How can I set up TestCafe to run on an environment specified in the CLI? - testing

How can I set up TestCafe to run on an environment specified in the CLI?
For example
testcafe chrome test.js --env=development
I want to set up a list of different environments - such as development, integration, etc - in which I can call in the CLI when running the tests.
Is there a default set-up of this in the config?
Does anyone have an example?

TEST_ENV=development npm run test:firefox
Above is the command to run test.
Use this environment variable via process.env.Test_ENV, wherever you need to pass 'development' or any other environment as value. The script,
"scripts": {
"test:firefox": "testcafe firefox ./tests"}


“ERROR Unable to find the browser. “saucelabs:Chrome#83.0:Windows10” is not a browser alias or path to an executable file

I am trying to run my UI test using testcafe and saucelabs. I am facing this above error. Currently I am using testcafe v1.8.3 and testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs v1.7.0
I have tried changing versions of browser provider also but still facing the above error. Pls help out with a solution for this as i am stuck with it for more than a week
So, it looks like the runner you are using (testcafe-browser-provider) is a very old one, there is a new runner you can use for testcafe tests called saucectl.
Install saucectl globally npm install -g saucectl
Set up saucectl within your project folder with saucectl init This will create a .sauce/config.yml file
Tweak the settings to run the spec files and OS/ browser of your choice
Use saucectl run
You can see an example proj here:
It looks like your provider is installed locally, while you are using the global TestCafe installation. You also need to install TestCafe locally or both packages globally. After this, check your browser provider: testcafe -b saucelabs.
I am using testcafe v1.8.3 and testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs v1.7.0
Please update your testcafe and testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs versions to the latest ones.

How to pass in custom parameter for running tests on particular env

I am running my tests using - .testcaferc.json file and command that I am using to run is : node node_modules/testcafe/bin/testcafe
I want to pass an additional parameter for running my different tests on different environments. When I tried to add that parameter in command: node node_modules/testcafe/bin/testcafe production then I am not able to it as it consider them as tests.
Please let me know how can I handle this.
You can use the environment variables for this case.
Set the environment variable
// Enviroment variable set is platform specific
// See
export production=true
testcafe chrome test.js
and use it in a test
fixture ('Fixture');
test('test', async t => {

How to generate mocha test case report and show using Jenkins?

I am doing mocha unit testing for my JavaScript functions. I am running mocha in a browser not using Node. I am using require.js to load files.
When I do it shows reports in the browser.
Now I want to make a Jenkins job to display the report.
So how do I generate the report file so that I can provide it to Jenkins?
Running the command:
$ npm install mocha-junit-reporter --save-dev
Will generate an XML file that you can give to Jenkins
Run the command
$ mocha ./test.js --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options ./test-results.xml
For docker file use below command
CMD ["mocha", "./test.js" , "--reporter", "mocha-junit-reporter", "--reporter-options","./test-results.xml"]
Both command will do the same.
test-results.xml file be generate in the folder .
I am answering my own question, I have solve this problem by using NGINX server which is open source.
I have added form tag in index.html of mocha and wrote on function on submit form to run mocha suit, this will return you output , parse that output and make file of that according to your need like total success count, failure count etc. and gave to Jenkins.

Running protractor test parallel on different environments

I would like to run my protractor test on different environments such as
testing it on local environment,
testing it on test environment,
testing it on production
environment and so on at the same time and using the same browser example chrome.
So in this case my base URL would change for every environment: When I run the test I would like to run it parallel on all the different environments.
and browser remains the same
{ 'browsername':'chrome',
'binary': 'drive:pathToChrome',
Any one knows how to, on this cases.
I would approach this with a task manager: grunt and grunt-parallel.
Create 3 separate grunt task configurations with different baseUrl settings (you would need grunt-protractor-runner package installed).

Can Travis-CI run Codeception tests?

I'm creating my tests (though I'm a beginner, learning) using Codeception. This includes acceptance and unit tests for now.
I want to add my repo to Travis CI so I can automate testing process after each commit and put build-status tag.
I would like to ask;
Can Travis-CI run codeception tests?
Can Travis-CI run codeception acceptance tests emulating browser?
If both answers are no, is there any other CI tool which can?
Thank you.
Yes, it is possible to run Codeception tests, including acceptance tests that run using WebDriver, on Travis CI.
It is possible to run your tests with a real browser on Travis, but it is easiest to use a headless browser, since Travis is running on a headless machine. PhantomJS is perfect for this, and it comes pre-installed with Travis CI's build bootstrap.
To run the tests with PhantomJS, you'll need to configure the WebDriver module like this in your .yml Codeception configuration file:
url: ''
browser: phantomjs
The URL is important. I have found that attempting to use localhost instead of will not work. Also, if you accidentally leave out the http://, that won't work either. You can use most any 8*** port, since most of them are open, but of course you'll need to have a web server running on that port to serve your static files or run your PHP application. The easiest way to do this, I find, is to use PHP's built-in webserver.
Your .travis.yml file might look something like this:
# Travis CI configuration file.
language: php
- 5.6
- 7.0
# Start up a web server.
- php -S -t /path/to/web/root >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# Start up the webdriver.
- phantomjs --webdriver=4444 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# Install Codeception.
# Doing this last gives the webdriver and server time to start up.
- composer install --prefer-source
- vendor/bin/codecept run
You will of course need to add Codeception to your project's composer.json file:
composer require --dev codeception/codeception
You'll also need to change path/to/web/root above to the path to the directory where you want the server's document root to be.
If you'd like to see a working demo running WebDriver tests against WordPress, you can check out this GitHub repo.
I'd think that it can be done, but gluing everything tohether is not going to be for the faint of heart. Reason why I think it can be done is that codeception, itself, is ci-ed on Travis. See I'd contact the people at codeception and ask for their thoughts.
Or you can take a peek at how they do it in the build logs, such as:
Looks like they're running headless with a downloaded standalone selenium server.
Travis-ci have some information on how to run GUI tests. In particular, they allow you to use a sauce labs account and run distributed selenium tests from there.
I ran into this problem today and I solved it by adding Codeception to my composer.json:
"require-dev": {
"codeception/codeception": "^2.1"
and referring to it on my .travis.yml:
- composer self-update
- composer install
- #Code that creates and seeds my database and so on
script: php vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept run