Spring data repository query to retrieve values containing null - sql

I have following User table and repository.
Repository method:
#Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE ("
+ "LOWER(u.name) = LOWER(:name) AND "
+ "LOWER(u.beruf) = LOWER(:job) AND "
+ "LOWER(u.alter) = LOWER(:age))")
public List<User> findUsers(#Param("name") String name,
#Param("job") String job,
#Param("age") String age);
If I call the repository method with following parameters
String name = "steve";
String job = "programmer";
List<User> result = repository.findUsers(name, job, null); // empy list ..why ?
I get an empty list as result, although I expect to get the entities with id=2 and id=3 as result.
What am I doing wrong ? How should I change the query to get the two entities as result.

According to the documentation this behaviour is normal there is no way to ignore null fields. using #Query method.
instead you can use the query method specifications.
more information [here][jpa documentaiton]
if you want to keep your existing method you can also go like this:
#Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE ("
+ "LOWER(u.name) = LOWER(:name) AND "
+ "LOWER(u.beruf) = LOWER(:job) AND "
+ "( " +
" :age is null or LOWER(u.alter) = LOWER(:age) " +
public List<User> findUsers(#Param("name") String name,
#Param("job") String job,
#Param("age") String age);


Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [ClassName]

I want to send a sql query by using Spring JPA like :
"SELECT NEW com.blalba.model.service.FamilyMaterialDto "
+ "(ms.id, mi.partNumber, ftc.commodityType, ftc.materialType, ms.grade, ms.thickness, ms.width) "
+ "FROM MaterialInstance mi, FamilyTypeCommodity ftc, MaterialSpecification ms "
+ "WHERE ftc.materialFamily.id = :familyId "
+ "AND (:typeId is null OR ftc.materialType.id = :typeId) "
+ "AND ftc.id = ms.familyTypeCommodity.id "
+ "AND ms.id = mi.materialSpecification.id "
+ "AND mi.materialSpecification.isActive = true"
However, when I remove some fields like "ms.width", I get the error:
Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [com.commencis.sova.model.service.FamilyMaterialDto]. Expected arguments are: java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.CommodityType, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.MaterialType, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.Grade, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.Thickness [SELECT NEW com.commencis.sova.model.service.FamilyMaterialDto (ms.id, mi.partNumber, ftc.commodityType, ftc.materialType, ms.grade, ms.thickness) FROM com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.MaterialSpecification ms, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.MaterialInstance mi, com.commencis.sova.model.entity.material.FamilyTypeCommodity ftc WHERE ftc.materialFamily.id = :familyId AND (:typeId is null OR ftc.materialType.id = :typeId) AND mi.materialSpecification.isActive = true AND ms.id = mi.materialSpecification.id AND ftc.id = ms.familyTypeCommodity.id]
I understand that return Object[] cannot be parsed to DTO object. If I write constructor without the parameter - "Width", it will work properly. However, I want to provide that a query can be sendable without some parameters(sometimes one of them, sometimes five of them) and a result can be parsable with FamilyMaterialDTO.
How can I do? I don't have to use DTO, if there is another solution for this problem, please recommend.
I think you can make the query to return a map and you can create a constructor for FamilyMaterialDTO which takes the argument as a map. And based on the keys present in the map you can set the values...
For simplicity let me create my own class.
Class foo { String a; Integer b; Boolean c;}
And a sample query
"select new map (a as a, b as b) from Foo f"
Now this query will return a list of maps and the size of the list depends on how many rows the query returns.
Now you can create a constructor like this. Assume the size of list is 1.
foo (List<Map<?,?> list) {
Map map = list.get(0);
If(map.containsKey("a")) this.a = map.get("a");
If(map.containsKey("b")) this.b = map.get("b");
If(map.containsKey("c")) this.c = map.get("c"); }

PetaPoco db.SingleOrDefault<T> passing in where name as well as value

I am trying to write a generic method to call DB records.
All works except to make the method useful I need to passing the WHERE name value too...as well as the value to match.
Something like this...
T values = db.SingleOrDefault<T>("WHERE " + name + " = #0", value);
This works but its a bit of a clunk!
string sql = "WHERE " + name + " = #0";
T values = db.SingleOrDefault<T>(sql, value);
Can this be done with different syntax?
You can create an extension method to hide the syntax if that bothers you
public static T SingleOrDefaultWithWhere<T>(this PetaPoco.Database db, string name, object value) {
string sql = "WHERE " + name + " = #0";
return db.SingleOrDefault<T>(sql, value);
And then just call
T values = db.SingleOrDefaultWithWhere<T>(name, value);

