My question relates to Vue and more specifically reactivity and reactive getter/setters:
Can I define my own getters in a Vue component and what will happen to them when Vue add its own reactive getters?
Vue will walk through all of its properties and convert them to getter/setters using Object.defineProperty
What the above sentence means is vue iterates over each property in your data option to make them reactive.
For example consider your data option to be:
foo: 'hello world',
bar: 3
vue will override the data object as follows(just an abstract description):
let key = Object.keys(data)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let val = data[keys[i]];
Object.defineProperty(data, keys[i], {
// add this property as a dependency when accessed
return val;
//notify for a change
val = newVal;
If you check out the vue source code for the same you will find that it checks whether the properties have predefined getters or setters.
Then it overrides the properties getter as follows:
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function reactiveGetter() {
const value = getter ? : val;
if ( {
if (childOb) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
set(newVal) {
If you see this line const value = getter ? : val;
you'll notice that if you defined a getter it is being used and is its value returned.
Vue is just doing some more work to make them reactive by invoking some dependency related methods thats it.
I have this vue component:
export default {
data: function() {
return {
editor: new Editor({
//some options
computed: {
doc(){ // <--------------------- take attention on this computed property
return this.editor ? this.editor.view.state.doc : null;
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// call some this.editor methods
deep: true,
immediate: true,
Will computed property doc be dependent on a data property editor if I use this.editor only for checking if it is defined and not use it for assigning it to the doc? I mean, If I will change this.editor will doc be changed? Also, I have watcher on doc so I need to know if I will cause an infinite loop.
In the doc property computation, you use:
the editor property (at the beginning of your ternary, this.editor ? ...)
if editor exists, the editor.view.state.doc property
So the computation of doc will be registered by Vue reactivity system as an effect related to the properties editor and (provided that editor exists) to editor.view.state.doc. In other words, the doc property will be reevaluated each time one of these two properties changes.
=> to reply to the initial question, doc will indeed depend on editor.
This can be toned though, because by 'property change', we mean:
for properties of primitive types, being reassigned with a different value
for objects, having a new reference
So, in our case, if editor, which is an object, is just mutated, and that this mutation does not concern it's property editor.view.state.doc, then doc will not be reevaluated. Here are few examples:
this.editor = { ... } // doc will be reevaluated = ' ... ' // doc will NOT be reevaluated
this.editor.view.state.doc = { ... } // doc will be reevaluated
If you want to understand this under the hood, I would recommand these resources (for Vue 3):
the reactivity course on Vue Mastery (free)
this great talk and demo (building a simple Vue-like reactivity system)
About the inifinite loop, the doc watcher handler will be executed only:
if doc is reassigned with a different value
in the case where docis an object, if doc is mutated (since you applied the deep option to the doc watcher)
The only possibility to trigger an infinite loop would be to, in the doc watcher handler, mutate or give a new value to doc (or editor.view.state.doc). For example (cf #Darius answer):
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// we give a new ref each time this handler is executed
// so this will trigger an infinite loop
this.editor.view.state.doc = {}
// ...
=> to reply to the second question, apart from these edge cases, your code won't trigger a loop. For example:
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// even if we mutate the editor object, this will NOT trigger a loop
this.editor.docsList = []
// ...
Changing editor variable should work, but changing Editor content may not, as it depends on Editor class and how it respects reactivity.
For example:
export default {
data: function() {
return {
editor: {text: '' }
this.editor.text = 'Text' // works
this.editor.text = {param: ''} // works
this.editor.text.param = 'value' // works
this.editor.param = {} // does't work, as creation of new property is not observable
If editor observer works and you are changing editor property in observer, which 'reinitializes' internal structures, it may lead to infinite loop:
var Editor = function() {
this.document = {}
this.change = () => { this.document = {} }
var data = new Vue({
data: () => ({
editor: new Editor(),
check: 0
watch: {
editor: {
handler() {
if (this.check < 5)
console.log('Infinite loop!')
deep: true,
immediate: true
<script src=""></script>
In such case, extra checking is necessary before making the change.
