AWS Cognito substitute on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) - amazon-cognito

I'm exploring Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)'s PAS for moving our organisation's on-premise application onto private cloud. Going by the documentation, I'm unable to find if PCF has any offering for end user authentication & authorisation like we have Cognito on AWS?
If not, are there any other external service that can be used in conjunction with PCF for the purpose?
Thanks for your help.

I don't know if it'll be an exact replacement, but Pivotal Cloud Foundry has a single sign-on option available.
It uses the same UAA, which comes with the platform and controls access to the platform, but is completely separate and allows you to provide similar access controls to your applications running on top of Pivotal Cloud Foundry.


Lift and Shift of Cloud based applications

We have a web applications developed with Angular and .Net, which is deployed on an Azure Cloud platform, lets say External A-Cloud.
We need to lift the same application and host in a different Internal Cloud Platform, lets say Internal B-Cloud.
How can we achieve this, please share some thoughts to do the ground work to start the process,
Warm Regards
Migrate an externally hosted cloud based application to our Cloud platform.
We have both AWS and Azure, but the externally hosted one is in Azure cloud platform
We can move from any Cloud to any Cloud. But we need to understand few points first.
How are the Angular and .Net hosted in Azure
If they are hosted on simple Virtual Machines - Then we can create a Virtual Machine in AWS and Migrate or host the apps in AWS ( Yes we definitely need to consider foundation of AWS like VNETs , hope thats already done )
If the Angular and .Net hosted in Azure is of Kubernetes and docker based
We need to Create EKS in AWS and then as its docker based, the same Manifest files etc would work in EKS as well with minor changes
We can look at migration tools as well if they are Windows VM based

How to avail GCP OS login feature on non google provided images

I have migrated few workloads from AWS to GCP , now trying to enable OS login feature on that migrated workloads.
Since it is not a native google image , Hence we need to build os login package on this migrated image .
There is a github resource about this
but couldn't able to enable it .
If anyone have done this already , please advise .
Have a look at the documentation it's more detailed then guide at github. If you already have SSH keys you can import them. In case if something goes wrong you can use serial port connection for access to your VMs with existing login and password.
Provide more details about your steps during migration from AWS to GCP and issues with OS login configuration.
EDIT It's easier to migrate VMs from AWS into Compute Engine if you use Google Cloud Migrate for Compute Engine (formerly Velostrata).

SAP Cloud Foundry Application is currently unable to handle this request -

I have deployed the Multi target application to SAP Cloud Foundry account via SAP Web IDE. The cockpit shows the application is running. But when I open the link, the page doesn't load. I am using trial SCP account and I have deleted the expired CF trail sub-account and recreated a new one. Kindly help me solve this. Thanks.

Using AWS Serverless Application Repository

It is mentioned that AWS Serverless Application Repository is in preview mode, I want to use it for publishing my live users. So my questions are: 1. Is preview mode means AWS Serverless Application Repository is in beta mode? 2. As it is in preview mode, How much it's support is reliable?
Preview Mode means that you need to apply to use the service. Amazon will ask you for your intended use case and why you want to use the service in advance of general availability. I do not recommend using preview services with live customers, only for internal testing. There is no real answer if its support is reliable - that is one of the purposes of preview mode.

Can Azure be inter-operable with Amazon?

I have a question about whether cloud vendors have an inter-operable mechanism. For example, I am developing a WCF service and hosting in Azure successfully. After a pro-long time using Azure, can I use the same code for deploying it in AWS? Will it be possible? Does the API of both matches the same for deploying? If not, what are all the extra care needed for hosting the same service when switching over other Cloud Vendors like, OpenStack, etc.,
In general, you can't just take what you develop for one Cloud platform and put it on another: they have different functionality sets and expose different APIs. However, the more low-level you make your code, the more likely it is that you'll find another vendor with a very similar API, since virtualizing infrastructure is simpler (and closer to standardized) than virtualizing a CMS application.
If you're using just IaaS, you can probably port fairly rapidly but you have to do more work to make your application. If you're using PaaS (or SaaS!) then you're more locked-in but you get more support for developing rapidly: it's that support platform which is both the value-add and the lock-in, and you won't get one without the other.
If you're using an Azure web role for hosting your WCF service then from deployment point of view you will not have many problems with AWS. You'll simply use facilities offered by AWS SDK for .NET (aka Publish to AWS CloudFormation). For sure you'll have to change the logging part if you've used Azure Diagnostic and alla Azure services with related AWS services. We did this multiple times in the last year and it works.
For worker role it's not so simple because in Azure they are easily deployed like web role, but in AWS you haven't direct deployment from Visual Studio so you have to do some manual work using Windows Services or something else