Amazon S3 PHP SDK, Transfer folder, but skip specific files? - amazon-s3

I am using the Amazon PHP SDK to upload a folder on my server to a bucket. This is working great:
$skip = ['index.html', '_metadata.txt', '_s3log.txt'];
$meta = [
'key' => $options->EWRbackup_s3_key,
'region' => $options->EWRbackup_s3_region,
'bucket' => $options->EWRbackup_s3_bucket,
'directory' => 's3://'.$options->EWRbackup_s3_bucket.'/'.$subdir,
$client = new S3Client([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => $meta['region'],
'credentials' => [
'key' => $meta['key'],
'secret' => $options->EWRbackup_s3_secret,
$s3log = fopen($subpath.'/_s3log.txt', 'w+');
fwrite($s3log, "-- Connecting to ".$meta['region'].":".$meta['bucket']."...\n");
$manager = new Transfer($client, $subpath, $meta['directory'], [
'before' => function ($command)
$filename = basename($command->get('SourceFile'));
fwrite($this->s3log, "-- Sending file $filename...\n");
fwrite($s3log, "-- Disconnecting from ".$meta['key'].":".$meta['bucket']."...");
However, in the folder I am uploading using the Transfer method, there are 3 files I want to skip. They are defined in the $skip variable on line one. I was wondering if there was a way I could get the Transfer to skip these 3 files...

I modified the AWS client in a WordPress plugin I created. The AWS/S3/Transfer.php file is where the uploads are managed, in this case. I modified the private function upload($filename) to look for a boolean return value from the before function:
private function upload($filename)
$args = $this->s3Args;
$args['SourceFile'] = $filename;
$args['Key'] = $this->createS3Key($filename);
$command = $this->client->getCommand('PutObject', $args);
if ($this->before) {
if (false!==call_user_func($this->before, $command)) {
return $this->client->executeAsync($command);
} else {
return $this->client->executeAsync($command);
This replaces the original lines:
$this->before and call_user_func($this->before, $command);
return $this->client->executeAsync($command);
if ($this->before) {
if (false!==call_user_func($this->before, $command)) {
return $this->client->executeAsync($command);
} else {
return $this->client->executeAsync($command);
Then, in your declared before function, you can return false if you do not want this particular file uploaded.
I was able to do this because I can control when the AWS PHP SDK is updated and can therefore modify the code it contains. I have not found any hooks in the PHP SDK to do this in a better way.


cakephp3 entities relationship error when login (the error is going after refresh)

I am struggling with this issue for a few days. I've tried to debug step by step with Xdebug, but I cannot find where it is the problem.
Basically when login into the cakephp3.9 I get this error:
App\Model\Table\UsersTable association "Roles" of type "manyToMany" to "Slince\CakePermission\Model\Table\RolesTable" doesn't match the expected class "App\Model\Table\RolesTable".
You can't have an association of the same name with a different target "className" option anywhere in your app.
As I mentioned above, I am using cakephp 3.9 and the slince package ("slince/cakephp-permission": "^1.0") to manage roles/permissions. After get this error if I refresh the browser evertyhing works as normal. The error only appears once, always after login.
Relations in UsersTable.php
$this->belongsToMany('Roles', [
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'targetForeignKey' => 'role_id',
'joinTable' => 'users_roles'
public function login()
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$user = $this->Auth->identify();
if ($user) {
if (Configure::read('Options.status') == 2) {
$this->Flash->error('Please confirm your account - click on the validation link emailed to you');
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'login', 'controller' => 'Users']);
$UsersRoles = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('UsersRoles');
// Get User role_id
$AuthRole = $UsersRoles
->where(['user_id' => $user['id']])
// if the status of the user is false an error appears and it will be redirected back || check if is an admin role?
if ($user['status'] != 1 || $AuthRole->role_id > 3) {
$this->Flash->error('Your account is not authorized to access this area. Contact the support team or check your inbox');
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'login', 'controller' => 'Users']);
$Roles = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Roles');
// Get Role name
$AuthRoleName = $Roles
->where(['id' => $AuthRole['role_id']])
$user['role_id'] = $AuthRole['role_id'];
$user['role_name'] = $AuthRoleName['name'];
// Set the use into the session
// Save the previous login date to the session and enable tour vars
$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
if (empty($user['last_login'])) {
$session->write('', true);
$session->write('Options.player', true);
// Now update the actual login time
// Handle case where referrer is cleared/reset
$nextUrl = $this->Auth->redirectUrl();
if ($nextUrl === "/") {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index', 'controller' => 'Adminarea']);
} else {
return $this->redirect($nextUrl);
$this->Flash->error(__('Invalid username or password, please try again'));
The issue it is in the relationship "Roles", it already exists in the file "PermissionsTableTrait.php" from the slice package, and it seems that cannot be two relationships with the same name.

