I've been messing around with alternative implementations of DBSCAN for clustering radar data (like grid-based DBSCAN). Up to this point, I had been using sklearn's standard euclidean DBSCAN and it would run on 26,000 data points in less than a second. However, when I specify my own distance metric, like this:
X = np.column_stack((beam, gate, time_index))
num_pts = X.shape[0]
epsilons = np.array([[beam_eps]*num_pts, [gate_eps] * num_pts, [time_eps] * num_pts]).T
metric = lambda x, y, eps: np.sqrt(np.sum((x/eps - y/eps)**2))
def dist_metric(x, y, eps):
return np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2))
db = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=minPts, metric=dist_metric, metric_params={'eps': epsilons}).fit(X)
it goes from 0.36 seconds to 92 minutes to run on the same data.
What I did in that code snippet can also be accomplished with just transforming the data beforehand and running standard Euclidean DBSCAN, but I'm trying to implement a reasonably fast version of Grid-based DBSCAN, for which the horizontal epsilon varies based on distance from the radar, so I won't be able to do that.
Part of the slowness in the above distance metric is because of that division by epsilon I think, because it only takes about a minute to run if I use a 'custom metric' that's just Euclidean distance:
metric = lambda x, y: np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2))
How does sklearn's euclidean DBSCAN manage to run so much faster? I've been digging through the code, but haven't made sense of it so far.
Because it uses an index.
Furthermore, it avoids the slow and memory intensive Python interpreter, but does all the work in native code (compiled from Cython). This makes a huge difference when dealing with lots of primitive data such as doubles and ints that the Python interpreter would need to box.
Indexes make all the difference for similarity search. They can reduce the runtime from O(n²) to O(n log n).
But while the ball tree index allows custom metrics, the cost of invoking the python interpreter for every distance computation is very high, so if you really want a custom metric, edit the cython source code and compile sklearn yourself. Or you can use ELKI because the Java JVM can compile extension code into native code when necessary; it does not need to fallback to slow interpreter callbacks like sklearn.
In your case, it will likely be much better to rather preprocess the data. Scale it prior to clustering.
I'm trying to use SLSQP to optimise the angle of attack of an aerofoil to place the stagnation point in a desired location. This is purely as a test case to check that my method for calculating the partials for the stagnation position is valid.
When run with COBYLA, the optimisation converges to the correct alpha (6.04144912) after 47 iterations. When run with SLSQP, it completes one iteration, then hangs for a very long time (10, 20 minutes or more, I didn't time it exactly), and exits with an incorrect value. The output is:
Driver debug print for iter coord: rank0:ScipyOptimize_SLSQP|0
Design Vars
{'alpha': array([0.5])}
Nonlinear constraints
Linear constraints
{'obj_cmp.obj': array([0.00023868])}
Driver debug print for iter coord: rank0:ScipyOptimize_SLSQP|1
Design Vars
{'alpha': array([0.5])}
Nonlinear constraints
Linear constraints
{'obj_cmp.obj': array([0.00023868])}
Optimization terminated successfully. (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 0.0002386835700364719
Iterations: 1
Function evaluations: 1
Gradient evaluations: 1
Optimization Complete
Finished optimisation
Why might SLSQP be misbehaving like this? As far as I can tell, there are no incorrect analytical derivatives when I look at check_partials().
The code is quite long, so I put it on Pastebin here:
core: https://pastebin.com/fKJpnWHp
inviscid: https://pastebin.com/7Cmac5GF
aerofoil coordinates (NACA64-012): https://pastebin.com/UZHXEsr6
You asked two questions whos answers ended up being unrelated to eachother:
Why is the model so slow when you use SLSQP, but fast when you use COBYLA
Why does SLSQP stop after one iteration?
1) Why is SLSQP so slow?
COBYLA is a gradient free method. SLSQP uses gradients. So the solid bet was that slow down happened when SLSQP asked for the derivatives (which COBYLA never did).
Thats where I went to look first. Computing derivatives happens in two steps: a) compute partials for each component and b) solve a linear system with those partials to compute totals. The slow down has to be in one of those two steps.
Since you can run check_partials without too much trouble, step (a) is not likely to be the culprit. So that means step (b) is probably where we need to speed things up.
I ran the summary utility (openmdao summary core.py) on your model and saw this:
============== Problem Summary ============
Groups: 9
Components: 36
Max tree depth: 4
Design variables: 1 Total size: 1
Nonlinear Constraints: 0 Total size: 0
equality: 0 0
inequality: 0 0
Linear Constraints: 0 Total size: 0
equality: 0 0
inequality: 0 0
Objectives: 1 Total size: 1
Input variables: 87 Total size: 1661820
Output variables: 44 Total size: 1169614
Total connections: 87 Total transfer data size: 1661820
Then I generated an N2 of your model and saw this:
So we have an output vector that is 1169614 elements long, which means your linear system is a matrix that is about 1e6x1e6. Thats pretty big, and you are using a DirectSolver to try and compute/store a factorization of it. Thats the source of the slow down. Using DirectSolvers is great for smaller models (rule of thumb, is that the output vector should be less than 10000 elements). For larger ones you need to be more careful and use more advanced linear solvers.
In your case we can see from the N2 that there is no coupling anywhere in your model (nothing in the lower triangle of the N2). Purely feed-forward models like this can use a much simpler and faster LinearRunOnce solver (which is the default if you don't set anything else). So I turned off all DirectSolvers in your model, and the derivatives became effectively instant. Make your N2 look like this instead:
The choice of best linear solver is extremely model dependent. One factor to consider is computational cost, another is numerical robustness. This issue is covered in some detail in Section 5.3 of the OpenMDAO paper, and I won't cover everything here. But very briefly here is a summary of the key considerations.
When just starting out with OpenMDAO, using DirectSolver is both the simplest and usually the fastest option. It is simple because it does not require consideration of your model structure, and it's fast because for small models OpenMDAO can assemble the Jacobian into a dense or sparse matrix and provide that for direct factorization. However, for larger models (or models with very large vectors of outputs), the cost of computing the factorization is prohibitively high. In this case, you need to break the solver structure down more intentionally, and use other linear solvers (sometimes in conjunction with the direct solver--- see Section 5.3 of OpenMDAO paper, and this OpenMDAO doc).
You stated that you wanted to use the DirectSolver to take advantage of the sparse Jacobian storage. That was a good instinct, but the way OpenMDAO is structured this is not a problem either way. We are pretty far down in the weeds now, but since you asked I'll give a short summary explanation. As of OpenMDAO 3.7, only the DirectSolver requires an assembled Jacobian at all (and in fact, it is the linear solver itself that determines this for whatever system it is attached to). All other LinearSolvers work with a DictionaryJacobian (which stores each sub-jac keyed to the [of-var, wrt-var] pair). Each sub-jac can be stored as dense or sparse (depending on how you declared that particular partial derivative). The dictionary Jacobian is effectively a form of a sparse-matrix, though not a traditional one. The key takeaway here is that if you use the LinearRunOnce (or any other solver), then you are getting a memory efficient data storage regardless. It is only the DirectSolver that changes over to a more traditional assembly of an actual matrix object.
Regarding the issue of memory allocation. I borrowed this image from the openmdao docs
2) Why does SLSQP stop after one iteration?
Gradient based optimizations are very sensitive to scaling. I ploted your objective function inside your allowed design space and got this:
So we can see that the minimum is at about 6 degrees, but the objective values are TINY (about 1e-4).
As a general rule of thumb, getting your objective to around order of magnitude 1 is a good idea (we have a scaling report feature that helps with this). I added a reference that was about the order of magnitude of your objective:
p.model.add_objective('obj', ref=1e-4)
Then I got a good result:
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: [3.02197589e-11]
Iterations: 7
Function evaluations: 9
Gradient evaluations: 7
Optimization Complete
Finished optimization
alpha = [6.04143334]
time: 2.1188600063323975 seconds
Unfortunately, scaling is just hard with gradient based optimization. Starting by scaling your objective/constraints to order-1 is a decent rule of thumb, but its common that you need to adjust things beyond that for more complex problems.
I am working on replicating a paper titled “Improving Mean Variance Optimization through Sparse Hedging Restriction”. The authors’ idea is to use Graphical Lasso algorithm to infuse some bias in the estimation process of the inverse of the sample covariance matrix. The graphical lasso algorithm works perfectly fine in R, but when I use python on the same data with the same parameters I get two sorts of errors:
If I use coordinate descent (cd ) mode as a solver, I get a floating point error saying that: FloatingPointError: Non SPD result: the system is too ill-conditioned for this solver. The system is too ill-conditioned for this solver (The thing that bugs me is that I tried this solver on a simulated Positive definite matrix and It game me this error)
If I use the Least Angle Regression (LARS) mode (Which is less stable but recommended for ill-conditioned matrices) I get an overflow error stating OverflowError: int too large to convert to float
To my knowledge, unlike C++ and other languages, python is not restricted by an upper maximum for integer numbers (besides the capacity of the machine itself). Whereas the floats are restricted. I think this might be the source of the later problem. (I have also heard in the past that R is much more robust in terms of dealing ill-conditioned matrices). I would be glad to hear you experience with graph lasso in R or python.
