How do I declare a hash of hashes of numbers in Perl 6? - raku

A hash, by default, converts all keys to strings. This causes issues when your keys are numbers which may be close:
> my %h; %h{1/3} = 1; %h{0.333333} = 2; dd %h;
Hash %h = {"0.333333" => 2}
This can, of course, be fixed as follows:
> my %h{Real}; %h{1/3} = 1; %h{0.333333} = 2; dd %h;
Hash[Any,Real] %h = (my Any %{Real} = 0.333333 => 2, <1/3> => 1)
But now I need a hash of hashes of numbers, e.g. { 1/3 => { 2/3 => 1, 0.666667 => 2 } }.
> my %h{Real}; %h{1/3}{2/3} = 1; %h{1/3}{0.666667} = 2; dd %h;
Hash[Any,Real] %h = (my Any %{Real} = <1/3> => ${"0.666667" => 2})
How do I fix that?
Best I can figure out is the following workaround:
> my %h{Real}; %h{1/3} //= my %{Real}; %h{1/3}{2/3} = 1; %h{1/3}{0.666667} = 2; dd %h;
Hash[Any,Real] %h = (my Any %{Real} = <1/3> => $(my Any %{Real} = <2/3> => 1, 0.666667 => 2))
but that's just annoying.

The following works:
my Hash[Real,Real] %h{Real};
%h{1/3} .= new;
%h{1/3}{2/3} = 1;
Which is not great.
The following also works as a work-around.
my Hash[Real,Real] %h{Real};
%h does role {
method AT-KEY (|) is raw {
my \result = callsame;
result .= new unless defined result;
%h{1/3}{2/3} = 1;
say %h{1/3}{2/3}; # 1
If you have more than one such variable:
role Auto-Instantiate {
method AT-KEY (|) is raw {
my \result = callsame;
result .= new unless defined result;
my Hash[Real,Real] %h{Real} does Auto-Instantiate;


Recursively building nested hash from a simple array

Got this:
my #list = <one two three>;
my %hash;
my $item1 = #list.shift;
%hash{$item1} = {$item1 => 1};
my $item2 = #list.shift;
%hash{$item1} = {$item2 => 1};
my $item3 = #list.shift;
%hash{$item1}{$item2} = {$item3 => 1};
say %hash;
Outputs this desired data structure:
{one => {two => {three => 1}}}
Obviously, this would be better if it were recursive, so I wrote this:
sub get-hash(%parent-hash, $last-item, *#list) {
my $item = #list.shift;
%parent-hash{$last-item} = { $item => 1 };
get-hash(%parent-hash{$last-item}, $item, #list) if #list;
return %parent-hash<root>;
%hash = get-hash({}, 'root', #list2);
{one => {two => {three => 1}}}
Though it works, it feels inelegant, especially having to pass in a root argument to the sub and then removing it. Any suggestions?
In the upcoming Raku version, there's a neat way to do this:
use v6.e.PREVIEW;
my #list = <one two three>;
my %hash;
%hash{||#list} = 1;
say %hash;
The || indicates that you want to use the list as multi-dimensional hash keys.
If you want to stick to things in the current released language versions, you can still call the operator directly, since it's only the syntax sugar that is missing:
my #list = <one two three>;
my %hash;
postcircumfix:<{; }>(%hash, #list) = 1;
say %hash
The output in either case is as you wish:
{one => {two => {three => 1}}}
OK, playing around with the order of the arguments helped simplify things a bit:
sub get-hash(#list, %parent-hash = {}, $last-item = 'root') {
my $item = #list.shift;
%parent-hash{$last-item} = { $item => 1 };
get-hash(#list, %parent-hash{$last-item}, $item) if #list;
return %parent-hash<root>;
my #list2 = <one two three>;
%hash = get-hash(#list2);
If you want ’key-value’ structure Pair
my #list = <one two three>;
say [=>] |#list, 1
If you really need Hash
<one two three>
andthen |$_, 1
andthen .reduce: sub ($x,$y) is assoc<right> { %( $x => $y ) }\
andthen .say
<one two three>
andthen 1, |.reverse
andthen .reduce: { %( $^y => $^x ) }\
andthen .say

ML Kit Barcode Scanner (used in reactnative-camera) cut displayValue after U+0000 / NULL

