domain name to your IP address. Add a second one to handle
Then, on the webserver, configure it to respond to that name and serve content out of the directory you specify (the apache webserver calls this the DocumentRoot - you may want to look up apache virtual hosts .... )


Virtual server on virtualmin keeps redirecting to wrong website

I have created a virtual server say but when I access the site (via editing my hosts file on Windows 7, cos I have a live running on the Internet), it brings me to my other virtual server's site I have, like
Why is that? I don't have any redirection running. Not in my script files (like html or php) and no redirection set under "Server Configurations" -> "Website Redirects" and none at "Services" -> "Click Configure Website" -> "Aliases and Redirects." The only script files I have are fresh new WordPress installation files (under home/aaa/public_html).
How do I fix this?
Mullazman is right (thanks!). I have just had this problem after enabling the SSL on the domain A. Then, all the domains in the same installation were pointing to A.
I fixed it by editing the file located in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/A.conf and changing the first line:
Wrong line -> <VirtualHost A.B.C.D:80>
Correct line -> <VirtualHost *:80>
Had the same issue. For anyone interested it's because I had at the header of my sites-enables/ which was picking up all requests and send them to the first host.
Change it to and it started directing traffic to the correct virtual hosts.
It was triggered when I enabled SSL on, it for some reason re-wrote the config file to use IP based filtering not domain name
Try to delete browser cache with CTRL+F5,
then try again. If that doesn't help, check virtualhost configuration files -maybe there lies the problem.
The solution I found
I had the same problem ...
And I ended up with a lot of doubts ...
And I searched for a SOLUTION for this case, I hope to help ...
1 - Should the BIND have an external or internal IP in the domain? I use only one IP for all servers, and in BIND all domains are with external IP. (The question is whether it should be external or internal IP).
R = Yes, you must configure the internal IP in Virtualmin, prefer to edit the file. Only in localhost you should have
2 - Would NGINX have any configuration? How to remove IP and just put (listen *: 80) instead of (listen
R = This configuration was changed but then I had problems with DNS and I returned to use the INTERNAL IP (not the localhost) ... Normally this IP starts as: 10.1xx.xx.xx
But which configuration would work in general?
Restart these steps ...
If you still have an error ...
Back up ... And in Virtualmin settings ...
Edit Virtual Server >> Activate Features >>
He will ask for confirmation and click to confirm.
After this process is completed, return to the same option and reschedule ...
This will make it delete the old ones and put a new one.
(This works great for those who changed hosting and has old settings).
If you are importing a backup. Do not select the DNS and NGINX option ...
One tip is to create Virtual Server {your domain / site} First of all ...
And only then only import directories and databases ...
So you will not have problems with DNS and wrong redirects ...
This also occurs when the SSL certificate is not issued correctly.
Folder permissions are incorrect.
Chmod 0755 folders
0644 Files
Cheap workaround let us say our domain is
Under the BindDNS Master Zone for create a cname record I believe it is listed in webmin as Name Alias and name it
Under apache create a virtual server with the name and make sure it has the same directory as
After this is done you are golden all your websites will come up as they should!
Is it proper well maybe not.
Does it work well like a charm of course otherwise I wouldn't be sharing for some reason the way the severs are listed it defaults to the first on the list well that'll fix that there should be a method of pinning the servers or doing something to prevent such a thing from happening what a pain in the rear I spent a full day dumbfounded thinking what in the world is going on I am losing my touch.
If this helps give a like if its wrong apologies all I know is that it works.
Read the thread.
Many folks claim this is an SSL thing.
Zero people have eluded to the true method of fixing it or the proper directions to do so or if they did I'm too blind to see it.
The guy below me commenting hrmmm... Yeah browser caches for my website didn't exist on my devices I tried them on to verify that was not the problem. But yes this is a typical problem with a lot of things indeed. It is the only reason I have several browsers on my PC actually for that reason. For a while there there were pages that chrome would function with that IE wouldn't or Firefox would best them both. Not to mention cache is always a pita its always usually one of my steps in troubleshooting any issues with web pages. I'll even try openDNS or other DNS servers.
But holy cats I can't believe how fast DNS just updates once you got things set it makes me wonder if there is a lot of fudge in propigation when you purchase hosting being "24 -48 hours" I think there is a lot of fudge in those numbers after my experiences trying to figure out what was causing the issue here. Some servers struggle yes but for the most part it was pretty instant for me.
In my case it happened after creating SSL certificate, I forgot to do:
Edit Virtual Server -> Enable Apache SSL Website

Why is Apache redirecting all domains without a .conf file to one particular domain?

