Calculations of zero mean normalized cross-correlation in dm-script - dm-script

Now I'm trying to make a dm-script for calculation of zero mean normalized cross-correlation (ZNCC) between two images. In the calculation of ZNCC, it is known that usages of FFT and integral image are quite efficient scheme. So I have made a following test script to calculate a integral image. However, this calculation is not sufficiently fast for typical image sizes of camera images, in my sence. Do you have any good idea to improve the calculation speed of integral image calculations? Alternatively, does anyone know some scripts for fast ZNCC calculations? Can I pick your brains?
Image integralImg( Image &inputImg ){
Number nx, ny
Number iu, iv, tmpval, fval, integ_pre1, integ_pre2, integ_pre3
Image integImg := inputImg.ImageClone()
integImg.SetName("Integral Image of " + inputImg.GetName())
inputImg.GetSize(nx, ny)
fval = inputImg.GetPixel(0, 0)
integImg.SetPixel(0, 0, fval)
FOR(iu = 1 ; iu < nx ; iu++){
fval = inputImg.GetPixel(iu, 0)
integ_pre1 = integImg.GetPixel(iu - 1, 0)
integImg.SetPixel(iu, 0, fval + integ_pre1)
FOR(iv = 1 ; iv < ny ; iv++){
fval = inputImg.GetPixel(0, iv)
integ_pre2 = integImg.GetPixel(0, iv - 1)
integImg.SetPixel(0, iv, fval + integ_pre2)
FOR(iv = 1 ; iv < ny ; iv++){
FOR(iu = 1 ; iu < nx ; iu++){
fval = inputImg.GetPixel(iu,iv)
integ_pre1 = integImg.GetPixel(iu - 1, iv)
integ_pre2 = integImg.GetPixel(iu, iv - 1)
integ_pre3 = integImg.GetPixel(iu - 1, iv - 1)
integImg.SetPixel(iu, iv, fval + integ_pre1 + integ_pre2 - integ_pre3)
Return integImg
Number nx = 1024
Number ny = 1024
Image IMG := RealImage("test",4,nx,ny)
IMG = Random()
Image intIMG
intIMG := integralImg( IMG )

Can you not just use the command
RealImage CrossCorrelate( RealImage source1, RealImage source2 ) ?
If not, can you explain to me, what exactly is different to a ZNCC?
( Note, that you can easily shift each source image to a mean value of zero by img -= mean(img))


How do I get the complexity of bilinear/nearest neighbour interpolation algorithm? (calculate the big O)

I want to calculate the big O of the following algorithms for resizing binary images:
Bilinear interpolation:
double scale_x = (double)new_height/(height-1);
double scale_y = (double)new_width/(width-1);
for (int i = 0; i < new_height; i++)
int ii = i / scale_x;
for (int j = 0; j < new_width; j++)
int jj = j / scale_y;
double v00 = matrix[ii][jj], v01 = matrix[ii][jj + 1],
v10 = matrix[ii + 1][jj], v11 = matrix[ii + 1][jj + 1];
double fi = i / scale_x - ii, fj = j / scale_y - jj;
double temp = (1 - fi) * ((1 - fj) * v00 + fj * v01) +
fi * ((1 - fj) * v10 + fj * v11);
if (temp >= 0.5)
result[i][j] = 1;
result[i][j] = 0;
Nearest neighbour interpolation
double scale_x = (double)height/new_height;
double scale_y = (double)width/new_width;
for (int i = 0; i < new_height; i++)
int srcx = floor(i * scale_x);
for (int j = 0; j < new_width; j++)
int srcy = floor(j * scale_y);
result[i][j] = matrix[srcx][srcy];
I assumed that the complexity of both of them is the loop dimensions, i.e O(new_height*new_width). However, the bilinear interpolation surely works much slower than the nearest neighbour. Could you please explain how to correctly compute complexity?
They are both running in Theta(new_height*new_width) time because except for the loop iterations all operations are constant time.
This doesn't in any way imply that the two programs will execute equally fast. It merely means that if you increase new_height and/or new_width to infinity, the ratio of execution time between the two programs will neither go to infinity nor to zero.
(This is making the assumption that the integer types are unbounded and that all arithmetic operations are constant time operations independent of the length of the operands. Otherwise there will be another relevant factor accounting for the cost of the arithmetic.)

