Singleton getinstance() method with void as return type - singleton

I wrote the singleton class as shown below.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Singleton
static bool inst;
static Singleton * ptr;
cout<<"Singleton Private Constructor is called"<<endl;
static Singleton * Create_Instance()
ptr = new Singleton();
inst = true;
cout<<"New instance is created"<<endl;
return ptr;
bool Singleton::inst = false;
Singleton * Singleton::ptr = NULL;
int main()
Singleton * point = Singleton::Create_Instance();
return 0;
Here the Singleton instance is returned to main from Create_Instance() method.
Here my is what if the return value of Create_Instance() is void ? Meaning if the signature is going to be "static void Create_Instance()", then how we will get the instance of Singleton in main.
Please help me in this regard.


Hi, I have a question regarding classes and constructors

class Stack {
int stackstore[100];
int SP;
Stack(void) { SP = 0; }
void push(int value);
int pop(void) {
return stackstore[--SP];
void Stack::push(int value) {
stackstore[SP++] = value;
In this case I want to understand what difference it makes initializing SP in the constructor to doing it directly when declaring the variable. Why is it a better practice to do it the way depicted above rather than this way (without the constructor) ->:
class Stack {
int stackstore[100];
int SP = 0;
void push(int value);
int pop(void) {
return stackstore[--SP];
void Stack::push(int value) {
stackstore[SP++] = value;
Thank you in advance for any help :)

reference variables and objects

I wanted to know why this did not work, as in why didn't the compiler invoke the restart method within the computer class...
Consider the following scenario:
I have 3 classes as shown below:
public class Computer {
public int compStatus = 0; //0 means off, 1 means on.
public void turnOn(){
this.compStatus = 1;
public void turnOff(){
this.compStatus = 0;
public void restart(){
if(compStatus ==1){
System.out.println("Turning off");
compStatus = 0;
System.out.println("Turning on");
compStatus = 1;
System.out.println("Restart successful");
Now the sub-class:
public class Macintosh extends Computer {
public void openXCode(){
if(compStatus == 1){
System.out.println("XCode Compiler opened.");
System.out.println("Mac is off.");
public void restart(){
System.out.println("Mac restarted");
The tester class:
public class CompTest {
public static void main(String[] args){
Computer testObj = new Macintosh();
testObj.restart(); ///ERROR HERE
I am aware that the compiler checks if the restart method is in the class of the reference variable 'Computer' not the class of the actual object at the other end of the reference 'macintosh'. So if what I have said is true, why is the restart method not invoked?
You have to call the base class method in order to actually restart. Your method is just hiding the base method. You should override the method and then call it base.restart to do what you want.

Working example of a Singleton

In C#, I want to implement Singletons to provide data in one thread to many other threads.
I have decided to use this lazy form of Singleton from Jon Skeet (thanks, Jon!):
public sealed class Singleton
public static Singleton Instance
return Nested.instance;
class Nested
// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
// not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static Nested()
internal static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();
So far, so good. ... but how does one use that?
What I want to do is share a single instance of the following data:
public bool myboolean = false ;
public double mydoubles[] = new double[128,3] ;
public IntPtr myhandles[] = new IntPtr[128] ;
How do I declare and reference these data as Singletons?
I also need them to be referenceable across different namespaces.
Many thanks!
// thread-safety
public sealed class Singleton
private static Singleton instance = null;
private static readonly object padlock = new object();
private bool myboolean = false;
private double[,] mydoubles = new double[128, 3];
private IntPtr[] myhandles = new IntPtr[128];
public static Singleton Instance
lock (padlock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
and to access

how to check the an interface type in c++/cli

i want to convert that line from c# to c++/cli
Idocobj is IPart
IPart is an interface and Idocobj is an object.Are there any way to do this conversion.
i used this code :
Idocobj->GetType() == IPart::typeid
but it dosen't work
You can use dynamic_cast to check for "is". Here is an example:
using namespace System;
namespace NS
public interface class IFoo
void Test();
public ref class Foo : public IFoo
public: virtual void Test() {}
public ref class Bar
public: virtual void Test() {}
template<class T, class U>
bool isinst(U u) {
return dynamic_cast< T >(u) != nullptr;
int main()
NS::Foo^ f = gcnew NS::Foo();
NS::Bar^ b = gcnew NS::Bar();
if (isinst<NS::IFoo^>(f))
Console::WriteLine("f is IFoo");
if (isinst<NS::IFoo^>(b) == false)
Console::WriteLine("f is not IFoo");
But normally, you never use "is".... you always want to do something with the check... so normally you should use "as" which directly mapps to dynamic_cast:
NS::IFoo^ ifoo = dynamic_cast<NS::IFoo^>(f);
if (ifoo != nullptr)
// Do something...

Return string from c++ function pointer invoked from c#

I need to call a c++ callback function from c# that returns a String. When I try with the code below the application crashes hard (with a message saying that it may be due to a corruption of the heap).
Here's the c++ code:
static String^ CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return gcnew String("From C++");
void main()
And here's the c# code:
public class CSharp
private delegate string CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(IntPtr cppFunc)
var func = (CppFuncDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(cppFunc, typeof(CppFuncDelegate));
func(); // Crash
Do I have to do some kind of marshaling magic with the string before returning it?
Why are you using function pointers in the first place? Just pass an instance of the delegate to the C# code:
static String^ CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return gcnew String("From C++");
void main()
CSharp::CSharpFunction(new CSharp::CppFuncDelegate(CppFuncThatReturnsString));
public class CSharp
private delegate string CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(CppFuncDelegate d)
I think you may need to put CppFuncThatReturnsString inside a class.
I found the answer on this ten year old page.
static const char* __stdcall CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return "From C++";
void main()
public class CSharp
private delegate IntPtr CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(IntPtr cppFunc)
var func = (CppFuncDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(cppFunc, typeof(CppFuncDelegate));
That is, pass it as an IntPtr and marshal it into a string on the C# side.