Ember change normalizeResponse based on queried model - serialization

I'm using a second datastore with my Ember app, so I can communicate with a separate external API. I have no control over this API.
With a DS.JSONSerializer I can add some missing properties like id:
normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {
if (requestType == 'query') {
payload.forEach(function(el, index) {
payload[index].id = index
Now I can do some different tricks for each different requestType. But every response is parsed. Now sometimes a response from one request needs to be parsed differently.
So what I am trying to do is change the normalizeResponse functionality for each different request path (mapped to a fake model using pathForType in an adapter for this store). But the argument store is always the same (obviously) and the argument promaryModelClass is always "unknown mixin" - not sure if this can be any help.
How can I find what model was requested? With this information I could do a switch() in normalizeResponse.
Is there a different way to achieve my goal that does not require me to make a separate adapter for every path/model?
There are over a dozen normalize functions available. Something should work for what I am trying to achieve.

I think this is a great example of a use case of not using ember data.
Assuming that you have models A,B,C that are all working great with ember data, leave those alone.
I'd create a separate service and make raw requests to that different endpoint. So you'd replace this.store.query('thing', {args}) with a separate service that uses ember-ajax (or ember-fetch or whatever). If you need, you can use that service to hold the data that you need (Ember-data is just a service anyway) or you can create models and push them into the store manually.
Without knowing more about your exact situation, hard to give a specific code/advice, but I'd just avoid this problem and write your own custom service.

You can use primaryModelClass.modelName.


How to define REST API with to Parameter

I am currently working on a REST API for a project. In the process I should search for events. I would like to make an endpoint for searching events in a period. That is, specify two parameters with from - to.
For the search you normally take a GET operation. My question is now it makes sense to specify two parameters in the path or should I rather fall back to a POST operation for something like that.
Example for the path /Events{From}{To}
Is this even feasible with multiple parameters?
If you are not making a change on the resource, you should use GET operation.
More detailed explanation:
If you were writing a plain old RPC API call, they could technically interchangeable as long as the processing server side were no different between both calls. However, in order for the call to be RESTful, calling the endpoint via the GET method should have a distinct functionality (which is to get resource(s)) from the POST method (which is to create new resources).
GET request with multiple parameters: /events?param1=value1&param2=value2
GET request with an array as parameter: /events?param=value1,value2,value3

REST bulk endpoint for fetching data

We(producer for the API) have an endpoint
which is used to retrieve name for the user 'id'
Now as a consumer I want to display the list of names for users like:
user1: id1, name1
uder2: id2, name2
where I have the ids in input.
In such a case should I make 2(here the list is dependent on UI pagination example 50) separate calls to the API to fetch information or else create/ask the producer to create a bulk endpoint like:
POST /users/name
body: { ids: []}
If later, then am I not loosing the REST principle here to fetch information using POST but not GET? If former, then I am not putting too much network overhead in the system?
Also since this seems to be a very common usecase, if we choose the POST method is there really a need of the GET endpoint since the POST endpoint can handle a single user as well?
Which approach should be chosen?
A GET API call should be used for fetching data. Since browser knows GET calls are idempotent, it can handle some situations on its own, like make another call if previous fails.
Since REST calls are lightweight, we tend to overuse API call repeatedly. In your case, since you want all name v/s id mapping at once, one call is sufficient. Or have a Aggregator endpoint in backend API gateway to reduce network traffic and make repeated calls nearer to actual service.
Keeping GET /users/:{id}/name , is also not a bad idea alongside this. It helps to abstract business functionality. A particular scenario can only allow single fetch.
Also using GET /users/name with pagination and returning list of names is complex for single use so keeping both are fine.

Play: Automating test data setup

I have a playframework project that has reached beta/user testing.
For this testing we require test data to exist in the environment
I am looking for a way to automate this via scripts.
The best way will be via call's to the API passing the correctly shaped data based on the models in the project (thus dependant on the project not external).
Are there any existing SBT plugins that I could utilise that would be able to create the appropriate JSON and pass it to the API to setup the environment
Why do you need a plugin for this? I think what you want to do is to have a set of Json, then call the end-points and see what is the response from the back-end. In case of "setting up" based on a call that has a Json, you could use FakeRequest in your tests:
val application = newGuiceApplicationBuilder().build()
val response = route(application, FakeRequest(POST, "/end-point")).get
contentAsString(response) must include("where is Json")
In your test you can also test the response from the back-end and the Json you are feeding it:
Create a set of Json using Writes, based on a case class you are using in the back-end. You could also purposely create an invalid Json as well, that misses a field for example; or has an invalid structure.
Use Table driven testing and sending FakeRequest with the body/header containing your Json; and then checking it against the expected results.
I'm on the move, when I get home, I can write an example code here.

