Swagger codegen for React Native - react-native

I'm a fresher with Javascript and React Native.
My current project is a cross-platform app (PC, Web, Android and IOS) so they use Swagger to create API and document.
I'm using React Native to develop mobile version of this project but I dont know how to generate React Native code from Swagger and use it in my project.
Any help? Thanks!

I created a tool so that you can use it.
This module will generate a services.ts/js for you to include all APIs of swagger. Swagger-typescript using axios internally


What are the steps to publish a react native library with native codes (Java and Objective C)

I want to publish a react native library to npm with native codes (Java and Objective C). I have created a react native app and the native modules and native UI components are working fine in the app but I don't know how to publish my code as a react native library.
If you have completed all the tests, you can do this with a simple library.
that is create-react-native-library
This is shown in the official document of react-native.
You can also use create-react-native-module, a library with multiple added functions based on react-native-create-library

how to make react native and pwa app together

I have developed one mobile application in react native and its working in android and ios both.
Now I was thinking to make a web application for that. Someone suggested about PWA "Progressive Web Apps". Is possible to make react native app into PWA . Or do I have to start from scratch?
Is native bridging availabe in PWA? Please suggest me the correct path. Is it possible to make react native and pwa combine?

Can I use components of a web app with a React Native app

I am trying to build an app in react native. The app was originally built in unity, but due to performance reasons. It was decided the app should be rebuilt in react native. The app currently has a web app also and I am wondering if there is a way when that the react native app can use some components from the web app.
I tried to google this problem, but I only find articles about using components between react native and react native web. I do not know what the web app was built with, but I am almost certain that it was not react native web.
What component are you trying to use?
Because if it's a pure unity I think there are some libraries who are not available on a mobile device, so you can't use it.
I have in mid some C++ libraries or third part one to use the sound.

React Native: How do you find PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER using expo?

I am trying to implement Auth0 on my react native app and right off the bat you need to identify your PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER for the callback the server uses through this template URL.
But since I'm using an Expo project I don't have the ios or android project folders. Am I missing something here or is it just impossible to configure an Auth0 with Expo created project?
The Auth0 React Native package uses native code; therefore, it's not compatible with Expo.
It looks like you may be able to work around this by using the web version instead, though. Expo has a repo (possibly out of date) which demonstrates this.

Developing Web Application via React JS - httpSter or best way?

We are planning to develop a web application and use react native framework.
We are bundle all the files inside a folder and start httpster to run the web-application.
Is that is the only way to run react native web apps or any other way?
for example, tomcat is a web app server and can we use the same and play framework has its own server and can be just run react files on play
In pre-requisites it says we just need the react js libraries.
Please let me know in detail.
React Native is used for native mobile development.
For a webapp you can just use regular react.