With this email, I have attached a little python code that simulates this problem in a few lines. Any input will be of great appreciation.
Thank you all,
from sklearn.covariance import graph_lasso
from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix
symetric_PD_mx= make_spd_matrix(100)
glout = graph_lasso(emp_cov=symetric_PD_mx, alpha=0.01,mode="lars")
I want to run some Machine Learning clustering algorithms on some big data.
The problem is that I'm having troubles to find interesting data for this purpose on the web.Also, usually this data might be inconvenient to use because the format won't fit for me.
I need a txt file which each line represents a mathematical vector, each element seperated by space, for example:
1 2.2 3.1
1.12 0.13 4.46
1 2 54.44
Therefore, I decided to first run those algorithms on some synthetic data which I'll create by my self. How can I do this in a smart way with numpy?
In smart way, I mean that it won't be generated uniformly, because it's a little bit boring. How can I generate some interesting clusters?
I want to have 5GB / 10GB of data at the moment.
You need to define what you mean by "clusters", but I think what you are asking for is several random-parameter normal distributions combined together, for each of your coordinate values.
From http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.0/reference/generated/numpy.random.randn.html#numpy.random.randn:
For random samples from N(\mu, \sigma^2), use:
sigma * np.random.randn(...) + mu
And use <range> * np.random.rand(<howmany>) for each of sigma and mu.
There is no one good answer for such question. What is interesting? For clustering, unfortunately, there is no such thing as an interesting or even well posed problem. Clustering as such has no well defineid evaluation, consequently each method is equally good/bad, as long as it has well defined internal objective. So k-means will always be good one to minimize inter-cluster euclidean distance and will struggle with sparse data, non-convex, imbalanced clusters. DBScan will always be the best in greedy density based sense and will strugle with diverse density clusters. GMM will be always great fitting on gaussian mixtures, and will strugle with clusters which are not gaussians (for example lines, squares etc.).
From the question one could deduce that you are at the very begining of work with clustering and so need "just anything more complex than uniform", so I suggest you take a look at datasets generators, in particular accesible in scikit-learn (python) http://scikit-learn.org/stable/datasets/ or in clusterSim (R) http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/clusterSim/docs/cluster.Gen or clusterGeneration (R) https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/clusterGeneration/clusterGeneration.pdf
Do we have a GPU accelerated of version of numpy.max(X, axis=None) in Theano.
I looked into the documentation and found theano.tensor.max(X, axis=None), but it is 4-5 times slower than the numpy implementation.
I can assure you, it is not slow because of some bad choice of matrix size. Same matrix under theano.tensor.exp is 40 times faster than its numpy counterpart.
Any suggestions?
The previous answer is partial. The suggestion should not work, as the work around is the one used in the final compiled code. There is optimization that will do this transformation automatically.
The title of the question isn't the same as the content. They differ by the axis argument. I'll answer both questions.
If the axis is 0 or None we support this on the GPU for that operation for matrix. If the axis is None, we have a basic implementation that isn't well optimized as it is harder to parallelize. If the axis is 0, we have a basic implementation, but it is faster as it is easier to parallelize.
Also, how did you do your timing? If you just make one function with only that operation and test it via the device=gpu flags to do your comparison, this will include the transfer time between CPU and GPU. This is a memory bound operation, so if you include the transfer in your timming, personnaly I don't expect any speed op for that case. To see only the GPU operation, use Theano profiler: run with the Theano flag profile=True.
The max and exp operations are fundamentally different; exp (and other operations like addition, sin, etc.) is an elementwise operation that is embarrassingly parallelizable, while max requires a parallel-processing scan algorithm that basically builds up a tree of pairwise comparisons over an array. It's not impossible to speed up max, but it's not as easy as exp.
