Web Automation - How do I input text into a rich text box on a website (textarea) defined by a class? - vb.net

I have been trying this for a few days and am completely stuck. If anybody could help me out I would be very grateful; Im using VB.NET.
The HTML Code:
<td class="chat-attachment-cell"></td>
<td class="chat-input-cell">
<textarea class="chat-message-input"></textarea>
<td class="chat-send-cell"><a href="#" class="chat-send-button"> alt="Send" width="66" height="66" border="0">
The text box I need to input into is this bit
<textarea class="chat-message-input"></textarea>
Thankyou in advance for any help provided

You select the element then change the .innertext property with what you want.
There are multiple ways to do it, and I can't give you an example because I don't know what you are using nor the whole html, but for example it could look like this:
For start, you can try looking how the collection of elements you get looks, then you should be able to figure out what to do next.
Dim test = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("textarea")
For example on this page:
Dim test = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("tbody")
test(1).InnerText = "Hi there"


How to find element using xpath when dom changes with window size

The DOM my test application changes depending upon the window size. So I am trying to write an XPATH which will cater for both of these scenarios.
Scenario 1: When the window is maximum size below is the dom:
<tr><td class="sv-table-col-xs"><img src="image.gif">
<td><span class="sv-label sv-label-primary">You</span>
</td><td>0% of 1</td>
<td>Complete academic review</td>
I am using xpath:
//tr[td[contains(text(), '03/Mar/2020')]]//a[text()='Complete academic review']
This works fine and finds the element.
Scenario 2: Below is the DOM when window is shrinked
<tr><td class="sv-table-col-xs">
<b class="tablesaw-cell-label">Status</b>
<span class="tablesaw-cell-content"><img src="../images/emailunr.jpg" style="border:0px" alt="..\images\icons\exploding_email1.gif.gif"></span>
<td><b class="tablesaw-cell-label">Due Date</b>
<span class="tablesaw-cell-content">03/Mar/2020</span>
<td><b class="tablesaw-cell-label">Primary Reviewer</b>
<span class="tablesaw-cell-content"><span class="sv-label sv-label-primary">You</span></span>
<td class="tablesaw-cell-hidden"><b class="tablesaw-cell-label">Other Reviewers</b>
<span class="tablesaw-cell-content">0% of 1</span>
<td class="tablesaw-cell-hidden"><b class="tablesaw-cell-label">Action</b><span class="tablesaw-cell-content">
Complete academic review
For this the xpath changes to:
to get to both elements I have tried to use:
//tr/td[5]/span/a | //tr[td[contains(text(), '03/Mar/2020')]]//a[text()='Complete academic review']
this xpath works but I on shrinked window I am not validating the element with text contains ''03/Mar/2020' & 'Complete academic review'.
Not sure if there is a way to validate the texts in both scenarios before selecting the element.
You want to use string value of a node. And function text() doesn't do it.
So instead use . or string() at least for date filtering part.
//tr[td[contains(., '03/Mar/2020')]]//a[text()='Complete academic review']

How to get label text from web table

I'm facing the problem with finding label text from table
I'm new to Selenium, help me understand what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance
WebElement services = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//tr[#id='mr_2']/label"));
String strServices = services.getText();
<tr class="alt" id="mr_2">
<td class="first_col">Menu Selection</td>
<td><label style="display: none" for="element_2_1">Poor</label>
<input id="element_2_1" name="element_2" type="radio" value="1"></td>
Try changing the below line
String strServices = services.getText();
String strServices = services.getAttribute("textContent");

Selenium: find input fieled element in Table

I am using Java and firefox for automation.
i have the following table:
<table width="200" border="0">
<td align="LEFT">User-ID: </td>
**<input name="username" size="25"/>**
<td align="LEFT">Password: </td>
**<input name="password" size="25" type="PASSWORD"/>**
I need to reach the "Input name" and "Input password" in order to input my credentials. I have tried the following commands :
In both cases eclipse found nothing.
Can some one assist me with the correct xPath?
The error massage in Eclipse is the following:
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: Expected [object Undefined] undefined to be a string
Try this below code using xpath locator
Explanation of xpath:- Use name attribute of <input> tag.
Note:- Instead of using absolute xpath, use relative xpath.
Try this below code using cssSelector
Looking at your HTML DOM this command will work for you:
You can use the "name" locator as:
You can use the "xpath" locator as:
Let me know if it works for you.
I found out why your answers are not working.
The error that i am getting is an actual Firefox issue.
Please refer to this link:
Many thanks to all that tried to help me.

Selenium java to find the right element

I want to find the the element for the Edit:
my java code is not working.
String xpathLocater = "//a[contains(text(),'onEditFilter('modifier')')]";
return driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpathLocater));
This is the source code for the element.
<tr class="listeven">
<a onclick="return onEditFilter('modifier');" href="#">Edit</a>
something like
String xpathLocater = "//a[contains(#onclick,\"onEditFilter('modifier')\")]"

How can i get src as an attribute

I need to getAttribute("src") of the image. When I run my script, it shows "null". BTW, action works!
My script:
WebElement image = driver.findElement(By.id("creativeLink"));
verifyDisplay(image.getAttribute("src"), By.id("creativeLink"));
Page HTML:
<div id="creativeContent">
<a id="creativeLink" href="http://www.website.com" target="_new"> <img href="http://www.website.com" rel="faceboxMO" alt="" src="https://console.data.com/images/login/logo.png" height="50" border="0" width="50"></a>
<td valign="top"><div class="hint">(Note: Mouse over creative to see in correct dimensions)</div></td>
Looks like you are using wrong selector there. Since you are using some custom function I was not able to test it. However, I came up with something like following and seems working. A correct selector should look like something as following:
// The selector finds the img element
By by = By.cssSelector("#creativeLink>img");
//Getting attribute on on img tag
String src = driver.findElement(by).getAttribute("src");
Probably do something like this and it will work:
WebElement image = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#creativeLink>img"));
verifyDisplay(image.getAttribute("src"), By.cssSelector("#creativeLink>img"));