How do I narrow a JetBrains IDE tool window? - intellij-idea

In some of my JetBrains IDEs my the tool windows launched for the bottom bar open to fill the full width of my IDE window, while in others they are limited to the width of the middle pane of the IDE window. I prefer the latter, but can't figure out how to get there from the former.
How do I narrow a JetBrains IDE tool window to the width of the middle pane of my IDE?

Appearance & Behavior | Appearance
Widescreen tool window layout option under Window options section.


IntellijJ: Resizing Window with keyboard

I am trying to use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+[Left|Right|Up|Down] to resize windows in intelliJ. But it doesn't work. Weirdly, in Window->Active Tool Window -> Resize I do see the option to apply the same options Stretch To [Left|Right|Up|Down] along with the corresponding shortcut key combination and that usually works for all windows except the editor window in which all the four options are shadowed even when the editor windows isn't stretched to it's full extent. Anyone has any idea on what is going on? I can do the resizing using the mouse.
It's because these shortcuts only work in tool windows and the editor is not a tool window. From Tool Windows:
Attached to the bottom and sides of the workspace are IntelliJ IDEA tool windows.
Within the editor, the shortcuts have different meaning:
ShiftCommand← – Move caret to line start with selection
ShiftCommand→ – Move caret to line end with selection
ShiftCommand↑ – Move statment up
ShiftCommand↓ – Move statment down
The editor doesn't have a specific size, it uses the available space. To make it larger or smaller, you have to resize the attached tool windows.

How to change indicator style of the current editor window in IntelliJ or WebStorm?

By default, currently opened editor window is indicated via underscoring its name on the editor window navigation tab on tap in IntelliJ (or WebStorm).
How can I change indication style from underscoring to something else, for example highlighting the current tab, etc. ?
P.S. I am talking about changing indication styling of the place in red eclipse in the pic.

IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows horizontally?

In IntelliJ I would like to have "project" and "structure" tool windows side by side horizontally, not vertically. Is this possible?
I found the solution in this question: Switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows?
In short, you need to go in to the File -> Settings -> Appearance and Behavior -> Appearance: and check "Side-by-side layout on the left."
Truly a UI failure on IntelliJ's part; that should very obviously be a checkbox on the tool window UI, not a setting!

How do you change background color in the settings of JetBrain's IDE?

What are the settings to change the background color in JetBrains' IDE?
Project explorer pane
Console pane
Code editor
Other Panes
I'm running v12.1.6 Ultimate Version.
Are there major differences between different versions of the software?
Console pane:
Settings / Editor / Colors & Fonts / Console colors
Console, background
Project view:
Settings / File colors
Add (Alt+insert), choose 'project files' scope, select a color.
Uncheck the 'Use in editor tabs' checkbox, make sure to check 'Use in project view'
Main view (general):
Settings / Editor / Color & fonts / General
Text, Default text
For changing the background of the editor goto File->Settings->Editor->Colors & Fonts->General->Text. You'll see an item called "Default text". On the right you will see a checkbox for background. Click on it and choose whatever color you prefer.
To change the editor background color in newer versions (after 2017) of Intellij Idea go to Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General and then on the right side list expand Text and click on "Default text" then click on the color hex code to get the color wheel.
Editor > Color Scheme > General > Text
Go to File option top left in the menu bar.
Select Settings
Select Appearance option in "Appearance & Behavior"
Select Intellij option as Theme in UI Options.
You should able to see everything in while background much like eclipse.
Beginning with the 2019.1 release, Jetbrain's IDE supports Custom UI Themes, which give full control of the appearance of built-in IntelliJ IDEA UI elements.
Detailed tutorial about how to create your own custom theme
Blog post about creating custom themes for IntelliJ Platform
If you download it from the, then you will need to install it as the plugin. Go in the settings, install plugin from the disk and select the JAR file from the disk as the screenshot below.
It's very easy: File > Settings > Color Scheme > Set "Classic Light" or other color

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.