I'm trying write in OPL this sum:
I did this, but it is not exactly what I need.
forall (n in cont, t in tempo, o in portos)
sum(i in colunap, j in linhap)b[i][j][n][t] + v[n][t] == 1;
I should be something like, but opl does not accept it:
forall (n in cont[o], t in tempo[o], o in portos)
sum(i in colunap[o], j in linhap[o])b[i][j][n][t] + v[n][t] == 1;
This should work:
int P=3;
int H[1..P-1] = [1 , 2];
range linhap=1..max(o in 1..P-1) H[o];
I am new to Cplex optimization.
I am trying to implement an optimization problem with some scenarios. it is a two-stage stochastic model with 5 scenarios and the probabilty of occurrence the scenarios.
I wrote my model with 5 scenarios, parameters, and variables, and constraints. I get the following message "No Value" for my decision variable. I think my model does not work and I do not know what should I change in my Codes?. Is there somebody to help me? Thank you very much.
int NbWarehause=3;
int NbRegion=138;
int NbSchool=631;
int NbScenario=5;
range Warehouse=1..NbWarehause;
range Region=1..NbRegion;
range School=1..NbSchool;
range Scenario=1..NbScenario;
int TravelDistanceWarehouseRegion[Warehouse][Region]=...;
int CapacitySchool[School] =...;
int ScenarioDemandMatrix[Scenario][Region]=...;
int Fixedcost1 = 14232;
float Transportcost1perkm=1.40;
int Fixedcost2 = 14232;
float Transportcost2perkm=3;
int Unusedcostperitem=50;
int Depriviationcost[Region]=...;
int Penaltycost=100;
float ProbabilityScenario[Scenario]=...;
--Decision variables---
dvar boolean open1[School][Region];
dvar int Allocated1[School][Region];
dvar boolean open2[School][Region];
dvar int Allocated2[School][Region];
dvar int UnusedInventory[School][Region];
dvar int LateSatisfiedDemand[Region];
dvar int UnSatisfiedDemand[Region];
--Objective function--
minimize --the first stage--
sum(j in School, r in Region) Fixedcost1 * open1[j][r] +
sum( j in School, w in Warehouse, r in Region) Allocated1[j][r] *
TravelDistanceWarehouseRegion[w][r]*Transportcost1perkm +
--the second stage--
sum(s in Scenario) ProbabilityScenario[s]*(
sum(j in School,r in Region)Fixedcost2 *open2[j][r]
+sum( j in School, w in Warehouse,r in Region) Allocated2[j]
+sum( j in School,r in Region)UnusedInventory[j][r]*Unusedcostperitem
+sum(r in Region) Depriviationcost[r]*LateSatisfiedDemand[r]+
sum(r in Region)UnSatisfiedDemand[r]*Penaltycost );
subject to
//C1: capacity of each school in its region//
forall (r in Region ) sum (j in School) (Allocated1[j]
[r]+Allocated2[j] [r]+UnusedInventory[j][r])== sum (j in
//C2: Demand of each region //
forall (s in Scenario,r in Region) sum (j in School)(Allocated1[j]
[r]+Allocated2[j][r])+LateSatisfiedDemand[r]+UnSatisfiedDemand[r] ==
//C3: open a school maximal one time //
sum (j in School,r in Region ) (open1[j][r]+open2[j][r]) <= 1;
//C4: school can not supply more than its capacity in the second
stage I dont know how do I write under scenario //
forall (j in School,r in Region)Allocated2[j][r]<=CapacitySchool[j] -
//C5: Sum of all probability is equal 1
sum (s in Scenario)ProbabilityScenario[s]==1;
// C6: Nonnegative Constraint
forall (r in Region ,j in School) Allocated1[j][r]>=0;
forall (r in Region ,j in School)Allocated2[j][r]>=0;
forall (r in Region ,j in School)UnusedInventory[j][r]>=0;
forall (r in Region)LateSatisfiedDemand[r]>=0;
forall (r in Region) UnSatisfiedDemand[r]>=0;
I guess your model is not feasible.
To understand why you could name your constraints and then CPLEX will provide you with some relaxations and conclicts.
As a start you could change
//C3: open a school maximal one time //
sum (j in School,r in Region ) (open1[j][r]+open2[j][r]) <= 1;
//C3: open a school maximal one time //
C3:sum (j in School,r in Region ) (open1[j][r]+open2[j][r]) <= 1;
And then rely on
to get the real indexes
I have the following model with a variable that is a value from a vector (index of p in objective function)
But AMPL displays an error: subscript variables are not yet allowed.
How can I do to implement this kind of addressing in objective function?
