Pass quoted value sql plus param - sql

I have a shell script, and a sql script modify_database.sql
In, I launch the sql script with some param using :
sqlplus user/password ... #modify_database.sql « param_id » « param_newValue »
And in the sql script, I get the parameters value with :
UPDATE T_TEST SET C1 = &param_newValue WHERE ID = &param_id
But I have a lot of problem with the « param_newValue » parameter.
In fact, this parameter could contain some spaces, slash, single quote and double quote character.
For example : L’avion du pilote était surnommé le « Redoutable »
I have a bunch of values to update.
Each new values are stored in a txt file, like that :
1; L’avion du pilote était surnommé le « Redoutable »
2; Another example of a « test » that’s it
How can I do to pass this param to sqlplus and set the value like that ? The quoted part is giving me a hard time :/
Example, in the input file I have :
123;;;"aaaa/vvvv/COD_039/fff=Avion d'office";"aaaa/vvvv/COD_039/fff=Hello d'orien";
I get this line, I do a cut command to get the first column (ID), the 4th column (to replace), and the 5th column (replacement).
I have a XML node, with a node which contain the 4th column text, and need to replace by the 5th column content.
So I do :
sqlplus -s $DBUSER/$DBPASSWORD#$DBHOST:$DBPORT/$DBSCHEMA #majConfXML.sql "$id" "$newcode"
update T_TEST set XML = updatexml(xmltype(XML_CONF),
But in the param, there is some quotes.
So when I do the update request with '&2', the request is running but it does not work properly.
How can I escape/pass the param value into the updateXML request ?
Thank you

Finally, I find a problem in my bash script before the sqlplus call.
In fact, it was xargs command which I use who interpret simple quote. I simply add double quotes around each string with slash and quote in my input file.
Next, before calling sqlplus, I replace all “ ‘ “ (quote) by “ ‘’ “ (quote quote)


Escape character within single quotes

I'm having an issue figuring out how to ignore signs and variables in a single quote string statement.
I am attempting to update a table with the new text with structure such as:
update xxx
set xxx =
'Our Ref. $BOOKING_NO$
Kind regards'
If your $ chars are being interpreted, it isn't by Oracle ($ isn't special in Oracle anyway, and between single-quotes everything is a string), but rather by your client program or maybe shell script. If, for example, you are running this in SQL*Plus from a Unix-based shell script, you will need to use the appropriate means required by the shell you use to prevent the shell from interpreting $ and ' characters.

Inserting a variable from a batch file into a text file

How would I insert a variable previously established in a batch file into a text file. I have the inserting text into a text file down, i just cant figure out the insertion of a variable.
What I am doing
SET name = "Casey"
ECHO "Hey" + name > file.txt
The result
"Hey" + name
What I want
"Hey Casey"
You should do it like this:
SET name=Casey
ECHO "Hey %name%" > file.txt
Note that there is no spaces before and after the = in
Too bad syntax, you need to forget other programming languages, this is Batch.
First you can't use spaces when assing values to variables, this is the way to do it:
SET "name=Casey"
Also you can do this:
SET "name= Casey"
Second Batch don't have ANY concatenate operator for strings, forget + and &, & is for concatenating commands.
So this is the correct syntax:
SET "name=Casey"
(ECHO Hey %name%)> "file.txt"
Try to use () agrupation operators when Echo a numeric ending string like "MyName 2", to avoid problems in large scripts with Batch redirections.

How to update only exact value matches?

