Best approach to populate new tables in a database - sql

I have a problem I have been working on the past several hours. It is complex (for me) and I don't expect someone to do it for me. I just need the right direction.
Problem: We had the tables (below) added to our database and I need to update them based off of data already in our DailyCosts table. The tricky part is that I need to take DailyCosts.Notes and move it to PurchaseOrder.PoNumber. Notes is where we currenlty have the PONumbers.
I started with the Insert below, testing it out on one WellID. This is Inserting records from our DailyCosts table to the new PurchaseOrder table:
Insert Into PurchaseOrder (PoNumber,WellId,JObID,ID)
Select Distinct Cast(Notes As nvarchar(20)), WellID, JOBID,
From DailyCosts
Where WellID = '24A-23'
It affected 1973 rows (The Notes are in Ntext)
However, I need to update the other new tables because we need to see the actual PONumbers in the application.
This next Insert is Inserting records from our DailyCost table and new PurchaseOrder table (from above) to a new table called PurchaseOrderDailyCost
Insert Into PurchaseOrderDailyCost (WellID, JobID, ReportNo, AccountCode, PurchaseOrderID,ID,DailyCostSeqNo, DailyCostID)
Select Distinct DailyCosts.WellID,DailyCosts.JobID,DailyCosts.ReportNo,DailyCosts.AccountCode,
From DailyCosts join
PurchaseOrder ON DailyCosts.WellID = PurchaseOrder.WellID
Where DailyCosts.WellID = '24A-23'
Unfortunately, this produces 3,892,729 records. The Notes field contains the same list of PONumbers each day. This is by design so that the people inputting the data out in the field can easily track their PO numbers. The new PONumber column that we are moving the Notes to would store just unique POnumbers. I modified the query by replacing NEWID() with DailyCostID and the Join to ON DailyCosts.DailyCostID = PurchaseOrder.ID
This affected 1973 rows the same as the first Insert.
The next Insert looks like this:
Insert Into PurchaseOrderAccount (WellID, JobID, PurchaseOrderID, ID, AccountCode)
Select PurchaseOrder.WellID, PurchaseOrder.JobID, PurchaseOrder.ID, PurchaseOrderDailyCost.DailyCostID,PurchaseOrderDailyCost.AccountCode
From PurchaseOrder Inner Join
PurchaseOrderDailyCost ON PurchaseOrder.ID = PurchaseOrderDailyCost.DailyCostID
Where PurchaseOrder.WellID = '24A-23'
The page in the application now shows the PONumbers in the correct column. Everything looks like I want it to.
Unfortunately, it slows down the application to an unacceptable level. I need to figure out how to either modify my Insert or delete duplicate records. The problem is that there are multiple foreign key constraints. I have some more information below for reference.
This shows the application after the inserts. These are all duplicate records that I am hoping to elminate
Here is some additional information I received from the vendor about the tables:
-- add a new purchase order
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder
(WellID, JobID, ID, PONumber, Amount, Description)
VALUES ('MyWell', 'MyJob', NEWID(), 'PO444444', 500.0, 'A new Purchase Order')
-- link a purchase order with id 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3' to a DailyCost record with SeqNo 0 and AccountCode 'MyAccount'
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderDailyCost
(WellID, JobID, ReportNo, AccountCode, DailyCostSeqNo, PurchaseOrderID, ID)
VALUES ('MyWell', 'MyJob', 4, 'MyAccount', 0, 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3', NEWID())
-- link a purchase order with id 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3' to an account code 'MyAccount'
-- (i.e. make it choosable from the DailyCost PO-column dropdown for any DailyCost record whose account code is 'MyAccount')
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderAccount
(WellID, JobID, PurchaseOrderID, ID, AccountCode)
VALUES ('MyWell', 'MyJob', 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3', NEWID(), 'MyAccount')
-- link a purchase order with id 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3' to an AFE No. 'MyAFENo'
-- (same behavior as with the account codes above)
(WellID, JobID, PurchaseOrderID, ID, AFENo)
VALUES ('MyWell', 'MyJob', 'A356FBF4-A19B-4466-9E5C-20C5FD0E95C3', NEWID(), 'MyAFENo')

So it turns out I missed some simple joining principles. The better I get the more silly mistakes I seem to make. Basically, on my very first insert, I did not include a Group By. Adding this took my INSERT from 1973 to 93. Then on my next insert, I joined DailyCosts.Notes on PurchaseOrder.PONumber since these are the only records from DailyCosts I needed. This was previously INSERT 2 on my question. From there basically, everything came together. Two steps forward an one step back. Thanks to everyone that responded to this.


