.htaccess 301 redirect old to new domain, from hosting root to subfolder, working but why? - apache

The scenario: I've moved a WordPress website to a new domain and want to 301 redirect all the pages from the old domain to the new domain. Both sites are on the same hosting account running Apache. The old site is at the root level (public_html), and the new site is in a subfolder (below/inside the root).
I've managed to make this work, but I'd like to learn and understand why it works. So below is a quick overview of my 'journey' and solution, together with three specific questions.
First I tried to do the redirects like this (code added to the root .htaccess file):
# 301 Page Redirects - not working - causes redirect loop
redirect 301 / https://new-domain.com/
redirect 301 /services/ https://new-domain.com/services/
redirect 301 /recipes/ https://new-domain.com/recipes/
But this causes a redirect loop. I'm guessing because the .htaccess file with these rules is at the root level and therefore also affects the subfolders.
Question 1: Is my assumption above about the reason for the redirect loop correct?
Then I tried to be more specific and put this code in the root .htaccess file instead:
# 301 Page Redirects - not working - does nothing at all - not sure why
redirect 301 https://old-domain.com/ https://new-domain.com/
redirect 301 https://old-domain.com/services/ https://new-domain.com/services/
redirect 301 https://old-domain.com/recipes/ https://new-domain.com/recipes/
I was hoping the above code would do the trick, because it's more specific about the old domain. My thinking was that it specifies the old domain exactly and so would circumvent the redirect loop. But instead this code seems to have no effect at all. The redirect loop was gone, but now no redirects were happening anymore at all.
Question 2: Why would the above code not produce any redirects at all?
Then I found this answer and applied the code from that, which works perfectly and creates all the redirects. Plus it's much more elegant than my previous attempts above. This is the code:
# 301 Redirects from old-domain.com to new-domain.com - THIS CODE WORKS - Yay!
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^old-domain.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.old-domain.com$
RewriteRule (.*)$ https://new-domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
Question 3: Why does this code not cause any redirect loops when I place it in the root .htaccess?
I realise I'm copy/pasting code without fully understanding why it works. So I'd love an explanation in simple terms about these behaviours. Thank you.

Answer 1:
From the info that you have provided, I would say no. You did not specify if the new-domain.com website is configured (in apache configuration) with its document root being public_root or public_root/subfolder (judging by the described behaviour I would say it is the former). In that case, when you request https://old-domain.com/anything, the server will (because of the unconditional redirect in your first rule) respond with redirect to https://new-domain.com/anything. Client browser will then request that URL and it will hit the same Apache and same .htaccess, which will again result in the same redirect, causing the loop.
Answer 2:
Redirect syntax:
Redirect [status] [URL-path] URL
The old URL-path is a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with a
In your rule, you are specifying [URL-path] as https://old-domain.com/, which is wrong: it can be /, /services/, or /recipes, but not https://old-domain.com/ or https://old-domain.com/services/. The request [URL-path] does not match [URL-path] specified in your rule, so redirect never happens.
Answer 3:
This basically does the same thing as your first rule in Answer 1., with one important difference: the server will respond with redirect only if the hostname in request (or to be more precise, the content of the Host: header in request) is equal to old-domain.com or www.old-domain.com, which will prevent the loop since the second request from the client will use new-domain.com hostname.
Also, from the above, seems like your "new" website in subfolder will never be served: either if old-domain.com or new-domain.com is requested, the site from public_html folder will be shown (and only the hostname in clients browser address bar will change).


