How to write an insert SQL statement that loop through each record in an array of objects and insert into a record's specific columns accordingly? - sql

First of all, I wanted to figure out how to even write an array of objects (like in js) in sql statement, and I am found nothing on the internet...
I can certainly just repeating all the insert statement, but I really just want to loop through a dataset and inject them into a table for a set of columns with exactly the same insert statement with different value! But seems there is no way to do this if the dataset is too complicated like an array of objects? or do I have to just write multiple list of arrays to represent each column which is really silly.. no?
Example of data set
name: 'abc',
gender: 'male',
name: 'bbc',
gender: 'female',
name: 'ccc',
gender: 'male',
and put them into a table with columns of

You can use jsonb_array_elements to extract each JSON from the array, then use that as the source for an INSERT:
create table x(name text, gender text);
insert into x (name, gender)
select t ->> 'name', t ->> 'gender'
from jsonb_array_elements(
"name": "abc",
"gender": "male"
"name": "bbc",
"gender": "female"
"name": "ccc",
"gender": "male"
]'::jsonb) t;
Online example:
Update (after the scope changed)
To deal with nested JSON structures, you need to combine the operator that returns jsonb -> with the one that returns "plain text":
insert into x (name, gender)
select t -> 'name' ->> 'first', t ->> 'gender'
from jsonb_array_elements(
"name": {"first": "a", "last": "b"},
"gender": "male"
]'::jsonb) t;
More details about the JSON operators can be found in the manual

select * from json_each( (REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( your_input, '},{' , ' ' ) ,'[','{') ,']','}'))::json)
this will output a table
name | gender
abc | male
bcc | female
ccc | male
you can insert it in any table you want


Insert into table using data from JSON value in PostgresQL

I am working on a sensitive migration. The scenario is as follows:
I have a new table that I need to populate with data
There is an existing table, which contains a column (type = json), which contains an array of objects such as:
"id": 0,
"name": "custom-field-0",
"label": "When is the deadline for a response?",
"type": "Date",
"options": "",
"value": "2020-10-02",
"index": 1
"id": 1,
"name": "custom-field-1",
"label": "What territory does this relate to?",
"type": "Dropdown",
"options": "UK, DE, SE, DK, BE, NL, IT, FR, ES, AT, CH, NO, US, SG, Other",
"value": " DE",
"index": 2
I need to essentially map these values in this column to my new table. I have worked with JSON data in PostgresQL before, where I was dealing with a single object in the JSON, but never with arrays of objects and on such a large scale.
So just to summarise, how does someone iterate every row, and every object in an array, and insert that data into a new table?
I have been experimenting with some functions, and I found one that seems promising json_array_elements_text or json_array_elements. As this allowed me to add multiple rows to the new table using this array of objects.
However, my issue is that I need to map certain values to the new table.
INSERT INTO form_field_value ("name", "label", "inputType", "options", "form" "workspace")
FROM task;
I have been playing around some more with the above functions, but reached a slight issue.
INSERT INTO form_field_value ("name", "label", "inputType", "options", "form" "workspace")
SELECT cf ->> 'name',
(cf ->> 'label')
FROM jsonb_array_elements(task."customFields") AS t(cf);
My issue lies in the FROM clause, so customFields is the array of objects, but I also need to get the form and workspace attribute from this table too. Plus I a pretty sure that the FROM clause would not work anyway, as it probably will complain about the task."customFields" not being specified or something.
Here is the select statement that uses json_array_elements and a lateral join in the from clause to flatten the data.
select j ->> 'name' as "name", j ->> 'label' as "label",
j ->> 'type' as "inputType", j ->> 'options' as "options", form, workspace
from task
cross join lateral json_array_elements("customFields") as l(j);
The from clause can be less verbose
from task, json_array_elements("customFields") as l(j)
you can try to use json_to_recordset:
select * from json_to_recordset('
"id": 0,
"name": "custom-field-0",
"label": "When is the deadline for a response?",
"type": "Date",
"options": "",
"value": "2020-10-02",
"index": 1
"id": 1,
"name": "custom-field-1",
"label": "What territory does this relate to?",
"type": "Dropdown",
"options": "UK, DE, SE, DK, BE, NL, IT, FR, ES, AT, CH, NO, US, SG, Other",
"value": " DE",
"index": 2
') as x(id int, name text,label text,type text,options text,value text,index int)
for insert record you can use an sql like this:
INSERT INTO form_field_value ("name", "label", "inputType", "options", "form" "workspace")
SELECT name, label, type, options, form, workspace
json_to_record(task) AS
x (id int, name text,label text,type text,options text,value text,index int)

How can I modify all values that match a condition inside a json array?