I am trying to scan ECC Data Matrix code with binary content, but if there is a NULL byte I can only get the string up to there.
Unfortunately, I have no control over these matrix codes, as I have to scan the codes provided.
Does somebody has any idea?
Is it possibly to convert the rawData?
It would be enough if I received the content as a hex value.
The rawData is allready hex, but not as expected, maybe it is also corrupt or in an unknown coding.
Does somebody know encoding of rawdata?
I found a solution for me:
Here my Code for React-Native:
import {DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser, ZXingStringEncoding} from "#zxing/library";
const bin2hex = (s)=> {
// discuss at:
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (
// bugfixed by: Linuxworld
// improved by: ntoniazzi (
// example 1: bin2hex('Kev')
// returns 1: '4b6576'
// example 2: bin2hex(String.fromCharCode(0x00))
// returns 2: '00'
let i;
let l;
let o = '';
let n;
s += '';
for (i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {
n = s.charCodeAt(i)
o += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n;
return o;
const hex2bin = (s)=> {
// discuss at:
// original by: Dumitru Uzun (
// example 1: hex2bin('44696d61')
// returns 1: 'Dima'
// example 2: hex2bin('00')
// returns 2: '\x00'
// example 3: hex2bin('2f1q')
// returns 3: false
const ret = []
let i = 0
let l
s += ''
for (l = s.length; i < l; i += 2) {
const c = parseInt(s.substr(i, 1), 16);
const k = parseInt(s.substr(i + 1, 1), 16);
if (isNaN(c) || isNaN(k)) return false;
ret.push((c << 4) | k);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, ret);
const fromHexString = hexString => new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)));
const matrixcodeRAW2HEX = raw_hex => {
let data = fromHexString(raw_hex);
try {
global.Buffer = global.Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;
ZXingStringEncoding.customDecoder = (stringContent, encodingName) => {
let encodingName2 = encodingName;
return new Buffer(stringContent).toString(encodingName2);
ZXingStringEncoding.customEncoder = (stringContent, encodingName) => {
let encodingName2 = encodingName;
return new Buffer(stringContent).toString(encodingName2);
let newData = DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser.decode(data);
return bin2hex(newData.getText());
}catch (e) {
My function will return the original data as hex, so there is no problem with NUL, but you can also use hex2bin to get it as a Text if necessary.
I´m using the zxing polyfill for JS =>, cause JS does not Cut String like Objective C do.
I found out in Objective C NUL always will cut a string, so there is no solution yet.

Segmentation fault in the below program

The below code is being called from a simple script like this.
method line-validation is rw {
my $file-data = slurp($!FileName, enc => "iso-8859-1");
my #lines = $file-data.lines;
my $start = now;
for #lines -> $line {
state $i = 1;
my #splitLine = split('|', $line);
if ($line.starts-with("H|") || $line.starts-with("T|")) {
my $lnObject = line => $line, FileType => $.FileType );
$lnObject.ColumnIds = %.ColumnIds;
my #promises;
my #validationIds;
for %.ValidationRules.keys -> $validationId {
if (%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationType> eq 'COLUMN') {
push #promises, start {$lnObject.ColumnValidationFunction(%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationFunction>, %.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Arguments>, $.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Description>); 1};
push #validationIds, $validationId;
my #promise-output = await #promises;
for #validationIds -> $valId {
state $j = 0;
my $result = #promise-output[$j];
if ($result.Bool == True) {
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> :!exists) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = 1;
} else {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = %.ResultSet{$valId}<count> + 1;
my #prCol = (%.ValidationRules{$valId}<Arguments><column>, #.printColumns);
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> <= 10) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}.push: (sample => join('|', #splitLine[#prCol[*;*]].map: { if ($_.Bool == False ) { $_ = ''} else {$_ = $_;} }));
%.ResultSet{$valId}<ColumnList> = #prCol[*;*];
say "Line validation completed in {now - $start } time for $.lineCount lines";
The code was working fine earlier but when run using larger files, it just arbitrarily throws the error Segmentation fault and exists. I cannot determine where it is failing either.

Natural Sorting Datatable.js

Natural sorting in datatable.js
Using this javascript fuctionnaturalSort(a, b) we can any datatype column sorting
Example: we want sorting is datatable like 1,101,99,88,103
We can use this and result will be 1,88,99,101,103
function naturalSort(a, b) {
// setup temp-scope variables for comparison evauluation
var x = a.toString().toLowerCase() || '', y = b.toString().toLowerCase() || '',
nC = String.fromCharCode(0),
xN = x.replace(/([-]{0,1}[0-9.]{1,})/g, nC + '$1' + nC).split(nC),
yN = y.replace(/([-]{0,1}[0-9.]{1,})/g, nC + '$1' + nC).split(nC),
xD = (new Date(x)).getTime(), yD = (new Date(y)).getTime();
// natural sorting of dates
if (xD && yD && xD < yD)
return -1;
else if (xD && yD && xD > yD)
return 1;
// natural sorting through split numeric strings and default strings
for (var cLoc = 0, numS = Math.max(xN.length, yN.length) ; cLoc < numS; cLoc++)
if ((parseFloat(xN[cLoc]) || xN[cLoc]) < (parseFloat(yN[cLoc]) || yN[cLoc]))
return -1;
else if ((parseFloat(xN[cLoc]) || xN[cLoc]) > (parseFloat(yN[cLoc]) || yN[cLoc]))
return 1;
return 0;
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['natural-asc'] = function (a, b) {
return naturalSort(a, b);
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['natural-desc'] = function (a, b) {
return naturalSort(a, b) * -1;
Add aocolumns in datatable properties and put sType is natual.
aoColumns: [
{ "sType": "natural" }

