Yii2 remove form name from url parameters - yii

I use Yii2 forms and after submit my URL looks like:
As you may seem each parameter contains form name RecommendationSearch. How to remove this RecommendationSearch from parameters in order to get URL url like the following:

You need to override formName() in your RecommendationSearch model to return empty string:
public function formName() {
return '';


How can I get the value from #QueryParam

Basically what I'm trying to do is edit an entity that's stored in my db. For that I have a little method that is trying to access a paramater that's defined with #PathParam. My problem is that it comes back as null. Here is my method:
public Response edit(#PathParam("id") Long id, #QueryParam("myParam") String name)
return Response.ok().build();
I`m using Postman to send the parameter to my server. My URL looks like this:
How can I get the value from the parameter?
Try with
public Response edit(#PathParam("id") Long id, #QueryParam("myParam") String myParam) {
return Response.ok().build();
This will work. The query param and variable name will get auto bind if they are similar.

Get Query String Value in ASP.NET MVC Function

I have an ASP.NET MVC app. My views use Razor. At the top of my CSHTML file, I have the following:
public static HtmlString IsSelectedCss(string name)
string selected = ""; // Need to get value of "t" from query string
HtmlString attribute = new HtmlString("");
if (selectedTab.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
attribute = new HtmlString("class=\"active\"");
return attribute;
I need this function to examine the query string. Specifically, I need to get the value of the "t" query string parameter. My challenge is, I cannot seem to figure out how to get access to the QueryString in this function.
How do I get the value of a query string parameter in a Razor function?
The query string can be gotten from below.
You need to make your function non-static, since the querystring is part of the request.
You can then write
You should really be doing this in the controller and pushing it through the model. But if you insist, you can simply use:
<%= Request["t"] %>
But why not read it in your controller?!

Parsing URL in Yii

How to parse the Url which in the format as shown
Want to get rid of the special characters %2Fand put / instead . I have shared a link of an article to facebook
but when i access this link from facebook it comes in the format as mentioned above and the content is not properly accessed in Yii.How can i write the pattern to access this kind of url in yii
Maybe you can directly decode your $_GET in your index.php file, something like:
$_GET = array_map('urldecode', $_GET);
Please be aware the above doesn't work with nested arrays, so you need to create a more in depth recursive function like (not tested though) :
function urldecodeArray($strArr){
if (!is_string($strArr) && !is_array($strArr)) {
return $strArr;
if(is_string($strArr)) {
return urldecode($strArr);
foreach ($strArr as $key=>$value) {
$strArr[$key] = urldecodeArray($value);
return $strArr;
$_GET = urldecodeArray($_GET);
You can just to use urldecode() function

Specifyng a default message for Html.ValidationMessageFor in ASP.NET MVC4

I want to display an asterisk (*) next to a text box in my form when initially displayed (GET)
Also I want to use the same view for GET/POST when errors are present) so For the GET request
I pass in an empty model such as
return View(new Person());
Later, when the form is submitted (POST), I use the data annotations, check the model state and
display the errors if any
Html.ValidationMessageFor(v => v.FirstName)
For GET request, the model state is valid and no messages, so no asterisk gets displayed.
I am trying to workaround this by checking the request type and just print asterisk.
#(HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod == "GET"? "*" : Html.ValidationMessageFor(v=> v.FirstName).ToString())
The problem is that Html.ValidationMessageFor(v=> v.FirstName).ToString() is already encoded
and I want to get the raw html from Html.ValidationMessageFor(v=> v.FirstName)
Or may be there is a better way here.
1. How do you display default helpful messages (next to form fields) - such as "Please enter IP address in the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format) for GET requests and then display the errors if any for the post?
2. What is the best way from a razor perspective to check an if condition and write a string or the MvcHtmlString
Further to my last comment, here is how I would create that helper to be used:
public static class HtmlValidationExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageForCustom<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> helper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, string customString)
var returnedString = HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod == "GET" ? customString : helper.ValidationMessageFor(expression).ToString();
return MvcHtmlString.Create(returnedString);
And it would be used like this #Html.ValidationMessageForCustom(v=> v.FirstName, "Please enter IP address in the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format")

send parameters to actionIndex in Yii controllers

I want to send a sql string for index action in Yii controller? something for example:
I tried it and changed actionIndex() to actionIndex($id) but Yii gave me
error 400 : Your request is invalid.
Is it possible or I have to define another action ?
no you don't need to do that, receive the id as the normal request parameter inside your action method
public function actionIndex(){
$id = $_GET['id'];
your can get parameter as follows.
$key = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('your_parameter_name');
and also you can get all the parameters from
$allParam = Yii::app()->getRequest()->restParams
actionIndex($id = 0)
in your staff controller