I have a table which has a JSON column called people like this:
[{ "id": 6 }, { "id": 5 }, { "id": 3 }]
[{ "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 }, { "id": 1 }]
...and I need to update the people column and put a 0 in the path $[*].id where id = 3, so after executing the query, the table should end like this:
[{ "id": 6 }, { "id": 5 }, { "id": 0 }]
[{ "id": 2 }, { "id": 0 }, { "id": 1 }]
There may be more than one match per row.
Honestly, I didnĀ“t tried any query since I cannot figure out how can I loop inside a field, but my idea was something like this:
UPDATE mytable
SET people = JSON_SET(people, '$[*].id', 0)
WHERE /* ...something should go here */
This is my version
| version() |
| 10.4.22-MariaDB |
If the id values in people are unique, you can use a combination of JSON_SEARCH and JSON_REPLACE to change the values:
UPDATE mytable
SET people = JSON_REPLACE(people, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_SEARCH(people, 'one', 3)), 0)
Note that the WHERE clause is necessary to prevent the query replacing values with NULL when the value is not found due to JSON_SEARCH returning NULL (which then causes JSON_REPLACE to return NULL as well).
If the id values are not unique, you will have to rely on string replacement, preferably using REGEXP_REPLACE to deal with possible differences in spacing in the values (and also avoiding replacing 3 in (for example) 23 or 34:
UPDATE mytable
SET people = REGEXP_REPLACE(people, '("id"\\s*:\\s*)2\\b', '\\14')
Demo on dbfiddle
As stated in the official documentation, MySQL stores JSON-format strings in a string column, for this reason you can either use the JSON_SET function or any string function.
For your specific task, applying the REPLACE string function may suit your case:
people = REPLACE(people, CONCAT('"id": ', 3, ' '), CONCAT('"id": ',0, ' '))

How do I use BigQuery DML to transform some fields of a struct nested within an array, within a struct, within an array?

I think this is a more complex version of the question in Update values in struct arrays in BigQuery.
I'm trying to update some of the fields in a struct, where the struct is heavily nested. I'm having trouble creating the SQL to do it. Here's my table schema:
CREATE TABLE `my_dataset.test_data_for_so`
date DATE,
hits ARRAY<STRUCT<search STRUCT<query STRING, other_column STRING>, metadata ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRING>>>>
This is what the schema looks like in the BigQuery GUI after I create the table:
Here's the data I've inserted:
INSERT INTO `my_dataset.test_data_for_so` (date, hits)
CAST('2021-01-01' AS date),
STRUCT<query STRING, other_column STRING>('foo bar', 'foo bar'),
STRUCT<key STRING, value STRING>('foo bar', 'foo bar')
My goal is to transform the "search.query" and "metadata.value" fields. For example, uppercasing them, leaving every other column (and every other struct field) in the row unchanged.
I'm looking for a solution involving either manually specifying each column in the SQL, or preferably, one where I can only mention the columns/fields I want to transform in the SQL, omitting all other columns/fields. This is a minimal example. The table I'm working on in production has hundreds of columns and fields.
For example, that row, when transformed this way, would change from:
"date": "2021-01-01",
"hits": [
"search": {
"query": "foo bar",
"other_column": "foo bar"
"metadata": [
"key": "foo bar",
"value": "foo bar"
"date": "2021-01-01",
"hits": [
"search": {
"query": "FOO BAR",
"other_column": "foo bar"
"metadata": [
"key": "foo bar",
"value": "FOO BAR"
preferably, one where I can only mention the columns/fields I want to transform in the SQL ...
Use below approach - it does exactly what you wish - ONLY those fields that are to be updated are in use, all other (tens or hundreds ...) are preserved as is
update your_table
set hits = array(
select as struct *
(select as struct * replace (upper(query) as query) from unnest([search])) as search,
array(select as struct * replace(upper(value) as value) from unnest(metadata)) as metadata
from unnest(hits)
where true;
if applied to sample data in your question - result is