Generate JSON from nested sets (perl, sql, jquery)

I have content pages in the database (using nested sets) and I need to show it by jQuery jsTree plugin. It's need to return JSON with data like this:
data: 'node1Title',
children: [
data: 'subNode1Title',
children: [...]
data: 'subNode2Title',
children: [...]
data: 'node2Title',
children: [...]
What I need for do it?
I can transform an array of hashes to JSON but I don't understand how to generate an array.
Sample data:
id parent_id level lkey rkey name
1 0 1 1 14 index
2 1 2 2 7 info
3 1 2 8 13 test
4 2 3 3 4 about
5 2 3 5 6 help
6 3 3 9 10 test1
7 3 3 11 12 test2
I need to get:
data: 'index',
children: [
data: 'info',
children: [
data: 'about'
data: 'help',
data: 'test',
children: [
data: 'test1'
data: 'test2'
I had exactly the same problem and here is what I wrote in Perl to convert my nested set tree into a JSON object for jsTree plugin (I'm using DBIx::Tree::NestedSet to access the MySQL database tree). I know my code is ugly from a Perl perspective, but it works for me.
sub get_json_tree {
my $json = '[';
my $first = 1;
my $last_level = 1;
my $level = 1;
my $tree = DBIx::Tree::NestedSet->new(dbh => $dbh);
my $ancestors = $tree->get_self_and_children_flat(id => $tree->get_root);
foreach (#{$ancestors}) {
my $name = $_->{'name'};
$last_level = $level;
$level = $_->{'level'};
if ($level > $last_level) {
$json .= ',' if ($json =~ /}$/);
} elsif ($level < $last_level) {
$json .= ']}';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $last_level - $level; $i++) {
$json .= ']}';
$json .= ',';
} elsif ($level == $last_level && !$first) {
$json .= ']},';
$json .= '{"attr":{"id":'.$_->{'id'}.',"rel":"folder"},"data":"'.$name.'","children":[';
$first = 0;
$json .= ']}';
for (my $i = 1; $i < $level; $i++) {
$json .= ']}';
$json .= ']';
return $json;
I'm looking for it. Perhaps DataTable plugin examples offer a solution. I'm looking on the plugin directory /examples/server_side/scripts/ssp.class.php. You can download it here.
Take a look about simplest way of using it at "Server-side script" label in this documentation.
This is very simple. You need to write a recursive function. I wrote it in Perl. $list - this is your array sorted by 'left_key'.
sub make_tree {
my $list = shift;
my #nodes;
while (my $node = shift #$list) {
if (#$list and $node->{level} < $list->[0]{level}) {
$node->{data} = make_tree($list);
push #nodes, $node;
last if #$list and $node->{level} > $list->[0]{level};
return \#nodes;
my $hash = make_tree($list);
Recently I was looking for a similar solution. I didn't find this until after posting my own question. The final code I posted on question I think would answers your question nicely.
I am using the following code with a modified version of DBIx::Tree::NestedSet. I use this code to create a JSON output of the nested sets tree.
Convert a flat datastructure into a tree
sub get_jsonTree {
my ($array_of_hashes_ref) = #_;
my $roots;
my %recs_by_name;
my %children_by_parent_name;
my %count;
for my $row (#$array_of_hashes_ref) {
my $name = $row->{position_id};
my $parent_name = $row->{placement_id};
my $rec = {
name => $name,
## Added to loop through all key,value pairs and add them to $rec
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$row) ) {
$rec->{$key} = $value;
##Added To Count Child Nodes
$count{$parent_name} = 0 if (!$count{$parent_name});
$rec->{'child_count'} = $count{$parent_name};
push #{ $children_by_parent_name{$parent_name // 'root'} }, $rec;
$recs_by_name{$name} = $rec;
$roots = delete($children_by_parent_name{root}) || [];
for my $name (keys(%children_by_parent_name)) {
my $children = $children_by_parent_name{$name};
if ( my $rec = $recs_by_name{$name} ) {
$rec->{children} = $children;
} else {
$util{'test'} .= "Parent $name doesn't exist.\n<BR>";
push #$roots, #$children;
use JSON;
my $json_str = encode_json(#{$roots}[0]);
return $json_str;
my $array_of_hashes_ref = [
{ position_id => 123, placement_id => undef },
{ position_id => 456, placement_id => 123 },
{ position_id => 789, placement_id => 123 },
# ...
my $json_str = &get_jsonTree($array_of_hashes_ref);