I am using SQL update query [in powershell script] to update machine name present in column.
The column values are stored as URL. So machine name is part of the string.
( Column Name : URL
Example column value : "http://Machine1:80/Impl100/Core/Data/Config.0")
I am using following query to do the update.
$UpdateQuery="UPDATE [$DatabaseName].[dbo].[$TableName]
SET $columnName=Replace("$ColumnName", '$OldMachineName', '$NewMachineName');"
Assume my old machine name is "Machine1" and i am to replace with "AppMachine1". If i execute the script ,it will update "AppMachine1". But if i execute the script second time It will update it as "AppAppMachine1" as Machine1 is part of AppMachine1.
Is it possible to get the column value and check the machine name before update?
How to do this?
Try this
$UpdateQuery="UPDATE [$DatabaseName].[dbo].[$TableName]
SET $columnName=Replace("$ColumnName", '$OldMachineName', '$NewMachineName')
WHERE "$ColumnName" <> '$NewMachineName';"
Include the double leading forward slashes:
... -replace '//machine1','//AppAppMachine1'
You also need to put quoted variables in double quotes. Single quotes disables variable expansion and as a result variables will no be replaced with its values.
Here's an example of a double replace:
PS> $url = 'http://machine1:80/Impl100/Core/Data/Config.0'
PS> $url -replace '//machine1','//AppAppMachine1' -replace '//machine1','//AppAppMachine1'

insert a multiline string in Oracle with sqlplus

I have a SQL script that will insert a long string into a table. The string contains a new line (and this new line is absolutely necessary), so when it is written in a text file, the query is split to multiple lines. Something like:
insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere
This runs ok in Toad, but when I save this as a .sql file and run it using sqlplus, it considers each line a separate query, meaning that each line will fail (beacuse insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere, Line2GoesHere aren't well-formated scripts.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "Line2GoesHere" - rest of line ignored.
Is there a way to fix this?
Enable SQLBLANKLINES to allow blank lines in SQL statements. For example:
insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere
The premise of this question is slightly wrong. SQL*Plus does allow multi-line strings by default. It is only blank lines that cause problems.
You can also use not-well-known feature of Oracle's SQL: Perl style quoted strings.
SQL> select q'[f dfgdfklgdfkjgd
2 sdffdslkdflkgj dglk
3 glfdglkjdgkldj ]'
4 from dual;
f dfgdfklgdfkjgd
sdffdslkdflkgj dglk
SQL*Plus Manual
You can end a SQL command in one of three ways:
with a semicolon (;)
with a slash (/) on a line by itself
with a blank line
A blank line in a SQL statement or script tells SQL*Plus that you have
finished entering the command, but do not want to run it yet. Press
Return at the end of the last line of the command.
Turning SQLBLANKLINES on in this situation may be the answer, but even with it you still have to worry about the following SQL*Plus commands.
# ("at" sign) (Start of line)
## (double "at" sign) (Start of line)
# SQLPREFIX (Start of line)
. BLOCKTERMINATOR (Start of line and by itself)
/ (slash) (Start of line and by itself)
; SQLT[ERMINATOR] (Start of line and by itself, or at the end)
SQLPREFIX is something that you cannot turn off; it's a feature of SQL*Plus. BLOCKTERMINATOR can be activated or disabled. Slash on the other hand if it appears at the start of a new line will cause it to execute the contents in the buffer. SQL[TERMINATOR] has a similar behavior.
Another way of inserting newlines to a string is concatenating:
(on windows)
or just:

Pass varchar param to sql file via Batch file

I have a batch file which runs multiple sql files and passes parameters to them.
The input parameters are stored in a txt file which is read by batch file.
I am trying to pass varchar values to IN clause of SQL.
For e.g.
In my input file i this entry
In Batch file
<code to read file , assuming %1 has the var1 value>
set param=%~1
sqlplus %DBCONN% #%programFolder%\test.sql %param%
test.sql (name is varchar2)
select * from table where name in (&1);
This gives error, saying invalid number
as it tries to run
select * from table where name in (tommy);
If i echo right before the sql stmt, its displays 'tommy','jim'
but in sql its removing jim and the single quotes ...
Please help!
Now i edited entry in Input file as
it goes as select * from table where name in ('tommy');
But it truncates the second value
Any clue how to include comma ??
Finally found a way
input file -
Remove the braces from the sql file
select * from table where name in &1;
This works , i have no idea why was taking a comma was such an issue, there should have been some way to pass the comma !
If anyone finds out please let me know.
The tilde (~) strips quotes from the variable.
Try using var1='tommy','jim' in your input file and set param=%1 in your batch script.