How to display UTC time in vega-tooltip "version": "0.5.1", - vega

I use "utc" vega scale in order to display data in UTC time, but when I hover an item in the chart then tooltip show a date in local format. How to display UTC data in vega tooltip?
Here is vega tooltip config
let options = {
showAllFields: false,
fields: [
field: "x",
title: "Time",
formatType: "time",
format: "%x %X "+
field: "y",
title: "Value",
formatType: "number"
field: "value",
title: "Time",
formatType: "time",
format: "%x %X "
field: "label",
title: "Data",
formatType: "string"
field: "info",
title: "Info",
formatType: "string"
field: "startTime",
title: "Start",
formatType: "time",
format: "%x %X "
field: "endTime",
title: "End",
formatType: "time",
format: "%x %X "
vegaTooltip.vega(vegaView, options);

I can't judge about the data of dates you ingest, but this was discussed recently in
The core of the matter is that you'll have to parse your datetime data in ISO-8601 standard to make your browser parse it as UTC, if you parse your data in a different format it will assumes local time zone:
Differences in assumed time zone
Given a date string of "March 7, 2014", parse() assumes a local time
zone, but given an ISO format such as "2014-03-07" it will assume a
time zone of UTC (ES5 and ECMAScript 2015). Therefore Date objects
produced using those strings may represent different moments in time
depending on the version of ECMAScript supported unless the system is
set with a local time zone of UTC. This means that two date strings
that appear equivalent may result in two different values depending on
the format of the string that is being converted.


Sequelize Multiple TimeZone issue

The Column name CreatedAt has SMALLDATETIME datatype and
I'm saving value as CreatedAt = dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
It's working fine.
But the real issue is that my application provides the user to select his timezone. when the user is selecting any timezone, I want to show the date in that timezone.
I'm using this to convert in the user timezone.
here tz can use Asia/Kolkata to US/Eastern.
But It's showing the wrong time.
I've tried this but nothing happens
host: config.DATABASE_HOST,
dialect: config.DATABASE_DIALECT,
dialectOptions: {
options: { requestTimeout: 3000000, useUTC: true },
pool: {
max: 5,
min: 0,
acquire: 30000,
idle: 10000,
logging: true,
timezone: '-05:00', // US/Eastern TimeZone
Can someone help me with this?

Can Azure Cosmos DB do this kind of query?

I have a JSON object stored in Azure Cosmos DB, and I'm seeing if there's a way to write workable queries doing basic things like Order By.
The structure looks something like :
"title":"test title",
"itemTitle":"item title 1",
"value":"My First Title"
"itemTitle":"item number",
"value":"21/11/2019 00:00:00"
"title":"test title again",
"itemTitle":"item title 2",
"value":"My Second Title"
"itemTitle":"item number",
"value":"20/11/2019 00:00:00"
I can use ARRAY_CONTAINS to find objects with a particular value, but I run into all kinds of issues if I try to sort by an the value of an object which has the title of "date".
So, as an example, I'd like to be able to say something like (pseudoish code here):
{"itemTitle":"item title 2", "value" : "My Second Title"}, true)
ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.dataRecord.dataRecordItems,{"itemTitle":"item number", "value" : 2}, true)
ORDER BY < *** SOMEHOW GET THE DATE HERE from itemTitle = date ***
Then, in this simple case, I would everything returned, but ordered by date.
Obviously in the future I would be pulling out individual fields, but it's all kind of moot if I can't do the first part.
Just wondering if anyone has any great ideas.
You need to store the date in ISO 8601 format:
YYYY (eg 1997)
Year and month:
YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07)
Complete date:
YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)
Complete date plus hours and minutes:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
YYYY = four-digit year
MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm NOT allowed)
mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59)
ss = two digits of second (00 through 59)
s = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second
TZD = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm)

How to fix wrong sorting in bootstrap-vue table

I'm making use of bootstrap-vue. Within the table component, I want my users to be able to sort values.
I set all the options for that but for some reason, the sorting isn't going as I espected.
I've checked the docs about sorting and set things up. My problem is, is that the following numbers (when sorted descending) are sorted like this:
Obviously, the last one is greater than the first two, but for some reason this doesn't work.
Now, the sorting does go right when I loose the punctuation, but that makes an ugly table for numbers.
Again, following the docs (see above) I'm making use of the sort-compare-options prop:
sortOptions: {
ignorePunctuation: true,
numeric: true
My fields looke like this:
fields: [
{ key: 'name', sortable: true, tdClass: 'table-cell-align' },
{ key: 'revenue', sortable: true },
{ key: 'costs', sortable: true },
{ key: 'result', sortable: true },
{ key: 'margin', sortable: true },
{ key: 'fte', sortable: true },
{ key: 'personell_costs_/_revenue', sortable: true},
{ key: 'other_costs_/_revenue', sortable: true},
{ key: 'revenue_/_fte', sortable: true},
{ key: 'details', sortable: false }
"name": "Medical Tattoo Innovations",
"revenue": "34.254",
"costs": "38.010",
"result": "-4.414",
"fte": "0",
"margin": "0",
"personell_costs_\/_revenue": "0",
"other_costs_\/_revenue": "1",
"revenue_\/_fte": "171.270",
"details": "0"
But this doesn't do the trick for me.
Any thoughts on this?
827.873.000 is a string in your items data, not a Number (and since it has more than one decimal, the browser String.localCompare(...) method (used internally by b-table) does not see that as a valid number, so sorts it as a String.
You can either convert it to a number beforehand (but loose the extra decimal values), or set up a custom sort compare routine for those field columns.
Your custom sort compare routine (which compares two rows), would need to deal with splitting the string into numerical parts and sort by those values.

Row Editor sending wrong Date

Recently I have upgrade my Ext version from 4.0.7 to 4.1.1
In my model I have defined like
{name : 'StartDate',type: 'date' ,dateFormat: 'time'},
My Grid Column is
id: 'StartDateID',
width: 180,
text: 'Start Date',
dataIndex: 'StartDate',
renderer : Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),
allowBlank: true,
editable: true},
sortable: false, groupable: false }
On Edit I am doing
My_Grid.on('edit', function(editor, e) {;
After clicking on Update I used to get [with Ext 4.0.7 ] date value as
but after upgrade with 4.1.1 I am getting date value as
Which I am not understanding.
My date is in this format
Can you please suggest me what is missing here? Or else how to get proper date after clicking update button from RowEditor.
Your model definition is incorrect, if you want your desired format it should be like:
{name : 'StartDate',type: 'date' ,dateFormat: 'U'},
'time' is not in the documentation, the only reason you could actually be using 'time' is if it is a custom type you have created, which is probably not the case.

date format with extjs 4 not rendering in date picker

I have the following date picker
xtype: 'datefield',
id: 'FinalDespatchDate',
name: 'FinalDespatchDate',
fieldLabel: 'Part Despatch Date',
labelWidth: 150,
width: 370,
validateOnChange: false,
format: 'd/m/Y'
In my model i have
type: 'date',
if in my model i don't include the dateFormat. The date binds to my date picker but it sends the date in an incorrect format. When i add dateFormat it sends the date in the correct format it just no longer binds to the datepicker. ie the above configuration display nothing in the date picker
Does your data come from server with properly formatted date value ('d/m/Y') in this (non-working) configuration?