Execute step in TeamCity ONLY if previous step was failed - selenium

I have 3 steps in my build. If third step failed, I need to run specific step, which have to run ONLY after fail of previous one. How to do it?

It doesn't look like there's an execution policy to "run on previous step failure". You could work around it by using the execution policy "even if some of previous steps failed" and having your particular build step handle the logic.
i.e. If previous step successful, do nothing. If previous step unsuccessful, do the failure case.
If you need to detect if previous step was a failure or not, you could consider making a part of your build creating a status file (if in_error file exists then perform your task)

I was surprised that TeamCity does not support it out of the box in 2021. But API gives you a lot usefull features and you can do it
As a solution you need to write bash script and call TeamCity API inside
setup API key in MySettings & Tools => Access token
create env variable with API token
create a step in your configuration with Execute step: Even if some of the previous steps failed
build own container with jq or use any existing container with jq support
place this bash script
set -e -x
declare api_response=$(curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer %env.teamcity_internal_api_key%" -H "Accept: application/json" %teamcity.serverUrl%/app/rest/latest/builds?locator=buildType:%system.teamcity.buildType.id%,running:any,canceled:all,count:2\&fields=build\(id,status\))
declare current_status=`echo ${api_response} | jq '.build[0].status'`
declare prev_status=`echo ${api_response} | jq '.build[1].status'`
if [ "$current_status" != "$prev_status" ]; then
do you code here
some explanation of code above. with API call you get 2 last builds of current buildType. This is last build and previous build. After you assign variable with statuses and compare them in if statement. If you need to run some code in case of current build failed use
if [ "$current_status" = "FAILURE" ]; then
write your code here


Is it possible to to retrieve commitId instead of runId when running az acr task?

I follow instruction from this link to create an image container in Azure Container registry whenever a commit is done.
Everything is working fine and I appreciate we could retrieve the Run.ID
az acr task create -t acb:{{.Run.ID}} -n acb-win -r MyRegistry \
-c https://github.com/Azure/acr-builder.git -f Windows.Dockerfile \
--commit-trigger-enabled false --platform Windows/amd64
I see also that we can use another tag like {{.Run.Registry}} instead of {{.Run.ID}}.
I am curious to know which other tag exists. In my workflow i wonder if it possible to retrieve the commitID.
Is there anyone who succeed to retrieve the commitID ? I tester several combinaison but no luck.
Many thanks to the community.
I answer to myself and found this link https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/main/articles/container-registry/container-registry-tasks-reference-yaml.md#task-step-properties which explain clairly all variable can be used.

AWS Code Build with Github - get changed files

Tangentially related to: AWS CodeBuild with GitHub - only for specific directory
I have a codebuild project and a github repo with many files in it. A user may update any of these files in the git repo. I want to pass the name of the altered file(s) into my buildspec.yaml somehow; IE my merge job logic, specified in the buildspec.yaml, needs to know what files changed to do a per-file operation.
I am not talking about filters; Ie "only trigger this if X,Y,Z changed". Becuase the filter is there for a large number of XYZ, but I need to know which file(s) changed in my buildspec. IE something like $CHANGED_FILE_LIST.
I don't see this here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/build-env-ref-env-vars.html
Maybe we have to do something like this: how to find out list of all changed files in git for full jenkins build and not for a particular commit?
git diff --name-only $GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT $GIT_COMMIT
but one would think this meta info could be provided by codebuild
I don't know if there's a blessed CodeBuild way to do this, but assuming you have access to a GitHub token in the build, you can query the GitHub metadata endpoint to get the info you need. Something like
curl -H "Authorization: token ${yourtoken}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/OWNER/REPO/commits/${CODEBUILD_SOURCE_VERSION} | jq '.files[].filename'
will return a list of files in the commit.
See https://docs.github.com/en/rest/commits/commits#get-a-commit for more details.
git diff --name-status $CODEBUILD_WEBHOOK_BASE_REF should do the trick
Where $CODEBUILD_WEBHOOK_PREV_COMMIT is the commit id of the previous commit. And $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION is the commit id of the actual one.
Inside a build phase you can check the change with:
if [ "$(git diff --name-only $CODEBUILD_WEBHOOK_PREV_COMMIT $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION | grep -e <filde_path>)" != "" ]; then
#your code;