How to shift the column in a SI image

In order to perform drift correction in a SI image as shown in the following figure:
I write the code :
number max_shift=5
image src := GetFrontImage()
number sx, sy, sz
src.Get3DSize(sx, sy, sz)
result("sx: "+sx+"\n")
result("sy: "+sy+"\n")
result("sz: "+sz+"\n")
// assume a random shift in x
image shift := IntegerImage("xcorrd",4,0, 1, sy)
shift = max_shift*Random()
// make a coordinate table
image col := IntegerImage("col",4,0, sx, sy)
image row := IntegerImage("row",4,0, sx, sy)
image plane := IntegerImage("plane",4,0, sx, sy)
col = icol
row = irow
plane = iplane
// to expand the shift as the same size with source image
image ones := IntegerImage("ones",4,0, sx, sy)
ones = 1
// create a random column shift of the source SI image
for(number i=0; i<sy; i++) {
col[i,0,i+1,sx] = col[i,0,i+1,sx]+shift.GetPixel(0,i)*ones[i,0,i+1,sx]
// drift corrected
image im := RealImage("test si", 4, sx+max_shift, sy, sz)
im[col, row, plane] = src[icol,irow,iplane]
im.SetName(src.GetName()+"-drift corrected")
The image can be corrected, however the spectrum cannot be transferred to the corrected SI as shown :
I am just wondering what's wrong with my script.
Thank you in advance.
im[col, row, plane] = src[icol,irow,iplane]
The intrinsic variables icol, irow, iplane will be evaluated by the only fixed size image expression in the line. In your case col, row and plane (all of same size)
However, they are all 2D so what is internally happening is that you iterate over X & Y and then write the values:
im[ col(x,y), row(x,y), plane(x,y) ] = src[x,y,0] // iterated over all x/y
As Don I was mentioning in the comments, you would want to iterate over the z dimension.
Alternatively, you could make all of your images of size (sx,sy,sz) in your script.
This would work for the expression, but is horrifically inefficient.
In general, the best solution here is to no t use icol,irow,iplane at all, but make use of the Slice commands. see this answer:
I would possibly code a line-wise x-shift for an SI like below:
The script utilizes the fact that one can shift whole "blocks" (X x 1 x Z) in x-direction, iterating over y.
number sx = 256
number sy = 256
number sz = 100
image testSI := realImage("SI",4,sx,sy,sz)
testSI = sin(itheta/(idepth-iplane)*idepth) + (iplane % (icol+1))/idepth
image xdrift := RealImage("XDrift per line",4,sy)
xdrift = trunc(random()*5 + 20*sin(icol/iwidth*3*PI()))
// Apply linewise Drift to SI, assuming xDrift holds this data
xDrift -= min(xDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
image outSI := realImage("SI shifted",4,sx+max(xDrift),sy,sz)
for( number y=0; y<sy; y++ ){
number yShift = sum(xDrift[y,0])
outSI.slice2( yShift,y,0, 0,sx,1, 2,sz,1 ) = testSI.slice2(0,y,0,0,sx,1,2,sz,1)
The script below performs the iteration "plane by plane", but does not have a restriction on the plane-wise shift.
In fact, here each pixel gets an assigned XY shift.
Note that you can use warp(source, xexpr, yexpr ) instead of 2D addressing source[ xexpr, yexpr ] if you want to use bilinear interploation of values (and 0 truncation outside the valid range).
number sx = 256
number sy = 256
number sz = 100
image testSI := realImage("SI",4,sx,sy,sz)
testSI = sin(itheta/(idepth-iplane)*idepth) + (iplane % (icol+1))/idepth
image xdrift := RealImage("pixelwise XDrift",4,sx,sy)
xdrift = irow%10*random() + 20*cos(irow/iheight*5*PI())
image ydrift := RealImage("pixelwise yDrift",4,sx,sy)
ydrift = 10*abs(cos(icol/iwidth* (irow/iheight) * 10 * PI())) + irow/iheight * 10
// Apply pixelwise Drift to SI
xDrift -= min(xDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
yDrift -= min(yDrift) // ensure only positive shifts
number mx = max(xDrift)
number my = max(yDrift)
image outSI := realImage("SI shifted",4,sx+mx,sy+my,sz)
for( number z=0;z<sz;z++){
image outPlane := outSI.Slice2( 0,0,z, 0,sx+mx,1,1,sy+my,1)
image srcPlane := testSI.Slice2( 0,0,z, 0,sx,1,1,sy,1)
outPlane = srcPlane[ icol + xdrift[icol,irow] - mx, irow + ydrift[icol,irow] - my ]
// outPlane = srcPlane.warp( icol + xdrift[icol,irow] - mx, irow + ydrift[icol,irow] - my)

Find nth int with 10 set bits

Find the nth int with 10 set bits
n is an int in the range 0<= n <= 30 045 014
The 0th int = 1023, the 1st = 1535 and so on
snob() same number of bits,
returns the lowest integer bigger than n with the same number of set bits as n
int snob(int n) {
int a=n&-n, b=a+n;
return b|(n^b)/a>>2;
calling snob n times will work
int nth(int n){
int o =1023;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)o=snob(o);
return o;
Is there some way to find it faster?
I found one pattern but not sure if it's useful.
using factorial you can find the "indexes" where all 10 set bits are consecutive
1023 << x = the (x+10)! / (x! * 10!) - 1 th integer
1023<<1 is the 10th
1023<<2 is the 65th
1023<<3 the 285th
Btw I'm not a student and this is not homework.
Found an alternative to snob()
int lnbp(int v){
int t = (v | (v - 1)) + 1;
return t | ((((t & -t) / (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1);
I have built an implementation that should satisfy your needs.
/** A lookup table to see how many combinations preceeded this one */
private static int[][] LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS;
/** The number of possible combinations with i bits */
private static int[] NBR_COMBINATIONS;
static {
for (int bit = 0; bit < Integer.SIZE; bit++) {
// Ignore less significant bits, compute how many combinations have to be
// visited to set this bit, i.e.
// (bit = 4, pos = 5), before came 0b1XXX and 0b1XXXX, that's C(3, 3) + C(4, 3)
int nbrBefore = 0;
// The nth-bit can be only encountered after pos n
for (int pos = bit; pos < Integer.SIZE; pos++) {
nbrBefore += nChooseK(pos, bit);
NBR_COMBINATIONS = new int[Integer.SIZE + 1];
for (int bits = 0; bits < NBR_COMBINATIONS.length; bits++) {
NBR_COMBINATIONS[bits] = nChooseK(Integer.SIZE, bits);
assert NBR_COMBINATIONS[bits] > 0; // Important for modulo check. Otherwise we must use unsigned arithmetic
private static int nChooseK(int n, int k) {
assert k >= 0 && k <= n;
if (k > n / 2) {
k = n - k;
long nCk = 1; // (N choose 0)
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
// (N choose K+1) = (N choose K) * (n-k) / (k+1);
nCk *= (n - i);
nCk /= (i + 1);
return (int) nCk;
public static int nextCombination(int w, int n) {
// TODO: maybe for small n just advance naively
// Get the position of the current pattern w
int nbrBits = 0;
int position = 0;
while (w != 0) {
final int currentBit = Integer.lowestOneBit(w); // w & -w;
final int bitPos = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(currentBit);
position += LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS[nbrBits][bitPos];
// toggle off bit
w ^= currentBit;
position += n;
// Wrapping, optional
position %= NBR_COMBINATIONS[nbrBits];
// And reverse lookup
int v = 0;
int m = Integer.SIZE - 1;
while (nbrBits-- > 0) {
final int[] bitPositions = LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS[nbrBits];
// Search for largest bitPos such that position >= bitPositions[bitPos]
while (Integer.compareUnsigned(position, bitPositions[m]) < 0)
position -= bitPositions[m];
v ^= (0b1 << m--);
return v;
Now for some explanation. LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS[bit][pos] is the core of the algorithm that makes it as fast as it is. The table is designed so that a bit pattern with k bits at positions p_0 < p_1 < ... < p_{k - 1} has a position of `\sum_{i = 0}^{k - 1}{ LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS[i][p_i] }.
The intuition is that we try to move back the bits one by one until we reach the pattern where are all bits are at the lowest possible positions. Moving the i-th bit from position to k + 1 to k moves back by C(k-1, i-1) positions, provided that all lower bits are at the right-most position (no moving bits into or through each other) since we skip over all possible combinations with the i-1 bits in k-1 slots.
We can thus "decode" a bit pattern to a position, keeping track of the bits encountered. We then advance by n positions (rolling over in case we enumerated all possible positions for k bits) and encode this position again.
To encode a pattern, we reverse the process. For this, we move bits from their starting position forward, as long as the position is smaller than what we're aiming for. We could, instead of a linear search through LOOKUP_TABLE_COMBINATION_POS, employ a binary search for our target index m but it's hardly needed, the size of an int is not big. Nevertheless, we reuse our variant that a smaller bit must also come at a less significant position so that our algorithm is effectively O(n) where n = Integer.SIZE.
I remain with the following assertions to show the resulting algorithm:
nextCombination(0b1111111111, 1) == 0b10111111111;
nextCombination(0b1111111111, 10) == 0b11111111110;
nextCombination(0x00FF , 4) == 0x01EF;
nextCombination(0x7FFFFFFF , 4) == 0xF7FFFFFF;
nextCombination(0x03FF , 10) == 0x07FE;
// Correct wrapping
nextCombination(0b1 , 32) == 0b1;
nextCombination(0x7FFFFFFF , 32) == 0x7FFFFFFF;
nextCombination(0xFFFFFFEF , 5) == 0x7FFFFFFF;
Let us consider the numbers with k=10 bits set.
The trick is to determine the rank of the most significant one, for a given n.
There is a single number of length k: C(k, k)=1. There are k+1 = C(k+1, k) numbers of length k + 1. ... There are C(m, k) numbers of length m.
For k=10, the limit n are 1 + 10 + 55 + 220 + 715 + 2002 + 5005 + 11440 + ...
For a given n, you easily find the corresponding m. Then the problem is reduced to finding the n - C(m, k)-th number with k - 1 bits set. And so on recursively.
With precomputed tables, this can be very fast. 30045015 takes 30 lookups, so that I guess that the worst case is 29 x 30 / 2 = 435 lookups.
(This is based on linear lookups, to favor small values. By means of dichotomic search, you reduce this to less than 29 x lg(30) = 145 lookups at worse.)
My previous estimates were pessimistic. Indeed, as we are looking for k bits, there are only 10 determinations of m. In the linear case, at worse 245 lookups, in the dichotomic case, less than 50.
(I don't exclude off-by-one errors in the estimates, but clearly this method is very efficient and requires no snob.)

