Vuetify Offline Docs - vue.js

I have started using Vuetify to add ui-components and use pre-defined layouts. The problem is that I have to look into online-docs every now and then, and requires me to be connected to internet perpetually.
Is there a way to get offline docs for Vuetify? Like an html built with doxygen/javadocs, or a CHM? PDF? LaTEX? Anything really helps.

git clone has become a private project. The docs are now in the packages/docs/ directory. Instructions have been updated.
You can download the project from the vuetifyjs site repo, install and run locally.
git repo:
The instructions (for vue-cli-2 based project):
cd /tmp/
git clone
cd vuetify/packages/docs
# option 1 - build and serve
yarn build
yarn start
# option 2 - run dev instance
yarn dev

See the docs on how to run the docs.
git clone
cd vuetify
yarn build
yarn dev docs
Then head over to http://localhost:8095/en/getting-started/quick-start

git clone
yarn build
yarn start

download zip from
extract it to any place like i put it in d:\xampp\htdcos\vuetify-master
than open command prompt (cmd) and type this path d:\xampp\htdcos\vuetify-master
run this command yarn here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn
than run yarn build here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn build
than yarn start here D:\xampp\htdocs\vuetify-master>yarn start
it will start vuetify local docs at
now open browser and type http://localhost:8095 and enjoy
node module is required
also install yarn from before running yarn commands and make sure check yarn version in cmd via yarn -v

The Vuetify website allows you to view it offline there by typing its website and pressing enter when not connected to the internet. It works and I do that all the time.


How to use Yarn 2 (or 3) to run create-react-app without specifying a new directory?

I am trying to migrate from NPM to Yarn for the sole reason of getting rid of 'node_modules' folder.
I am trying to use CRA tool. However, on CRA it advises to use yarn create, which is not a command found in Yarn 2 documentation. After some research I found out that I should use yarn dlx command, which is equivalent to npx.
The problem is that to use yarn dlx, I must have Yarn 2 first. Yarn 2 requires that I install it locally in my project directory. This way, I am forced to have a second layer of folder structure.
I want to create-react-app in a folder on my Desktop called myApp. But, I need to create myApp folder to install Yarn 2 before I can even start using dlx to run create-react-app.
Am I missing something?
Thank you.
I faced the same situation recently... my solution was:
yarn create react-app myApp (yes, is yarn 1.22 in my case)
rename the package.json for a while
yarn init -2 # this will create another package.json
merge the old package.json with the newly created one
yarn install
now you can configure PnP as is described on the Yarn documentation or...
you can create directly whit npx:
npx create-react-app your-app-name --use-pnp
Yes, for now, you have to use the second layer of the folder structure.
Assuming you have the latest version of Node 14.x, 16.x or any higher versions, the minimal instructions are the following.
Ensure that corepack is enabled via corepack enable command. This needs to be done only once.
mkdir enclosing; cd enclosing - to create enclosing directory
yarn set version stable - to use latest stable Yarn version in the eclosing directory and all of its subdirectories
rm package.json - delete package.json in the enclosing directory, generated by the previous command to not confuse Yarn that the enclosing directory is the root of the project.
yarn create react-app my-app - the project will be generated with Yarn 3 and by default will use PnP install scheme
cd my-app; yarn set version latest - to attach Yarn 3+ to my-app project
Optional step, if you want to use node_modules install scheme with Yarn 3+, inside my-app run yarn config set nodeLinker node-modules
After that, you can move out my-app anywhere and delete enclosing directory.
In order to simplify all this into yarn dlx create-react-app I have opened pull request to create-react-app, please place a thumb up emojo for it here:

Try to get the vuetify docs run local

I try to make the vuetify docs available on my mac local.
I followed the steps in this post:
cd /tmp/
git clone
cd vuetify/packages/docs
# option 1 - build and serve
yarn build
yarn start
# option 2 - run dev instance
yarn dev
Every thing works until the step "type: yarn dev".
error: Cannot find module '/vue/vuetify/node_modules/vuetify/dist/vuetify.js'. Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry
I already had problems with the step "type yarn" but I solved this with downgrading node like mentioned in the linked post.
Any ideas?
It seem like you have to install vuetify. (Confuse why I need to install vuetify inside vuetify's source code).
Work around:
yarn add #nuxtjs/vuetify -D
# or
npm install #nuxtjs/vuetify -D

Install React-Admin package from specific branch or with open pull request

I am having difficulties trying to install a development branch of React-Admin packages with NPM in an active project, specifically:
To have the changes made in this PR
Is there any way of doing this in a similar way to how you normally would put this in package.json ("username/repo#branch")
It is difficult to install a local version of one of React Admin's package, because we use a mono-repository that contains all the packages.
I see two solutions to your needs.
Install the alpha builds
The core team had just published an alpha for the next version of React Admin. It's not stable yet, but you can try it by running :
npm install --save ra-tree-core#next
npm install --save ra-tree-ui-materialui#next
Install a local version for development
If you want to tweak the React Admin packages while you are using them, you can fork the whole repo and use symbolic links.
# On a separate folder
git clone
cd react-admin
make install
make build
cd packages/ra-tree-core
npm link # This will make this package available for linking
And on your project, then run:
npm link ra-tree-core
This will create a symbolic link between your local ra-tree-core and your node_module folder.
I showed these examples with npm, but yarn link works too.

How To Get Started With React Admin On Windows

It is difficult to get started or setup this entire repo in Windows?
Can you please give step by step approach to set this up in Windows or a short video tutorial?
I just ran into this issue. My fix was to:
Delete the react-admin directory if you already have a clone from the repo
Update Node and Yarn
-- After update I am currently running Node v10.13.0 && Yarn v1.12.3
Grab a fresh clone of the repo
Then from the react-admin directory run:
Once that completes:
yarn build
And finally once that completes:
yarn run-demo
lmk if this works for you :-)
There isn't much. Until we add a Windows section in the README, here's how you can get started:
run yarn to install all dependencies
run yarn run-simple to start the playground app and test your changes
There are more scripts in the root package.json file to run tests, demos, etc.
If you need help with something more specific, please precise it in your question

Babel Errors in Cloud 9 IDE

Getting a bunch of babel errors when running npm run dev with the Vue cli.
This only happens in Cloud9.
Any thoughts on what could be the issue or how to disable errors like this before running npm run dev?
All babel related it looks like.
I couldn't re-create the babel error messages but it's possible that it could be caused if npm/node is not up-to-date. (Vue-cli wasn't starting dev server before the installation below)
Is your repository public where you're getting the error messages? Then I could have a look at the errors.
If removing node_modules folder is not helping,
here is how you can create a new IDE workspace for vue.js ($ for commands in bash terminal):
Create a blank Ubuntu workspace
Check that nvm is installed & up-to-date with (check version of install script here):
$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install node 6
$ npm i vue-cli -g
$ vue init webpack yourAppName
$ cd yourAppName
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Click preview to test that Vue server is running as expected
Here is a link to a HelloWorld Vue app in cloud9 ide.
If you have an existing app you can also use git to clone it into your new workspace instead of creating a new app.