How do I delete/unregister a GitLab runner

I have registered a personal GitLab runner several months ago, which I no longer use. How do I completely delete it so that it does not show up on my GitLab CI/CD settings page?
List runners to get their tokens and URLs:
sudo gitlab-runner list
Verify with delete option specifying runner's token and URL:
sudo gitlab-runner verify --delete -t YMsSCHnjGssdmz1JRoxx -u http://git.xxxx.com/
Get your runner token and id
First, go to the GitLab settings page and find the token (e.g. 250cff81 in the image below) and the id (e.g. 354472 in the image below) of the GitLab runner which you wish to delete.
Use the gitlab-runner CLI to unregister the runner
If you have access to the machine which was used to register the GitLab runner, you can unregister the runner using the following command, where you replace {TOKEN} with the token of your GitLab runner (e.g. 250cff81 in the example above).
gitlab-runner unregister --url https://gitlab.org/ --token {TOKEN}
Use the GitLab API to unregister the runner
If you no longer have access to the machine which was used to register the runner, or if the runner is associated with multiple projects, you can use the following Python script. Set RUNNER_ID to the id of your runner (e.g. 354472 in the example above) and GITLAB_AUTH_TOKEN to a GitLab token which you can generate from your profile page.
import os
import requests
r = requests.get(f"https://gitlab.com/api/v4/runners/{RUNNER_ID}", headers=headers)
runner_data = r.json()
for project in runner_data.get("projects", []):
r = requests.delete(
if not r.ok:
print("Encountered an error deleting runner from project:", r.json())
r = requests.delete(f"https://gitlab.com/api/v4/runners/{RUNNER_ID}", headers=headers)
if not r.ok:
print("Encountered an error deleting runner:", r.json())
Here's one-liner to remove offline runners (for GitLab 14.5):
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <private_token>" "https://<your-instance-address>/api/v4/runners/all?scope=offline&per_page=100" | jq '.[].id' | xargs -I runner_id curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <private_token>" "https://<your-instance-address>/api/v4/runners/runner_id"
You might run this more than once if you have more than 100 offline runners (per_page=100).
If you are talking about the runners listed in "Available group runners: ...", they can be deleted at the runner settings page of your group.
If you no longer have enough information related to a runner, GitLab (UI) will only allow you to disable it.
However, there is a workaround to delete runners via the GitLab UI (if you lost your info).
Create a new blank project within GitLab (called dummy, for instance)
Go to the CI/CD settings page (Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners)
Enable all runners you want to delete to be able to edit them
Lock every runner you wish to delete to the dummy project as shown below
Delete the dummy project
The runners are gone.
The overall idea was to lock all of the orphan runners to a dummy project, then delete that dummy.
PS: If runners are not visible in the dummy project, you may want to unlock them from the project they are associated with, then do the procedure again.
EDIT: This process is most particularly useful when
You do not have access to the machine host (especially in big organisations where rights are segmented), only to your GitLab instance.
You think that creating a runner via the UI should also give you the ability to delete a runner via the UI
You have enough rights but you don't want to fire up a Ruby instance (like described in the GitLab doc) to delete a runner.
With GitLab 15.5 (October 2022), you can also use the Web UI:
Bulk delete runners in the Admin Area
Bulk editing is a powerful and valuable feature when you need to visualize or manage large data sets. For administrators that manage a fleet of runners, the lack of a bulk delete option is a productivity drain and increases the operational overhead of maintaining runners.
Now, in the Admin Area, you can select multiple runners and delete them at the same time. You can also select and delete a full page of runners at once.
See Documentation and Issue.
You must make sure that you copy the value of thetoken=... entry from the config.toml file, or from the settings page.
Do not use the registration_token . The registration_token is different from the token.
In my case I had just created a runner, immediately realized that I had misconfigured the runner (or chosen the wrong executor), and wanted to delete it after first use:
This happened because I still had the gitlab CI/CD Settings webpage with the "Specific Runners // Shareed" Runners Section open and in focus.
I tried
# bad -long registration token
gitlab-runner unregister --url https://git.mycompany.de/ \
--token GR1348941LXUymFTPN5sdKFu1F5mQ`
#ERROR: Unregistering runner from GitLab forbidden runner=GR1348941LXUymFTP
#FATAL: Failed to unregister runner
# GOOD -shorter token from config.yml
gitlab-runner unregister --url https://git.mycompany.de/ \
--token N8Gsyebw_mpYnUBMKB25`
# Unregistering runner from GitLab succeeded runner=N8Gsyebw
If you've deleted the specific runner in your gitlab server, try to remove the unused runner through config.toml file (locally).
To show all runners:
$ gitlab-runner list
$cat /Users/yourUser/.gitlab-runner/config.toml
If you try to delete a runner with this command:
$ gitlab-runner verify --delete -t Token-From-Your-Runner -u https://gitlab.com/
-> You'll have an error (Verifying runner... error) 'cause the process doesn't not match with your remote runner...
Then (To solve this trouble)
Delete all runners by the name with their indentation!
If you only have one, the file shows as:
concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
session_timeout = 1800

What does Zap Proxy "HTTP Parameter Override" scan do?

When I run a baseline scane on a target I get the following result:
docker run -t owasp/zap2docker-stable zap-baseline.py -d -t https://mytarget.com
WARN-NEW: HTTP Parameter Override [10026] x 3
What does this result mean? What this scan is about?
Interesting timing, this was just being discussed on the issue tracker the other day: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/issues/4454
The thread that started it all: http://lists.owasp.org/pipermail/owasp-leaders/2012-July/007521.html
Basically it has to do with forms that don't have actions, or that propagate GET paras into form actions. (Mainly impacting JSP/Servlet).
Edit: Of course you could also use the -r report.html (or any of the reporting options) to get full details vs. just the summary.
-r report_html file to write the full ZAP HTML report
-w report_md file to write the full ZAP Wiki (Markdown) report
-x report_xml file to write the full ZAP XML report

Passing a variable in codeception through command prompt

As like we pass the browser name and other details from command prompt in codecetion, can we pass any variable which can be used within the script from command prompt?
I didn't find any way to do it in documentation and other feeds.
I add pull request for this ability use params from console in tests
When it will be merged in master you can run tests like this:
php codecept run -p "site-id: 123456, group: admin" -p "duty: free"
You can find more information in PR.