Using Background title as Background in cucumber - selenium

Let's say I use Background feature which has the below steps:
Background: My pre-requisites
Given Step one
When Step Two
Then Step Three
Then Step Fifteen
So basically my Background has 15 common steps that is required for a set of scenario to run.
My question is : Is it possible to use the Background title My pre-requisites in other feature files, instead of writing down all the 15 steps as Background? Or is there any other way to handle this more gracefully.

You can create a before hook to code the background logic and reuse it across any feature file. Even tag the hook so u can filter out scenarios where u do not want the before hook to run.

Alongside the existing answer, you could also write a new step that compresses the functionality of the 15 steps into one or two steps that express what you are setting up.
The questions revolving around it are these:
Does the business need to know how the user will interact with the site to get to the point where you are ready to begin the test?
Can you bypass how the user will interact with the site to get there without information surrounding the test getting lost in translation between the dev team and the business?
For the former, I would go with a Background. The latter, I would go with a Hook.
For example:
I need to register a user in order to log in as them in my test. The Givens will start at me logging in, so I'll register the user through an API in a Hook.
I need to register a user in order to test the functionality of a new user on exiting the form, and various items surrounding registration, so I'll register the user, starting with some Background steps.


Restrict access of partial implmented API in Production

We need to develop an API which takes a CSV file as an input and persists them in database. Using vertical slicing we have split the reuirement into 2 stories
First story has partial implementation with no data validation
Second story completes the usecase by adding all validations.
Sprint-1 has first story and sprint-2 has second. After imlemneting first story in sprint-1 we want to release it to production. However, we dont want to make the API accessible to public which would be big security risk as invalid data could be inserted into database (story1 ignores validation)
What is the best strategy to release story1 at the end of sprint1 while addressing such security concerns?
We tried disbling the access via toggle flag such as ConfigCat. However, we dont want to implment something which is not required for actual implementation
is there really such a risk that in 1 sprint, someone may start using the API? And if you haven't added it to any documentation, how would they know of it's existance?
But let's say it is possible - what about using a feature toggle? When the toggle is activated, the end point spits out null or even a HTTP error code. Then you can enable to feature toggle when you're ready for people to start using the endpoint.

Is it possible to add an "Else" after "Given, When, Then"?

I'm new to Gherking and trying to write my first scenarios as best as I can, but I regularly find myself in situations where I'm really tempted to add an "Else" to my scenario. "Given, When, Then" becomes "Given, When, Then, Else". I know that the "Else" keyword is not defined and so not implemented in Gherkin tools but it doesn't care to me because I don't use these tools.
Do you think it is correct to write this :
Example :
Scenario : Application starts
Given I start the application
When I already have an open session
Then I see the home screen
Else I see the login screen
Or is it better to write two different scenarios :
Scenario : Application started by authenticated user
Given I have an open session
When I start the application
Then I see the home screen
Scenario : Application started by unauthenticated user
Given I don't have an open session
When I start the application
Then I see the login screen
In short no, but here are options to handle multiple variants of a scenario:
If it was only tailing elements of the scenario steps that differed you could of moved early steps in to a common 'Background' section, making repeated differing scenarios shorter and clearer.
But from your example it is all steps differing slightly so you can:-
accept the repitition of multiple scenarios
parametise the differences and use data tables in the 'given' and 'then' sections to give before and after values.
Or (my prefernece)
Use the 'scenario outline' syntax that uses an examples table to provide sets of data fixtures with their expected results. These replace in the scenario steps as runtime. The scenario is then 'played out' once for each row in the examples table.
Scenario : Application started by authenticated user
Given I have an open session
When I start the application
Then I see the home screen
Scenario : Application started by unauthenticated user
Given I don't have an open session
When I start the application
Then I see the login screen
Scenario Outline: Application Start and login
Given Application started by <AuthenticationStatus> user
And I have <SessionState> session
When I start the application
Then I see the <FirstScreen> screen
|AuthenticationStatus |SessionState |FirstScreen|
|Authenticated |open |home |
|Un-Authenticated |not open |login |
IMHO for 2 scenarios it might not be worth the loss of readabiltiy but for more than that I think it's definitely worth it.