Thanks in advance and best regards.
param dimension;
set T:={1..dimension};
set O:={0};
set V:= O union T;
param c{i in V, j in V};
param p{i in V};
set ady{i in V} within V := {j in V : i<>j and c[i,j] <> -1} ;
# Variables
var x{i in V, j in V} binary;
var u{i in V} integer;
# Objective
minimize costo: sum{i in V, j in V} p[u[i]-1] * x[i,j] * c[i,j];
# Constraints
s.t. grado_a {j in V} : sum{i in ady[j] : j <> i} x[i,j] = 1;
s.t. grado_b {i in V} : sum{j in ady[i] : i <> j} x[i,j] = 1;
s.t. origen {i in O} : u[i] = 0;
s.t. sigo_1 {i in T} : u[i] >=1;
s.t. sigo_2 {i in T} : u[i] <= card(V) -1;
s.t. precedencia {i in T, j in T : i <> j} : u[i] - u[j] + 1 <= (card(V) - 1)*(1 - x[i,j]) ;
AMPL doesn't allow variables in subscripts yet. However, the ilogcp driver for AMPL supports the element constraint, for example:
include cp.ampl;
minimize costo:
sum{i in V, j in V} element({v in V} p[v], u[i] - 1) * x[i,j] * c[i,j];
where element({v in V} p[v], u[i] - 1) is equivalent to p[u[i] - 1] and is translated into an IloElement constraint.
I have been trying to solve seriation problem by using GNU. But I couldn't write a summation like the following.
param n, integer, >= 3;
set O := 1..n;
param d{i in O,j in O};
var x{i in O,j in O}, binary, i < j;
var v{i in O,j in O,k in O}, binary, i < j < k;
maximize total: sum{i in O,j in O, i<j}(d[i,j] - d[j,i])* x[i,j] + sum{i in O,j in O, i<j}d[j,i];
s.t. tran{i in O,j in O,k in O, i<j<k}: x[i,j] + x[j,i] - x[i,k] + v[i,j,k] = 1;
You should use : instead of , in the "such that" clause i < j:
sum{i in O,j in O: i < j} ...
# ^ note ':' here
What would be the growth rate of the following function in terms of Big O notation??
f (n) = Comb(1000,n) for n = 0,1,2,…
int Comb(int m, int n)
int pracResult = 1;
int i;
if (m > n/2) m = n-m;
for (i=1; i<= m; i++)
pracResult *= n-m+i;
pracResult /= i;
return pracResult;
int combRecursive (int m, int n)
if (n == m) return 1;
if (m == 1) return n;
return combRecursive(n-1, m) + combRecursive(n-1, m-1);
I would guess n^2??? I am probably wrong though... I have always struggled to figure out how efficient things are...
Thank you in advanced.
It's O(1).
By definition, f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exists a c such that for all n, f(n) <= c*g(n)
Let c = Comb(1000,500)
For all n, Comb(1000, n) < c * 1. Hence Comb(1000, n) = O(1)
For n = 1 to 2000 there will operations proportional to n
For all n > 2000, total operations are constant.
Hence function complexity is O (1)
And I have to tell you that you gotta read some books. :)
Data-structure and algorithm by Sahni is very light read.
Algorithms by Knuth is very heavy, but amongst best.
Please see the code I've used to find what I believe are all Amicable Pairs (n, m), n < m, 2 <= n <= 65 million. My code: http://tutoree7.pastebin.com/wKvMAWpT. The found pairs: http://tutoree7.pastebin.com/dpEc0RbZ.
I'm finding that each additional million now takes 24 minutes on my laptop. I'm hoping there are substantial numbers of n that can be filtered out in advance. This comes close, but no cigar: odd n that don't end in '5'. There is only one counterexample pair so far, but that's one too many: (34765731, 36939357). That as a filter would filter out 40% of all n.
I'm hoping for some ideas, not necessarily the Python code for implementing them.
Here is a nice article that summarizes all optimization techniques for finding amicable pairs
with sample C++ code
It finds all amicable numbers up to 10^9 in less than a second.
int sumOfFactors(int );
int main(){
int x, y, start, end;
printf("Enter start of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &start);
printf("Enter end of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &end);
for(x = start;x <= end;x++){
for(y=end; y>= start;y--){
if(x == sumOfFactors(y) && y == sumOfFactors(x) && x != y){
printf("The numbers %d and %d are Amicable pair\n", x,y);
return 0;
int sumOfFactors(int x){
int sum = 1, i, j;
for(j=2;j <= x/2;j++){
if(x % j == 0)
sum += j;
return sum;
def findSumOfFactors(n):
sum = 1
for i in range(2, int(n / 2) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
sum += i
return sum
start = int(input())
end = int(input())
for i in range(start, end + 1):
for j in range(end, start + 1, -1):
if i is not j and findSumOfFactors(i) == j and findSumOfFactors(j) == i and j>1:
print(i, j)