Large components as sections in VirtualizedList/etc? - react-native

If I want to display a bunch of heterogenous data in a virtualized list, it seems like the default way to do it is have the parent component gather up all the data so that it can create the sections to supply to the list component.
Is there any way to avoid requiring the parent component from doing this? I'd like to decouple the parent component from the data gather part, so that all it has to do is declare it has such and such components, and then those components would be responsible for gathering the data.
This would be exceedingly simple if it were a ScrollView:
However, to leverage the performance gains of a VirtualizedList, if each section is large, I would need to pass in the individual data of each section into the VirtualizedList. I'm not sure how to do this or if it's possible.

Not sure if this is idiomatic or a gross React anti-pattern, but the way I solved it was to implement each section as purely headless data Component.
export type SectionDataComponentProps = {
onDataChanged?: () => void, // call this whenever the data updates.
export class SectionDataComponent<P : SectionDataComponentProps, S, ItemT> extends React.PureComponent<P, S> {
// Implemented by subclasses
getSectionData() : Array<SectionT<ItemT>> {
// returns an array of sections for a SectionList...
render() {
// business logic component only.
return null;
The parent component keeps track of them through the use of ref, and then calls getSectionData() as needed.


Any way to make a React presentational component react to MobX store changes

I have a React table component that gets its data via a prop called TableStore. This prop is a high-level abstraction for getting row data:
interface TableStore<RowType> {
getRowIds: () => Array<RowId>;
getRow: (rowId: RowId) => RowType | undefined;
interface MaterialTableProps<RowType> {
tableStore: TableStore<RowType>;
function MaterialTable<RowType>(props: MaterialTableProps<RowType>) {
As you can see MaterialTable is not a MobX observer. It is part of a component library that is not dependent on MobX.
When I use this component in my app, I supply it a MobX-based TableStore. I would like the table component to re-render whenever the MobX-based store changes:
<MaterialTable tableStore={orderStore} />
However that does not happen because the table component is not a MobX observer. Is there any way to force the table component to re-render? For example, I am able to force a re-render by dereferencing the store in the parent component (using a simple console.log()). But this feels like a hack. Is there a better way?
Answering my own question....
I looked at several options but all of them were kludgy. I finally decided to rework the props of the table component to pass in an array instead of an abstract TableStore interface (which the table component can't react to). This allowed me to refrain from adding MobX as a dependency to the table component library while still leverage MobX in the parent component. In summary, the parent component now watches the MobX store, reacts to changes by creating a new array and passing it to the table component.
Here's the new interface for the table component:
export interface MaterialTableProps<T extends Entity> extends TableProps {
entityList: Array<T>;
export function MaterialTable<T extends Entity>(props: MaterialTableProps<T>) {

React Native - Handle parent state from child component (custom component) without add function in parent

I have read this answer, but I want to change the structur of code a little bit,
actually I want to set parent state from child component but i don't want to add any function in parent component
actually the expected result looks like :
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<Child modalVisible={this.state.modalVisible} />
<Button onClick={()=>this.setState({modalVisible:true})/>
class Child extends React.Component {
handler(e) {
//handle parent moadlVisible state to false again
render() {
modalVisible = {this.props.modalVisible}>
<Button title="Close Modal" onPress={()=>this.handler(e)}/>
so I want to make it easy to call the child component without add some function in parent to handle the child component itself, even for closing the modal of child component
Is there a way to achieve what I want?
If you don't want any connection between the 2 components at all, then you may have to use a global state store, such as redux.
Docs can be found here:
Redux creates a global state instead of local state between all of the components. It does require a little configuration but once you have it fully integrated, you can handle your scenario. Also as your components grow, it'll be easier to keep track of state.
Why can't I just use events?
Quote in a question here..
react.js custom events for communicating with parent nodes
The React way would be to pass callbacks down to children explicitly
via props — . There's no support for custom events w/ bubbling in
The reactive programming abstraction is orthogonal:
Programming interactive systems by means of the observer pattern is
hard and error-prone yet is still the implementation standard in many
production environments. We present an approach to gradually deprecate
observers in favor of reactive programming abstractions. Several
library layers help programmers to smoothly migrate existing code from
callbacks to a more declarative programming model.
A horrid way to do it in my eyes would possibly be to use Async Storage
to store the key value, but I'm not going to suggest that.

State Management with Multiple Inputs (Lists)