Anyway, the theano implementation of max basically consists of the following lines (in theano/tensor/basic.py):
out = max_and_argmax(x, axis)[0]
except Exception:
out = CAReduce(scal.maximum, axis)(x)
where max_and_argmax is a bunch of custom code that, to my eye, implements a max+argmax operation using numpy, and CAReduce is a generic GPU-accelerated scan operation used as a fallback (which, according to the comments, doesn't support grad etc.). You could try using the fallback directly and see whether that is faster, maybe something like this:
from theano.tensor.elemwise import CAReduce
from theano.scalar import maximum
def mymax(X, axis=None):
CAReduce(maximum, axis)(X)
As part of my work, I often have to visualize complex 3 dimensional densities. One program suite that I work with outputs the radial component of the densities as a set of 781 points on a logarithmic grid, ri = (Rmax/Rstep)^((i-1)/(pts-1), times a spherical harmonic. For low symmetry systems, the number of spherical harmonics can be fairly large to ensure accuracy, e.g. one system requires 49 harmonics corresponding to lmax = 6. So, to use this data within Mathematica, I would have a sum of up to 49 interpolated functions with each multiplied by a different spherical harmonic. While using v.6 and constructing the interpolated radial functions using Interpolation and setting r = Sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), I would stop ContourPlot3D after well over an hour without anything displayed. This included reducing both the InterpolationOrder and MaxRecursion to 1.
Several alternatives presented themselves:
Evaluate the density function on a fixed grid, and use ListContourPlot instead.
Or, linearly spline the radial function and use Piecewise to stitch them together. (This presented itself, as I could use simplify to help reduce the complexity of the resulting function.)
I ended up using both, as InterpolatingFunction gives a noticeable delay in its evaluation, and with up to 49 interpolated functions to evaluate, any delay can become noticeable. Also, ContourPlot3D was faster with the spline, but it didn't give me the speed up I desired.
I'll freely admit that I haven't tried Interpolation on v.7, nor I have tried this on my upgraded hardware (G4 v. Intel Core i5). However, I'm looking for alternatives to my current scheme; preferably, one where I can use ContourPlot3D directly. I could try some other form of spline, such as a B-spline, and possibly combine that with UnitBox instead of using Piecewise.
Edit: Just to clarify, my current implementation involves creating a first order spline for each radial part, multiplying each one by their respective spherical harmonic, summing and Simplifying the equations on each radial interval, and then using Piecewise to bind them into one function. So, my implementation is semi-analytical in that the spherical harmonics are exact, and only the radial part is numerical. This is part of the reason why I would like to be able to use ContourPlot3D, so that I can take advantage of the semi-analytical nature of the data. As a point of note, the radial grid is fine enough that a good representation of the radial part is generated and can be smoothly interpolated. While this gave me a significant speed-up, when I wrote the code, it was still to slow for the hardware I was using at the time.
So, instead of using ContourPlot3D, I would first generate the function, as above, then I would evaluate it on an 803 Cartesian grid. It is the data from this step that I used in ListContourPlot3D. Since this is not an adaptive grid, in some places this was too course, and I was missing features.
If you can do without Mathematica, I would suggest you have a look at Paraview (US government funded FOSS, all platforms) which I have found to be superior to everything when it comes to visualizing massive amounts of data.
The core of the software is the "Visualization Toolkit" VTK, and you can find/write other frontends if need be.
VTK/Paraview can handle almost any data-type: scalar and vector on structured grids or random points, polygons, time-series data, etc. From Mathematica I often just dump grid data into VTK legacy format which in then simplest case looks like this
# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
Generated by mma via vtkGridDump
SPACING 0.125 0.125 0.0625
ORIGIN 8.5 5. 0.7124999999999999
SCALARS RF_pondpot_1V1MHz1amu double 1
... <18373 more numbers> ...
If it really is the interpolation of the radial functions that is slowing you down, you could consider hand-coding that part based on your knowledge of the sample points. As demonstrated below, this gives a significant speedup:
I set things up with your notation. lookuprvals is a list of 100000 r values to look up for timing.
First, look at stock interpolation as a basemark
Out[259]= 2.28466
Switching to 0th-order interpolation is already an order of magnitude faster (first order is almost same speed):
Out[271]= 0.146486
We can get another 1.5 order of magnitude by calculating indices directly:
Module[{avg=MovingAverage[yvals,2],idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
Timing[res=Part[avg,Ceiling[idxfact Log[lookuprvals]]]][[1]]]
Out[272]= 0.006067
As a middle ground, do a log-linear interpolation by hand. This is slower than the above solution but still much faster than stock interpolation:
idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
idxraw=1+idxfact Log[lookuprvals];
Out[276]= 0.026557
If you have the memory for it, I would cache the spherical harmonics and radius (or even radius-index) on the full grid. Then flatten the grid caches so you can do
Sum[ interpolate[yvals[lm],gridrvals] gridylmvals[lm], {lm,lmvals} ]
and recreate your grid as discussed here.