Script interface for the Fit image Palette introduced in GMS 2.3?

The Fit Image Palette is quite nice and powerful. Is there a script interface that we can access it directly?
There is a script interface, and the example script below will get you started. However, the script interface is not officially supported. It might therefore be buggy or likely to change in future GMS versions.
For GMS 2.3 the following script works:
// create the input image:
Image input := NewImage("formula test", 2, 100)
input = 500.5 - icol*11.1 + icol*icol*0.11
// add some random noise:
input += (random()-0.5)*sqrt(abs(input))
// create image with error data (not required)
Image errors := input.ImageClone()
errors = tert(input > 1, sqrt(input), 1)
// setup fit:
Image pars := NewImage("pars", 2, 3)
Image parsToFit := NewImage("pars to fit", 2, 3)
pars = 10; // starting values
parsToFit = 1;
Number chiSqr = 1e6
Number conv_cond = 0.00001
Result("\n starting pars = {")
Number xSize = pars.ImageGetDimensionSize(0)
Number i = 0
for (i = 0; i < xSize; i++)
Result(GetPixel(pars, i, 0))
if (i < (xSize-1)) Result(", ")
// fit:
String formulaStr = "p0 + p1*x + p2*x**2"
Number ok = FitFormula(formulaStr, input, errors, pars, parsToFit, chiSqr, conv_cond)
Result("\n results pars = {")
for (i = 0; i < xSize; i++)
Result(GetPixel(pars, i, 0))
if (i < (xSize-1)) Result(", ")
Result(", chiSqr ="+ chiSqr)
// plot results of fit:
Image plot := PlotFormula(formulaStr, input, pars)
// compare the plot and original data:
Image compare := NewImage("Compare Fit", 2, 100, 3)
compare[icol, 0] = input // original data
compare[icol, 1] = plot // fit function
compare[icol, 2] = input - plot // residuals
ImageDocument linePlotDoc = CreateImageDocument("Test Fitting")
ImageDisplay linePlotDsp = linePlotDoc.ImageDocumentAddImageDisplay(compare, 3)