redirect any link on any subdomain-url to another domain

I registered a expired domain to forward all incoming links to another domain. The problem is: many inlinks are placed on subdomains, for example: axa-art.cdn.contento-v41.eu/axa-art/0eee9cec-58cb-45b2-a4e2-b5f73920068e_091216_axa+art_classic+car+study_de_rz.pdf
I am looking for a 301 redirect rule in htaccess that forward any url (no matter on main domain or subdomain) to "new-url.tld"
all of this example above should
forward to this exact URL: new-domain.tld
Question 1:
Is it possible to create a "general" rule and place it into htaccess of the main directory?
Question 2:
Or do i have to write a specific rule for each subdomain?
Question 3:
Do I have to create a sub-directory and create a separate htaccess in every sub-directory for each subdomain I want to add redirection-rules?
Help or suggestions are highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your help in advance.
This isn't just a .htaccess question. In order for your server to receive requests to <any-subdomain>.example.com the necessary DNS and server config directives need to be in place. If the request doesn't reach your server then you can't implement a redirect in .htaccess.
So, I suspect that these subdomains are not even resolving?
You either need to create the necessary DNS A records and ServerAlias directives one by one for each hostname (ie. subdomain) or create a "wildcard" DNS A record (and ServerAlias *.example.com directive in the vHost). But then you still have an issue with these hostnames being covered by an SSL cert if you need to redirect from HTTPS.
You can then create the necessary redirect in .htaccess. Although, since you need access to the server config (or a using a control panel that does this for you) to implement the directives above, you should also implement this redirect in the server config also.
For example, at the top of your .htaccess file, before the existing directives (or in your vHost):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^new\.example$
RewriteRule ^ https://new.example%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
The above states... for any request that is not for new.example then 301 redirect to https://new.example/<same-url>.
However, if you have access to the server config and this other domain is configured in its own vHost container then the redirect can be simplified:
Redirect 301 / https://new.example/
this rule does forward any URL form the main domain to the new domain.
# Permanent URL redirect- by netgrade
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !https://www.marco-mahling.de/$
RewriteRule $ https://www.marco-mahling.de/ [R=302,L]
The rule I posted above should probably replace your existing rule entirely.
Yes, your rule does redirect every URL to the root of the new domain, but it is arguably incorrect. The RewriteCond directive is superflous and isn't actually doing anything. The REQUEST_URI server variable contains the URL-path, it never contains the scheme + hostname. So, the RewriteCond directive you've posted will always be successful.
If that is the rule you currently have then it would already redirect everything. In which case your problem would seem to the necessary DNS and server config directives as mentioned above.
From your directives, I assume that the other domain actually points to a different server (or different vHost on the same server). Otherwise, this would have resulted in a redirect-loop. In which case, you only need the much simpler Redirect directive that I posted above.
UPDATE#2: That works fine BUT the incoming links are still not forwarded cuz of a "%" in the url: https://axa-art.cdn.contento-v41.eu/axa-art%2F0eee9cec-58cb-45b2-a4e2-b5f73920068e_091216_axa+art_classic+car+study_de_rz.pdf
It's actually because of the %2F - an encoded slash (/) in the URL-path. By default, Apache will reject such URLs with a 404 (for security reasons).
To allow encoded slashes in the URL you would need to set AllowEncodedSlashes On in the server config (or vHost container). You cannot set this in .htaccess. (The server generated 404 occurs before .htaccess is even processed.)
However, I would express caution about enabling this feature. (Is there a specific requirement here? Are you recreating these documents on the new server?)
If this request was intended to map directly to a PDF file on disk then this actually looks like an incorrectly URL encoded request, since a slash / is not a permitted filename character on either Windows or Linux.
If you enable AllowEncodedSlashes then the above RewriteRule will redirect the request to /axa-art/0eee9cec....pdf - note the %-decoded / in the resulting URL. You would need to take additional steps to maintain the URL-encoding (if that was required), but as I say, that looks like a mistake to begin with.

.htaccess rewrites root to subfolder, yet subfolder app 302 redirects right back to full path

I have a standard .htaccess RewriteRule that silently rewrites any request for webroot into a subfolder which contains a MantisBT installation. So the user types in "example.com" and my server secretly serves them files from "example.com/path/to/mantisbt".
The problem now is that MantisBT's index page immediately does some authentication based logic routing and sends a 302 redirect to the FULL "example.com/path/to/mantis/login", which subverts my rewriting. I'm trying to have everyone access my MantisBT installation as if it resided in the webroot.
Now, I'm aware that after MantisBT's 302 redirect to the full path, I could redirect them AGAIN back to webroot. But redirecting people twice every time MantisBT goes through some routing logic seems like a dirty hack. I also know that I could hack up the MantisBT code, but I hate re-hacking code every time a new version comes out.
So, is there a way to trick MantisBT (or any other app for that matter) into thinking it resides in root, and therefore crafts it's redirect paths based on a webroot-relative url? For example: "example.com/login" instead of "example.com/path/to/mantis/login".
I'd really prefer to resolve this using an Apache .htaccess method, or httpd.conf change. Perhaps DocumentRoot or RewriteBase?
Try adding this rule above the internal rewrite rule that you had before
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \ /+path/to/mantisbt/([^\?\ ]*)
RewriteRule ^ /%1 [L,R]
this redirects the browser when the browser directly requests anything in /path/to/mantisbt/. Then the rule that you already have to internally rewrite into the mantisbt directory would take effect.

