Is Microsoft Build tools allowed to be redistributed? - msbuild

Can I redistribute Microsoft Build Tools in a installer like is allowed with .net frameworks? I know from a technical standpoint it is possible. I am more curious from a legal standpoint.

The license to use the build tools on your(!) devices and for use within the organization is actually part of the Visual Studio licence.
Its license terms read:
Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) licenses this supplement to you. Refer to your license terms for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 software (the “software”) as those terms apply to your use of this supplement. You may use a copy of this supplement with each validly licensed copy of the software. You may not use the supplement if you do not have a license for the software.
The specific usage of the build tools (installing on build machines) is part of the Visual Studio license (see this Visual Studio 2017 license)
So if you want to have some build tooling distributed with your software and not require users to have a Visual Studio license, consider using JetBrain's MSBuild distribution. See their blog post on it.


Develop the .net core application license issue

recently I have switch to .net core. I have checked the .NET is now open source and .NET core can be developed by visual studio or visual studio code.
Below are my questions:
if .NET is now open source. why do I need to spend $ on the VS paid version (professional or enterprise instead of community)?
if I develop .NET core on VS code. How can I compile the .net core for debugging? Or i can only debug in the visual studio?
Can I develop/customize a product by only using vs community + vs code for my users commercially? (for example I want to customize an headless CMS which has the .NET core reference)
Visual Studio Community
Visual Studio Community is an extensible free IDE, completely loaded,
designed to build mobile software for Android, iOS, Windows, web, and
cloud applications.
Visual Studio Community is the best option if you want to use Visual
Studio without spending a lot of money.
Visual Studio Professional
Visual Studio Professional is a Microsoft Collaborative Development
Area. It is used to build software, blogs, desktop browsers, online
services, and smartphone applications.
Visual Studio Enterprise
Visual Studio Enterprise contains a Mac Digital design. You can
recognize and enjoy the same visual studio interface, which has been
beautifully built and optimized for Mac. It is counted as the most
dynamic and is filled with rich and new features. Software architects
can use this medium in the best possible way and make the most out of
it effortlessly.
Develop new, quicker, and simpler than ever before, windows, or
Mac-based mobile applications with enterprise-grade software. It has
been specifically designed to help you experience the best services
and state-of-the-art features.
Visual Studio Community vs. Professional
The Visual Studio Community is open, whereas the professional edition
is not accessible. The community can be used by developers or a
smaller team of at least five individuals. But there are few
limitations to the professional edition.
It can also be used by a group of 5 to 25 developers. Another
important distinction is that the professional version supports the
business, while the visual studio community does not. The predominant
distinction between community edition and professional edition is a
widely renowned feature known as CodeLens. There are a plethora of
significant benefits that are offered by CodeLens, such as the users
can easily determine code changes along with other pertinent
One more important point that has to be addressed here is that the
difference between them shrinks considerably. However, when you are
supposed to be working in a large team, only then is the difference
relevant. These could be automated unit tests or collaboration tools.
Individual developers or even small teams incorporate the community
edition for the purpose of commercial development. Now, this small
group might involve five.
Visual Studio Community vs. Enterprise
Visual Studio Enterprise is for major corporations that get more
sales and earnings per year. At the same time, the community edition
is a free version, which can either be used for open source projects,
for research purposes or as a team of five or fewer developers, under
a variety of conditions.
Visual Studio Professional vs. Enterprise
The Enterprise version is filled with many features compared to the
Visual Studio Professional edition.
Check this link to compare the differences between the different versions
Hence, if you like to use Visual Studio Version for your own benefit, the community edition suits the best; there is no advantage of using Enterprise rather than Community Edition. Always remember, community edition is the professional edition for personal applications.
You can also debug in VS code, refer to this link

Is it possible to add custom code coverage to TFS 2015

We use TFS 2015 vNext as our build system. However we use dotCover from JetBrains as our code coverage tool. The reason we don't use the built-in TFS code coverage tool is that this requires an Enterprise licence and we only have Professional licences (and upgrading is not an option).
Is it possible to display code coverage from a different code coverage tool to be displayed on the build results page in TFS 2015 (as in the screen shot below)?
Possible duplicate with this question Display OpenCover results in TFS 2015 build Summary .Your requirement could be achieved after TFS2015 update2.
If you want to display your custom result in the build result summary,
seems you will have to write your own extensions. Help link:
Overview of extensions for Visual Studio Team Services
Base for this were a lot of examples provided by MS on github:
Visual Studio Team Services Tasks
Visual Studio Team Services Sample Extensions
To get a first feeling what places on your TFS Web Portal can be
extended/customized you can download and install this extension
Contributions Guide from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

