Array being populated by itself - express

I'm having am issue with an array that seems to be getting populated with my mongoose code by itself. It's making it impossible to populate the array with modified values.
Here's the code:
router.get('/in-progress', function(req, res) {
var dataset = [];
Intake.find({}, function(err, intakes) {
} else {
/*intakes.forEach(function(intake) {
//requestName: intake.requestName,
requestName: 'Request Name',
status: intake.phase
return dataset;
}).then((dataset) => {
const report = excel.buildExport(
heading: inProgressHeading,
specification: inProgressSpec,
data: dataset
return res.send(report);
As you can see, the logic to push data to "dataset" is commented out, but the console log is logging every Intake that I have in the MongoDB database. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong so that I can push my own values into "dataset"?


Prevstate in reactJs

This might be a silly question, but how do I get data if I saved the state using prevState.
I am trying to retrieve data from database and send that data through navigation.
const [dataFromDatabase, setDataFromDatabase] = useState('');
const retrieveFromDatabase = () => {
tx => {
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM PreLoveeedTable",
(_, { rows }) => {
console.log("ROWS RETRIEVED");
// clear data currently stored
let entries = rows._array;
entries.forEach((entry) => {
setDataFromDatabase(prev => prev + `${}, ${entry.image}, ${entry.title}, ${entry.price}, ${entry.description}\n
(_, result) => {
console.log('SELECT failed!');
{dataFromDatabase} will give me the whole entire data in the database.
But wanted to have each entry in the Database. For example entry for title.
I have been stuck on this for a while now and would be appreciated it if i can get a hint.

Apollo/graphql request result buffered in vuejs

In a Vue component controlling users subsciption to newsletters, I have the fellowing code:
async newSubscriber(event) {
// Validate email
if (!this.isEmailValid(this.subscriber_email))
this.subscribeResult = "Email not valid";
else {
// If valid, check if email is not already recorded
let alreadyRecorded = false;
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({ query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }` });
console.log('length ' +;
for (let i = 0; !alreadyRecorded && i <; i++)
alreadyRecorded = this.subscriber_email ===[i].email;
if (alreadyRecorded)
this.subscribeResult = "Email already recorded";
else {
// If not, record it and warn the user
mutation: gql`mutation ($subscriber_email: String!){
createNewslettersEmail(input: { data: { email: $subscriber_email } }) {
newslettersEmail {
variables: {
subscriber_email: this.subscriber_email,
.then((data) => { this.subscribeResult = "Email recorded"; })
.catch((error) => { this.subscribeResult = "Error recording the email: " + error.graphQLErrors[0].message; });
At the very first email subscription test, $apollo.query returns me the correct number of emails already recorded (let's say, 10) and record the new subscriber email. But if I try to record a second email without hard refreshing (F5) the browser, $apollo.query returns me the exact same result than the first time (10), EVEN IF the first test email has been correctly recorded by strapi (graphql palyground showns me the added email with the very same query!). Even if I add ten emails, apollo will always return me what it got during its first call (10 recorded emails), as if it uses a buffered result. Of course, that allows Vue to record several times the same email, which I obviously want to avoid!
Does it speaks to anyone ?
After a lot of Google digging (giving the desired results by simply changing in my requests, at the end, "buffering" by "caching" !), I understood that Apollo cache its queries by default (at least, in the configuration of the Vue project I received). To solve the problem I just added "fetchPolicy: 'network-only'" to the query I make:
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({
query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }`,
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({
query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }`,
fetchPolicy: 'network-only'
And problem solved ^^

Wait until API fully loads before running next function -- async/await -- will this work?

I am a beginner with Javascript with a bit of knowledge of VueJs. I have an array called tickets. I also have a data api returning two different data objects (tickets and user profiles).
The tickets have user ids and the user profiles has the ids with names.
I needed to create a method that looks at both of that data, loops through it, and assigns the full name of the user to the view.
I was having an issue where my tickets object were not finished loading and it was sometimes causing an error like firstname is undefined. So, i thought I'd try and write an async/await approach to wait until the tickets have fully loaded.
Although my code works, it just doesn't "feel right" and I am not sure how reliable it will be once the application gets larger.
Can I get another set of eyes as to confirmation that my current approach is OK? Thanks!
data() {
return {
isBusy: true,
tickets: [],
userProfiles: [],
created() {
methods: {
getUserProfiles: function() {
ApiService.getUserProfiles().then(response => {
this.userProfiles =
getTickets() {
ApiService.getTickets().then(response => { =
this.isBusy = false
// lets wait until the issues are loaded before showing names;
async assignNames() {
let tickets = await
var i
for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (tickets[i].assigned_to !== null) {
const result = this.userProfiles.filter(profile => {
return profile.uid == tickets[i].assigned_to
tickets[i].assigned_to = result[0].firstname + ' ' + result[0].lastname
There are several ways you could do this. Here is the one I prefer without async/await:
created() {
methods: {
getUserProfiles: function() {
return ApiService.getUserProfiles().then(response => {
this.userProfiles =
getTickets() {
return ApiService.getTickets().then(response => { =
load() {
]).then(data => {
this.isBusy = false;
const tickets =;
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (tickets[i].assigned_to !== null) {
const result = this.userProfiles.filter(profile => {
return profile.uid == tickets[i].assigned_to
tickets[i].assigned_to = result[0].firstname + ' ' + result[0].lastname