Reducing Parse Server to only Parse Cloud

I'm currently using a self hosted Parse Server up to date but I'm facing some security issues.
At the moment, calls done to the route /classes can retrieve any object in any table and, even though I might want an object to be public readable, I wouldn't like to show all the parameters of that object. Briefly I don't want the database to be retrieved in any case, I would like to disable "everything" except the Parse Cloud code. So that is, I would be able to run calls to my own functions, but not able to use clients (Android, iOS, C#, Javascript...) to retrieve data.
Is there any way to do this? I've been searching deeply for this, trying to debug some Controllers but I don't have any clue.
Thank you very much in advance.
tl;dr: set the ACL for all objects to be only readable when using the master key and then tell the query in Cloud Code to use the MK when querying your data
So without changing Parse Server itself you could make use of ACL and only allow a specific user to access objects. You would then "login" as that user in your Cloud Code and be able to access all objects.
As the old method, Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey() isn't available in the OS Parse Server you will have to pass the parameter useMasterKey to the query you are running which should do the trick for this particular request and will bypass ACL/CLP. There is an example in the Wiki of Parse Server as well.
For convenience, here is a short code example from the Wiki:
Parse.Cloud.define('getTotalMessageCount', function(request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query('Messages');
useMasterKey: true
}) // count() will use the master key to bypass ACLs
.then(function(count) {

Which resource should I use to keep my API RESTFul?

I'm building an API to allow the client of the API to send notifications to remind a user to update an Order status. So far, there are two notifications:
when the user hasn't marked the order as received;
when the user hasn't marked the order as done.
I want to build this API to make it simple to extend to other notifications related to the order, but keep a simple URI for the clients of this API.
How can I define my resources in order to keep my API RESTFul?
I was thinking about having one of these structures:
Option 1:
POST: /api/ordernotification/receive/{id}
POST: /api/ordernotification/complete/{id}
Option 2 (omit the status from the resource and post it instead):
POST: /api/ordernotification/?id={id}&statusID={statusID}
Option 2.1 (keeping an articulated URI, as suggested by #Jazimov):
POST: /api/ordernotification/{statusID}/{id}.
Which option is more appropriate? Is there any advantage that one option has over the other? Or are there any other option I haven't thought of?
I would go with something along these lines
POST /api/order/1234/notifications/not-received
POST /api/order/1234/notifications/not-completed
Which can later be accessed via
GET /api/order/1234/notifications/not-received
GET /api/order/1234/notifications/not-completed
GET /api/order/1234/notification/8899
There's no real limitation on how semantically rich a URI can be, so you might as well take advantage of that and be explicit.
If I understand you correctly, you have two types of ordernotifications: those for notifying receive and those for notifying complete. If those are two separate data models then I think nesting them is a good idea (i.e. a table called ReceiveOrderNotification and CompleteOrderNotification). If that's the case then you may want to expose two different endpoints entirely, such as POST /api/receiveordernotification and POST /api/completeordernotification.
But I don't think that's the best you can do, given so many overlapping similarities there probably are between order notifications. Now, option 2 is more like a GET, since you're using query parameters, so with your first option let's collapse them into this:
POST: /api/ordernotification/
and then pass it some JSON data to create the notifications
"orderId": "orderId",
"userId": "userId",
"prompt": "not marked received/not marked done"
I also removed the /{id} because when you POST you create a brand new thing and the id has not been created yet, usually. Even if the client is creating an id and sending it to the API it is a good practice to leave it open so your API can handle creating a new, unique resource in its own way.
This is RESTful is because a POST creates a resource ordernotification with certain data points. Your first option made actions a resource in themselves but that's probably not represented in any data model in your backend. To be as RESTful as possible, your API endpoints should represent the database domains (tables, collections, etc). Then you let your controllers choose what service methods to use given the data sent in the request. Otherwise REST endpoints expose all the logic up front and get to be a long list of unmaintainable endpoints.
I think, to update status of already inserted records, your endpoint should be PUT instead of POST.
You can use
PUT: /api/ordernotification/:id/status/
with clients json data
"status": "your_status"
according to request data, endpoint should update the record.