Directus Hooks - how to use the ""

Anyone know how the "" hooks is meant to work?
return [
'filters' => [
'item.update.table:before' => function (\Directus\Hook\Payload $payload) {
$payload->set('field', my_encrypt($payload->get('password'), $key));
return $payload;
'' => function(\Directus\Hook\Payload $payload){
<how to set the 'field' before view??>
return $payload;
I need to unecrypt the stored field for view....
I found the way.
First you need the
'' => function ($payload)
Second you get the data from the payload - alter the data and replace the data in the payload - like this
$data = $payload->getData();
$data[0]['field'] = "NEW DATA";
return $payload;

Podio API - Session Management class error in accessing tokens in Redis

I'm trying to use Session Management for API calls, so I don't trigger Auth class function everytime my script run. I mostly used App ID authentication so I used the sample provided for Redis.
However, I'm getting an error "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /var/www/html/authcheck.php:22 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/authcheck.php on line 22"
The code in line 22 is this - Podio::$oauth = self::$session_manager->get(Podio::$auth_type);
Here's the PHP Script for Session manager class:
Filename: SessionManager.php
require ('podio/podio_lib/PodioAPI.php');
require ('predis/autoload.php');
class PodioRedisSession {
* Create a pointer to Redis when constructing a new object
public function __construct() {
$this->redis = new Predis\Client();
* Get oauth object from session, if present. We use $auth_type as
* basis for the cache key.
public function get($auth_type = null) {
// If no $auth_type is set, just return empty
// since we won't be able to find anything.
if (!$auth_type) {
return new PodioOauth();
$cache_key = "podio_cache_".$auth_type['type']."_".$auth_type['identifier'];
// Check if we have a stored session
if ($this->redis->exists($cache_key)) {
// We have a session, create new PodioOauth object and return it
$cached_value = $this->redis->hgetall($cache_key);
return new PodioOAuth(
array("type"=>$cached_value['ref_type'], "id"=>$cached_value['ref_id'])
// Else return an empty object
return new PodioOAuth();
* Store the oauth object in the session. We ignore $auth_type since
* it doesn't work with server-side authentication.
public function set($oauth, $auth_type = null) {
$cache_key = "podio_cache_".$auth_type['type']."_".$auth_type['identifier'];
// Save all properties of the oauth object in redis
$this->redis->hmset = array(
'access_token' => $oauth->access_token,
'refresh_token' => $oauth->refresh_token,
'expires_in' => $oauth->expires_in,
'ref_type' => $oauth->ref["type"],
'ref_id' => $oauth->ref["id"],
Filename: authcheck.php
require ('podio/podio_lib/PodioAPI.php');
include ('SessionManager.php');
$client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$app_id = "xxxxxxxxxxx";
$app_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
Podio::setup($client_id, $client_secret, array(
"session_manager" => "PodioRedisSession"
// podio-php will attempt to find a session automatically, but will fail
// it doesn't know which $auth_type to use.
// So we must attempt to locate a session manually.
Podio::$auth_type = array(
"type" => "app",
"identifier" => $app_id
Podio::$oauth = self::$session_manager->get(Podio::$auth_type);
// Now we can check if anything could be found in the cache and
// authenticate if it couldn't
if (!Podio::is_authenticated()) {
// No authentication found in session manager.
// You must re-authenticate here.
Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);
} else {
//echo "<pre>".print_r($_SESSION, true)."</pre>";
echo "You already authenticated!";
// // We can safely switch to another app now
// // First attempt to get authentication from cache
// // If that fails re-authenticate
// Podio::$auth_type = array(
// "type" => "app",
// "identifier" => $another_app_id
// );
// Podio::$oauth = self::$session_manager->get(Podio::$auth_type);
// if (!Podio::is_authenticated()) {
// // No authentication found in session manager.
// // You must re-authenticate here.
// Podio::authenticate_with_app($another_app_id, $another_app_token);
// }
Hi opted not to use redis instead I used session and PDO Mysql on storing podio auth.

