Facebook graph api get the user's infomation - api

I want to make a website which users can see their posted pictures on the page.
I have signed up for facebook API and have an app id and app secret.
I send users to the oauth to get the user's access token but I don't know what to do next.
I thought this would work but I had the error below
"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",

The URL you are using to get the Access Token is actually an App Token API.
To generate the Access Token Please replace
add a redirection url here where the token is published.
better option is to use the login button mentioned here.
Also you can read here about all Access Tokens


FusionAUth : How to merge user signup + sign in FusionAuth, to make user Auto login to web application

We are trying FusionAuth & looking to have a single step flow for Sign up + Sign In.
After user signs up, we want to show/land him directly to our application's dashboard page (without showing him login page in between the flow). The authentication should happen but internally i.e we are expecting OAuth2 standard IdToken in response to "WebApplication" so that web application can use IdToken to allow user to application.
Please note that we don't want to use approaches where we need to pass Username/password to our web application, don't want to handle user credentials. Also that we dont want to use Authentication Tokens returned in Registration flow because AuthenticationTokens are not that secure, looking to use OAuth2 based IdToken instead.
I have came across this post "https://fusionauth.io/community/forum/topic/165/taking-a-user-directly-to-the-registration-page/3" and tried following request, but it is showing Login page instead of registration.
(I have not used CSRF parameter though)
Please can you suggest why its showing Login Page?
You should be able to have a user register and be sent directly to your application, as long as you set the correct redirect_uri and put that on the registration URL:
The application will then receive a code that can be exchanged for an access token. You can call the userinfo endpoint with that token and get user information like email address, etc.
What you won't get that it seems like you might want is an id token. For that you'll have to send the user through the login process with a scope of profile. However, you could mind your own 'id token'-lite using the values from the userinfo endpoint and the JWT vending: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/apis/jwt/#vend-a-jwt

How to send regular protected requests using Google sign in?

I am trying to integrate the Google sign in sdk into my site.
I have already added the GSI button to my site and on clicking it, google sends the IDtoken containing the user info to my oauth endpoint.
Using this token, I can now create a new user account.
So far so good.But I am not sure what I am to do from here.
Should I put this IDtoken into a http_only and secure, cookie so that all authz server requests will contain the userid?
I am seeing lots of cookie and local storage based data has been been added to my sites jar. Am I supposed to use them in any way?
What do I need to do after the token expires after 1 hr? Do I need to have my users login yet again? I did not get any refresh token along with the idtoken. Do I even need to handle the refresh token or is the gsi sdk supposed to take care of all that for me?
Another part which is not clear is what do I get from using the Google sign in button/sdk vs the general Oauth-openid flow.

Exchanging code for access token fails when using Sign in with Google in Dropbox

We have an application that uses Dropbox API. When the user goes through the Dropbox OAuth 2 flow and signs-in using their email address and password, all works fine and we get the access_token. However, when the user uses the "Sign in with Google" flow in the Dropbox authorization dialog, we get back code which we then try to exchange for access token but the request fails with {"error_description": "code doesn't exist or has expired", "error": "invalid_grant"}.
Here's the steps we use:
var dbx = new Dropbox.Dropbox({ clientId: clientId });
var authUrl = dbx.getAuthenticationUrl('https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/redirect_receiver');
This gives us url https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=...&redirect_uri=https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/redirect_receiver.
Open authUrl in a popup.
User uses "Sign in with Google"
We get a redirect to the URL below that contains the code:
Now trying to exchange the code for access token with POST to https://api.dropboxapi.com/oauth2/token gives us:
{"error_description": "code doesn't exist or has expired", "error": "invalid_grant"}
The problem here is that, given the use of the Google Sign In flow, there are actually two OAuth authorization flow instances occurring; the Google Sign In flow is nested inside the Dropbox app authorization flow. Your app doesn't actually need to know about this though.
That https://www.dropbox.com/google/authcallback URL is Dropbox's redirect URL for the Google Sign In flow, and accordingly the code given there is for the Google OAuth flow, not the Dropbox OAuth flow. Attempting to use it for the Dropbox OAuth 2 flow will accordingly fail as you've seen (since it actually came from Google, not Dropbox).
You should have your app wait until your own redirect URL (in your shared code, https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/redirect_receiver) is accessed, and only then take the code from there and exchange it for a Dropbox access token.

Generate Permanent Instagram Access Token

We have an Instagram client id and client secret, and already have gone through the documentation of generating access tokens which requires redirect url.
Note that we also have disabled the implicit OAuth flow.
Now we already have generated the access token using URL below (for authenticated user, it returns the access token appended in the response URL)
Can this token be stored in the database / configuration files and re-used for any new Instagram API requests? e.g.
Based on the official documentation, we understand that the access token can become invalid at any point of time, we would like to know if there are any specific scenarios which leads to invalidation of the access token?
What would be the best way to generate token once and use it for each API request? We definitely do not want users to enter credentials manually to generate tokens.
Unfortunately at that point it's not possible:/ Instagram doesn't provide refreshing access token in the background.
User needs to login with their credentials, so you can obtain new access token. Some kind of workaround (not nice, but it's working) is to watch for error type OAuthAccessTokenException and notify the user via e-mail about such fact. He will have to login once more, so you can get fresh and working access token.
Also, please keep in mind that access tokens has a pretty long life span. It doesn't expire after a day or two, unless Instagram API has some issues (like just now OAuth - unable to exchange code to access token for some users).
Otherwise it works really well.
However it would be super nice if Instagram could add to their API renewal option in the background for access tokens for users that autorised your app, but their token expired:)

Should a user authorize each time i need an access token?

In the facebook authentication guide, i am suppose to:
Get the user to authorize my
application, by redirecting them to
authorize uri.
Get my access token
from facebook by hitting the
/outh/accesstoken uri.
Lets just say, that for whatever reason, this token is no longer valid. Do i need to perform step #1, or can i hit the /outh/accesstoken uri again?
OAuth 2.0 allows for "refresh tokens" which will do exactly what you want (hit the access token endpoint for a new token). However, Facebook does not support them.
If you want access after the user initially signed in, then you have three choices:
1/ Use the FB JavaScript library to request access in an iframe. It's not using OAuth (yet) but it will do it with minimal user disruption.
2/ Reirect the user to the OAuth endpoint again. If they have already authorized the requested scopes, then it will direct back immediately.
3/ Ask for the "offline_access" extended permission. This should only be used rarely.
If the token is no longer valid, you have to get a new one.