SQL String or binary data would be truncated

I'm trying to search the max ID in the database, then increment it by 1 for each new entry as shown below:
var query2 = dbb.Database.SqlQuery<patient_visit>("SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(pvid, 3, 10) AS int)) FROM patient_visit");
if (query2 != null)
objDetails.pvid = query2.ToString();
objDetails.pvid += 1;
objDetails.pvid = "PV" + objDetails.pvid;
string sql = "INSERT INTO patient_visit (pvid,paid) " +
"VALUES('" + objDetails.pvid + "', '" + paid + "')";
But when i try to insert it in the database, it gives out error
An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: String or binary data would be truncated.
I've tried running the query in SQL Server and checked the value of 'pvid', it is 10 so after i include 'PV' to the integer pvid, it should be 12. So it should be fine, but why did i get that error? Please can anyone help me?
[MaxLength(20), MinLength(12)]
public string pvid { get; set; }
When i replace the pvid with hard code ID, it works just fine. Why is this happening?
P/S: I know its not advisable to simply concatenate the input data with the query, but i've also tried querying using parameterized query but it gives same error.
string sql = "INSERT INTO patient_visit (pvid,paid) " +
"VALUES(#pvid, #paid)";
List<SqlParameter> parameterList = new List<SqlParameter>();
parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("#pvid", objDetails.pvid));
parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("#paid", paid));
SqlParameter[] parameters = parameterList.ToArray();
dbb.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, parameters);
Check the Field length of the column you are trying to put the data into.
I have had this problem before where the column was varchar(10) and I was trying to concatenate two char strings of 6 characters each. Making them 12 characters long. 2 longer than the target field.
Your problem might be similar.

How can Jdbc template be used for UPDATE query with IN clause?

I've gone through various forums to handle the IN clause using spring's namedParamJdbcTemplate but i still do not get the stuff I'm exactly looking for.
Below is my issue:
I've the following method:
public void updateBatchTableForStatus(List<Integer> reportShellIds, String scheduleType) {
Map<String,List<Integer>> shellIds = Collections.singletonMap("reportShellIds", reportShellIds);
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("reportShellIds", shellIds, Types.NUMERIC)
parameters.addValue("eventType", scheduleType, Types.VARCHAR);
this.namedParamJdbcTemplate.update(GET_EVENT_METADATA_INFO, parameters);
The query refered in above method is as defined below:
"SET " +
"WHERE " +
"BLK.BATCH_ID in(:reportShellIds) ";
Datatype for BATCH_ID column is Number(24,0) and for the EXECUTION_STATUS_CODE column Varchar.
I'm using Oracle db.
However, the above method throws a SQL exception.
Can someone pls tell me where I'm wrong and what is the fix for it ?
Many thanks in advance.
Best Regards
You are binding reportShellIds to a Map, but it needs to be a List for Spring to bind it correctly. Perhaps you meant shellIds.values() or the variable reportShellIds?
You can use another method with simple Map<String,Object> and place the array as is into the parameter map
public int update(String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)

ActionScript and SQLite parameters on Select using Like

I tried looking on google but without luck...
I have a SELECT SQLStatement and I want to use the LIKE operator but the parameters won't work and the query give me an error
public function getUsersList(username:String):SQLStatement
selectRecord= new SQLStatement();
selectRecord.sqlConnection = connection;
selectRecord.text =
"SELECT id_user, username,password,profile,leg_cliente " +
"FROM userlist " +
"WHERE username like '%:username%'";
selectRecord.parameters[":username"] = username;
return selectRecord;
The error I got is
':username' parameter name(s) found in parameters property but not in
the SQL specified.
I solved putting the wildcard % in the parameters instead of the statement...
selectRecord.text =
"SELECT id_user, username,password,profile,leg_cliente " +
"FROM userlist " +
"WHERE username like :username";
selectRecord.parameters[":username"] = "%"+ username+"%";
The starting problem was triggered because the query was like
selectRecord.text =
"SELECT id_user, username,password,profile,leg_cliente " +
"FROM userlist " +
"WHERE username like '%:username%'";
Putting the single quote in the statement won't let the statement to set the parameter, I suppose because the parameter key (in statement.text) is seen as a text and not a parameter itself...
This is a weird issue I've been stuck with for quite some time now. One solution I've used is like this:
var statementText:String="SELECT id_user, username,password,profile,leg_cliente " +
"FROM userlist " +
"WHERE username like '%:username%'";
var params:Dictionary=new Dictionary();
params[":username"] = username;
for(var key:Object in params) {
while(statementText.indexOf(key.toString()) >= 0) {
statementText= statementText.replace(key, params[key]);
selectRecord.text = statementText;