Exclude a duplicate record from a view based on condtions and keep 1 - SQL Server 2012

I have three joined tables Student, StudentTransportOrder and Transport in SQL Server 2012.
I have created a StudentActivity view for this.
In the StudentTransportOrder table, each student record has a unique TransportOrderID.
When transport is ordered, VehicleID this is recorded into the StudentTransportOrder table.
Unfortunately the same VehicleID has been entered for the same date and time for a student records.
The StudentActivity view already returns records based on where conditions, but I also need to remove the duplicate records, preferably keep the records where if a student has used transport on the same date and time, that only one distinct VehicleID is returned and preferably the where the transport type is TransportVehicle = Car
How can I amend the view , without deleting records from the main tables, also bring back records even if no transport has been ordered
Please help
... to your query and use a filter like WHERE PartitionedCount=1.
This will number your rows for each combination of Student and vehicle separately (you'll have to include the date or datetime probably).
You can use the (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) to force a car sorted on top...
As I do not know your actual tables here's a general example:
INSERT INTO #tbl(GroupID,SomeValue) VALUES
(1,'val 1 for 1')
,(1,'val 2 for 1')
,(1,'val 3 for 1')
,(2,'val 1 for 2')
,(2,'val 2 for 2')
,(3,'val 1 for 3')
,(3,'val 2 for 3');
WITH Numbered AS
SELECT tbl.*
FROM #tbl AS tbl
SELECT * FROM Numbered
WHERE Number=1
Try first without the WHERE. You will get all rows with partitioned numbering. Using the WHERE will reduce the output to the one with number =1.
It is on you to find a clever ORDER BY which brings your cars to the top (CASE will help you probably).
Just good to know: In my ORDER BY you find an inactive DESC. If you take away the /**/ you can use the same approach to find the last row to a given sort order.

Need to duplicate a row an its related data in other tables. Revision a row

My company has a database with Project related data. At times, they would like to Revise a project, keeping the old version and copying it so they can work on a copied version. The project table has a revision field that defaults to 0 and should increment by one when they click a revise button on the front-end website. The hierarchy would look like:
Project_Details: (ID) | (ProjectID)
Activities: (ID) | (ProjectID)
Activity_Details: (ID) | (ActivitiesID)
ProjectID will link all my tables together. I Have an Activities table that will contain activities for a project. So one to many. The Activities table will link all of its table by ActivityID.
What i Have so far just to test out:
INSERT INTO Project SELECT projectnumber, MAX(Revision)+1 FROM Project Where projectnumber = '23.444.555'
INSERT INTO ProjectDatails SELECT ##IDENTITY, Rate, Department FROM ProjectDatails where projectid = #projectid
INSERT INTO Activities SELECT ##IDENTITY, Area_No, Completed_Date FROM Activities where projectid = #projectid
This is where i am not sure what to do from here. I need to copy all my rows from an Activity_Details table that relate to my Activities table by activityid. However, there are multiple rows in my Activities table with the same ProjectID.
So it looks something like a foreach row in Activities with ProjectID = #projectid, get the activityid in that row, copy all rows in Activity_Details with that activityid.
How do I accomplish that.
No need for a loop. What you need is a mapping between the 'old' and 'new' activity records and use that mapping to create the Activity_details with the correct ActivityID.
If you can add another field on Activities, which will store the last ActivityID that record was copied from, you can use that in the join to insert into activities details:
INSERT INTO Activities (ProjectID, Area_No, Completed_Date, Last_ActivityID)
SELECT #newprojectid, Area_No, Completed_Date, ActivityID FROM Activities where projectid = #projectid
INSERT INTO Activity_Details (ActivityID, Details)
SELECT Activities.ActivityID, Details FROM Activity_Details
INNER JOIN Activities ON Activity_Details.ActivityID = Activities.Last_ActivityID
where Activities.projectid = #newprojectid
If you cannot (or don't want to) add that field, you will have to rely on a MERGE statement to get the get the mapping. Quite a bit trickier, but still doable. Probably best left to a different answer, if desired.

Using output to capture auto increment identity, plus past identity mapping table

I am trying to make exact copies of data in SQL, with new clientIDs, but keep the existing data in the old client as well. I will be inserting the data into a table with an auto incrementing integer primary key ID. I need to retain the ID's of the Old records and the new records together so I can continue using this mapping as I copy the different table data so I can maintain relationships.
At this point I have the following:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Driver]
OUTPUT inserted.ID
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Driver
I am wondering if there is a way to also select the old ID of the driver in the Output so I can then insert all of this into a holding table using the OUTPUT. So I need to end up with the following after I perform the insert into the dbo.Driver table so I can also insert these values into a temp table:
At this point I don't know of a way to pull the Original ID from the original record.
I ended up using MERGE INTO to keep track of the old ID as per the following SO post:
How to use OUTPUT to capture new and old ID?
you can try...
INSERT INTO dbo.Driver (oldID, Name, clientID)
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Driver A
LEFT JOIN dbo.Driver B ON A.Name = B.Name AND A.clientID = b.clientID
or maybe just
INSERT INTO dbo.Driver (oldID, Name, clientID)
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Drive