i'm trying to watch an array declarated in data method (the 'validated' variable). I already have a watcher to an input (legal_name) and it works correctly but the array watcher doesnt give any response. Any idea?
export default {
data() {
return {
legal_name : '',
validated: [],
errors: []
watch: {
validated() {
legal_name(value) {
this.legal_name = value;
this.checkLength(value, 3);
methods: {
checkLength(value, lengthRequired) {
if(value.length < lengthRequired) {
this.errors[name] = `Debes ingresar al menos ${lengthRequired} caracteres`;
this.validated[name] = false;
return false;
this.errors[name] = '';
this.validated[name] = true;
return true;
eventName() {
name =;
You need to call Vue.set() for arrays, and NOT use indexing such as
foo[3]= 'bar'
Vue DOES recognize some operations, such as splice and push, however.
Read more about it here: and here:
So for your code, and using the Vue handy helper method $set:
this.validated.$set(name, true);
Javascript does not offer a hook (overload) for the array index operator ([]), so Vue has no way of intercepting it. This is a limitation of Javascript, not Vue. Here's more on that: How would you overload the [] operator in javascript
I am having a data object that consists of properties unrelated to vue/the UI and data that describes the state. Now I only want the state to be reactive but I need the entire object initially in the component. I need that vue not modifies the other properties because it messes with another library accessing the other properties. (expects array but gets observer)
Is it possible to only make part of an object reactive?
class Game {
constructor() {
this.untrackedProperty = ...;
this.state = {
these: "",
should: "",
be: "",
reactive: ""
// vue component
export default {
data: function() {
return {
gameState: null
created() { = new Game();
this.gameState =;
Something like that.
I meant it as "That's how I think it should work - it doesn't, but I think it describes pretty well my intentions"
How about passing into your component 2 values:
state this will be tracked
untrackedProperty this will not be tracked
Instead of passing Game as a whole object, separate those 2 values
I'm learning Vue and have been struggling to get the data from a computed property. I am retrieving comments from the store and them processing through a function called chunkify() however I'm getting the following error.
Despite the comments being computed correctly.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
export default {
name: 'Home',
computed: {
comments() {
return this.$store.state.comments
methods: {
init() {
const comments = this.chunkify(this.comments, 3);
comments[0] = this.chunkify(comments[0], 3);
comments[1] = this.chunkify(comments[1], 3);
comments[2] = this.chunkify(comments[2], 3);
chunkify(a, n) {
if (n < 2)
return [a];
const len = a.length;
const out = [];
let i = 0;
let size;
if (len % n === 0) {
size = Math.floor(len / n);
while (i < len) {
out.push(a.slice(i, i += size));
} else {
while (i < len) {
size = Math.ceil((len - i) / n--);
out.push(a.slice(i, i += size));
return out;
mounted() {
Like I wrote in the comments, the OPs problem is that he's accessing a store property that is not available (probably waiting on an AJAX request to come in) when the component is mounted.
Instead of eagerly assuming the data is present when the component is mounted, I suggested that the store property be watched and this.init() called when the propery is loaded.
However, I think this may not be the right approach, since the watch method will be called every time the property changes, which is not semantic for the case of doing prep work on data. I can suggest two solutions that I think are more elegant.
1. Trigger an event when the data is loaded
It's easy to set up a global messaging bus in Vue (see, for example, this post).
Assuming that the property is being loaded in a Vuex action,the flow would be similar to:
actions: {
async comments() {
try {
await loadComments()
} catch (e) {
EventBus.trigger("comments:load:error", e)
You can gripe a bit about reactivity and events going agains the reactive philosophy. But this may be an example of a case where events are just more semantic.
2. The reactive approach
I try to keep computation outside of my views. Instead of defining chunkify inside your component, you can instead tie that in to your store.
So, say that I have a JavaScrip module called store that exports the Vuex store. I would define chunkify as a named function in that module
function chunkify (a, n) {
(This can be defined at the bottom of the JS module, for readability, thanks to function hoisting.)