Need Top Level 301 Redirect but subdomain has same name as redirect?

I have a main site with multiple subdomains below it:
books.example.com, etc.
I'm trying to create a redirect like:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/products/catalog/(.*) //products.example.com/$1
But this doesn't work because at "products" is a subdirectory/subdomain so it just creates a redirect loop at //products.example.com
But This works (because /store isn't //store.example.com/)
RedirectMatch 301 ^/store/catalog/(.*) //products.example.com/$1
I tried experimenting with a rewritecond to have it only redirect if the url contains the root domain, but that didn't work either.
If a page like:
//products.example.com/products/great-thing.html exists and is a subdomain under a main domain installed in a folder "products" (i.e. /public_html/products/...)
-- how would you redirect from:
//example.com/products/great-thing.html to
I hope that makes sense!
I should add that this site is hosted on a managed cloud/vps - so there may very well be something in their setup that is causing trouble.
But at the end of it there seems to be a problem creating redirects when a folder/subdomain exists with the same name...
This was hard to track down and may have been more of a processwire cms issue than a straight apache redirect issue, but in case it is helpful to someone, what worked was:
Top level (i.e. root domain site) needed for
//example.com/products/great-thing.html to //products.example.com/products/great-thing.html
RewriteRule ^(.)/products/(.) https://products.example.com/products/$2 [R=301,L]
which should have gone to:
, but instead created a loop which never resolved.
But it does work when on the subsite (processwire) this was added:
RewriteRule ^products/(.*) ^/products/$1 [R=301,L]

Site Redirection with htaccess creates an infinite loop

Currently we have a number of sites hosted in one GoDaddy account. Each site is inside a separate folder and their respective domains are bound to those folders. The problem is that our main site is in the root of the host and our primary domain is linked to this root. The problem with this setup is that if for example, one of my other sites is in a folder called "secondsite", I can reach the website by going to www.secondsite.com (which is fine) but ALSO by going to www.mainsite.com/secondsite, which we absolutely not want.
The idea is to move all the files of the main site to a folder of their own (let's call it "mainsite"). When I talked to GoDaddy they told me to do a 301 redirect to that folder. I have never worked with .htaccess but I looked up how to redirect and found that I needed to write this:
Redirect 301 / http://mainsite.com/mainsite
However if I do that when I try to access the website I get infinite redirection: http://mainsite.com/mainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsitemainsite
I've looked online and tried to use other solutions, like
RedirectPermanent / http://mainsite.com/mainsite
but the effect is the same.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
When using Redirect, you're linking path-nodes together, So:
Redirect / /abc/
means, anything starting with / will go to /abc/, e.g.:
/ -> /abc/
/foo -> /abc/foo
/1/2/3/4/5 -> /abc/1/2/3/4/5
And thus, since you're redirecting back to the same host, the / captures everything and you've got an infinite loop.
Try using either RedirectMatch:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/(?!mainsite)(.*)$ /mainsite/$1
or us mod_rewrite:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?mainsite\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(?!mainsite)(.*)$ /mainsite/$1 [L,R=301]

Apache rewriterule to redirect folder to subfolder without loop

Long story short, I am trying for the last 3 hours to perform what seems to be a basic url redirect. All the website requests to mysite.com/folder should be redirected to mysite.com/folder/subfolder/. The redirect should be performed "only!" if the user enters /folder. If he accesses /folder/file no redirect should happen.
I have tried the following but with no success, all attempts cause an infinite loop:
RewriteRule ^/folder$ /folder/subfolder/ [R]
Redirect 301 /folder /folder/subfolder/
I don't have access to the vhost file, neither am I allowed to perform this using php or a similar 'workaround'. Either way, htaccess should be the best place to do this. Can anybody shade a light on what I am doing wrong?
redirect use a prefix pattern matching, so instead you should use RedirectMatch with a regex, so that you will match only the directory access and not the file access in the subdirectory. You do not need the rewriteRule, which is doing the same thing.
This should work:
RedirectMatch ^/folder/$ /folder/subfolder/
Be careful, you used a 301 Redirect, 301 means permanent, so you may need to close your browser before testing the new rule, your browser has memorized the redirect permanent answer and will not ask it again until you close it.