Non-uniform random numbers in Objective-C

I'd like to calculate a non-uniformly distributed random number in the range [0, n - 1]. So the min possible value is zero. The maximum possible value is n-1. I'd like the min-value to occur the most often and the max to occur relatively infrequently with an approximately linear curve between (Gaussian is fine too). How can I do this in Objective-C? (possibly using C-based APIs)
A very rough sketch of my current idea is:
// min value w/ p = 0.7
// some intermediate value w/ p = 0.2
// max value w/ p = 0.1
NSUInteger r = arc4random_uniform(10);
if (r <= 6)
result = 0;
else if (r <= 8)
result = (n - 1) / 2;
result = n - 1;
I think you're on basically the right track. There are possible precision or range issues but in general if you wanted to randomly pick, say, 3, 2, 1 or 0 and you wanted the probability of picking 3 to be four times as large as the probability of picking 0 then if it were a paper exercise you might right down a grid filled with:
3 3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1
Toss something onto it and read the number it lands on.
The number of options there are for your desired linear scale is:
- 1 if number of options, n, = 1
- 1 + 2 if n = 2
- 1 + 2 + 3 if n = 3
- ... etc ...
It's a simple sum of an arithmetic progression. You end up with n(n+1)/2 possible outcomes. E.g. for n = 1 that's 1 * 2 / 2 = 1. For n = 2 that's 2 * 3 /2 = 3. For n = 3 that's 3 * 4 / 2 = 6.
So you would immediately write something like:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
... something ...
At that point you just have to decide which bin uniformRandom falls into. The simplest way is with the most obvious loop:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
NSUInteger index = 0;
NSUInteger optionsToDate = 0;
if(optionsToDate >= uniformRandom) return index;
optionsToDate += index;
Given that you can work out optionsToDate without iterating, an immediately obvious faster solution is a binary search.
An even smarter way to look at it is that uniformRandom is the sum of the boxes underneath a line from (0, 0) to (n, n). So it's the area underneath the graph, and the graph is a simple right-angled triangle. So you can work backwards from the area formula.
Specifically, the area underneath the graph from (0, 0) to (n, n) at position x is (x*x)/2. So you're looking for x, where:
(x-1)*(x-1)/2 <= uniformRandom < x*x/2
=> (x-1)*(x-1) <= uniformRandom*2 < x*x
=> x-1 <= sqrt(uniformRandom*2) < x
In that case you want to take x-1 as the result hadn't progressed to the next discrete column of the number grid. So you can get there with a square root operation simple integer truncation.
So, assuming I haven't muddled my exact inequalities along the way, and assuming all precisions fit:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
return (NSUInteger)sqrtf((float)uniformRandom * 2.0f);
What if you try squaring the return value of arc4random_uniform() (or multiplying two of them)?
int rand_nonuniform(int max)
int r = arc4random_uniform(max) * arc4random_uniform(max + 1);
return r / max;
I've quickly written a sample program for testing it and it looks promising:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int arr[10] = { 0 };
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%2d. = %2d\n", i, arr[i]);
return 0;
0. = 3656
1. = 1925
2. = 1273
3. = 909
4. = 728
5. = 574
6. = 359
7. = 276
8. = 187
9. = 113