Excel SQL Connection: Have a query update based on a cell value - sql

So, in short, I need to connect from data to a SQL query. I had not trouble doing this with a fixed query. I however, want that query to update based on values in certain cell. Since the person using it might not be familiar with SQL, Excel, or VBA, I was tasked with making the data update simply with the Excel refresh button. Anyway, super simplifying, I want to run a query like this:
column1, column2, column3
important_date BETWEEN [A1] and [A2]
AND thing1 IN [list from A3]
AND thing2 = [A4]
I saw this thread here: Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query and it did not seem to answer my question for 2 reason:
One work-around seemed to require that the table itself be pulled into excel. The table in question would contain millions of rows, making his infeasible.
Some suggested a question mark (?) workaround, but entering ? for dates, lists, or strings simply outputted errors.
Given this, is there a possible way for me to do this? If so, how? and finally, if I can, how would I go about dealing with a blank list? For instance, if someone does not list anything in A3, I'd like the query to simply ignore the "AND thing1 in [list from A3] part of the code.
Thank you,


Excel SQL Table Formula's clearing

Apologies if asked elsewhere, having checked couldn't find anything. I've got a SQL driven table in Excel. When my table refreshes, resulting in no data, it completely clears out a series of none-SQL driven columns on the far right of the table. Is there any way at all I can force Excel to store the formula on the cell, regardless of whether the row has cleared?
To ellaborate on my comment:
Below shows a simple query returning 10 dates from a database. The right column is a simple formula in excel adding 10 to the date:
If I update the query to return the top 0, you find the formula disappears because there are no values to assign the formula to:
But, I then update the query to bring back the original 10 dates again, and hey-presto, the formula re-appears!:
So I wouldn't think that you need to worry that it has gone. I would expect that they would come back once you return some values from your query.
FYI - More help on calculated columns can be found here from Microsoft support.
Thanks! I think I had 'preserve column sort/filter/layout' unticked - which was causing the formula to be lost when the data refreshed! Schoolboy error, thanks again

extract data in exel sheet using macro

you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.

Retrieve results from a batch of SQL queries in Pentaho or Postgres?

I'm still relatively new to SQL and Pentaho.
I've pulled a table with two different IDs and need to run a query for each specific instance.
For example,
FROM Table
WHERE RecordA = 'value in column A'
AND RecordB = 'value in column B'
I need the results back, either appended to new columns in the original table or part of their own text file output.
I was initially looking at using a formula for this inside of Pentaho, but couldn't quite figure it out. Since I have the query written I threw it into Excel and got the concatenated results (so a string of 350 or so queries that I need to run). I'm just not sure how to accomplish this - I tried the Execute SQL Script inside of Pentaho but it doesn't seem to do output?
Any direction would be useful. I've searched a little but have come up short so far, possibly because I am still pretty new to this platform.
You can accomplish this behavior in a lot of ways, with a "Database Lookup" step for example, but I usually do that in a quite easy way and here is a example for your tests, I hope it helps.
The idea here is to have two Table input steps, the first one will fetch the IDs we want to look at. For example you may use a SQL query similar to note on the left. The result will be a 1 column stream of rows.
Next we have a Table Input that reads the rows received and executes it's query for each row. I'll add a screenshot with the options that I selected.
What it does is replace a placeholder '?' with the data that is received. If you need two columns use two '?' but remember that it will replace the first one with the first column and the second one with the second column
And you are good to go. Test it a couple of times and good luck.
And the config for the second table input.

Query several ranges and add automatically a column to know the source of each row

I am trying to achieve the following in Google Spreadsheets.
First, I want to query several ranges (in different sheets from the same spreadsheet). I tried a formula like this =query(arrayformula({indirect(E2:E10)}),"select * where Col1 <>''") with no success
In E2:E10 I have a list of ranges. Column F contains a name that describes the source of the value in Column E.
My second problem is that I need to add a column to the output of that query that tells me the origin of each row.
If the sources are ranges of 3 columns by country I need to merge those tables and add that country to each row.
All credits to +Ben Liebrand who helped me out here: https://support.google.com/docs/profile/3464
"I just want to start of by saying that the indirect() function does not work in an arrayformula() function as expected. So you will need to take another approach. I can understand what you are trying to do so I added another TAB in your spreadsheet to demonstrate another approach. I know it was initially a specific design you were trying so I made some changes to what you had. Maybe you can take a look at what I have offered and maybe you can tweak your design.
I know what I am offering is just very rough but you will also notice that I removed the end row specifier from your ranges in the range table.
Don't assume my example to be the final result but I was just trying to show that the range you were trying to use with the indirect() function will not work.
So hopefully this will give you a new idea of how you can maybe handle this.
My formula also adds the country to each of the tables in the output. My formula looks like this
})," select * where Col1 <> '' ")
Hope this is of some help to you"
And I hope is useful to the community

best aproach to distinct query result before importing it into Excel cells

I have a query which grabs data from Access with contents:
I created 3 dropdowns in excel and I want to populate them with rows from these columns. The problem is that in each column there are duplicates and I want to get rid of them. I am looking for a solution to get rid of these duplicates.
Current process is following:
run a query. I use VBA in Excel. Access is being queried.
paste results into a separate sheet (it takes A LOT of time because there are 20k reocrds)
assign a range for my dropdows
As you can see my second step is very resource hog and the proccess time should drop drastically by removing duplicates from each column.
What is the best approach to populate dropdowns with unique values from query?
My ideas
create a query which will output me:
, ,i
In that case i will not have to distinct values manually in excel. Not possible to do, as I understand...
Add values from each columns to List, remove doubles, paste result into excel. This is my personal favorite because I see no other ways to fix the issue.
create multiple queries to DISTINCT each table_column separately.. Not very fast solution, I suppose
some other approach
Run three SELECT DISTINCT Colx FROM table queries to get the values for the three dropdowns. Your option two. The work has to be done sometime so you might as well use the tools designed to do the work instead of reinventing that wheel.
If you use select distinct columna, columnb... instead of select columna, columnb... you will get what you want. The SQL will take longer to run, though.