Why is my Vuex getter returning TRUE on the client side and FALSE on the server side? - vue.js

I'm using NUXT middleware to check if a user is logged in or not, and protect certain routes accordingly. The problem is, when a logged-in user refreshes the page on one of the protected routes, the session is lost.
I have a getter in my Vuex store state (using NUXT):
getters: {
isLoggedIn (state) {
return !isEmpty(state.auth.email) && !isEmpty(state.auth.token)
I'm accessing this getter in middleware to redirect unauthenticated users to a login page:
let isLoggedIn = context.store.getters.isLoggedIn
if (!isLoggedIn && protectedRoutes.includes(context.route.name)) {
let language = context.store.language ? context.store.language : 'en'
But it's not working. When I console.log() the value of this getter, I get TRUE on the client side and FALSE on the server side. How can I keep them both in sync with Vue/Vuex?
Furthermore, whenever I console.log() the context object on the server side, it appears to be in its initial state. There must be something fundamentally wrong with my approach.

When user refresh a page all vuex state is lost and start from new. You need to initialize user somewhere like nuxtServerInit
actions: {
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
if (req.session.user) {
commit('user', req.session.user)


Vue 3, Vue Router 4 Navigation Guards and Pinia store

I'm trying to create an Vue 3 with app with JWT authentication and meet an issue with guarding the router using "isAuth" variable from Pinia store to check the access. Eventually Vue router and app in whole loads faster than the Store, that's why I'm always getting "unauthorized" value from the store, but in fact user is logged in and his data is in store.
I'll try to describe all the steps that are made to register and login user.
Registration is made to NodeJS backend and JWT token is created.
On the login screen user enters email and password, if info is valid he will be logged in and JWT will be saved to localstorage and decoded through JWTdecode, decoded token data will be saved to the store in user variable, and isAuth variable set to true.
Pinia store has 2 fields in state: user(initially null), and isAuth(initially false).
In the main App component I'm using async onMounted hook to check the token and keep user logged in by calling the API method, which compares JWT.
In the Vue router i have several routes that must be protected from the unauthorized users, that's why I'm trying to create navigation guards for them by checking the user information from the store. Problem is, router is created after the setting user info and is always getting the initial state of the user and isAuth variables.
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useLoggedInUserStore = defineStore({
id: 'loggedInUser',
state: () => ({
isAuth: false,
user: null
getters: {
getisAuth(state) {
return state.isAuth;
getUser(state) {
return state.user;
actions: {
setUser(user) {
this.user = user;
setAuth(boolean) {
this.isAuth = boolean;
App.vue onMounted
onMounted(async () => {
await checkUser()
.then((data) => {
isLoading.value = true;
if (data) {
} else {
router.push({ name: 'Login' });
.finally((isLoading.value = false));
Router guard sample
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
const store = useLoggedInUserStore();
if (!store.isAuth && to.name !== 'Login') next({ name: 'Login' });
else next();
I feel that problem is with this async checking, but can't figure out how to rewrite it to load store before the app initialization.
I hope that somebody meet this problem too and can help.
Thanks in advance!
So I just met this problem and fixed it thanks to this solution
As it says, the router gets instantiated before App.vue is fully mounted so check the token in beforeEach instead, like:
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next): Promise<void> => {
const user = useUser();
await user.get();
console.log(user) // user is defined
if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !user.isLoggedIn) next({ name: "home" }); // this will work
By the way instead of having an action setAuth you could just use your getter isAuth checking if user is not null, like:
isAuth: (state) => state.user !== null
Also it's not recommended to store a JWT in the local storage as if you're site is exposed to XSS attacks the token can be stolen. You should at least store it in an HttpOnly cookie (meaning it's not accessible from JavaScript), it's super easy to do with Express.

Auth not accessible in vuex-module after page reload or direct access

I have an authentication on my nuxt web-app, using the nuxt/auth module. I also use modular vuex stores to handle different states. After I login, everything is fine and I can navigate through the app normally. But when I try to reload the page or access it directly through a URL, the user is not accessible, thus, the whole web-app becomes unusable. I try to access the user object with this.context.rootState.auth.user, which is null after page-reload or direct access. Strangely enough, this only happens in production.
I already tried to add an if-guard, but sadly the getter is not reactive. Probably because it´s a nested object. This is my current getter:
get someGetter() {
if (!this.context.rootState.auth.user) {
return []
const userId = this.context.rootState.auth.user.id as string
const arr = []
for (const item of this.items) {
// Using userId to add something to arr
return arr
Is there a way to force nuxt to finish the authentication before initialising the vuex-modules, or to make this getter reactive, so it will trigger again, when the user object is accessible?
This is what my auth-config looks like in nuxt.config.ts:
auth: {
strategies: {
local: {
_scheme: '#/auth/local-scheme',
endpoints: {
login: {
url: '/api/authenticate',
method: 'post',
propertyName: false
logout: { url: '/api/logout', method: 'post' },
user: { url: '/api/users/profile', propertyName: false }
// This dummy setting is required so we can extend the default local scheme
dummy: {
_scheme: 'local'
redirect: {
logout: '/login'
I resolved this by following Raihan Kabir´s answer. Using vuex-persistedstate in an auth-plugin, which is triggered every time the server renders the page. The plugin saves the userId in a cookie, so the store can use it as a fallback, if the auth-module isn´t ready.
The thing is, the vuex clears data on reload/refresh to keep credentials secure. That's what vuex is. If you want to store data for long time without being interrupted after reloading, you should use localstorage for that. But localstorage is not recommended for storing credentials.
If you need only user_id to keep in the vuex, use Cookie instead. And try something like this in your store's index.js file -
export const actions = {
// This one runs on the beginning of reload/refresh
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
if (req.headers.cookie) {
const parsed = cookieparser.parse(req.headers.cookie)
try {
// get user id that you would set on auth as Cookie
user_id = parsed.uid
} catch (err) {
// error here...
// perform login and store info on vuex store
commit('authUserOnReload', user_id)
// Define Mutations
export const mutations = {
authUserOnReload (state, user_id) {
// perform login here and store user

Middleware executing before Vuex Store restore from localstorage

In nuxtjs project, I created an auth middleware to protect page.
and using vuex-persistedstate (also tried vuex-persist and nuxt-vuex-persist) to persist vuex store.
Everything is working fine when navigating from page to page, but when i refresh page or directly land to protected route, it redirect me to login page.
localStorage plugin
import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'
export default ({ store }) => {
key: 'store-key'
auth middleware
export default function ({ req, store, redirect, route }) {
const userIsLoggedIn = !!store.state.auth.user
if (!userIsLoggedIn) {
return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}`)
return Promise.resolve()
I solved this problem by using this plugin vuex-persistedstate instead of the vuex-persist plugin. It seems there's some bug (or probably design architecture) in vuex-persist that's causing it.
With the Current approach, we will always fail.
Actual Problem is Vuex Store can never be sync with server side Vuex store.
The fact is we only need data string to be sync with client and server (token).
We can achieve this synchronization with Cookies. because cookies automatically pass to every request from browser. So we don't need to set to any request. Either you just hit the URL from browser address bar or through navigation.
I recommend using module 'cookie-universal-nuxt' for set and remove of cookies.
For Setting cookie after login
this.$cookies.set('token', 'Bearer '+response.tokens.access_token, { path: '/', maxAge: 60 * 60 * 12 })
For Removing cookie on logout
Please go through the docs for better understanding.
Also I'm using #nuxt/http module for api request.
Now nuxt has a function called nuxtServerInit() in vuex store index file. You should use it to retrieve the token from request and set to http module headers.
async nuxtServerInit ({dispatch, commit}, {app, $http, req}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let token = app.$cookies.get('token')
if(!!token) {
$http.setToken(token, 'Bearer')
return resolve(true)
Below is my nuxt page level middleware
export default function ({app, req, store, redirect, route, context }) {
if(process.server) {
let token = app.$cookies.get('token')
if(!token) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Not Provided'}})
} else if(!isTokenValid(token.slice(7))) { // slice(7) used to trim Bearer(space)
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Expired'}})
return Promise.resolve()
else {
const userIsLoggedIn = !!store.state.auth.user
if (!userIsLoggedIn) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath}})
// return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}`)
} else if (!isTokenValid(store.state.auth.tokens.access_token)) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Expired'}})
// return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}&message=Token Expired`)
} else if (isTokenValid(store.state.auth.tokens.refresh_token)) {
return redirect(`/auth/refresh`)
} else if (store.state.auth.user.role !== 'admin')
return redirect(`/403?message=Not having sufficient permission`)
return Promise.resolve()
I have write different condition for with different source of token, as in code. On Server Process i'm getting token from cookies and on client getting token store. (Here we can also get from cookies)
After this you may get Some hydration issue because of store data binding in layout. To overcome this issue use <no-ssr></no-ssr> wrapping for such type of template code.

VueJS check periodically global function

I have a VueJS project where I need to check periodically a function to see if a token has expired once the user login to the app successfully and if the token has expired have to show a modal message to user.
I have my Singin.vue file that contains the following code:
methods: {
submit() {
this.$validator.validateAll().then(result => {
if (result) {
this.error = null;
this.processing = true;
this.authorize(this.credentials).then(() => {
// ***********
// HERE I have to check periodically if the token has expired
// ***********
this.$router.push({name: 'home'});
}).catch(error => {
console.warn('error message', error);
this.error = error.response.data.message;
this.processing = false;
When this.authorize happens I route to home, but before that happens I need to start calling a function periodically. Then If user Logoff then I have to clear the interval.
So first, I don't know where is the best place to have this TokenExpiration function code. Does it make sense to have it in a store file?
This is my api.js store file where I have my authorize function and my logout function, does it make sense to have the tokenExpirationCheck function here also?
There are several ways of doing it, but I would probably solve this using a plugin, because timers should not be in the store, and the behavior is global to the application, so I wouldn't put it into any single component.
The pugin would have a vuex.watch on the stoere's logged-in flag. When it goes from false => true, remove the timer (if active) and if it goes from false => true, add the timer. The timer function can then call the vuex dispatch to handle the functionality.

Nuxt js <nuxt-link /> authentication

I have a route in nuxt that has to be accessible only by logged in users: /dashboard/secret.
In /dashboard page I have a link like this:
<nuxt-link to="/dashboard/secret">Link to "secret" page</nuxt-link>
When clicked, nuxt will fetch that page from
How can I add authentication for that nuxt route to stop people from manually going to that url and reading the contents?
Yes the actual secret data will be taken from external api which will validate user token, but still it seems wrong that people can see even the html of this page
if you just want to protect a js file, it would be wrong to do it like this. But if you mean you just want to protect a route from being accessed manually by the users, you must try Nuxt Middlewares and write a middleware for authentication and user fetching.
The middleware structure can be as simple as this:
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
// If the user is not authenticated
if (!store.state.authenticated) {
return redirect('/login')
and you can simply use it like this in your root (or secretPage) layout:
<h1>Secret page</h1>
export default {
middleware: 'authenticated'
You can use nuxt/auth package, that is the case for your work and can be used as a plugin and module, you can check has it for the be accessible page or not, it runs automatically and has semantic structure.
You cannot keep your secret on client side (in your JS code) everyone using your application can get it from his browser. You need to keep secret keys on server side and make some validation endpoint to provide if user is valid or not or just keep his session after login.
you can use middleware in nuxt framework. Also, route has a information about url and request. You can make a logic by using them.
export default async function ({store, from, route, req}) {
if (process.client) {
if (route.name === 'dashboard-room-id' && from.name === route.name)
else await store.dispatch('checkSession', route)
save the token in the store on nuxtServerInit or whenever you get it.
on /dashboard/secret page check in the fetch method if there is a token set.
if token is set, fetch your data otherwise redirect the use somewhere else
For such a guard of pages, the middleware is the sure way to do it.
Create a middleware file in the middleware directory
Add your middleware logic as described here https://nuxtjs.org/api/pages-middleware/
Then add the middleware option in your page component
as it is mentioned that the routing should be done on the server, in case you just want to handle it if I have this
store/index.js action
async nuxtServerInit({ dispatch, commit }, { req }) {
try {
if (process.server && process.static) { return }
if (!req.headers.cookie) {
console.log('return ')
const parsed = cookieparser.parse(req.headers.cookie)
const accessTokenCookie = parsed.__session
if (!accessTokenCookie) { return }
const decoded = JWTDecode(accessTokenCookie)
if (userData.exists) {
commit('setState', { name: 'user',
value: {
uid: decoded.user_id,
email: decoded.email,
} })
} catch (e) {
//Login firebase
async fireLogin({ dispatch }, { singInWith, account }) {
const resp = await this.$firebase.auth()signInWithEmailAndPassword(account.email, account.password)
const token = await resp.user.getIdToken()
Cookie.set('__session', token)
return { email: resp.user.email, uid: resp.user.uid }
export default function({ store, route, redirect }) {
const user = store.state.user
const blockedRoute = /\/admin\/*/g
const homeRoute = '/'
if (!user && route.path.match(blockedRoute)) {
/*if (user && route.path === homeRoute) {
router: {
middleware: [
you can set the middleware for current page
middle ware
export default context => {
//set Condition and logic
route page :
middleware: 'name of middle ware'
i can suggest three solutions:
1.Get pathname in your js codes and then check the url that client using to access your page , for example if pathname is
/dashboard/secret and user is logged in then show the page
for checking pathname u can use these cods:
//or good old pure js ;)
2.check if user truly logged in (backend & frontend)
for that u can use nuxt-auth and sync it to your backend as well.
for example if you using laravel , u can use laravel passport ,
in that case when the request sended to the backend route, you can check if user is logged in to the backend as well.
Ps:This way is more secure and of course in every backend language this process can be different, but surely all of them will have the same capability.
3.using .htaccess :
Do not allow the user to view the file directly from the server path
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