Code Inspection - Find files that have no #charset defined - intellij-idea

I want to use the Structural Search and Replace option under Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> General -> Structural Search Inspection to find .scss/.sass files that are lacking the string #charset "utf-8";.
So far, I've added an "Option" called "charset" and the search template contains the string #charset "utf-8";. How do I proceed from here? When clicking on "Edit Variables" I only see this, but I'm not sure what to do with it.


Open single instance of form editor

I have Form Editor and on every double click event on editor input I need to avoid duplicate instance of the form editor to open. I'm setting the editor name by setPartName
I need to check that name and to be open only one instance
You can specify a matchingStrategy class in your org.eclipse.ui.editors definition of the editor which lets you control which editor is used to open files,
For example this is the definition of the PDE plugin.xml/MANIFEST.MF/ editor:
<contentTypeBinding contentTypeId="org.eclipse.pde.pluginManifest"/>
<contentTypeBinding contentTypeId="org.eclipse.pde.fragmentManifest"/>
<contentTypeBinding contentTypeId="org.eclipse.pde.bundleManifest"/>
The matchingStrategyclass must implementIEditorMatchingStrategy` which has one method:
public boolean matches(IEditorReference editorRef, IEditorInput input)
Returns whether the editor represented by the given editor reference
matches the given editor input.
Implementations should inspect the given editor input first, and try
to reject it early before calling IEditorReference.getEditorInput(),
since that method may be expensive.

logd shortcut doesn't work in Intellij with Kotlin

Logging Java in Intellij is easy with shortcuts such as 'logt', 'logd', 'loge'... and so on. But I moved to Kotlin, I noticed that those shortcuts doesn't work anymore. I don't know if it has something to do with my configuration, but if not, how can I fix this?
You should create separate templates to make them work correctly.
Here is the step-by-step guide:
Firstly, Copy and paste AndroidLog templates to Kotlin (Just select them and use CMD+C, CMD+V (or Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
Secondly, You have to adjust them manually:
1. logd (and others)
Select the logd item and press "Edit variables"
Change expression to: kotlinFunctionName()
Also, remove ; from the end of the template, as you don't need it in Kotlin.
Now your method name will be shown correctly
This one is a bit trickier.
Solution 1 TAG = class name.
Template text :
private val TAG = "$className$"
Edit variables -> Expression:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", kotlinClassName())
Solution 2 TAG = file name (can be used inside Companion)
Template text :
private const val TAG = "$className$
companion object {
private const val TAG = "$className$"
Edit variables -> Expression:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())
Edit 19.02.19
Also, it might be useful for someone.
In order to avoid creating the TAG variable, you can use the class name as a variable, for instance:
Log.d("BaseActivity", "onCreate: ")
Where BaseActivity is the class name.
The template will look now as:
android.util.Log.d("$CLASS_NAME$", "$METHOD_NAME$: $content$")
Where CLASS_NAME variable is:
groovyScript("_1.take(Math.min(23, _1.length()));", fileNameWithoutExtension())
These are provided in IntelliJ as a Live Template configuration for AndroidLog (found in Preferences -> Editor -> Live Templates), and are applicable specifically to Java code:
There isn't anything broken in your configuration, but if you want to make these Live Templates available for Kotlin you will need to add new Live Template for AndroidLog and make them applicable to Kotlin code.
There's an open feature request to have them added as defaults here:
Change the scope of the template in the applicable option.
In Android Studio 4.0 there's new AndroidLogKotlin block. You can implement #LeoDroidcoder's solution there.

How can I change the program header in sap abap?

I want to change the header name of the ABAP program. What can I do or where can I find the option to edit the header?
Two ways for this:
Set it in program options. Select the program and check menu Goto / Attributes.
Or you can create a GUI title and set it via ABAP. This overwrites attributes' setting.
More about how to achieve: here.
To change the program header is more easier than it seems.
Just open you program via SE38 -> Goto -> Properties -> Check the title field and change -> Save
And you are done. :)
I have this.
Usually is changing the name in atributes with transaction se38, but sometimes this don't work, you need in the transaction se80, create a title GUI, if yuou don't have a title created, righ clic in the program name, create -> GUI title.
And put your name and code.
and in your program (se38) in PBO, you have to call the title with
SET TITLEBAR '100' (Put your title code)
(100 is the title code), but this instruction have to need inside of a moodle, if is outside don't will work.
I use the first moodle that i have in my PBO (i don't know if is the best decition or the right form, but is a way and works).
finally the title change
The path is SE38 -> (Put Program Name) -> Now open the program in edit mode -> Select the option GOTO -> select Properties Change the program title.