Bypass login between each scenario?

I am using rspec/capybara here.
I'd like to be able to log into the system only once, then run a bunch of scenarios. Should a scenario fail, it can effectively move onto the next one.
The problem is that once a scenario fails, a new browser session is started and I am asked to log in again. Is there a way around this?
How is this type of testing handled? Many systems require a user to log in first prior to exercising all its functions/features.
So many ways to achieve this but I myself prefer a new instance per spec at least if not context or sometimes even it. I like atomic self contained tests.
Anyway, if you decide want to do this, then you could;
Reuse a cookie session between tests but still open a new browser. Obviously this depends upon the system under test
Create a global Before all which only creates a browser and sign in if you are not already signed in.
Create a global After all which navigates to a known state (eg. Home page) but doesn't log out.
There are many approaches which could work

How to catagorize or group selenium webdriver tests

Suppose I have a web page with several links on it. Also it has few buttons which execute some JavaScript.
So should I create one Java class for testing each of these links and elements or should I test all the links in just one test method and other elements in another one(so ending up with two Scripts).
Is there a another way of gouping these tests.
Thank you.
I have found that writing test cases based on actions is much more useful than writing based on pages.
Obviously, we would love to have everything automated. But realistically, this isn't possible. So we test what is most important...which happens to be: 1. The primary purposes of the product you are testing, and 2. The security of the product.
To make this easier to understand, lets say I have a Checkout page.
If I were to test based on a page, I would make sure every link on the page would work. I would verify that I can type in a new number in the quantity field, and make sure that the page verifies that the credit card number I type in is correct.
This method would somewhat test Security, but beyond that, it would test the UI. What would happen if I clicked on the Checkout button, and I was sent to the right page, but the item I was trying to checkout disappeared? That is a huge problem, but the test based on the page would work.
However, if I were to test based on actions (go to this page, add to cart, type in personal information, and then checkout), now I have made sure that the most important part of your program works, checked security, and even a little UI testing.
All in all, write your testing to do what the average user would do. No normal person is going to sit on the same page, testing out every little feature on that page.
It depends on whether you like to see 1/1 tests passed or 2/2 tests passed.

jMeter simulate user's progress through site

I'm a newbie to jMeter, so please bear with me.
I've been assigned the task of testing how an e-commerce website responds under load. I've managed to set up basic tests in jMeter that basically just repeatedly visit the home page, but I'd like to simulate something a bit more realistic:
User arrives on home page
User goes to catalogue page
User views product
User adds product to cart
User returns to catalogue, selects another product, adds to cart
User removes first product from cart
User proceeds to checkout
User completes checkout process.
I'm having trouble finding adequate documentation to explain how to do this. I figured out that I need a cookie manager in my test so that the user session will be maintained, but I haven't figured out how to get the user to traverse the site in a realistic use pattern (such as the one described above). Can anyone help out with this, give me some pointers as where to look for good examples, etc?
This should be no problem, record or manually create the necessary steps as HTTP Samplers, then add them into a Runtime Controller for example to execute them iteratively.
The individual steps will be executed in the order they are in the tree and, in case Cookies are used to handle session state, you might need to add the Cookie Manager to the top of the tree which will handle cookie headers for each user.
Add some timers to simulate user's think time and scale up by increasing the number of virtual users in the thread group.
Use some listener like the Aggregate Report to view the response times for every step.
Try to read at first.
Also you'll encounter the problem that Jmeter can't process dynamic pages:
Does JMeter process dynamic pages (e.g. Javascript and applets)?
No. JMeter does not process Javascript or applets embedded in HTML pages.
JMeter can download the relevant resources (some embedded resources are downloaded automatically if the correct options are set), but it does not process the HTML and execute any Javascript functions.
If the page uses Javascript to build up a URL or submit a form, you can use the Proxy Recording facility to create the necessary sampler. If this is not possible, then manual inspection of the code may be needed to determine what the Javascript is doing.