Find document by ID and push another subdocument

I have two Collection schemas, and I want to insert one Model instance of one schema (FA) inside an array field of the other Model schema (FP):
var FASchema = new Schema({
Timestamp: Date,
PrognostizierterBetriebswert: Number,
posFlexPot: Number,
negFlexPot: Number,
Leistungsuntergrenze: Number,
Leistungsobergrenze: Number,
posGesEnergie: Number,
negGesEnergie: Number,
Preissignal: Number,
Dummy1: Schema.Types.Mixed,
Dummy2: Schema.Types.Mixed,
Dummy3: Schema.Types.Mixed
//same: Dummy: {}
module.exports = mongoose.model("FA", FASchema, 'FA');
var FPSchema = new Schema( {
_id: String, //mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
Demonstrator: Number,
erstellt: {type: Date, 'default':},
von: Date,
bis: Date,
Fahrplanabschnitte: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'FA' },
module.exports = mongoose.model("FP", FPSchema, 'FP');
Now, whenever I create a new FA document, I want to push the FA document into my FP collection inside the array "Fahrplanabschnitte". Either by a reference, or by a schema/nested subdocument... What is the best way to do it and how can I do it?
I call the POST method that should do the job with: router.route('/FA/FPPUT/:FP_id').put(FAController.create_and_push_to_FP_by_ID)
The function itself looks like this:
In a first step, a FA instance is created and saved in FA Collection, then the FP collection is updated and into the array "Fahrplanabschnitte", the new FA instance should be inserted. However, it does not work as planned..
exports.create_and_push_to_FP_by_ID=function(req,res) {
var fa = new FA(req.body);
//SAVE the new instance {
if (err) {
else {
console.log("Instanz FA in Datenbank erzeugt!");
res.json({ message: 'FA-Instance created in datbase!' })
FP.findOneAndUpdate({_id: req.params.FP_id}, function(err, fp) {
if (err){
What am I doing wrong?
You are going wrong here
`fp.Fahrplanabschnitte.push(fa._id); //does't make sense at all`
above line doesn't do or update anything to the mongodb database...
you need to use $push operator to update the collection in the
exports.create_and_push_to_FP_by_ID=function(req,res) {
var fa = new FA(req.body);
//SAVE the new instance, fa) {
if (err) {
else {
console.log("Instanz FA in Datenbank erzeugt!");
FP.findOneAndUpdate({_id: req.params.FP_id}, { $push: {
Fahrplanabschnitte: fa._id } } function(err, fp) {
if (err){
return res.send(fa);
res.json({ message: 'FA-Instance created in datbase!' })

Angular 5 HTTPClient not returning results for RouteResolver

I have to say HttpClient Observables, subscriptions etc are pretty hard/time consuming to get right.
I have been working on a problem for a while now and tearing my hair out. I have a service that I need to be able to perform a mapping function on.
loadAllSummary(organisationId: number) {
return this.http.get('/api/aircrafts/organisations/' + organisationId)
map(data => data.forEach(datum => {
console.log('why am i not getting here! ' + JSON.stringify(data));
return this.mapToSummary(datum);
with the mapToSummary() method:
private mapToSummary(aircraft: Aircraft): IAircraftSummary {
const lastDate: Date = new Date(Math.max.apply(null, {
return new Date(;
return new AircraftSummary({
lastWork: lastDate,
rego: aircraft.registration,
make: aircraft.make,
model: aircraft.model,
contact: (aircraft.owner.type.endsWith('primary')) ? aircraft.owner.principal : aircraft.operator.principal,
phone: (aircraft.owner.type.endsWith('primary')) ? :
Now, I need these summaries as input data to a view, so I borrowed code from the interwebs and created this ResolverService:
export class AircraftsResolverService implements Resolve<IAircraftSummary[]> {
constructor(private service: AircraftService,
private router: Router) { }
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<IAircraftSummary[]> {
console.log('called AircraftsResolverService')
const id = route.params['id'];
if (isNaN(+id)) {
console.log(`Organisation id was not a number: ${id}`);
return Observable.of(null);
return this.service.loadAllSummary(+id)
.map(summaries => {
if (summaries) {
return summaries;
console.log(`Summaries were not found: ${id}`);
this.router.navigate(['/organisations/', +id]);
return null;
.catch(error => {
console.log(`Retrieval error: ${error}`);
this.router.navigate(['/organisations/', +id]);
return Observable.of(null);
Which I then refer to in the ngOnInit call...
ngOnInit() {
this.currentUser = this.authenticationService.returnCurrentUser();
.subscribe(({aircrafts}) => {
this.aircrafts = aircrafts;
const id = +this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
console.log(' where are my aircraft!' + JSON.stringify(aircrafts));
this.ELEMENT_DATA = aircrafts;
this.displayedColumns = ['Last Work', 'Rego', 'Make', 'Model', 'Contact', 'Phone'];
this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(this.ELEMENT_DATA);
this.dataSource.sort = this.sort;
if (id) {
this.organisationService.getById(id).subscribe(org => {
this.organisation = org;
} else {
console.log('its bad');
The console log under the subscribe is undefined and the console.logs under the service never get triggered. So once again, I find myself not understanding why subscription fire or not fire, or whatever it is that they do.
How do I get past this? thanks everyone.
EDIT: appears that the problem is actually in the ResolverService, I have been able to determine that the data service is getting the results and that they are correct. For some reason, the resolver service can't see them.
The answer was in the route resolver, or rather the app-routing-module. I should have included it in the question, because some of the angular saltys would have picked it up
I was trying to do this:.
{ path: 'organisations/:orgId/aircrafts/:id', component: AircraftsComponent, resolve: {aircrafts : AircraftsResolverService}, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
But you can't, you have to do this:
{ path: 'organisations/aircrafts/:orgId/:id', component: AircraftsComponent, resolve: {aircrafts : AircraftsResolverService}, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
results in very non-resty urls, but, hey, whatever works, right?