My company has a LAMP server, and I am not an expert at web hosting but I manage basic tasks.
My server currently hosts about twelve different domains. Each domain has a .conf file in the sites-enabled directory, and they work fine. Let's say we have,, and, just to hopefully help explain this question.
Recently, a person I work with registered a bunch of new domains. With the domain registrar, they pointed the domains to our IP address. I believe this is called "parking" a domain. I have not set up a .conf file or enabled any of these new domains on our server yet. Let's say they are,, etc...
What's puzzling to me is that if one types one of the new domains into a browser, one of our existing domain shows up. Let's say it's So, if you go to a browser and type in, or, you are taken to Also, in the address bar at the top of the browser, it will be displayed as
This is not the desired behaviour. For one thing, we did not choose, as far as I know, for to be the default, and it's not necessarily the website we would want to be the default. In any case, I don't know why the system is going to as opposed to or any of our other sites.
The desired behaviour would be for there to just be a general error, "this domain does not exist" or something like that. If there has to be a default website, we'd like to be able to choose it.
I've seen questions on Stack Oveflow that are similar, but they all presume one wants to set a default. When I look at the configuration files they reference, for example /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, they are empty, so in my case, there is nothing to unset.
How do I stop browsers from being redirected to the website that they are currently being directed to? How can I set it so that Apache just returns a "site not found" error instead of serving up a website?
The easiest way to fix this is name your .conf files starting with a number.
If you look at the default apache configs, you'll notice a file called "000-default.conf". Apache will load the files in number order - so just make your default virtual host .conf file be 000-whatever.conf.
I suppose you're using name based virtual hosts and the <VirtualHost> directive and this is what docs have to say:
If no matching name-based virtual host is found, then the first listed virtual host that matched the IP address will be used. As a consequence, the first listed virtual host for a given IP address and port combination is the default virtual host for that IP and port combination.
So when you say:
I've seen questions on Stack Oveflow that are similar, but they all
presume one wants to set a default.
... all I can add is that that's the way Apache works. I don't think it's inherently wrong to have a default host that serves a this domain does not exist page. I always do so in my Windows development box, typically by commenting out the default hosts at conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file and adding my default host there.
If you ask for my opinion, it's rather questionable that Apache basically serves an arbitrary site when there's no match, thus making this customisation mandatory—and I've seen lots of live sites that don't do it.

"yourdomain/start is not the same thing as yourIP/start in Apache"

Let's say you're trying to get a CMS up and going.
And say you're supposed to find a Start Page at ""
But you don't have a domain name yet. You only have an IP address.
So you look in "yourIPaddress/start"
(Apache is visibly running at yourIPaddress)
And you don't find anything there, just a 404 page.
And the person who installed it for you tells you: "In Apache, yourdomain/start is not the same thing as yourIP/start. Please read up on Apache server configuration to figure this out. And that's all the help I can give."
My question is: what concepts (re: Apache configuration) should I read up on so that I can find the start page?
If the ip address is not exclusive for your website then it might be shared by other websites. In that case searching for details about virtual hosts you should be able to get more info.
what you can do to get things working is add to the hosts file on your machine
and you should be able to access your website's start page from
Just remember to remove the entry from your hosts file after the actually gets pointed to your yourIPaddres by your hosting provider.

Trouble setting up a subdomain on a VPS under Ubuntu and Apache

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to servers, so I need some help. Basically, I want to have a subdomain on my VPS. I'm not too concerned where the files reside, though of course I would like them separated if possible.
I found a guide to doing this that basically sums the procedure up in five steps:
Create directories to host the content of a new virtual site.
Make a copy of the /etc/apache2/sites-available/defaults file with a site appropriate name.
Change the two /var/www/ entries to the actual directory of the new site.
Add the ServerName line with the real domain name you will be hosting.
Use a2ensite to enable the new site, and finally reload Apache2 so it knows about the new site
I tried all of this, but I can't get it to work. I didn't get any errors at any point during this process, but when I enter the address with the subdomain into my browser, I get a "Server not found" error.
The company that hosts my VPS has an admin page where I can set up subdomains. Stupid question: do I have to do reconfigure the DNS records or something while doing this, or is it likely that the problem is caused by something else?
Additional note: I followed a guide on when setting up the server, which in hindsight may not have been the brightest move on my part. It is possible that I made a mistake there that is somehow affecting me now?
Assuming you've setup the subdomain correctly in your VPS' admin page, the only thing left to check here is that you've actually created the subdomain in your DNS administration page (have you?). For example, I use to manage my DNS records and to add a subdomain, it's essentially:
Type: A
Subdomain: sparky
Destination: (this would be your VPS' IP address)
In general, you add a (sub)domain by: A
Please keep in mind that you want to add an A record (this is important!).

What is the best technique for (seo-friendly) forwarding muliple domains to one web server?

The setup is:
both actually hosted on one web server (Apache)
I have setup a hidden forward from the domains to the web server directories which works fine, however, produces duplicate content (since it is also available by addressing the web server directly). I tried setting up 301 redirects to the domains for every request that is targeting the IP address directly (using mod_rewrite),but found that this results in a forwarding loop. Obviously the server does not recognize whether the domain has been requested originally.
If anybody can give me a hint on how this is supposed to be done, I'd be glad to hear.
You can set up virtual hosting on the web-server so that it does pay attention to the hostname that was requested. This is a fairly common practice and should solve your problem. You can do away with separate subdirectories since each virtual host has its own virtual root.
So are you saying that you have pages indexed in google that reference your IP address and a directory rather than the domain name?
Also, I'm not sure why doing a redirect from the IP to the domain name would cause a redirect loop. If the redirect is based on the host header, it should work fine.