How to open a web browser when my windows service starts? -

I have a windows service that needs to automatically open a web page when it starts
This is what ive tried
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "")
Both these options work when you debug but they do not physically open the webbrowser when running the service

I eventually used c.method = "POST" and it worked


Blazor Server - How launch IE browser from client machine

I have new Blazor Server application running in EDGE, which need to launch another old application in IE. How we can launch IE browser with a URL from Blazor Server application running in client machine? I used JavaScript previously during time with But there's no guarantee that IE going to open with
Open README file with IE
Learn more:
Open README file with Edge

ASP.NET Core Web Application console closes immediately

I'm trying to run an ASP.NET Core Web Application using its console profile. The console opens and closes immediately so I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error in browser. Is it possible to find out why the console/host closes? There is nothing in event log and I've enabled stdout but it doesn't produce any output.
Try to start you app from already open console window.
Run cmd, navigate to your project folder and execute dotnet run.
Your app will start and terminate, but console window will remain open and you will see exception (if any) or other output that may help you.

Rest Service opens "WCF Test Client"

I am a beginner. And I have one REST Service in Visual Studio. Sometimes when I run the Rest Service. Everything works fine and one google chrome window opens with url as localhost. But sometimes when I do the same thing, instead of google chrome one window pops up. But Why this window opens. I just want my REST Service to be up and running. Kindly help.
It depends on which file in your project is currently selected. If you have a .svc file selected, the WCF Test Client will start. Otherwise the default will be your browser.

Stepping through code from console application into wcf web service

I created a wcf service in a solution and a console project in the same solution
I hosted my wcf service in IIS and makes a call to the uri in console application
From my wcf application I did a right click on the project,selected debug and then
selected start new instance
I set breakpoints in my console application and in the first method that gets hit
in my student.svc.cs file
I went to windows explorer and double clicked my console application executable
I am able to step through from my student.svc.cs file but the breakpoint on my console
application does not get hit.
I want to be able to step through code from my console app then to the webservice
but this is not happening
Any ideas ?
You are not executing the "right" project (bin folder in this case). You can set the console app to start project and set the wcf service to start on debug (options), then you can step through from your console app to the service.

Webbrowser control issue in citrix server?

I am using a web browser control in my Win Form which is installed in a citrix server when i try to open the application in my local it is working fine (even in IE) without any errors.When I try to open the same application after deploying in server, inside the web browser control I am getting some Java script errors while loading the form.
JavaScript errors are: (Internet Explorer script error)
Invalid character in URL
ASP.NET Ajax client side framework failed
"Sys" is undefined.
Is this error is because of the site which is opened in a control or any configuration is missing or IE issue?? Please help
Thanks in advance.