Then, in your store definition,
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: { ... },
getters: {
chunkedComments (state) {
return function (chunks) {
if (state.comments)
return chunkify(state.comments, chunks);
return state.comments
In your component, the computed prop would now be
computed: {
comments() {
return this.$store.getters.chunkedComments(3);
Then the update cascase will flow from the getter, which will update when comments are retrieved, which will update the component's computed prop, which will update the ui.
Use getters, merge chuckify and init function inside the getter.And for computed comment function will return this.$store.getters.YOURFUNC (merge of chuckify and init function). do not add anything inside mounted.
How do I access $refs inside computed? It's always undefined the first time the computed property is run.
Going to answer my own question here, I couldn't find a satisfactory answer anywhere else. Sometimes you just need access to a dom element to make some calculations. Hopefully this is helpful to others.
I had to trick Vue to update the computed property once the component was mounted.
Vue.component('my-component', {
return {
isMounted: false
// this.$refs is available
this.isMounted = true;
I think it is important to quote the Vue js guide:
$refs are only populated after the component has been rendered, and they are not reactive. It is only meant as an escape hatch for direct child manipulation - you should avoid accessing $refs from within templates or computed properties.
It is therefore not something you're supposed to do, although you can always hack your way around it.
If you need the $refs after an v-if you could use the updated() hook.
<div v-if="myProp"></div>
updated() {
if (!this.myProp) return;
/// this.$refs is available
I just came with this same problem and realized that this is the type of situation that computed properties will not work.
According to the current documentation (
"[...]Instead of a computed property, we can define the same function as a method. For the end result, the two approaches are indeed exactly the same. However, the difference is that computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed"
So, what (probably) happen in these situations is that finishing the mounted lifecycle of the component and setting the refs doesn't count as a reactive change on the dependencies of the computed property.
For example, in my case I have a button that need to be disabled when there is no selected row in my ref table.
So, this code will not work:
<button :disabled="!anySelected">Test</button>
computed: {
anySelected () {
if (!this.$refs.table) return false
return this.$refs.table.selected.length > 0
What you can do is replace the computed property to a method, and that should work properly:
<button :disabled="!anySelected()">Test</button>
methods: {
anySelected () {
if (!this.$refs.table) return false
return this.$refs.table.selected.length > 0
For others users like me that need just pass some data to prop, I used data instead of computed
Vue.component('my-component', {
return {
myProp: null
this.myProp= 'hello'
//$refs is available
// this.myProp is reactive, bind will work to property
Use property binding if you want. :disabled prop is reactive in this case
<button :disabled="$ ? $$v.$invalid : true">Login</button>
But to check two fields i found no other way as dummy method:
<button :disabled="$refs.password ? checkIsValid($$v.$invalid, $refs.password.$v.$invalid) : true">
methods: {
checkIsValid(email, password) {
return email || password;
I was in a similar situation and I fixed it with:
data: () => {
return {
foo: null,
}, // data
And then you watch the variable:
watch: {
foo: function() {
this.myVideo = this.$$el;
return null;
} // watch
Notice the if that evaluates the existence of this.$refs and when it changes you get your data.
What I did is to store the references into a data property. Then, I populate this data attribute in mounted event.
data() {
return {
childComps: [] // reference to child comps
methods: {
// method to populate the data array
getChildComponent() {
var listComps = [];
if (this.$refs && this.$refs.childComps) {
this.$refs.childComps.forEach(comp => {
return this.childComps = listComps;
mounted() {
// Populates only when it is mounted
computed: {
propBasedOnComps() {
var total = 0;
// reference not to $refs but to data childComps array
this.childComps.forEach(comp => {
total += comp.compPropOrMethod;
return total;
Another approach is to avoid $refs completely and just subscribe to events from the child component.
It requires an explicit setter in the child component, but it is reactive and not dependent on mount timing.
Parent component:
data() {
return {
childFoo: null,
<Child #foo="childFoo = $event" />
<!-- reacts to the child foo property -->
{{ childFoo }}
Child component:
data() {
const data = {
foo: null,
this.$emit('foo', data)
return data
emits: ['foo'],
methods: {
setFoo(foo) { = foo
this.$emit('foo', foo)
<!-- template that calls setFoo e.g. on click -->