User Agent is grayed out on Safari - safari

I am trying to do an IE test using Safari but all of my options under user agent are grayed out.
I'm running an Angular 5 project (ng serve) on Safari v 11.1

In my case, I figured out you have to use the menu from the monitor/screen where you have the Browser window open and NOT the Web Inspector.
You have two monitors:
Monitor 1 has the web page open on Safari.
Monitor 2 has the Web Inspector for said page.
You have to click on Develop > User Agent on Monitor 1.

This is a pretty simple "fix", but just in case anyone else had the issue me...didn't try this immediately.
Fully quitting Safari and reopening it resolved the issue for me.


Google Signin with IE11 & Edge not working

I'm trying to add Google Signin to our login page. I've followed the code supplied by Google, as well as a GitHub project that I used for code example. Both work perfect on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, but I can't get it to work on IE11 or Edge.
The GitHub project is at This project uses Google's newer, however I've also tried as suggested in another post. Neither work.
I added a data-onfailure function to the button, and get an error "popup_blocked_by_browser" even though the popup blocker is turned off in the browser. Even though I get this popup error, I do get a popup that asks which Google account to use, but when I choose one, I get the "The webpage your are viewing is trying to close the window" message. If I choose Yes, the window closes, but I don't get logged in.
Anyone have any advice for getting this to work in IE or Edge?
I ran into this problem on IE 11 with Windows 10.
I fixed it and then it happened again after receiving Windows Updates - annoying!
Here is what fixed it for me; it was an IE Setting.
Go to:
IE -> Internet Options -> Security
Check "Apply" and then "OK" To exit.
IE Settings Screen Shot
Finally, restart IE.

Blueprism - Not able to spy elements

I am using Blueprism to launch a URL in browser to spy it. I am able to launch the URL using the application modeller, but not able to spy it. The "Identify" option itself does not appear in blue prism. What is the problem and what is the solution ?
In spying a web application, key things to note for your application modeler;
1. your application modeler must be a "Browser-Based Application"
2. Launching from an executable or attaching to one. (Assuming you are launching from an executable from your question)
3. Specify url.
From your question. you are able to launch the browser from the application modeler. the most possible problem is you missing step 1 as mentioned above. Confirm your application modeler is specified as "Browser-Based Application"
Check a few things : is your modeler attached to the browser, are you in the right mode (for ease of use I would recommend using IE in HTML mode), and if that doesn't work try accessibility mode.
Try these simple steps:
Close the browser application and let the Blue Prism open your browser.
Try testing your object in Object Studio.
Now open your application modeler and launch. Check and you will find the identify option appeared.
If you launch application from Google Chrome, then you can get this error because in Google Chrome it's not possible to Spy and launch the applications. Any RPA Tools will support only Internet Explorer

Why webkit2webprocess.exe stop in safari?

I am testing my website in all browser, and suddenly I encounter this problem in safari browser version 5.1.7. The app crashes and there is always a popup which as shown below when I clicked to another link on my website. I am using windows 7 OS. Why is this happening? Is this because of my code?
Any answer is very much appreciated.

Saucelabs tests block on browser allow dialog

My web app uses IndexedDB and I'm testing on SauceLabs. Some months back my tests ran but now they block on a browser dialog that says "" wants to: store files on this device", with an Allow button.
This is Win7 and Chrome or Firefox. Likely others too.
How can I dismiss or prevent this dialog?
Update: I have discovered that if I don't ask for quota I don't get the popup and my tests succeed. I'd still like to learn how to get rid of that dialog.
we are using Nightwatch.js in our project and we were facing the same issue.
What actually did the trick was using --unlimited-storage switch when launching the browser.
(List of other command line switches for Chromium can be found here)

IE 10 not using AppCache after browser closed

I wrote an application using the HTML5 Cache Manifest and I'm having a problem using it in IE 10.
I used Fiddler to witness the manifest file being downloaded and all resources fetched on the initial load of the application. If I disable my network adapter to force the machine offline, the application continues to work as expected as long as I don't close the browser window.
However, when I close the browser window, then attempt to re-open the page from a favorite, IE 10 tells me "You're not connected to a network". Obviously I know that, I'm trying to use the app offline. These exact steps work in Chrome.
Is this behavior by design? Is there a workaround? I can't test with IE 11 right this different in IE 11?
Hearing of some issues of the appcache clearing if your company utilizes gpo settings and has "empty temporary internet files folder when browser is closed" enabled.
Did you find the answer to this? I have the same problem. I did get a bit further though. I found that if you go to the IE10 File menu option and tick Work Offline then try and access your cached app it loads the page but I still have an issue as it does not appear to be using the javascript file that should also be cached. All works ok on Google Chrome but our clients are restricted to IE so Chrome is not an option.