I'm trying to figure out the best place to manage the state for lists of input in react-native but haven't found any good, thorough examples or clear guidance and I can see a few options.
For simplicity not including specifics about the tool for managing state, as my understanding is how the state is stored doesn't impact the component where it's managed.
A screen component that receives an array of items as props to be displayed in a List of ListItems. Each ListItem includes a input, for simplicity imagine a switch (boolean).
Use cases include an array of form questions or settings to be displayed in a list and allowing user input. Pseudocode:
class SettingsView extends Component {
render () {
return (
<List style={styles.list}>
{, index) => (
onSwitchChange = {this.onChange}
Option 1
Based on the Thinking in React page, one option that comes to mind is managing state at the Screen (SettingsView) level by creating an array of (inputArray).length in the SettingsView constructor state and have the onChange function update that array based on key.
Option 2
The second option I see is having each ListItem manage the state it's displaying. This makes sense from an encapsulation perspective to me, but then less so for managing of the state, given that the onSwitchChange function is in the SettingsView and I'm not as clear how this would work.
Are there other options I'm not considering? Admit that experience in React/RN is limited and def coming from a more object mindset like iOS's list datasource model.
Note: Another option is having the entire inputArray in state, instead of passed as props. My understanding is that state should be minimized, so was designing that only the inputs to each item in inputArray should be in the state. i.e. Form Labels (i.e. questions) are props not state.
Option 1 would be the better choice, there is this concept "Smart Components and Dumb Components"
Smart Components: typically holds the state of all the child components associated with it, it also defines the functions that is passed down to child components to modify its state.
Dumb Components: These are components that receives props which includes data and functions they typically don't have their own state and relies heavily on the parent component.
The problem is that when you create a component you need to decide whether it's smart or dumb, usually I associate a screen to a smart component, in your example it would be the SettingsView(smart) that will hold the state and function and it's children will be the dumb components but this is really application specific decision because you might have a SettingsView that are dynamic based on context and so it would be much better to make it a dumb component let's use your example above
Since Settings View relies on this.props.inputArray passed from a parent
component(I will call this ParentComponent) you couldn't modify
inputArray directly in SettingsView what you could do is pass another prop from
ParentComponent to SettingsView which is a function that modifies inputArray
class ParentComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
inputArray: [],
this.onSwitchChange = this.onSwitchChange.bind(this); // when passing fn
onSwitchChange(index) { // index will come from the child component
// do some logic here based on the index then update the state
this.setState('inputArray' updatedState); // updatedState is just an example variable
render() {
return (
onSwitchChange={(index) => () => this.onSwitchChange(index)}
(index) => () => this.onSwitchChange(index)
this is a function that will return another function
we need this because we want to delay the execution of onSwitchChange
and capture index and associate it with that method, typically this
is used if were passing function to child component(SettingsView) which will be used as
a handler for events.
class SettingsView extends Component {
render () {
return (
<List style={styles.list}>
{, index) => (
This example might be pointless because you could just use SettingsView as the parent of ListItem and other components but since SettingsView state is now managed by ParentComponent it is now a dumb component and can be used in other screens that have the specific state that SettingsView needs to operate. the general goal is to create as many dumb components as possible the reason being is that these type of components are highly reusable because you just need to pass them props to properly work.

Passing props to child component Cyclejs

I m studying CycleJs and I m looking for a proper way to handle passing props to child component.
Actually, I m having the following stuff :
import {div, input} from '#cycle/dom'
export function App(sources) {
const inputOnChange$ ='input').events('input')
const streamofResult = inputOnChange$
.map(e =>
.map(defaultInput => {
const title = Title({value: defaultInput})
return div([
input({attrs: {type: 'text'}})
const sinks = {DOM: streamofResult}
return sinks
export function Title(sources) {
return div(sources.value)
It simply allows to make some inputs, and to display it in a child component called Title.
I think I should use a stream to handle passing props to my child.
But I don't understand why it would be a better solution in this simple to use a stream instead of a primitive ?
There is something that I probably have not understood.
You haven't misunderstood anything. There is no right answer. If you know for a fact you'll never want to change the props after initialization then you could pass the props as a primitive, but the more common convention is to send a props$ since it's not much costlier to do something like O.of(x) vs x (assuming RxJS) and using streams everywhere is consistent with the philosophy of the framework. Additionally, there are occasions when you'll want to change the properties dynamically after component initialization, where a stream is appropriate.
Keeping a consistent props or props$ convention for all your components can make reading the code easier since you won't have to think, "Does this component use a primitive or a stream for props...?"

How to implement a switcher/viewstack component with slot?

I'm trying to implement a 'switcher' or 'viewstack' component in Aurelia, this would be useful for wizards, paged content, and stepping through a list of tasks. This would show a single child component at a time from a number of possible children. I'd like the usage markup to resemble:
Now, the obvious alternatives here are:
<compose view-model.bind="currentStep"> and point the currentStep variable to each component at a time.
(+ves: components are only instantiated when accessed, -ves: needing to know the path for each component, all children need to be valid view-models)
Add an if.bind='active' within the definition of each component in the slot, and just set this active member from the my-switcher class. (+ves: easier to follow, -ves: components need to be specifically written for use here).
Retrieve the children via #children (if this now works reliably?) and add the Element as a child DOM element manually, then call ViewCompiler.enhance. (-ves: can't seem to get get #children to work, larger amount of custom code)
Each of these feels a bit contrived a solution. Does anyone have any idea about whether there a cleaner approach that could/should be used instead?
Combine options 2 and 3 while avoiding the negatives (not sure why you can't get #children to work).
export class MySwitcherItem {
constructor() {
this.isActive = false;
<template show.bind="isActive">
import {children} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class MySwitcher {
#children('my-switcher-item') items = [];
// Here you have access to this.items[index].isActive.
// You can set this value to true or false from this class
// and make sure only one item's isActive is true.
// You could add next() and previous() methods to move between
// the items, etc.