ClearAll["Global`*"] automatic insert

I don't know where to find and adjust the configuration file to have Mathematica insert ClearAll["Global`*"]
at the beginning of every new notebook. How can I do this, rather than having to type it everytime I open a new notebook?
AFAIK there is no way to change the default new Notebook. But it is possible to add custom keyboard shortcut and/or menu command which will create new Notebook which will contain whatever you need. For example, you can add menu item "New my Notebook" under the "File -> New" submenu and assign Ctrl+Shift+N keyboard shortcut to evaluate it (this modification will only persist during current FrontEndSession) by evaluating the following (taken from here and here):
"New", {MenuItem["My new Notebook",
CreateDocument[ExpressionCell[Defer#ClearAll["Global`*"], "Input"]]],
FrontEnd`MenuKey["N", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Control", "Shift"}],
System`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic]}]]
Now pressing Ctrl+Shift+N will open new Notebook window with "Input" cell already containing ClearAll["Global`*"]. If you replace FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Control", "Shift"} with FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Command"}, the keyboard combination will be Alt+N.
Information on how to make this change permanent can be found in this MathGroups post:
You can completely reset the menus using...
You'll get some ugly flicker, but that would work. You can also put
the AddMenuCommands function in a front end init.m which can be found
someplace on the path specified in the ConfigurationPath option. In
that case, the init.m file will get executed by the FE as it starts,
not the kernel, and so it won't matter how many kernels you start or
So you need to create the init.m file in one of the paths given by the ConfigurationPath option:
Options[$FrontEnd, ConfigurationPath][[1, 2]]
{FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$BaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}]}
Some of these paths contain blank (_) which is undocumented but seemingly means any name (I have not not checked this).
Another way to make this change permanent is to edit your file, but it is not recommended.
P.S. I recommend you in future to ask your Mathematica-related questions on dedicated site, where they will receive more attention:

How to disable region collapsing or expand ALL regions in Visual Studio VB.NET?

In Visual Studio C# (2008), Ctrl+M+L expand all the regions.
There's also a setting in menu:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Advanced
to not collapse during file open. I see no equivalents in VB.NET.
Is there a way to expand all the regions, not just the one which has focus in VB.NET?
Or a macro or add-in that does it? I just hate not being able to see all the code.
In Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 there is an option for deactivating collapsing (called 'outlining mode').
You can find it under:
Text-Editor->Basic->VB Specific
and then uncheck "Enable outlining mode".
But you will then lose the feature for collapse/expand at all.
If you are willing to remove regions you can try this:
Quick Replace
Find Options
Use: Regular Expressions
Find What:
Replace with:
[leave replace box empty]
^ - Match the start of a line
\s* - Match zero or more whitespace characters
# - Match one # character
(end)? - Optionally match the string end
region - Match the string region
.* - Match zero or more of any other characters
$ - Match the end of the line
This will effectively find all #region or #endregion lines, whether they are indented or not, and whether they have description text after them or not.
In the Edit Menu, the Outlining submenu, you have all the options. Including Toggle All Outlining (Ctrl+M+L by default).
Maybe your key mappings were altered.
If you so desire, you can even select menu:
Edit -> Outlining -> Stop Outlining
In VB.Net, do a Search and Replace and select Use Hidden and Use Regex:
I wrote an extension to do this (and more), and it works for VB and C#. See this answer for more info:
Hiding the regions in Visual Studio
Once I changed:
#Region Form Level Events
#End Region
To (note the addition of quotes):
#Region "Form Level Events"
#End Region
The minus signed appeared and I was able to collapse/expand Regions.
That's pretty odd. The default profile settings for VB.Net and C# should bind the outlining functions to Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L combos.
It's possible that your profile is in a weird state. Try resetting your profile to VB.Net settings and see if that fixes the problem.
Tools → Import / Export Settings → Reset All Settings → VB.Net Profile
I came up with this trick:
Quick Replace
Search in: current document (or entire project or wherever you need to expand regions)
Search in hidden text
Then press Return and keep it pressed until VS notify the search is endend.
As a result all your '#region's have been expanded in very few seconds.