Postgresql search if exists in nested jsonb

I'm new with jsonb request and i got a problem. Inside an 'Items' table, I have 'id' and 'data' jsonb. Here is what can look like a data:
"paramId": 3,
"value": "dog"
"paramId": 4,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 5,
"value": "fish"
"paramId": 6,
"value": "",
"fields": [
"paramId": 3,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 4,
"value": "dog"
"paramId": 6,
"value": "",
"fields": [
"paramId": 5,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 3,
"value": "dog"
The value in data is always an array with object inside but sometimes the object can have a 'fields' value with objects inside. It is maximum one level deep.
How can I select the id of the items which as for example an object containing "paramId": 3 and "value": "cat" and also have an object with "paramId": 5 and "value" LIKE '%ish%'.
I already have found a way to do that when the object is on level 0
FROM items i
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( obj3(val) ON obj.val->>'paramId' = '3'
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( obj5(val) ON obj2.val->>'paramId' = '5'
WHERE obj3.val->>'valeur' = 'cat'
AND obj5.val->>'valeur' LIKE '%ish%';
but I don't know how to search inside the fields array if fields exists.
Thank you in advance for you help.
It looks like my question is not clear. I will try to make it better.
What I want to do is to find all the 'item' having in the 'data' column objects who match my search criteria. This without looking if the objects are at first level or inside a 'fields' key of an object.
Again for example. This record should be selected if I search:
'paramId': 3 AND 'value': 'cat
'paramId': 4 AND 'value': LIKE '%og%'
the matching ones are in the 'fields' key of the object with 'paramId': 6 and I don't know how to do that.
This can be expressed using a JSON/Path expression without the need for unnesting everything
To search for paramId = 3 and value = 'cat'
select *
from items
where data #? '$[*] ? ( (#.paramId == 3 && #.value == "cat") || exists( #.fields[*] ? (#.paramId == 3 && #.value == "cat")) )'
The $[*] part iterates over all elements of the first level array. To check the elements in the fields array, the exists() operator is used to nest the expression. #.fields[*] iterates over all elements in the fields array and applies the same expression again. I don't see a way how repeating the values could be avoided though.
For a "like" condition, you can use like_regex:
select *
from items
where data #? '$[*] ? ( (#.paramId == 4 && #.value like_regex ".*og.*") || exists( #.fields[*] ? (#.paramId == 4 && #.value like_regex ".*og.*")) )'
For now I have found a solution but it is not really clean and I don't know how it will perform in production with 10M records.
FROM ( -- A;
select,, i as value
from items it,
jsonb_array_elements( i
select,, f as value
from items it,
jsonb_array_elements( i,
jsonb_array_elements(i -> 'fields') f
) as i
WHERE (i.value ->> 'paramId' = '5' -- B1;
AND i.value ->> 'value' LIKE '%ish%')
OR (i.value ->> 'paramId' = '3' -- B2;
AND i.value ->> 'value' = 'cat')
group by,
having COUNT(*) >= 2; -- C;
A: I "flatten" the first and second level (second level is in 'fields' key)
B1, B2: These are my search criteria
C: I make sure the fields have all the criteria matching. If 3 criteria --> COUNT(*) >=3
It really doesn't look clean to me. It is working for dev purpose but I think there is a better way to do it.
If somebody have an idea Big thanks to him/her!

Bigquery: Append to a nested record

I'm currently checking out Bigquery, and I want to know if it's possible to add new data to a nested table.
For example, if I have a table like this:
"name": "name",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "phone",
"type": "RECORD",
"mode": "REPEATED",
"fields": [
"name": "number",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "type",
"type": "STRING"
And then I insert a phone number for the contact John Doe.
INSERT into socialdata.phones_examples (name, phone) VALUES("Jonh Doe", [("555555", "Home")]);
Is there an option to later add another number to the contact ? To get something like this:
I know I can update the whole field, but I want to know if there is way to append to the nested table new values.
When you insert data into BigQuery, the granularity is the level of rows, not elements of the arrays contained within rows. You would want to use a query like this, where you update the relevant row and append to the array:
UPDATE socialdata.phones_examples
SET phone = ARRAY_CONCAT(phone, [("555555", "Home")])
WHERE name = "Jonh Doe"
if you need to update multiple records for some users - you can use below
UPDATE `socialdata.phones_examples` t
SET phone = ARRAY_CONCAT(phone, [new_phone])
SELECT 'John Doe' name, STRUCT<number STRING, type STRING>('123-456-7892', 'work') new_phone UNION ALL
SELECT 'Abc Xyz' , STRUCT('123-456-7893', 'work') new_phone
) u
or if those updates are available in some table (for example socialdata.phones_updates):
UPDATE `socialdata.phones_examples` t
SET phone = ARRAY_CONCAT(phone, [new_phone])
FROM `socialdata.phones_updates` u