License "Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms"

I saw that our installation of RTC contains a 60 day trial of a license called "Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms". Info about the license is;
The Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms license is designed for professional developers actively participating in the project. In addition to the capabilities provided by the Developer license, this license adds advanced building with dependency management, build impact analysis, promotion support (z/OS), deployment support (z/OS, IBM i, UNIX, and Linux) and advanced context aware search. It is designed for development teams targeting System z and Power Systems platforms.
Question is, does this license add something useful if we do no work at all in IBM plattforms?
Even though the last sentence reference IBM platforms, we (large organization) are using those licenses for Windows and Unix development.
What is interesting is the "advanced building with dependency management, build impact analysis, deployment support (z/OS, IBM i, UNIX, and Linux) and advanced context aware search."
So yes, you can use those licenses outside of IBM platforms.
We also have simple "Developers" licenses, as presented in "Licensing in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 2012".

Wix project template for Visual Studio Express versions?

Is it possible to use Wix with Express editions? I am interested in 2010/2012 versions. I know I can use candle and light from the command line, but I am interested in integration with IDE
The Express versions of VS does not allow to extend the VS with the necessary plug-ins. So you have to stay with the command line.
Alternatively to VS you could try WiXEdit.
Actually, if the goal is to have a free installer suite, WiX is perfectly happy installing into Visual Studio Shell Integrated, which is freely available. All features of WiX are available.
The only limitation is you have to open a different instance of Visual Studio in order to build your installer, but I haven't found this to be limiting in the slightest, and in fact I appreciate the separation of concerns.
Of course, another solution these days is to simply use VS Community Edition.

Does windows 8 support Visual Source Safe?

Does windows 8 supports visual source safe (or the other way around?)
Aka, can you install visual source safe running windows 8?
My advice is, don't go closer to Visual SourceSafe than you can spit a rat. VSS has NEVER worked right. Data corruption is all too common. When I worked as an independent consultant to Microsoft in the late 1990's and spent some of my time in Redmond, I found out MS's little secret. Virtually none of the Microsoft development projects used their own VSS. Their internal source code control in the early '90s was a customized version of the old RCS file-based system. They then bought source code rights to Perforce and created a customized version of Perforce for their own use. Now, at least since Visual Studio 2012, they only officially support their own Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) and Git. Support for only those two has been built into VS 2012 and newer IDEs.
Again, even the Microsoft programmers joke about VSS being a "code destruction device." If you already have a honking lot of projects in VSS 6 (which IIRC was built in 1998 and discontinued in 2006), you might want to track down the upgrade to VSS 2005, which is rare, but at least "supported" to whatever degree until sometime in 2017. I also have no idea if either is compatible with Windows 10 (I've installed 6.0 on Windows 7) I'm not sure it's any better, and Microsoft makes it very hard to find full or upgrade downloads of VSS 2005 on their site, but I recall seeing a link for it on one of the MS forums. Search for it.
OTOH, if you are not welded to VSS and don't want to use either TFSC or Git, Subversion (standalone) is a very good alternative (CVS is a dead issue and is not being supported). My current client has development teams using either Git or SVN for their .NET (yuck) projects.
DISCLAIMER: My personal experience (as StackOverflow wants to see for opinion posts) covers 40 years as a top-level software design and development consultant for primarily Fortune 50 companies, during which I have used extensively just about every major COTS and open-source make utility, bug-tracker, and version-control system available. I was a primary beta-tester for the original PVCS (Polytron Version Control System), later bought by Borland. I have also written a proprietary text delta-based version control system for Dow Jones in the early '90s.
We've got it to work.
When it says you'll have to close all running program's it isn't just being nice.
Yes, and in windows 10 too.
Copy and paste VSS from other computer in any folder in new computer.
For register in VB60 ide, execute SSINT.EXE
Find an run .EXE in VSS folder for other opcions
Yes. It can be installed in Windows 10 computers too.