How to call a function within the same controller?

I have to call a soap service using laravel and done so correctly. This soap service requires me to send a login request prior to sending any other request.
The code I'm using works, but I want to improve by removing the login from all the functions and creating one function.
I tried changing the following for one function:
public function getcard($cardid)
SoapWrapper::add(function ($service) {
$data = [
'UserName' => 'xxxx',
'Password' => 'xxxx',
$card = [
'CardId' => $cardid,
SoapWrapper::service('IS', function ($service) use ($data,$card) {
$service->call('Login', [$data]);
$cardinfo=$service->call('GetCard', [$card]);
public function login()
SoapWrapper::add(function ($service) {
$data = [
'UserName' => 'xxxx',
'Password' => 'xxxx',
SoapWrapper::service('IS', function ($service) use ($data) {
return $service->call('Login', [$data]);
//$service->call('Login', [$data]);
//return $service;
public function getcard($cardid)
$card = [
'CardId' => $cardid,
$cardinfo=$service->call('GetCard', [$card]);
But this doesn't work. I also tried it with the commented out part, but that doesn't work. Both options result in an error that it didn't find 'service'.
I know it has something to do with oop, but don't know any other option.
I took this as an example, but I probably implemented it wrong?
So my question is: How do I reuse the login part for all other functions?
Your return statement in the login() method is within the scope of that closure. You need to return the result of the closure as well.
return SoapWrapper::service('IS', function ($service) use ($data) {
return $service->call('Login', [$data]);
To explain a little bit. You have a function:
SoapWrapper::service('IS' ,function() {}
Inside of a function : public function login()
If you need to return data from your login() method, and that data is contained within your SoapWrapper::service() method, then both methods need a return statement

Puppet. Change any config/text file in most efficient way

I am learning how to use Puppet. An now I am trying to change config file for nscd. I need to change such lines:
server-user nscd
paranoia yes
And let's suppose that full config looks as next:
$ cat /etc/nscd/nscd.conf
logfile /var/log/nscd.log
threads 4
max-threads 32
server-user nobody
stat-user somebody
debug-level 0
reload-count 5
paranoia no
restart-interval 3600
Previously I have wrote such module for replacing needed lines and it looks as follow:
include nscd
class nscd {
define line_replace ($match) {
file_line { $name:
path => '/etc/nscd/nscd.conf',
line => $name,
match => $match,
notify => Service["nscd"]
package { 'nscd':
ensure => installed,
line_replace {
"1" : name => "server-user nscd", match => "^\s*server-user.*$";
"2" : name => "paranoia yes", match => "^\s*paranoia.*$";
service { 'nscd':
ensure => running,
enable => "true",
Is it possible to make the same in more efficient way? With arrays or like that?
I recommend you to use the inifile puppet module to easy manage INI-style files like this, but also you can take advantage of the create_resources function:
include nscd
class nscd {
$server_user_line = 'server-user nscd'
$paranoia_line = 'paranoia yes'
$defaults = {
'path' => '/etc/nscd/nscd.conf',
'notify' => Service["nscd"],
$lines = {
$server_user_line => {
line => $server_user_line,
match => "^\s*server-user.*$",
$paranoia_line => {
line => $paranoia_line,
match => "^\s*paranoia.*$",
package { 'nscd':
ensure => installed,
create_resources(file_line, $lines, $defaults)
service { 'nscd':
ensure => running,
enable => "true",
So I wrote such code:
class nscd($parameters) {
define change_parameters() {
file_line { $name:
path => '/etc/nscd.conf',
line => $name,
# #name.split[0..-2] will remove last element,
# does not matter how many elements in line
match => inline_template('<%="^\\s*"+(#name.split[0..-2]).join("\\s*")+".*$" %>'),
package { 'nscd':
ensure => installed,
change_parameters { $parameters: }
service { 'nscd':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
hasrestart => true
And class can be launched by passing list/array to class:
class { 'nscd':
parameters =>
[' server-user nscd',
' paranoia yes',
' enable-cache hosts yes smth',
' shared hosts yes']
Then each element from array goes to change_parameters function as $name argument after that inline_template module will generate regexp with ruby one line code.
And the same for each element from list/array.
But anyway I think better to use erb template for such changing.