Delete duplicates with no primary key

Here want to delete rows with a duplicated column's value (Product) which will be then used as a primary key.
The column is of type nvarchar and we don't want to have 2 rows for one product.
The database is a large one with about thousands rows we need to remove.
During the query for all the duplicates, we want to keep the first item and remove the second one as the duplicate.
There is no primary key yet, and we want to make it after this activity of removing duplicates.
Then the Product columm could be our primary key.
The database is SQL Server CE.
I tried several methods, and mostly getting error similar to :
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = FROM ]
A method which I tried :
FROM TblProducts w
SELECT Product
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
)Dup ON w.Product = Dup.Product
The preferred way trying to learn and adjust my code with something similar
(It's not correct yet):
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) TotalCount
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
;WITH cte -- These 3 lines are the lines I have more doubt on them
FROM Word)
If you have two DIFFERENT records with the same Product column, then you can SELECT the unwanted records with some criterion, e.g.
SELECT MAX(entryDate) AS date, Product, COUNT(*) AS dups FROM ProductsTable WHERE ...
GROUP BY Product HAVING dups > 1;
Then you can do a DELETE JOIN between ProductTable and Victims.
Or also you can select Product only, and then do a DELETE for some other JOIN condition, for example having an invalid CustomerId, or EntryDate NULL, or anything else. This works if you know that there is one and only one valid copy of Product, and all the others are recognizable by the invalid data.
Suppose you instead have IDENTICAL records (or you have both identical and non-identical, or you may have several dupes for some product and you don't know which). You run exactly the same query. Then, you run a SELECT query on ProductsTable and SELECT DISTINCT all products matching the product codes to be deduped, grouping by Product, and choosing a suitable aggregate function for all fields (if identical, any aggregate should do. Otherwise I usually try for MAX or MIN). This will "save" exactly one row for each product.
At that point you run the DELETE JOIN and kill all the duplicated products. Then, simply reimport the saved and deduped subset into the main table.
Of course, between the DELETE JOIN and the INSERT SELECT, you will have the DB in a unstable state, with all products with at least one duplicate simply disappeared.
Another way which should work in MySQL:
-- Create an empty table
CREATE TABLE deduped AS SELECT * FROM ProductsTable WHERE false;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX deduped_ndx ON deduped(Product);
-- DROP duplicate rows, Joe the Butcher's way
ALTER TABLE ProductsTable RENAME TO ProductsBackup;
ALTER TABLE deduped RENAME TO ProductsTable;
-- TODO: Copy all indexes from ProductsTable on deduped.
NOTE: the way above DOES NOT WORK if you want to distinguish "good records" and "invalid duplicates". It only works if you have redundant DUPLICATE records, or if you do not care which row you keep and which you throw away!
You say that "duplicates" have invalid fields. In that case you can modify the above with a sorting trick:
SELECT * FROM ProductsTable ORDER BY Product, FieldWhichShouldNotBeNULL IS NULL;
Then if you have only one row for product, all well and good, it will get selected. If you have more, the one for which (FieldWhichShouldNeverBeNull IS NULL) is FALSE (i.e. the one where the FieldWhichShouldNeverBeNull is actually not null as it should) will be selected first, and inserted. All others will bounce, silently due to the IGNORE clause, against the uniqueness of Product. Not a really pretty way to do it (and check I didn't mix true with false in my clause!), but it ought to work.
actually more of a new answer
This is a simple table to illustrate the problem
CREATE TABLE ProductTable ( Product varchar(10), Description varchar(10) );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD10', 'C-Beam Prj' );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD11', 'C Proj Mk2' );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD12', 'C Proj Mk3' );
There is no index yet, and no primary key. We could still declare Product to be primary key.
But something bad happens. Two new records get in, and both have NULL description.
Yet, the second one is a valid product since we knew nothing of CBPD14 before now, and therefore we do NOT want to lose this record completely. We do want to get rid of the spurious CBPD10 though.
A rude DELETE FROM ProductTable WHERE Description IS NULL is out of the question, it would kill CBPD14 which isn't a duplicate.
So we do it like this. First get the list of duplicates:
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Dups FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Dups > 1;
We assume that: "There is at least one good record for every set of bad records".
We check this assumption by positing the opposite and querying for it. If all is copacetic we expect this query to return nothing.
SELECT Dups.Product FROM ProductTable
RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Dups FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Dups > 1 ) AS Dups
ON (ProductTable.Product = Dups.Product
AND ProductTable.Description IS NOT NULL)
WHERE ProductTable.Description IS NULL;
To further verify, I insert two records that represent this mode of failure; now I do expect the query above to return the new code.
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( "AC5", NULL ), ( "AC5", NULL );
Now the "check" query indeed returns,
So, the generation of Dups looks good.
I proceed now to delete all duplicate records that are not valid. If there are duplicate, valid records, they will stay duplicate unless some condition may be found, distinguishing among them one "good" record and declaring all others "invalid" (maybe repeating the procedure with a different field than Description).
But ay, there's a rub. Currently, you cannot delete from a table and select from the same table in a subquery ( ). So a little workaround is needed:
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Duplicates
FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Duplicates > 1;
DELETE ProductTable FROM ProductTable JOIN Dups USING (Product)
WHERE Description IS NULL;
Now this will delete all invalid records, provided that they appear in the Dups table.
Therefore our CBPD14 record will be left untouched, because it does not appear there. The "good" record for CBPD10 will be left untouched because it's not true that its Description is NULL. All the others - poof.
Let me state again that if a record has no valid records and yet it is a duplicate, then all copies of that record will be killed - there will be no survivors.
To avoid this can may first SELECT (using the query above, the check "which should return nothing") the rows representing this mode of failure into another TEMPORARY TABLE, then INSERT them back into the main table after the deletion (using transactions might be in order).
Create a new table by scripting the old one out and renaming it. Also script all objects (indexes etc..) from the old table to the new. Insert the keepers into the new table. If you're database is in bulk-logged or simple recovery model, this operation will be minimally logged. Drop the old table and then rename the new one to the old name.
The advantage of this over a delete will be that the insert can be minimally logged. Deletes do double work because not only does the data get deleted, but the delete has to be written to the transaction log. For big tables, minimally logged inserts will be much faster than deletes.
If it's not that big and you have some downtime, and you have Sql Server Management studio, you can put an identity field on the table using the GUI. Now you have the situation like your CTE, except the rows themselves are truly distinct. So now you can do the following
SELECT MIN(table_a.MyTempIDField)
table_a lhs
join table_1 rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
table_a.MyTempIDField <> table_b.MyTempIDField
lhs.field1, rhs.field2 etc
This gives you all the 'good' duplicates. Now you can wrap this query with a DELETE FROM query.
FROM table_a lhs
join table_b rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
lhs.MyTempIDField <> rhs.MyTempIDField
and lhs.MyTempIDField not in (
SELECT MIN(lhs.MyTempIDField)
table_a lhs
join table_a rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
lhs.MyTempIDField <> rhs.MyTempIDField
lhs.field1, lhs.field2 etc
Try this:
WHERE Product IN
SELECT Product
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
This suffers from the defect that it deletes ALL the records with a duplicated Product. What you probably want to do is delete all but one of each group of records with a given Product. It might be worthwhile to copy all the duplicates to a separate table first, and then somehow remove duplicates from that table, then apply the above, and then copy remaining products back to the original table.

