An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Podio.NET.dll - podio

Since 6 July 2018 we have been receiving the following error when making API requests to Podio:
An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in
but was not handled in user code...
Line: PodioClient.AuthenticateWithApp(AppId, AppToken);
We haven't changed anything in our code.
This has basically just started happening. I can confirm we are using TLS 1.2.
Could someone shed some light on this issue?
We are using the libraries from here -

Please use newest Podio .Net Nuget packages that are now published:
Check them out :)

We have to forced the application to read TLS 1.2 from server by adding the code below at the beginning of the application:
'ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
But sometime the application is fail and return errors below, see screenshot attached.
Podio Errors
'2018-07-13 13:51:51.5860 ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PodioAPI.Podio.Request[T](RequestMethod requestMethod, String url, Object requestData, Object options). at PodioAPI.Podio.Get[T](String url, Dictionary`2 requestData, Object options) at PodioAPI.Services.FileService.DownloadFile(FileAttachment fileAttachment)'


CefSharp.BrowserSubProcess.Core WCF pipe failure

Our application is using CefSharp version 73.1.130. The issue only occurs on a small number of internal workstations within our organization. Worth noting, we are also seeing the same error with CefSharp version 92. Another strange thing is that it the issue is consistent, but only when the web apps are launched through certain navigations. Other navigations work consistently for these users.
We use RegisterJsObject to register a javascript object with browser. If I understand correctly, asynchronous binding is preferred moving forward.
The issue presents as strange/unexpected behavior in the hosted web application due to failure to retrieve context from the host WinForms application. The behavior would suggest a failure to register/bind the js object with the RegisterJsObject method. However, that method is not throwing an exception.
Enabled Cef logging showed the following error:
ERROR:JavascriptRootObjectWrapper.cpp(34)] IBrowserProcess is null, unable to bind object
After looking into the code, it appears the location that the value pointed to by "IBrowserProcess" is set is in WcfEnabledSubProcess::OnBrowserCreated ( I was able to build CefSharp and add additional logging to that method.
On my workstation (I'm not affected by the issue), I get through OnBrowserCreated with no exceptions. However, on my coworkers workstation I see the following line is failing:
auto browserProcess = channelFactory->CreateChannel();
auto clientChannel = ((IClientChannel^)browserProcess);
clientChannel->Open(); <-- FAILS
browser->ChannelFactory = channelFactory;
browser->BrowserProcess = browserProcess;
catch (Exception^)
With the error:
There was an error reading from the pipe: The pipe has been ended. (109, 0x6d)
Has anyone seen this issue before? I'm not sure how much this will help, but does anyone know if it's possible to enable WCF tracing with the CefSharp.BrowserSubProcess.exe. I have been trying this, but no luck so far.

Setting SessionProperty exception

I have various mule unit tests that extend my ABCTestTransformer - this creates a new instance of ABCTransformer but also extends the AbstractTransformerTestCase
On the tests when they create a new instance of ABCTransformer and get to this line within the transformer in the public Object transformMessage(MuleMessage message, String outputEncoding) method is where all the tests fail
message.setSessionProperty(data here)
I keep getting the following exception
failed with
exception(s)[org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException: Detected
an attempt to set a invocation or session property, but a MuleEvent
hasn't been created using this message yet.
These unit tests were working with Mule 3.2 but I am migrating to 3.6 and I am now having issues.
Anyone able to shed any light on this?
I think the setSessionProperty is already deprecated.
You may try this as an alternative.
message.setProperty(yourkey, value, PropertyScope.SESSION);
Hope this helps :)
As I understand it, you are setting the value on a wrong sequence, you should call the testEvent first before setting the values. Below is the screenshot, with setting a session variable that works, this is created with lower version of Munit and mule 3.4.

TypeNotSerializable Arguments: Exception in WCF

We have an application in Silverlight ,WCF RIA and Entity Framework.
Ever since i added a property to a class in the back end which is of type List<string>
we are getting the error below sometimes, in Production Environment
[TypeNotSerializable] Arguments: System.Linq.Enumerable+<ExceptIterator>d__99`1[System.String] Debugging resource strings are unavailable.
I tried including a [KnownType(typeof(List<string>))], but still we are getting this error occasionally. Please let me know how to get rid of this error.
Thanks !
It would appear someone is using IEnumerable.Except and not calling .ToList which is causing the iterator to still be in the structure when it is being serialized.

how to realise the new OAuth when using objectiveFlickr on mac app

I used the example OAuthTransitionMac,it is OK for the old auth,but when using the new OAuth it got the error
An error occurred in the stage "OAuth", error: Error
Domain=org.lukhnos.ObjectiveFlickr Code=2147418116
UserInfo=0x101e515e0 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(org.lukhnos.ObjectiveFlickr error 2147418116.)",
I setted breakpoint and run,when using new OAuth the request token isn't successfully obtained and it got into
- (void)flickrAPIRequest:(OFFlickrAPIRequest *)inRequest didFailWithError:(NSError *)inError.
I had read the document on the but couldn't solve it.
Please someone help me!
I had an issue where I was logging the user out, but I was not setting the oAuthToken && oAuthTokenSecret to nil on my OFFlickrAPIContext object when I was trying to log in with a different user. Once I set those two variable to nil, then it logged in fine and I no longer got this error.

Apache Abdera Client Response getDocument method

I am using client response interface of apache abdera. I want to see what data the server returns me in the response object. I tried using the getDocument() method of response object but it throws me an exception as follows:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)Ljavax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory;
at org.apache.abdera.parser.stax.FOMParser.getXMLInputFactory(
at org.apache.abdera.parser.stax.FOMParser.createXMLStreamReader(
at org.apache.abdera.parser.stax.FOMParser.parse(
at org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.AbstractClientResponse.getDocument(
at org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.AbstractClientResponse.getDocument(
at org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.AbstractClientResponse.getDocument(
Does anyone know a way to read the conents of response object?
I've faced the same problem under different circumstanes. After some investigations I've found out, that problem is in wrong compile-time/runtime Axiom version (1.2.5 vs 1.2.10);
I've attached proposed fix (ABDERA-284-fix.diff), that worked fine for me to the bug.