Insert output IDs into another table

I have a status table, and another table containing additional data. My object IDs are the PK in the status table, so I need to insert those into the additional data table for each new row.
I need to insert a new row into my statusTable for each new listing, containing just constants.
declare #temp TABLE(listingID int)
insert into statusTable(status, date)
output Inserted.listingID into #temp
select 1, getdate()
from anotherImportedTable
This gets me enough new listing IDs to use.
I now need to insert the actual listing data into another table, and map each row to one of those listingIDs -
insert into listingExtraData(listingID, data)
select t.listingID,
from #temp t, anotherImportedTable a
Now this obviously doesn't work, because otherDataTable and the IDs in #temp are unrelated... so I get far too many rows inserted.
How can I insert each row from anotherImportedTable into listingExtraData along with a unique newly created listingID? could I possibly trigger some more sql at the point I do the output in the first block of sql?
edit: thanks for the input so far, here's what the tables look like:
listingID (pk), status, date
data, listingID
You see that I only want to create one entry into statusTable per row in anotherImportedTable, then put one listingID with a row from anotherImportedTable into listingExtraData... I'm thinking that I might have to resort to a cursor perhaps?
Ok, here's how you can do it (if I'm right about what you actually want to do):
insert into listingExtraData(listingID, data)
select q1.listingID,
(select ListingID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by ListingID) as rn from #temp t) as q1
inner join (select data, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by data) as rn from anotherImportedTable) q2 on q1.rn = q2.rn
In case you matching logic differs you will need to change sorting of anotherImportedTable. In case your match order can not be achieved by ordering anotherImportTable [in one way or another] then you're out of luck.